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OUR readers will bear in mind the meeting of Synod, which is to take place in London, in Regent Square Church, on the third Monday of this month, at 6 p.m. Its members may rely on receiving a hearty welcome from the London members of our Church, who we doubt not will also show their interest by full attendances at its meetings. The Synod, we are sure, will be remembered by our readers in their prayers. May the Head of the Church be realized as himself presiding at its meetings! May the Spirit be vouchsafed as a Spirit of wisdom, of liberal devising, of love, and brotherly kindness! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love her.

Foreign Missions.


We trust that at the annual meeting of the Synod of our Church, to be held this month, the state of our Foreign Missions will meet with that earnest and prayerful consideration which it well deserves. We seem to have

reached a crisis in the history of our China Mission, and it is for the Church at home to say whether she will rise to the occasion in a way she has not yet done, and so draw down spiritual blessings on China and at home, or allow a glorious opportunity to pass unimproved, and so incur the danger of spiritual leanness amongst her members.

How are we to account for the remarkable fact that the Lord is opening doors on all hands in China, and abundantly blessing the work, while at the same time at home the interest in the work seems declining, if we may judge by the falling off of the funds, and the difficulty of obtaining men? May not the secret of this state of matters lie in this-the neglect of united believing prayer? We have but to point to the letters from China now published, appealing for prayer, as a specimen of what we receive almost monthly, till it might seem as if the appeal had become hackneyed. But has it been responded to? With some exceptions we have reason to fear it has not, and so our mission is on the point of being stranded for want of prayer. And yet it is the secret of power with God, and nothing is more certain from past experience than this-that God does answer in a remarkable way prayer in behalf of missions to the heathen. We earnestly commend this subject to our readers.

LETTERS FROM THE REV. WM. it has been doing for some time past, there M'GREGOR.

Amoy, 11th Jan., 1866.

MY DEAR MR. MATHESON,-We have here just now room for many more labourers, both native and foreign; indeed, if the work continue to increase as, by the blessing of God,

will soon be a perfect famine of labourers. In addition to the wide-spread interest in the Gospel throughout the Baypay region, Pechuia is again beginning to show some symptoms of life, there being in it at present some six or seven inquirers, one of whom is a literary student, who has in conse

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quence suffered great persecution at the raise up labourers, both native and foreign. hands of his parents. We ask friends at home specially to pray for this."

The new chapel at Liong-bun-si will now soon be finished, and the fact of a comfortable place of worship being built is said to be attracting the attention of some who formerly thought the Gospel beneath their notice, but who are now inclined at least to hear what this doctrine is. One thing peculiar about this village is that it possesses no temple, and thus the only building of the kind will be that which is appropriated to the worship of the living


With kind regards from Mrs. M'Gregor and myself,


Amoy, 3rd Jan., 1866.

MY DEAR DR. HAMILTON,-Last Thurs day I had again the pleasure of seeing Chin-chew city, spending that afternoon, with the whole of Friday, at the city, and returning to Anhai on the Saturday. We had excellent opportunities of preaching in the streets and in the inn where we lodged. The owner of the inn offered to build a house on an adjoining plot of ground, to let it to us as a chapel; but we hope we may perhaps find a more suitable situation, and are also somewhat afraid that the ope ration of building (though by the owner "I do hope the Church at home will and not by us) might raise special difficul

I remain, yours truly,


In another letter, dated Baypay, 23rd Dec., 1865, Mr. M'Gregor writes :

soon send out at least three additional missionaries. Dr. Maxwell, in Formosa, is still alone; the brethren in Swatow are in continual danger of being left short-handed by the sickness of one of their number; and we here have such an inviting field open to us, that five or six additional missionaries I could not overtake it all. Oh! that the members of our Churches at home could fully appreciate the opportunity China now presents, and feel the responsibility that lies on us all to improve it! May we here feel it more, constraining us to labour more diligently, and pray more earnestly; may our students of divinity feel it more, compelling them to give themselves to this work; and may the Churches at home feel it more, leading them to give the people of China more a place in their hearts and in


While in the city I was able to effect the release of one of the Anhai congregation (not yet a member) from unjust imprisonment, by the collectors of the land-tax. In China the people well know the force of the Scriptural collocation of "publicans and


Excuse this brief note, as since returning from Chin-chew I have been very busy about our new Gospel-boat, which is just launched to-day, and also with arrangements for the building of the chapel at Liong-bun-si, for which place I start early to-morrow morning.

Yours as ever,


their prayers; in which case there will be LETTER FROM THE REV. GEORGE

no need for any one to press them to help also with their substance. I believe the chief want is men to come: if God raise up men to come, the means to send them will not be wanting. We here are feeling also a want of native helpers. The field is so widening that we have not a sufficient number of qualified native preachers to overtake it. At the last Presbytery meeting a day of prayer was appointed to be kept throughout the Churches, to plead for this one thing. May the Lord of the harvest


Dated, Swatow, 12th Jan. 1866.

