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Presbytery thought it necessary, would read | the sanctuary above and follow the Lamb for them. They were very good, and showed ever and ever. There still remain for both that Mr. Elliot had been a diligent and congregations the perfecting and the consuccessful student. It afforded him the solidating of each. Let, then, the past very greatest pleasure to read them, goodness and the present promises of the and they filled him with hope that Mr. Great Head of the Church be an incentive Elliot would one day be an able, learned, and an encouragement to both congregations and efficient minister in our Church. The to future prayerful and harmonious action; other members of committee concurred in and as ye have lived well together, and have what Mr. Moore had said as to Mr. Elliot's now divided by reason of the very abundscholarship, and those of them who had ance of God's goodness on you, see that examined his discourses gave a highly now "ye fall not out by the way," but still gratifying account of their merits. After be partakers in each other's joys and fellowsolemn admonition and prayer by the Mode- labourers in your common Master's vineyard, rator, he was licensed to preach the Gospel. that as the past has been so may the future We understand Mr. Elliot is to supply for be-success and prosperity by the good hand two or three Sabbaths St. Peter's, Liverpool, of God upon you. He then stated that he vacant by the transference of Mr. James had been requested to make the following Paterson to Everton Valley Church. The statement with respect to financial matters Presbytery thereafter assembled in this in connection with the building :-Contract church, which was filled with an intelligent for building, say £5,014; sundry furnishings, and interested congregation. The Rev. J. architect's commission, &c., £393; debt ou M. Ross began the service with praise and St. Peter's Church to be cleared off, £1,000; prayer. He then, in name of the Presbytery, total to be raised, £6,407. Payments: intimated that Mr. James Paterson was now Contractors, &c., £4,350; St. Peter's debt, the minister of this church, and that he £1,000; cash in bank, £77; cash with and the elders formerly of St. Peter's, ad- treasurer, £20; subscriptions promised, hering to him, were its session. He said :- £150; leaving a balance to be raised of £810. It now, brethren, falls to me, as Moderator Subscribed by the members of St. Peters, of the Presbytery for the time being £1,001; subscribed by friends, paid, £2,900; officially to announce to you that the Pres- unpaid, £150; net proceeds of bazaar, bytery, in compliance with the prayer of the £740; contributed by the Church Extensession of St. Peter's English Presbyterian sion and Debt Extinction Fund, £750. congregation in Great Oxford-street, agree The Moderator concluded by stating that to transfer the Rev. James Paterson, he need hardly say the Presbytery sincerely minister of St. Peter's, and those of desired that the amount still required might the session and those of the congregation be speedily raised, and their sincere prayer adhering to him, to be the minister, the session, and congregation of this Everton Valley Church. The Presbytery further appoint the Rev. R. H. Lundie to moderate in the session and congregation remaining in St. Peter's Church until another pastor be appointed for that congregation. While making this announcement, the Presbytery would embrace this opportunity of expressing to you the extreme gratification with which they have witnessed the success which has, under God, attended the ministrations and labours of their esteemed brother Mr. James Paterson, and the success which has attended the efforts of the congregation to extend the church in this locality, and which have resulted in the erection of this spacious edifice-thus filling one church so that it has overflown and become two congregations -thereby setting an example in church extension which it would be well that many should follow. Our prayer is that the blessing of the Most High may descend upon this place, and that the glory of the Lord may rest upon it; that many, from generation to generation, may be gathered into it, and be, by the Spirit of the Lord, in it born again, that thus they may taste of

was that they might go on untramelled in the good work which had been so well begun. An excellent sermon was afterwards preached by the Rev. Robert Buchanan, D.D., College Church, Glasgow, who selected as his text St. John's Gospel, xvii. 3. A collection was made at the close of the service in aid of the Building Fund. The opening services are to be continued on Sunday next, when the Rev. W. Arnot, of the Free High Church, Edinburgh, and the Rev. H. S. Brown will preach. The members of Presbytery expressed themselves extremely gratified by the success of this effort at church extension, and the auspicious beginning of a new enterprise.

PRESBYTERY OF NEWCASTLE. This Presbytery met at North Shields on the 17th of May, and was duly constituted by the Rev. J. G. Murray, Moderator pro tem. Present, the Revs. J. G. Murray, Moderator pro tem., J. T. Paterson, D.D, J. Jeffrey, J. Black, S. M. McLelland, J. Brown, W. A. P. Johnman, G. Wallace, and J. Reid (ministers); Messrs. J. A. Davison, J. Hedley, sen., J. B. Bushell, J. Hedley, jun., and J. P. Saybourne (elders). The minute of

