Imágenes de páginas


General state-

Bank of United States.
ment of, iii. 577.
Bankrupt system, ii. 74.
Battle of 8th of January, resolution in
house on, iii. 17.

Bavaria. King of, dies, i. 252.
Bolivar, proclaimed president of Peru, ii.
246. Of Colombia, i. 179. Supreme
chief of Colombia. iii. 500.
racy against him, iii. 503. His de-
signs, ii. 513. Resignations, iii. 516.
Bolivia. Constitution of, i. 186. Sucre
president, ii. 264. His address, ii. 265.
Bolivian code sworn to, ii. 266. Su-
cre's address to the army, ii. 267. Ac-
quisition of Avica, ii. 270. Bolivia not
recognised by Buenos Ayres, ii. 270.
Insurrection at Chiquisaca, iii. 535.
War with Peru, iii. 535. Peace, iii.
536. Velasco president, iii. 536. Ve-
lasco displaced, iii. 537. Blanco presi-
dent, iii. 537. Blanco killed, iii. 537.
Santa Cruz president, iii. 537.
Boundary, N. E., controversy respecting
it, i. 6.

Brazil. Independence of, acknowledged, ii.

199. Character of Don Pedro, ii. 200.
Invasion of Chiquitos, ii. 200. Banda
Oriental, ii. 201. Insurrection, ii. 202.
Gen. Lavelleja, ii. 202. Battle of Sa-
randi, ii. 203. Banda Oriental united
to Brazil, ii. 203. War declared with
Buenos Ayres, ii. 204. Progress of the
war, ii. 205. Future prospects, ii. 206.
Naval action, ii. 290. Invasion of
Rio Grande, ii. 290. Battle of Itu-
zaingo, ii. 291. Brazilians defeated,
ii. 292. Negotiations for peace, ii.
294. Garcia's treaty, ii. 295. State of
the war, ii. 302. Naval superiority of
Brazil, ii. 302. Change in the minis-
try, ii. 302. Emperor's address to the
two chambers, ii. 303. American
charge demands his passports, ii. 305.
Collision with the United States, iii.
541. With France, iii. 541. Insurrec-
tion of foreign troops, iii. 543. Insur-
rection quelled, iii. 543. Change in
the ministry, iii. 544. Peace with
Buenos Ayres, iii. 544. Bank of Bra-
zil, iii. 546. Relations with Portugal,
iii. 547. Departure of Dona Maria,
iii. 548. Don Pedro's address to the
Portuguese nation, iii. 549.

Brazil, disputes with, ii. 12.

Buenos Ayres. See United Provinces of
La Plata.


Canning Mr., his situation, i. 326. His
death, i. 332. And character, i. 333.
Capo d'Istria clected president of Greece,
ii. 407.

Calhoun, vice president, his decision on
his duties and powers, i. 87. His ap-
peal, ii. 81.

Central America. Constitution of, i. 172.
Arce president, i. 172. Finances, i.
172. Congress of October, 1826, ii.
173. Decree of president Arce, ii. 173.
Disturbance in Guatemala, ii. 175.
New government organized, ii. 176.
War with Guatemala, ii. 177. Salva-
dor submits, ii. 178. Peace restored,
ii. 177. Canal of Nicaragua, ii. 181.
Charles X. His accession, i. 288. Crowned
at Rheims, i. 233.

Chili. Financial condition, i. 175. Sur-
render of Chiloe, i. 176. Congress, i.
176. Blanco president, ii. 273. His
resignation, ii. 273. Finances, ii. 274.
Freire president, ii. 275. His resigna-
tion, ii. 275. Resignation of vice pre-
sident Pinto, ii. 275. Pinto installed
president, ii. 276. War in the south-
ern provinces, ii. 277. Remarks on
the government of, ii. 279. State of
parties, ii. 282.

Clay, Henry, his meeting with Mr. Ran-
dolph, 1. 87. His answer to General

Jackson's letter, ii. 30.

Cochrane, Lord, admiral of Greece, ii. 408.
Commerce, i. 54. i. 377. ii. 38. ii. 510. iii.