(After referring to some details of the Mission accounts, he gives a rapid glance at the events of the past year, which, however, is of a more gloomy complexion than we think warranted, if we remember the visit of Mr. Smith to Kway T'ham early in the year so full of encouragement, and the mission work in connection with the hospital; as, in addition to the significant fact

that the number of different towns and vil under his mighty hand, that he may in due lages from which patients have come, during time raise us up. We urgently need more the year ending in September last, amounted help, both foreign and native. The large to 320, to each of which some measure of towns of Tie-chew are open to us, but we Gospel light has been carried back, a few of are unable to occupy them. We desire to lay the patients have been brought to a saving our own case and that of Tie-chew before knowledge of the truth. the Lord, imploring a time of refreshing But, undoubtedly, in contrast with the and quickening from his Presence. May large number of 18 adult baptisms in 1864, the Church at home be stirred up to wrestle it is a cause for humiliation on the part in prayer in behalf of this mission in all of the Church that the number of these its interests. is only 7 in 1865, coupled with cases of backsliding and apparent coldness, resulting in part from the bitter persecution they have had to endure. We proceed with Mr. Smith's letter:-)

During the past year we have had to give up the school at Tat-hau-Po for want of scholars. The Yam-tsau school is still flourishing; while that begun at Swatow last year has proved successful.

"One of the female members at Chinchung has been removed by death; four infant members have likewise died in the course of the year. Two of the members at Yam-tsau have been excommunicated; these are the first cases of the kind that have occurred in the Swatow mission; would that they also were the last! We have had to grieve over the falls of some of whom we had hoped better things; and still have to mourn over some who, through fear of persecution, do not dare to attend public worship, and some who are ensnared in worldliness, and walk disorderly. One of our oldest assistants has not been in our employment for many months, chiefly owing to worldly entanglements.

"Our own small circle has been visited with sickness, as you are aware; our native helpers have also suffered, and at present some of them are still suffering. Two members have left this region, and gone to Siam and Singapore respectively.

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"With sincere regarde,
"I remain, yours truly,


Pekin, Oct. 7th, 1865.

DEAR MR. MATHESON,-It is now some time since I wrote to you; and it may be well to let you know something of my late engagements here. I formerly mentioned having begun to put the second part of the " Pilgrim's Progress" into the Mandarin colloquial. This work occupied about two months and a half, and was completed nearly a month ago. The work is now being looked over by two native scholars to obtain their criticism; and when returned, we hope to give it a final revision with a view to its being printed. The first part, which is now in course of being printed, will be ready, we hope, in the course of about six weeks. Since finishing the second part I have been employing myself with my teacher in trying to put the Book of Psalms into Mandarin colloquial. To do this suitably is not an easy work, and it

as yet uncertain whether the result will be worthy of publication. In our first draft we had finished the 25th Psalm, when a Chinese term occurring, our work was interrupted a week ago. I hope to resume this attempt when my teacher returns on Monday (9th). You will see, from what I have said, that there is little prospect, in the meantime, at least, of my being able to go south to aid Dr. Maxwell on Formosa. I pray that you may be speedily directed to find a new missionary fitted and ready to enter on that important field. In Pekin the door for preachin the

Gospel is now more widely opened than before. Within the last few months one of the missionaries of the Church Mission has obtained premises for preaching on one of the principal streets of this city, and the place is crowded by from 100 to 200 people whenever it is open. More lately, also, the members of the London Mission, being obliged to vacate the premises they formerly occupied, went to the British Legation, and have providentially succeeded not only in purchasing houses to live in, but adjacent to these they have also obtained by purchase a small temple, opening on one of the principal streets. This they are now occupying both as an hospital and preaching place, and the numbers in attendance are very encouraging. I may add that the new premises of the London Mission are within five minutes' walk of my lodgings; and were it not that I am kept busy generally with my teacher in translating work, I might daily have the opportunity of preaching to those who come for healing, and to the crowds of passers-by who come in from the street when the chapel is open. As the case stands, my work of late in the way of preaching has been almost confined to the Lord's-day. I do not think of anything else which it is important to mention, and conclude these hurried lines, with Christian regards to all friends; and begging a continued interest in the prayers of God's people for myself and this city,

I remain, dear Sir,

Yours truly,


with two of Mr. Edkins's (London Missionary Society) men on a missionary excursion into the country. When in the city I have plenty of opportunities of preaching; but it is rarely, except on the Lord's-day, that I have at present leisure for this work. We need much the support of the prayers of God's people. The door is outwardly open; but there is a want of signal evidence of Divine power accompanying the word.