last meeting was read and sustained. The tions of Mr. T. W. Brown's paper read at Clerk stated that the Rev. T. W. Brown was last meeting. The members having stated absent attending the United Presbyterian their sentiments in regard to the several Synod as one of the deputies appointed by points raised in said paper, it was moved and the Synod. An elders' commission, in the agreed that the following be appointed a usual form, from the Kirk Session of Lay- committee to consider the best means of gate, in favour of Mr. Thomas L. McGregor, carrying out the various suggestions, and appointing him to represent said Ses-ion in report :-viz., Messrs. T. W. Brown, Murthis Presbytery during the current year, was ray, Jeffrey, McLelland, and Black (minislaid on the table, read, and sustained, and ters); Messrs. Bushell, Hedley, sen., and his name was added to the roll. The Rev. aybourne (elder-); Mr. Brown, Convener. Mr. Scott, of Berwick, being present. was Mr. Murray then submitted a report from associated, and took his seat accordingly the Committee on Evangelistic Work, to The edict appointing Mr. Stewart's induc- the effect that it was found impossible to tion to this church to take place this day, obtain the services of a sufficient number of was returned duly served and attested. Ob- ministers for carrying out the movement jections having been called for, and none on the extensive scale contemplated by the offered, it was moved and agreed that the Synod, and that they were shut up to recominduction services do now proceed. Where- mend that either the work should be abanupon Mr. Murray ascended the pulpit, and doned for the present year, or carried conducted divine worship, preaching an able forward on a scale commensurate with the and appropriate sermon from Mark iii. 14. agency at command. The report was reAt the close, having narrated the steps ceived, and, after full consideration of the taken to fill up the vacancy in this church, subject, it was agreed to recommend the resulting in the orderly election and call of committee to carry on the work with such the Rev. John Stewart, he called on Mr. agency as they can secure. Mr. Hedley Stewart, and put to him the usual questions, then moved, according to notice, that the to all of which he returned satisfactory an- Presbytery appoint a committee to conswers, and was then by solemn prayer in- sider what steps should be taken to producted into the pastoral charge of this mote church extension within the bounds. church and congregation, with all the rights This motion having been seconded by Mr. and privileges thereto appertaining, and re- Bushell, the following were appointed a ceived the right hand of fellowship from the committee in terms of the motion, viz. :brethren. Thereafter a solerin charge was Messrs. T. W. Brown, Jeffrey, McLelland, addressed to him by the Rev. J. Brown; and and Stewart (ministers); Messrs. Hedley, Mr. Black having delivered a suitable address sen., McGregor, and Brewis (elders); Mr. to the people, the services were brought to a Hedley, Convener. A letter from Mr. Paterclose by praise and the benediction, and son, of Manchester, requesting the Presby Mr. Stewart received the usual welcome tery to arrange for the visit of a deputation from the people as they retired from the to advocate the cause of the Home Mission church. He then signed the confession of within the bounds, was laid on the table and faith and formula, and his name was added read, and it was agreed to receive the deputo the roll. The meeting closed with tation on the second Tuesday in September. prayer. The Presbytery met for ordinary Messrs. T. W. Brown, Reid, and Davison business in the John Knox Church, New- were appointed to arrange for the visits of castle, on the 12th of June, and was duly the deputies to the several congregations, constituted by the Rev. J. Brown, who, in Mr. Brown, Convener. The Clerk gave the necessary absence of Mr. Wieson, was notice that at next ordinary meeting he called to the chair pro tem. Present, the would call the attention of the Presbytery to Revs. J. Brown, Moderator pro tem., J. the proposed College regulations, and move Jeffrey, J. Black, T. W. Brown, J. G. Mur-in reference to the same. At the request of ray, S. M. McLelland, W. A. P. Johnman, Mr. Johnman, the Presbytery gave leave to J. Stewart, and J. Reid (ministers); Messrs. elect and ordain elders at Darlington. Next Davison, Hedley, sen., Brewis, Hedley, ordinary meeting was appointed to be held jun., Bushell, Burnop, McGregor, and Say- in this place on the second Tuesday in bourne (elders). The minute of last meet- August, at ten a.m. The meeting was ing was read and sustained. The edict closed with prayer. declaring Falstone vacant was returned, duly STAFFORD ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN served and attested. The Session Re- CHURCH.-The annual soirée and public cords and Communion Rolls of Seaton meeting in connection with this church were Delaval, John Knox, Laygate, and North held on Tuesday, the 29th of May, the Shields were submitted, examined, and former in the Market Hall, where tea was ordered to be attested. The Presbytery then provided for a large party, and the latter in proceeded to consider the subject of Presby- the church, which was completely filled terial work in connection with the sugges- with a large and very attentive audience.

to £6.