Colonial bill lost, i. 23. Colonial trade,
ii. 42. Controversy about, ii. 42.
Colombia, in 1825, i. 179. Bolivar presi-
dent, i. 179. Government in 1827, i.
183. Santander's message, i. 184.
Finances, i. 185. Army and navy, i.
186. State of things in Venezuela, i.
187. Bolivar renounces the presi-
dency, i. 191. Proceedings in Guya-
quil, i. 196. Suspicion of Bolivar's in-
tentions, i. 201. Decree of general
amnesty, i. 211. Grand convention, i.
213. Concordat with Pope Leo XII.
i. 224. Devotion of the army to Boli-
var, i. 226. Earthquake at Bogota, i.
233. Proceedings in Venezuela, ii.
188. Warlike operations, ii. 195. Tran-
quillity restored, ii. 197. Statement of
finances, ii. 507. Convention at Oca-
na, iii. 495. Bolivar proclaimed su-
preme chief, iii. 500. Conspiracy a-
gainst him, iii. 503. Hie absolute
power, iii. 503. Trial of Gen. San-
tander, iii. 505. Designs of Bolivar,
iii. 513. Historical account of his re-
signations, iii. 516. His ambitious
projects, iii. 518.

Congress, 19th, i. 368. 20th, iii. 565.
Connecticut. Farmington canal, ii. 451.

iii. 21. Election, ii. 452. School fund,
iii. 21. Treasury, iii. 22.
Constantine proclaimed emperor of Rus-
sia, i. 253. Abdicates in favour of Ni-
cholas, i. 253.

Constantinople, great fire at, ii. 398. De-

[blocks in formation]

France. Death of Louis XVIII., i. 227. His
character, i. 228. Accession of Charles
X., i. 228. Ministry, i. 229. Cham-
bers of 1925, i. 229. Civil list, i. 231.
Indemnity to emigrants, i. 231. Fi-
nances, i. 231. Sacrilege laws, i. 232.
Arrangement with South American go-
vernments, i. 233. Treaty with Hayti,
i. 233. Coronation of Charles X., i.
233. Lafayette at Havre, i. 234.
Death of General Foy, i. 235. Cham-
bers of 1825, and king's speech, i.
235. Finances, i. 236. Religious dis-
putes, i. 237. Views of the govern-
ment, i. 238. Views concerning Spain
and Portugal, ii. 335. Opening of the
chambers, ii. 336. Petition against the
Jesuits, ii. 338. Law concerning the
press, ii. 338. Dissolution of the Na-
tional Guards of Paris, ii. 339. Debates
on the Budget, ii. 340. Censorship of
the press, ii. 342. Maubreuil's assault
on Talleyrand, ii. 343. Burial of M.
Manuel, ii. 343. War with Algiers,

ii. 346. Dissolution of the Chamber
of Deputies, ii. 347. New election, ii.
347. Massacre in Paris, ii. 349. Pros-
perity of France, ii. 350. Revenue,
ii. 351. Creation of new peers, iii.
223. New ministry, iii. 224. Meeting
of Chambers of 1828, iii. 225. Parties

in the Chambers, iii. 226. Choice of
president, iii. 227. Debates, iii. 228.
Abuses in the post-office, iii. 230.
Electoral and jury lists, iii. 231. Fo-
reign relations, iii. 231. Freedom of
the press, iii. 234. Charges against
the late Cabinet, iii. 234. Education,
iii. 236. Budget, iii. 238. Army and
navy, iii. 239. Recall of troops from
Spain, iii. 241. Expedition to the Mo-
rea, iii. 242. Departments and Com-
munes, iii. 244. Endowment of Cham-
ber of Peers, iii. 250. Foreign rela-
tions, iii. 254. Relations with the
United States, iii. 255. Close of the
session, iii. 257. Dissolution of the
ministry, iii. 258. New ministry, iii.
259. Polignac Minister of Foreign
Affairs, iii. 259. Political state of
France, iii. 262. Statement of Fi-
nances, ii. 508. iii. 621.


