Imágenes de páginas

among you this day. You know that one of the main objects of the Association has been to send out missionaries to co-operate with those of the Presbyterian Church of England. One of its most able representatives is here-Dr. Hamilton. (Applause) I am sure you will be cheered by his presence, and encouraged by his counsel. Then we have Dr. Carnegie, who has been for six years labouring in connection with the Association at Amoy, and he will, no doubt, be ready to give you his experience of the work. (Applause.) While congratulating you on the presence of these dear friends, we must lament the absence of many who are gone, especially our late lamented president, Major-General Anderson, who, I believe, on this very day last year addressed you from this chair, but who has now passed away to his eternal rest, leaving a fragrant memory and a bright example, to follow which it should be our earnest prayer. It should teach us to redeem the time, and redouble our efforts in this and every other department of Christian effort.

After the report had been given in by the Rev. Mr. Johnston, Mr. BARBOUR read the financial statement, which showed the following results:-The ordinary receipts for the year, £1,157 18s. 8d.; expenditure, £1,190 Os. 4d.; legacies, £146 11s. 8d.; balance in the bank at this date last year, £109 10. 1d.; total funds, £1,414 Os. 5d.; balance at the credit of the mission, £224 Or. 1d.

hear many encouraging testimonies of the great blessing which has already resulted from its labours. I read this morningand I suppose the most of you did also the most recent letter that has been received from one of our missionaries at Amoy, Mr. Swanson. This communication points out four things, all of great importance for the objects of this Association; first, the growing success and increasing fruits of the efforts of the mission; second, the steadfastness of the people under severe persecution-their great moderation and great wisdom; third, the ever-widening field of labour; and fourth, the urgent necessity for new labourers. 1 have heard some men say that it was very discouraging to look at the vastness of this immense field compared with the feebleness of the means which all the Christian churches put together had been able to call into operation. In one sense that is no doubt true. The idea of about 100 men, however devoted, labouring among 400,000,000 of people, seems, according to human ideas, excessively ridiculous. But, as Principal Cunningham once told this AsBociation-and I have often thought of his words that the very vastness of the field should drive us to place dependence upon God, for in this, as well as in all other enterprises, he is our real strength. Those who are discouraged with our mission work should remember that at the foundation of our holy religion there was as much cause for despondency. When the Divine Master sent twelve missionaries to evangelize the whole Roman empires Christians might well have been discouraged by the prospect. It is not by ministers, by power, or by might, that success is obtained, but by the Spirit of God; and though we are called upon to use every effort in our power to increase the number of labourers, still we ought never to be discouraged, but, on the contrary, stimulated by the greatness of the field of labour. I think, too, my dear friends, that if you consider the matter, you will think that this work has been in a great measure confided to the Christian churches of this country. We of all nations have been most connected with that wonderful empire in modern times. It is by our policy, however doubtful in principle, that that empire has been opened up with other countries. Our own trade with it is immense, and therefore we ought to have all other churches to labour for its evangeliza- A vote of thanks was then awarded to tion. Ladies and gentlemen, without Sheriff Jameson for his conduct in the saying more, I have only to congratulate chair; and the benediction having been you most cordially that you have secured pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Mackintosh, the presence of so many valued friends the meeting separated.

The Rev. Mr. Macgregor, of Dundee, moved the first resolution, in seconding which the Rev. Mr. CUSIN, late of Woolwich, adverted to the character of the Chinese-to their perseverance, industry, and activity. He regarded them as the Saxons of the Eastern world, and thought that if converted, they in their turn might prove the means of greatly advancing the cause of Christianity.

Dr. CARNEGIE, who returned lately from China, gave an interesting account of missionary labours at Amoy, since he had been sent out six years ago by the Association, a district which he thought was now ripe for the reception of the Gospel.

Dr. HAMILTON then proposed a resolution recommending the mission to the increased support of the community. He made a lengthened statement relative to the position and prospects of the mission.

Mr. JOHN MILLER seconded the motion, which was carried with acclamation.

Bome Intelligence.

schemes of the church. An application from the trustees of Worcester congregation for consent of Presbytery to the sale of a portion of land not required by them was granted. The Moderator (Mr. Crowe) here took the chair. A motion, by Dr. Mackenzie, relative to the Widow and Orphans' Fund, was deferred till next meeting. A schedule from Stafford to the Home Mission Committee was read and attested. Dr. Mackenzie made a statement to the Presbytery of certain communications which had passed between himself and his office-bearers and brethren of the United Presbyterian Church relative to the starting of a proposed United Presbyterian congregation in Birmingham, and he explained his views on the subject. He further intimated his desire to have an assistant minister associated with him at Broad Street, the better to promote the interests of the congregation, and he requested the Presbytery to appoint some members to confer with himself and his office-bearers on the subject. Several members of Presbytery having addressed the Court, the Presbytery, without entering further into the matter at present, appointed Messrs. Crole and Lewis to confer with Dr. Mackenzie and his office-bearers as requested. The Presbytery adjourned to meet on the first Tuesday in March at Broad Street, Birmingham, at half-past eleven o'clock.