"Ever yours (in haste),



Takao, Formosa, Decr. 20, 1865. It is now six months, or nearly so, since our mission work began in Takao, and during that time it has continued to be limited to the one village. Being the most important village, however, to the south of Tai-wan-foo, and a port to which a considerable number of smaller vessels come from places further south, the audiences who have been addressed from day to day, during all that time, have consisted quite as much of strangers as of Takao resident Chinese. I would it were my privilege to speak of visible fruit of these labours, but excepting one young man, of whom we have a good hope that he has passed into the liberty of God's children, I know of none who are more than interested in the doctrine of salvation through Christ Jesus. That we can live and labour here from day day, however, without a leavening process its fruit, I do not believe, even while I feel going on which shall in due time bear it to be right to refrain from speculating it.


By a letter, dated Pekin, Dec. 16th, we learn that Mr. Burns was still occupied in endeavouring to put the Book of Psalms into a simple and readable form; but of Of late months we have been turning our the success of this effort, or the contrary, he says, it is as yet too soon to speak. distant about three miles to the north-east eyes with desire towards a large village, The first part of the "Pilgrim's Progress" and which lies on the main road to Taiin the Mandarin colloquial was ready for wan-foo. publication; and he was engaged in get-size the last syllable). It is said to contain Its name is Sa-te-choo (emphating the second part through the press. He adds:

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"Next week my teacher is obliged to leave me for a short time on account of a literary examination he has to attend ; and during his absence I think of going along

between 6,000 and 7,000 inhabitants, and is a wealthy, busy place. After the lessons of Tai-wan-foo, and the difficulties experienced there in obtaining a place wherein to labour, I thought it best quietly to procure a place in Sa-te-choo, before

visiting the locality, with a view either to preach or heal. After a good deal of waiting and difficulty, we have at length been enabled to rent, for the next fourteen months at least, a very suitable place in the chief market street.

meet here, and they are heart and soul in their work.

There is no immediate prospect of the way being opened for labour in Tai-wan-foo again, even were we in a position now to take advantage of such an opening, which we certainly are not. The authorities are in perpetual strife with the two foreign merchants who have houses there, and the

Of a visit which I was privileged recently to make to certain of the savage tribes in the Eastern part of Formosa, I hope to speak in another letter.

I am, &c.,

J. L. MAXWELL P.S.-Dec. 29. The work in the vilage above-mentioned is being pursued without interruption from the merchants referred


"I am

In January, 1866, he writes:beginning this year hopefully, in cheerful confidence that in due time the Lord will have mercy upon this people. Trusting to hear speedily that the Committee have found a colleague for me,

The bargain was scarcely completed, and a little repair was going on before our entering upon it, when, as I expected, an attempt was made to force us away. The resident consular agent in the city has leading merchants of the place met, and himself to complain of but indifferent treatsummoning the landlord of the house before ment. them, insisted that the house should not be let to us. He replied that it was too late now, for the house was already let. They were very angry, and ordered him to do his best to get us to leave, as they would not have us there. He came to me, when I was there yesterday, to ask what he should do. He was afraid they would get him into trouble with the magistrates of the district. I told him to take back the message that we certainly should not leave the place. To-day we opened it with 'prayer and preaching. We had a large and respectful audience, and at the close three or four sick came forward for medical assistance. It is quite possible that these merchants may take further means to try and eject or frighten us from the place, but we trust and pray earnestly that it may be the Lord's I will to continue to us this gracious opening. We have strength enough to work both localities without an overstrain. How willingly NARRATIVE OF THE MISSION TO and earnestly should I seek your prayers in our behalf this night on the matter! But two months will pass before you ever hear of it, and how many morrows between now and then of which we know not what they may bring forth! So much the more, in view of this very ignorance of what trials and contentions your missionaries are passing through from day to day, and in lieu of that present immediate sympathy and prayerful help which is so precious, would I, and I am sure all my brethren with me, desire and entreat for a special place in the daily prayers of the pastors, office-bearers, and members of all our churches.

"I am, &c.,

CHINA, &c.

"J. L. M."

It is with pleasure we notice that Messrs. Nisbet & Co. are publishing a little book with the above title, which we trust will be the means of extending the interest in our China Mission.

Twenty-one years have elapsed since our church first resolved to embark on a mission to China, and a connected narrative of its progress during this period is now much needed, to enable readers of the monthly intelligence, particularly those who may not have followed its history from the commencement, to take a correct estimate of the value and bearing of the monthly correspondence.

The Chinese brethren who are with me from Amoy, now three in number, are a source of much comfort. They are all of In addition to the narrative, there is a them well fitted for evangelistic work valuable essay, written in a popular style, amongst the class with whom we chiefly on the social life and religious ideas of

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