Georgia. Indian Lands, i. 344. ii. 489.
Banks, iii. 141. Judiciary, iii. 142.
Georgia Militia, ii. 141.

Governors of States in 1825, i. 372. in 1826,
ii. 505. in 1827 and 1828, iii. 568.
Great Britain. Ministers, i. 208. Parlia-
ment of 1825, i. 209. Address, i. 210.
Catholic Associations, i. 211. iii. 169.
Finance and trade, i. 216. 221. iii.
160. Treaties with Brazil, Colombia,
and Buenos Ayres, i. 218. iii. 186. Par-
liament of 1826, i. 220. Dissolution of,
i. 224. New Parliament, i. 207. Cur-
rency, i. 220. Slavery, i. 221. New
elections, i. 225. King's speech, ii.
308. Joint stock companies, ii. 308.
Aid to Portugal, ii. 309. Death of
Duke of York, ii. 314. Criminal laws,
ii. 315. Catholic question, ii. 315. iii.
173. Corn laws, ii. 317. Sickness of
Lord Liverpool, ii. 317. Mr. Canning
appointed Premier, ii. 317. Resigna-
tion of six cabinet ministers, ii. 319.
New cabinet organized, ii. 322. Par-
liament in May, ii. 324. Coalition
with the whigs, ii. 328. Budget, ii.
329. Treaty for settlement of Greece,
ii. 332. Mr. Canning's death, ii. 332.
Lord Goderich Premier, ii. 334. He
resigns, iii. 155. New Cabinet, iii.
157. Lord Wellington, Premier, iii.

[blocks in formation]


266. Events at Missolonghi, i. 273.
Egyptian fleet burnt at Modon, i. 276.
Massacre at Hydra, i. 278. State of, in
1826, ii. 399. Naval action, ii. 400.
Fall of Missolonghi, ii. 403. Assem-
bly at Epidaurus, ii. 404. Capo d'Is-
tria elected President, ii. 407.
Richard Church appointed General,
and Lord Cochrane Admiral, ii. 408.
Loans, ii. 409. Athens invested, ii.
412. Surrenders to the Turks, ii. 416.
Cochrane's movements, ii. 418. Treaty
of London, ii. 424. Battle of Navarino,
ii. 428. Inauguration of government,
iii. 405. Expedition to the island of
Scio, iii. 406. French expedition to

the Morea, iii. 411. Navarino taken
by the French troops, iii. 413. Confe-
rence of 16th November 1828, iii. 418.
Boundaries of Greece, iii. 419. Pacifi-
cation of Greece, iii. 420. Amnesties,
iii. 420. Peace of Adrianople, iii. 425.

[blocks in formation]

United States vs. Juan Galberto de Orte-
go. Assaulting a foreign minister, i.

Jackson and others, vs. James Carver.
Validity of a will, iv. 45.

Martin, vs. Bank of United States. Cut
bank notes, i. 190.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, rs. Mi-
chael McGarvey. Murder, iv. 58.
Lippincott & Co. vs. United States. 651
chests of tea, i. 193.

Law of Divorce in Tennessee, i. 206.
Root vs. King and Verplanck. Libel, ii.


King and Verplanck vs. Root, iv. 1.
State vs. John Brewer. Trial for per-
jury, ii. 270.

Duel. Scotland, ii. 274.

Burcle, Brothers & Co. vs. Ship Tapper-
heten. Libel for wages, &c. ii, 282.
Piracy and murder, ii. 289.

The King vs. W. E. Ball, on Habeas
Corpus, detention of Joseph Fisher at
Montreal, ii. 297.

Conspiracy against William Morgan, ii.
307. iv. 68.

Jackson, ex dem. Fowler vs. Carver.
Astor claim, iv. 45.

Smith vs. State of Tennessee, iv, 76.
Hickie vs. Starkie. Jurisdiction, iv. 81.
Briethoupt vs. Bank of Georgia. Juris-
diction, iv. 87.