PRESBYTERY OF BIRMINGHAM.-This Presbytery held its usual quarterly meeting at Broad Street, Birmingham, on Tuesday, Dec. 5th. Sederunt: Revs. Dr. Mackenzie (Moderator, pro tem.), Crole, Lewis, Macpherson, and Crowe, ministers; with Messrs. Palmer and Houghton, elders. The minutes of former meetings were read and sustained. The Clerk, on behalf of the Committee appointed to confer with New John Street office-bearers, reported that having conferred with them, the Committee had agreed to forward an application on behalf of the congregation for aid from the Home Mission Committee. He further read the reply received from the Home Mission Committee to the effect that the Committee agree to make a grant of £20 for the next three months, requesting the Presbytery in the meantime to inquire into the circumstances of the congregation, and especially whether it be practicable to raise the sum of £250, requisite in order to obtain the grant from the Synod's Debt Extinction Fund, towards lessening their Building Debt, and to report to next meeting, Mr. Brown, the Treasurer of New John Street congregation, being present, laid a statement before the Presbytery, and gave verbal explanations. After which it was unanimously agreed, "That the Presbytery strongly recommend the Debt Extinction Committee to make the application from New John Street a special case, and to grant them £250, on their PRESBYTERY OF NEWCASTLE. - This raising the same amount; inasmuch as Presbytery held an adjourned meeting in the without this strong inducement the attempt John Knox Church, Newcastle, on the 28th to reduce the debt will almost certainly fail, November; Rev. T. W. Brown, Moderator. and the existence of this congregation be Present: the Moderator, the Revs. John T. endangered; they further recommend the Paterson, D.D., Patrick L. Miller, John Home Mission Committee to make a per- Black, S. M. McLelland, J. Brown, J. mament grant for at least twelve months, Jeffrey, and J. Reid, ministers; with Messrs. as without some reliable lengthened aid it, Brewis, Hedley, Taylor, and Pritchard, is impracticable for the congregation in elders. The minutes of last meeting, was present circumstances to meet the required read and sustained. Reason of Mr. Murray's expenditure; and they instruct the Clerk to absence was stated and sustained. The edict lay the Treasurer's abstract of accounts summoning the session, &c., of the John Knox before the Committee." The Committee of Church to appear for their interests at this Presbytery were then re-appointed to ad- meeting was returned, duly served and atvise with the New John Street office- tested. From the session there appeared as bearers on any matters that might arise commissioners, Messrs. W. Morrison, W. before next meeting of Presbytery. The Walker, J. A. Davison, J. C. Hinton, and Presbytery recommended the brethren, as G. Angus; from the Deacons' Court, far as practicable, to attend the annual Messrs. J. Macaulay, J. Fletcher, and T. meetings in each other's congregations Byers; and from the congregation, Messrs. and to take the opportunity of bringing H. Dryden, A. McHarg, N. Smith, J. before the people the missionary and other Mackeand, and J. Stienson; Mr. Miller ap

peared for himself. The following resolution of the Deacons' Court was laid on the table, read, and ordered to be inserted in the Record, viz., "That this court, looking at the future interests of the congregation and of their retiring pastor, which they believe to be mutual, desire to record in their minutes that the Rev. P. L. Miller shall be paid annually £110 in quarterly payments by the treasurer of the congregation in all time coming; and they further agree that in the event of any deficiency of revenue his successor shall have no prior claim at the end of any quarter, but that each minister shall be paid in equal proportion to his claim." Extracted, &c., by James A. Davison, Clerk. Parties having been heard, were removed; and Dr. Paterson engaged in prayer for Divine guidance. After deliberation, it was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. J. Brown, and agreed unanimously, that the Presbytery having heard parties, and considering all the circumstances of the case as now before them, decline to accept Mr. Miller's resignation in hoc statu, recommend the office-bearers to reconsider the matter, and appoint the following a Committee of Presbytery to meet with Mr. Miller, the office-bearers, and congregation, with a view to a satisfactory arrangement and report, viz., Dr. Paterson, Messrs. Jeffrey, Black, and Murray, ministers; with Messrs. Brewis and Hedley, elders; Dr. Paterson, Convener. Mr. Reid, on the part of Mr. Murray, Convener of the Committee, appointed to confer with the office-bearers and congregation of St. George's, Sunderland, anent the retirement of Dr. Paterson, reported that everything had been satisfactorily and harmoniously arranged. Dr. Paterson then formally laid his resignation of the pastoral charge of St. George's on the table, and the Presbytery agreed to take the usual steps-the resignation to lie on the table; Dr. Paterson, the other members of session, and the congregation, to be cited to appear for their interests at a meeting to be held here on the 19th December; the edict to this effect to be served on Sabbath next. The Moderator stated that he had prescribed subjects of trial for licence to Mr. J. Blake. Mr. Miller craved an extract of the deliverance in the matter of his resignation: granted. The report of the Evangelistic Committee was read. The Presbytery rejoice to hear the report; order it to be transmitted to the Convener of the Synod's Committee on the State of Religion; thank the Convener and Committee for their services in this matter; re-appoint them, with instructions to communicate with the Synod's Committee on the State of Religion in terms of the report, and bring the matter before the Presbytery when they shall see cause. Adjourned to meet here on the 19th Dec.,

