Imágenes de páginas

Section amended.

Insane person,

of, liable for support.

Issue of citation.

[No. 19.]

AN ACT to amend section twenty of act number two hundred seventeen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred three, entitled "An act to revise and consolidate the laws organizing asylums for the insane and to regulate the care, management and use thereof, and to provide for the apprehension of persons believed to be insane, and for their care and custody."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section twenty of act number two hundred seventeen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred three, entitled "An act to revise and consolidate the laws organizing asylums for the insane and to regulate the care, management and use thereof, and to provide for the apprehension of persons believed to be insane, and for their care and custody," is hereby amended to read as follows:

SEC. 20. If a public patient is an indigent person and when relatives has relatives who are legally liable for his support, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the order of admission was made shall petition the probate court of said county in his name as prosecuting attorney, stating that the insane person has been ordered admitted to an asylum as a public patient, that he is an indigent person, and that he has relatives, naming them, who are legally liable for his support, and praying that said relatives may be adjudged to reimburse the State for the expenses paid and to be paid by it in his behalf. The court shall thereupon issue a citation to said relatives, together with the supervisor of the township or an alderman of the ward in which the insane patient has a legal residence, to show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted. The citation shall be served at least fourteen days before the day of hearing, and may be served in any part of the Order requir- State. If it shall appear to said court on said hearing that ing payment. such insane person is indigent, and that he has relatives who are parties to said proceedings, who are legally liable for his support, and who are able to contribute thereto, he may make an order requiring the payment by such relatives of such sum or sums as he may find they are reasonably able to pay, not exceeding, however, in all, the sum of two hundred dollars per year. Said order shall require the payment of such sums to the State Treasurer to be made annually, semi-annually or quarterly, as the court may direct. The court shall furnish the State Treasurer a certified copy of such order, and it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to collect the sums therein named and to turn the same into


unable to pay.

the State treasury, so long as such insane person is a public patient. If such relatives so ordered to pay shall neglect Refusal of or refuse so to do, the State Treasurer shall notify the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the proceedings were had, and in case any of said relatives reside in another county or counties, then also the prosecuting attorney of such other county or counties, of such neglect or refusal, and the prosecuting attorney of the county where said relatives or any of them reside, shall proceed by action, to be brought in the name of the State, to collect such sum. Such action may be brought in any county where any of said relatives may reside. If any person so ordered to contribute to the sup- When relatives port of such insane person shall at any time become unable to pay the sum so ordered, such person may petition the probate court, setting forth the facts; upon the filing of such petition the court shall appoint a day of hearing thereon, and notice of such hearing shall be served on the prosecuting attorney of the county not less than six days before the day of hearing. If the court is satisfied that such person is no Order, when longer able to contribute such sum, it may make an order vacating or modifying the original order, and a certified copy of the order so made shall be furnished to the State Treasurer. The costs of these proceedings shall be paid in the manner provided in the preceding section. The proceedings Proceedings, provided for by this section may be begun at any time before when begun. the final discharge of said patient from said asylum, and not afterwards; and recovery thereunder may be had for the expenses incurred on behalf of such insane person during the entire period or periods such insane person has been a patient in said asylum.

Approved March 18, 1913.


[No. 20.]

AN ACT to repeal act number two hundred fifteen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred seven, entitled "An act for the protection of fish in the lakes and streams of the county of Branch, Michigan, and to regulate and prohibit fishing in any of said waters otherwise than with hook and line, to provide for the appointment of deputy game. and fish wardens in the county to enforce said act, and to provide for their compensation, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act," upon approval by the electors of said county of Branch.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Act number two hundred fifteen of the Public Act repealed. Acts of nineteen hundred seven, entitled "An act for the protection of fish in the lakes and streams of the county of

Referendum, Branch county.


form of.

Who to furnish.

Branch, Michigan, and to regulate and prohibit fishing in any of said waters otherwise than with hook and line, to provide for the appointment of deputy game and fish wardens in the county to enforce said act, and provide for their compensation, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act," is hereby repealed.