D'Wolf vs. Roland. Jurisdiction, iv. 87.
American Insurance Co. vs. Canter.
Florida treaty, iv. 87

Fullerton vs. U. S. Bank. Constitution-
ality of state law, iv. 90.

Wilson vs. Blackbird Creekmarsh Co.
Constitutionality of state law, iv. 94.
Foster vs. Neilson, Florida treaty, iv. 96.
Kentucky Bank vs. Wister. Suability
of a state, iv. 106.

Satterlee rs. Mathenson.

ality of state law, iv. 107.


Weston rs. City council of Charleston.
Exemption of U. S. Stock from taxa-
tion, iv. 111.

Buckner vs. Finley. Jurisdiction, iv. 115.
Wilkinson vs. Seland. Constitutionality
of state law, iv. 118.

Louis XVIII. his death and character, i.

London, Treaty of, iii. 290.
Lord Liverpool, his sickness, i. 317.
Louisiana. Legislature, i. 349. Exports,
ii. 494. iii. 151. Elections, iii. 150.


Maine. Banks, i. 306. Meeting of Legis-
lature, ii. 435. Treasury, iii. 4.
Manufactures, ii. 37. Depressed condition
of woollen, ii. 101.
Manufacturers, convention of, ii. 125. iii.

M'Carthy, Sir Charles, killed, i. 297

Maryland. Finances, i. 337. Elections,
ii. 482. Legislature, ii. 483. iii. 125.
Banks, iii. 127.
Massachusetts. Reception of Lafayette,
i. 314. Banks, i. 316. iii. 11. Manu-
factures, 1. 317. ii. 445. iii. 15. Fi-
nances, iii. 11.

Mexico, Victoria President of, i. 167. Con-
gress of, 1825, i. 168. Surrender of ship
Asia, i. 168. St. Juan de Ulloa, i. 169.
Texas, i. 171. Political condition in
1826, i. 172. Congress of 1827, ii. 157.
Foreign relations, ii. 158. Ecclesiasti-
cal affairs, ii. 160. Persecution of the
Spaniards, ii. 160. Trial and execution
of Padre Arenas, ii. 162. Disturbances
in Durango, ii. 163. In Texas, ii. 164.
Expulsion of Esteva from VeraCruz, ii.
165. Attack on American Minister,
Poinsett, ii. 166. Navy, ii. 169. Mon-
tano's plan of reform, iii. 481. Bravo
declares in favour of it, iii. 482. Mon-
tano and his associates banished, iii.
483. Pedrazza elected President, iii. 484.
Santa Anna revolts, iii. 485. Revolu-
tion, iii. 487. Guerrero declared Presi-
dent, iii. 488. Expulsion of the Spa-
niards, iii. 489. Invasion of Mexico,
iii. 490. Texas, iii. 491. Finances and
commerce, iii. 491. Navy, iii. 492.
Statement of Finances, ii. 506.
Militia men, debates on the execution of,
iii. 171.

Mississippi. Elections, i. 345. Cold plague,
ii. 493. Statistics of, iii. 149.
Missolonghi, captured, ii. 403.

Missouri. Legislature, i. 360. Elections,
ii. 501.

Mix, his contract, ii. 81.

Morocco, great epidemic in, i. 297.


Navarino, battle of, ii. 428.

Navy promotions, i. 367. ii. 504. iii. 564.
Netherlands. Opening of states general,
i. 254.

New England States. Internal naviga-
tion in, i. 306.

New Hampshire. Manufactures, i. 313.
ii. 441. iii. 7. Legislature, ii. 440.
Finances, ii. 441. Ships of war built
in, iii. 7.

New York. Canals, i. 324. ii. 461.
Schools, i. 327. iii. 30.

Controversy with New Jersey, ii. 455.
Morgan's abduction, ii. 457. iii. 29.
Elections, ii. 460. iii. 25.

Revised statutes, ii. 463. iii. 39.
Salt, iii. 23. Banks, iii. 25.

Nicholas, emperor of Russia, i. 256.
Danger of shipwreck, iii. 331.