The Rev. P. R. Crole, pastor of the congre- languages used, as the Greek and Latin gation, presided, and excellent addresses Churches. Although the prelates of each were delivered by Revs. J. Thorn, of Wor- were equally dogmatical and ambitiou, no cester, George Lewis, of Dudley, S. B. breach occurred between them until after Handley, George Swann, J. C. Blake, and the first seven centuries, when a conS. Walker, of Stafford; and votes of thanks troversy respecting the use of images were proposed and seconded by Messrs. ensued, followed by another respecting the B. P. Wright, Wilcocks, Whitehead, Bent-procession of the Holy Ghost-the conley, R. Adams, and H. Livingstone, mem- troversy becoming so bitter that, after long bers of the church and congregation. Mr. and angry disputation, they finally sepaW. Bagnall, precentor, and the choir, ren- rated and have ever since remained apart. dered some anthems and other sacred pieces The doctrines of the Geek Church and most admirably. The pastor was much also its services were succintly detailed; a congratulated on the success with which number and variety of incidents connec ed the Lord had been pleased to crown his with the lecturer's lengthened residence in labours in Stafford, the result being an Corfu, one of the Ioniau Islands, were likeincrease of church members from nine to wise narra ed. In conclusion Mr. Charteris one hundred and two; schools successfully expressed his opinion that the Greek Church conducted, and numerously attended; and a would partake of the salutary influences Band of Hope, for the purpose of training arising from the future outpouring of the up youth in the practice of temperance. Holy Spirit, and, freeing itself from the BRIGHTON ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN corruption and mere for rality for which it CHURCH.—The a nual meeting of this is at present notorious, exert an influence congregation was held a few days ago. The for good in common with the regenerated report stated that twenty-one years have Christian world. The collection amounted passed since the little band of Presbyterians in Brighton took the lease of Han- We consider it very creditable to the over Chapel. The chapel was built in Guernsey congregation, itself now in a 1826; and leased to the congregation in promising state, under the able and earnest 1845. The Rev. A. J. Ross was inducted its ministry of Dr. Stewart, that the members first minister in 1847; this tie was broken of it and their friends gave such a subin 1852. In 1855 the Rev. J. R. M'Dougall stantial token of their sympathy for the was ordained; his pastorate ended in the little flock in Alderney. We shall publish year following. In May, 1858, the present next month the sum collected by the minister, Mr. Maclaren, after supplying worthy Sergeant Burnett when at the last ordinances for nearly the year preceding, meeting of Synod. The amount contriwas inducted. Since that date nothing re-buted is still far below what is required for quiring notice occurred till the present the completion of the church; and as the year, when the hearty efforts of the con- Rev. Mr. Charteris has had ample opporgregation, and the liberal help of its friends, tunities, during a residence of nineteen enabled the congregation to complete the years, of thoroughly inform ng himself as purchase of the church. In all other par- to the history, doctrines, superstitions, ticulars, the past year has been like the past seven, one of slow and constant progress. The attendance upon God's ordinances has been advancing steadily. From the financial statement we learn that the congregation's regular income during the past year was £610, and that there was a balance in hand of £3. Besides this, sums are raised for local objects. The purchase of the church amounted to £2,020.

THE GREEK CHURCH.-On Friday, June 15 h, in the Presbyterian Church, North Clifton, the Rev. W. Charteris, of Al 'erney, delivered a lecture on "The Greek Church its Past, Present, and Future," the object of the lecture being to obtain funds for the completion of the Presbyterian Church at A derney. Prayer was offered up by the Rev. Dr. Stewart. The lecturer first sketched the rise of Christianity in Palestine and its diffusion throughout the Roman empire, where it formed two powerful sections, known from the respective'

ceremonies, &c., of the Greek Church, it might be well were some of our stronger congregations to invite Mr. C. to lecture on a subject which is not well-known, but which has been lately exciting much interest among the ultra High Courch party in the "Church of England." understand Mr. C. expects also to lecture in Jersey.


PRESBYTERIAN BAZAAR, LEWES.-The bazar in aid of the erection of a new English Presbyterian Church, which has for some time past been looked forward to by the congregation of the present place of worship with much interest, came off on the 29th and 30 h of May, at the County Hall, Lewes, under very distinguished patronage. The attendance on each day was far above the expectations of the promoters of the bazaar, and the sales realized

very substantial amount, which will be appropriated to the building fund.


GELISTIC SERVICES.-The services which a large extent on the amount of pecuniary were carried on last year on Tyneside, and support which the committee may receive, which are referred to in the Report of the it is earnestly hoped that all who take an Committee on the State of Religion, pre-interest in this work will at once send in sented to the last Synod, are again about their to be resumed. This year it is purposed to commence them earlier, and to carry them on longer than was done last season, as is recommended in the report, and approved and authorized by the Synod. Arrangements are now being made by the committee for this end, and as these depend to

contributions to Mr. William Ferguson, the treasurer to the committee, 21, Water-street, Liverpool, who begs to acknowledge the following donations, paid or promised:-W. Mu'er, £10; Thomas Matheson, £5; James E. Mathieson, £2 2s.; John Graham, £1; Robert Lockhart, £3; Alexander Gillespie, £5.