SEC. 2. This act shall not become operative until it has been submitted to a vote of the electors of the county of Branch, as herein provided, and then shall not become operative, unless a majority of the electors of said county voting thereon shall vote in favor of its adoption. At the election to be held in the county of Branch on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, nineteen hundred fourteen, there shall be submitted to the electors of the said county of Branch, the question of whether the provisions of this act shall become operative. All votes on the question shall be taken and counted and canvassed in the same man. ner as votes cast for candidates voted for at said election in said county of Branch.

SEC. 3. The vote upon the proposition of repealing said act shall be by ballot, which shall be substantially in the following form:

"Vote on proposition to repeal act number two hundred fifteen of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred seven, relative to the protection of fish in the lakes and streams of Branch county.

Make a cross in the appropriate square below.

[ ] To repeal act relative to the protection of fish in Branch county-Yes.

[] To repeal act relative to the protection of fish in Branch county-No."

Such ballots shall be furnished by the county board of election commissioners of Branch county, and shall be deposited in a ballot box provided for that purpose. The result of said vote shall be certified to the board of supervisors and to the Secretary of State.

If a majority of the electors voting upon such proposition shall vote in favor of the repeal of said act number two hundred fifteen of the public acts of nineteen hundred seven, then this act shall be in full force and effect and not otherwise.

Approved March 21, 1913.

[No. 21.]

AN ACT to enable district boards and boards of education to pay tuition to another district.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

nearest school.

SECTION 1. The district board or board of education in Tuition to all primary, graded and township unit districts of the State. may use money in the general fund of said district for the purpose of paying tuition to some other district or districts, of children who have not completed eight grades of work, in cases where such children are nearer to the schoolhouse in another district than to the schoolhouse in their own district, and may vote a tax for such purpose. Approved March 21, 1913.

[No. 22.]

AN ACT to provide for the protection and forbid the sale of the plumes and feathers of the birds known as the snowy heron and American egret.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

heron pro

SECTION 1. The species of birds scientifically described as Egret and the egretta candidissima, commonly known as the snowy tected." heron; and the Herodias egretta, commonly known as the American egret, shall be absolutely protected in the State of Michigan and the killing of said birds and the purchase and sale of the plumes or feathers of said birds is hereby forbidden in this State.


SEC. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of Penalty for this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars and not more than fifty dollars and the costs of prosecution, and in default of payment thereof shall be confined in the county jail until such fine and costs have been paid: Provided, That such confinement shall not ex- Proviso. ceed thirty days.

SEC. 3. All prosecutions under the provisions of this act shall be commenced within one year from the time such offense was committed.

Approved March 26, 1913.

Transfer of funds.

How paid out.

[No. 23.]

AN ACT to provide for the transfer to the State fire marshal fund from the retaliatory fees on deposit in the State treasury such sum as may be necessary to meet any deficiency that may occur in said State fire marshal fund for the fiscal year ending June thirty, nineteen hundred thirteen, said sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The State Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer from funds received from the Commissioner of Insurance for retaliatory fees to the State fire marshal fund such sum as may be necessary to meet any deficiency that may occur in said State fire marshal fund for the fiscal year ending June thirty, nineteen hundred thirteen, said sum not to exceed ten thousand dollars.

SEC. 2. When the said sum is so transferred and made available the same shall be expended in like manner as the sum authorized to be expended under the provisions of sec tion thirteen of act number seventy-nine of the public acts of nineteen hundred eleven.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 26, 1913.

Amounts and purposes.

Transfer of funds.

[No. 24.]

AN ACT making appropriations for the Michigan Reformatory for building and special purposes, and to provide a tax to meet the same.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated for the Michigan Reformatory the sum of seventy-five thousand, nine hundred dollars for the purposes and in amounts as follows: For building and equipping an industrial building, seventytwo thousand dollars. For the building and equipping of a carpenter shop, three thousand nine hundred dollars.

SEC. 2. If the amount designated in section one of this act for any, one of the purposes stated be insufficient to complete the work or purchase, any surplus remaining after the completion of other work or purchase specified in said section may, by obtaining the consent in writing of the State Board of Corrections and Charities and the Auditor General before any expense in excess of the specified appropriation

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