North Carolina. Finances, i. 342. iii. 134.
Canals, i. 342.

Gold mines, ii. 487.

Internal improvements, iii. 135.


Obituary. Charles C. Pinckney, i. 207.
Alexander of Russia, i. 211.
General Foy, i. 218.

M. David, i. 220.

General Sucket, i. 222.
Count Rostopchin, i. 223.
John 4th of Portugal, i. 224.
John Adams, i. 225.
Thomas Jefferson, i. 240.
Marquis of Hastings, ii. 331.
Malte Brun, ii. 332.
Duke of York, ii. 333.
Pestalozzi, ii. 337.
Christopher Gore, ii. 339.
Rufus King, ii. 341.
Marquis de la Place, ii. 346.
King of Saxony, ii. 347.
General Caulaincourt, ii. 338.
William Tilghman, iv. 125.
George Canning, iv. 130.
John E. Howard, iv. 137.
Thomas Addis Emmit, iv. 139.
Prince Ypsilanti, iv. 149.
Helen M. Williams, iv. 150.
De Witt Clinton, iv. 151.
Dugald Stewart, iv. 166.
Count Lauriston, iv. 170.
Duke of San Carlos, iv. 172.
Judge Peters, iv. 174.
Doctor Gall, iv. 180.
John T. Gilman, iv. 182.
Earl of Liverpool, iv. 194.
Timothy Pickering, iv. 199.
Sir Humphrey Davy, iv. 204.
John Jay, iv. 215.

Ohio. Canals, i. 356. iii. 158.
Valuation, ii. 499.

Census, iii. 156.

Opposition. Systematic and organized, i. 38.
Sectional character, ii. 17.

Principles of, ii. 22. iii. 9.
Materials of, ii. 22.


Panama mission, i. 79. 88.
Parties, dissolution of, i. 19.
Violence of, ii. 30.
Paraguay. Dr. Francia, i. 276.

Remarks on the government of, ii. 306.
Pennsylvania. Internal improvements, i.
332. ii. 468. iii. 117.
Coal, ii. 333. iii. 119.

Manufactures, ii. 480. iii. 119.
List of governors, iii. 111.
Penal code, iii. 112.

Peru. Battle of Ayacuhco, i. 181. Castles
of Callao, i. 183. Olaneta, i. 183. Ro-
dil capitulates, i. 184. Congress at
Lima, i. 184. Bolivar, i. 185. State of
parties in 1826, i. 187. Insurrection, i.
187. Manifesto of the government, i.
190. Celombian garrisons in Peru, ii.

237. Congress of 1826, ii. 237. Their
address, ii. 238. Acts of the province
of Lima, ii. 243. Bolivar proclaimed,
and constitution sworn to, ii. 246. Go-
vernment a military despotism, ii. 246.
Conspiracy of the patriots, ii. 247. Ci-
tizens of Lima renounce the Bolivian
code, ii. 253. Santa Cruz proclaimed
provisional president, ii. 253. Colom-
bian troops leave Peru, ii. 257. Con-
gress meets, ii. 257. La Mar chosen
president, ii. 258. Proceedings of con-
gress, ii. 259. Conspiracy at Lima, iii.
518. Dreadful earthquake, iii. 520.
New constitution, iii. 521. War with
Colombia, iii. 523. Overtures of peace,
iii. 524. Battle of Tarqui, iii. 526. Con-
vention of Icron, iii. 528. Renewal of
hostilities, iii. 530. Revolution, iii. 531.
Peace with Colombia, iii. 532.
Portugal. Brazil independent of, i. 246.