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MR. STEVENSON has been long honourably, a man and his graces as a Christian secured known in connection with the Presbyterian for him a wide circle of friends, and a still Churches of this country. His virtues as wider circle of sincere admirers. And,

although he has been called away somewhat owed its origin to his sagacity and generous unexpectedly, it is a satisfaction to think enterprise. There could not be a nobler that he had reached a good old age, done a exemplification of the enlightened philangood life's work, and, when the summons throphy which he had learned from the came, was waiting for "the rest that author of 'The Christian and Civic Economy remains." The change is great "gain" to of Towns,' than the system of beneficent him, and it has been so happily ordered that operations which he at once set a-going, neither the Church nor the world will suffer and of which schools and church, and a by it: for not only had he done his allotted community of thriving operatives, are the work, but he has left behind him like-minded appropriate and lasting memorial. children, who will follow in the path which he struck out, and noble institutions of a religious and educational character which will perpetuate his memory in an everaccumulating fruitage. The following brief sketches by competent pens will be read with deep interest.

"By the Presbyterian Church in England Mr. Stevenson will be held in grateful remembrance. For several years, as a representative elder, he was an assiduous and interested member of Synod, and to all its undertakings he was a liberal contributor. Even after his removal to Edinburgh, like

One who is entitled to be heard writes the late General Anderson, he was in the thus :

northern capital a firm and faithful ally; and the last occasion on which we saw his bright and kindly countenance was attending a meeting on behalf of its mission, held last March in Newcastle, under the presidency of his like-minded son, Mr. J. C. Stevenson. Entirely to his zeal, and almost entirely to his munificence, do we owe the Church of which Messrs. Trail, Saphir, and M'Clelland have been the successive ministers.

"Rich in friends and in the love of a large and united family circle, Mr. Stevenson was permitted to number four-score years, and did not find them labour and sorrow. His faculties were still fresh, and he had not lost his enjoyment of earthly existence when there took place his gentle translation to a better."

"Mr. Stevenson was a native of Paisley, where his father, a silk manufacturer, was a much esteemed and influential citizen, and one of the magistrates. Coming early to Glasgow, and entering on a life of business there, the son was brought under the ministry of Dr. Chalmers, and shared the mighty impulse then given to all susceptible spirits in the western capital. When Edward Irving came to be assistant in St. John's he and Mr. Stevenson were greatly drawn to one another. The spring and expansiveness of his mind gave the latter a wide range of sympathies, enabling him often to enjoy what more limited natures could barely tolerate; on the other hand, with the fluctuations of an almost poetic temperament, by turns pensie and gay, but always delicate and tender and true, to the fervid and manysided young minister it was a joy to find in the man of business a companion both Christian and congenial. They took some "In our impression to-day we have to delightful walks together along that Scottish record the death of a gentleman well-known Border which Irving loved so well. Every and greatly respected by the inhabitants of cairn or castle brought up its legend or its South Shields-Mr. James Stevenson, forballad, and loud were the tones in which merly managing partner of the Jarrow the tall Covenanter lilted the olden lay, and Chemical Works. The sad event took tremendous the steps with which, in the place yesterday at his house in Edinburgh, frenzy of health and freedom, he trod the where he had lived since his retirement from heather. To the last Mr. Stevenson care-active life, some twelve years ago. About fully cherished a keepsake of his illustrious the year 1844 his attention was drawn to friend-a copy of the 'Orations,' inscribed, the manufacture of chemicals on the Tyne, 'To James Stevenson, whom the author loves for his generous heart, and the unbosomed confidence which he reposed in himself.'

The North and South Shields Gazette (which owes its existence to the enterprise of the deceased), of June 14th, contains the following:

and in that year he came to South Shields as the managing partner of the present Jarrow Chemical Company. The works were previously in the occupation of Messrs. "It was the year 1844 which brought him Cookson, and were only of moderate extent; to Laygate, South Shields, and during the but the activity, energy, and business tact of ten years of his residence as managing the manager of the new company speedily partner of the Jarrow Chemical Company, gave a great impetus to the works, and they it is delightful to think how much he accom- began to extend rapidly, until now they rank plished for the elevation of the working amongst the largest establishments of the people, and for the improvement of the kind in the kingdom. While thus diligent town. For details we must refer to the fol- in business, Mr. Stevenson was ever alive to lowing extract from our excellent contem-the wants of the town in which he had taken porary, the Shields Gazette, a paper which up his abode, and it was characteris ic of the

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