at 10 a.m. Dec. 19th the Presbytery met and was duly constituted. Present: the Revs. T. W. Brown, Moderator; Dr. Paterson, P. L. Miller, J. Jeffrey, J. G. Murray, S. M. McLelland, J. Black, J. Brown, W. A. P. Johnman, and J. Reid, ministers; with Messrs. Brewis, Hedley, Taylor, and McLaren, elders. The minutes of last meeting was read and sustained. Reason of absence from Mr. Anderson was read and sustained. Mr. Murray laid on the table a report by Mr. Ross, of his visits to the several congregations within the bounds. It was read and ordered to be kept in retentis. The Presbytery then resumed consideration of Mr. Miller's retirement; and called for the report of the Committee appointed at last meeting. Dr. Paterson and Mr. Jeffrey reported that the Committee had met with Mr. Miller, the office-bearers, and congregation severally, and that the result of the conferences was that the former arrangements in reference to Mr. Miller's retirement and retiring allowance should be adhered to. Mr. Miller then formally requested that the Presbytery should accept his resignation. Mr. Black having engaged in prayer, and the brethren having expressed their feelings of high respect for Mr. Miller, and their regret at the circumstances which have rendered his resignation necessary, it was moved by Mr. Jeffrey, seconded by Mr. J. Brown, and agreed unanimously, that Mr. Miller's resignation be, as it hereby is, accepted, the pastoral tie loosed, and the John Knox Church declared vacant in the usual way; and the Moderator was requested to draw up a statement expressive of the sentiments of the Presbytery in regard to Mr. Miller for insertion in the Records. The Moderator then formally declared the pastoral tie between Mr. Miller and the John Knox church and congregation dissolved. Mr. Jeffrey was appointed to declare the church vacant on Sabbath next, and, on the request of the office-bearers, was appointed to moderate in the session during the vacancy. The Presbytery then agreed unanimously to apply to the trustees of the "Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund" for an annual grant to Mr. Miller from the fund, and the Moderator was appointed to transmit the application. The Presbytery then took up the question of Dr. Paterson's retirement from the pastoral charge of St. George's. The edict summoning pastors was returned duly served and attested. Pastors having been duly called, there appeared for the session, Messrs. George Drysdale, Ralph Wake, Robert Brewis, Edward Scott, and John Thompson; for the Deacons' Court, Messrs. John Crozier, James Brewis, and Robert Hudson; and for the congregation, Messrs. Thomas R. Wilson, Robert McIntyre, John Gillies, Thomas Hunter, and Henry Dunk;

PRESBYTERY OF LONDON.-The ordinary held on Tuesday, the 19th ult., in Queenmonthly meeting of this Presbytery was square House, Rev. Dr. Duncan, Moderator pro tem. The Rev. Mr. Alexander, of Chelsea, drew attention to the circumstance that, in consequence of the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Jeffrey, late of Guernsey,