King John dies, i. 247. Constitution
and regency, i. 247. Incursion from
Spain, i. 248. Aid from England, i.
248. Marquis of Chaves, ii. 353. Ne-
gotiations at Madrid, ii. 356. Session
of the cortes, ii. 357. Invaded from
Spain, ii. 358. Military operations,
ii. 360. Arrival of British troops, ii.
361. Battle of Carraches, ii. 362. Last
effort of the rebels, ii. 363. Cortes pro-
rogued, ii. 364. Mutiny at Elvas, ii.
365. Change of ministry, ii. 367. State
of parties, ii. 367. Don Miguel's re-
turn, iii. 447. Swears to maintain the
charter, iii. 453. Tumults, iii. 454.
Charter abolished, iii. 459. Revolt at

Oporto, iii. 461. Cortes convoked, iii.
465. Don Miguel proclaimed king, iii.
468. His tyranny, iii. 470. Reduction
of Madeira, iii. 470. Proceedings of
Don Pedro, iii. 471. Arrival of Donna
Maria, iii. 472. She lands in England,
iii. 473.

Porter, captain, his trial, i. 150.

Postmaster general, salary of, ii. 139.
Proclamation of president closing the ports,
ii. 72.

Public lands, statement of, i. 602.
Public Documents. Treaty with Colom-
bia, i. 1.

President's message 19th congress, 1st
session, i. 9.

Concerning Panama mission, i. 49.
19th congres, 2d session, ii. I.

President's proclamation prohibiting
trade with West Indies, ii. 18.
20th congress, 1st session, iv. 1.
20th congress, 2d session, iv. 15.
Boundary of United States on Pacific
ocean, i. 26.

Treaty with the federation of Central
America, i. 41.

Convention with Great Britain, ii. 16. iv.
109. 113, 114.

Convention with Denmark, ii. 19.

Treaty with Sweden and Norway, iv. 102.
Letter, Mr. Rush to Mr. Anderson, minis-
ter to Colombia, i. 61.

Mr. Clay to Mr. Middleton, i. 83, 90.
Count Nesselrode to Mr. Middleton, i. 89.
Mr. Salazar to Mr. Clay, i. 92.
Mr. Canaz to Mr. Clay, i. 96.
Mr. Rush to Mr. Adams, ii. 22.
Mr. Clay to Mr. Gallatin, ii. 46. 69. 103.
Mr. Canning to Mr. Gallatin, ii. 54. 87.98.
Mr. Gallatin to Mr. Canning, ii. 61.91.
From the secretary of treasury on the in-
undated lands of the Mississippi, iv. 82.
Mr. Gallatin to Lord Dudley, ii. 115. 119.

Mr. Gallatin to H. Clay, ii. 121.

Lord Dudley to Mr. Gallatin, ii. 123.
Panama documents, iv. 20.

Letters on the navigation of the St. Law-
rence, ii. 137.

Letters on the north eastern boundaries,
iv. 58.

Convention between Great Britain and
Brazil, iv. 143; and treaty, iv. 144.
Treaty between Brazil and the Hanse
Towns, iv. 150.

Treaty of indemnity between Brazil and
France, iv. 154.

Circular of Bolivar, i. 97; and replies, i.
101. His address to congress of Peru,
i. 131. His address to congress of Bo-
livia, ii. 196.

President of Mexico's address to con-
gress, i. 103; and reply, i. 105. ii. 174.
iv. 134.
Proclamations of president of Mexico, i.
107 and his address, i. 108. i. 114.
i. 123.

Messages of vice president of Colombia,
i. 125. ii. 181. ii. 193.

Capitulation of Ayacuhco, i. 133.
Message of government of Buenos Ayres,
i. 135. iv. 165.

Brazilian documents, i. 143.
Chilian documents, i. 147.

Central American documents, i. 147.
Treaty between Colombia and Peru, iv.

Treaty between Peru and Bolivia, iv. 141.
Haytien documents, i. 148.

Speech of the king of Great Britain, i.
150. ii. 209. iv. 169.

Treaty, between Great Britain and the
United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata,
ii. 153.

Between Great Britain and Colombia, i.

Convention between his majesty and the
infanta regent of Portugal, iv. 173.
Despatch from Mr. Huskisson to licut.
gov. of Jamaica, iv. 175.

Speech of the king of France, i. 162. iv.


Law relative to journals, iv. 189.
Manifesto of the emperor of Russia, i. 163.
King of Sweden's speech, i. 170.

« AnteriorContinuar »