Dr. Paterson appeared for himself. Parties Church. The Moderator then formally dehaving been heard were removed. Mr. clared the pastoral tie loosed, to the extent Murray, on the call of the Moderator, en- stated in the motion, between Dr. Paterson gaged in prayer for Divine guidance; and and the church and congregation of St. the members having severally given expres. George's, and the church now vacant. Mr. sion to their sentiments, it was moved by T. W. Brown was appointed to declare the Mr. Murray, seconded by Mr. McLelland, same in the church at Sunderland on Saband agreed unanimously, that the Presbytery bath first, and also, at the request of the do accept Dr. Paterson's resignation to the office-bearers, was appointed to moderate in extent of relieving him from all the duties the session during the vacancy. Next ordiand responsibility of his ministerial office, nary meeting was appointed to be held in grounded, as it is, on his age and infirmities; this place on the second Tuesday in January, and accordingly they do hereby expressly 1866, at 10 a.m. The meeting was closed absolve and release the rev. doctor from all with prayer. the duties and responsibilities of his office, and yet do nevertheless retain his name on the roll as minister emeritus of St. George's Church, allowing him thus to retire with reverence and maintenance." And, further, the Presbytery hereby makes and declares the charge of St. George's Church at Sunderland vacant, so as to make room for another to be ordained and permanently settled there was no permanent Moderator, and therein, with all the rights, powers, and privileges proper to the minister in full charge of that church and congregation. At the same time the Presbytery accepts the sum offered by the people of St. George's in name of retiring allowance, and do hold the session, the managers, the members and people of that church responsible to them for the annual payment of £100 to Dr. Paterson so long as he shall live; this sum to be paid annually in four equal quarterly payments, according to the stipulation and agreement now made and entered into expressly and willingly by all parties concerned. And further, that the Presbytery insert in the Record an expression of their high esteem for Dr. Paterson, their deep sense of the many and great services which, in trying times, he has been honoured and enabled, by the Great Head of the Church, to render, not only in the defence and maintenance of the distinctive principles of Presbyterianism in this locality, but also in defence of Gospel truth, and the dissemination of the Holy Scriptures in their pure integrity; the zeal and assiduity with which during the period of a forty-four years pastorate in Sunderland he has discharged the functions of his sacred office, gathering and consolidating a large and influential congregation, taking an active interest in all the Christian and philanthropic movements of the time, not only proclaiming and commending "the Gospel of the grace of God" in his pulpit ministrations, but adorning it by a life and conversation in conformity with its hallowed doctrines and holy requirements, and thus winning the esteem of those within, and commanding the respect of those with


The Presbytery hope and earnestly pray that his life may be long spared, to the comfort and happiness of his family, and his mature wisdom to the benefit of the

moved that the Rev. Mr. Dinwiddie, the next in rotation, be elected for the rest of the term to run, which was unanimously agreed to. The Rev. Mr. Matheson, of Hampstead, said that they had amongst them the Rev. Mr. Yule, the Free Church minister of Cargill, who was at present labouring at Croydon; and he moved that he be associated with them. Agreed to. The Rev. Mr. Ballantyne reported that he had, as instructed by the Presbytery at their last meeting, written to the treasurer of the local committee at Tiverton, who informed him that the committee had met, and had settled matters as far as they could, and that there was virtually an end to the congregation. The Rev. Mr. Matheson reported on behalf of the Presbytery's Church Extension Committee that a scheme had been originated for the raising of £1,000 a year for five years, with the view of providing funds for the operations of the Committee. The Moderator said he It had a rather gratifying fact to state. would be in the remembrance of the Presafternoon, while they were met in the bytery that last year he had received, one Presbytery, a very pleasing letter enclosing £200 for their schemes. He was happy to say that he had received a similar letter a day or two ago enclosing £225 for the same purpose (applause); and what was more, and what ought to be valued by them as a ground of extreme gratitude and satisfaction, he had discovered that the gentleman who gave it-Mr. Robert Hannay, of Springfield, Ulverston—was a United Presbyterian. (Renewed applause.) The donation was given without any request on the part of any one. A communication was read from the Rev. I. Stewart, of Portsmouth, intimating that he had received an appointment at Victoria, and

that he begged to inform the Presbytery | were delivered by the Revs. Messrs. Dougin order that they might adopt the usual lass, of Alnwick; Benvie, of Warenford; course in cases of this nature. It was Scott, of Berwick; Glover, of North Sunagreed, on the motion of the Rev. Mr. derland; Clark, of the Coast Mission; and Alexander, to cite the congregation to Messrs. Murray, of Kelso, and Hall, of appear at a future meeting of Presbytery. North Shields. The Presbytery agreed to instruct the Rev. Mr. Matheson to apply to the Home Mission Committee for a grant to carry on the preaching of the Gospel at Devizes. The Rev. Mr. Keedy resigned the Moderatorship of the Millwall Session, and the Rev. Dr. Duncan was appointed to act in his place. The Presbytery adjourned till the second Tuesday of January."

THE YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY IN CONNECTION WITH MARYLEBONE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-The annual meeting of this society was held in the school-room adjoining the church, on Wednesday evening, December 6. The Rev. W. Chalmers, M.A., President, in the chair. The report read by the Secretary, Mr. Alexander J. Grant, showed the Society to be in a prosperous condition, and called upon the members to make renewed efforts to enstable and extend it. It also mentioned various new schemes which would be introduced in the coming year. Interesting addresses were delivered by the Rev. the President, E. Jenkins, Esq., Robert Bell, Esq., and R. M. Moir, Esq. A few remarks were made by the representatives present from other Young Men's Societies. There was a large attendance of the members of the society and their friends.

ANNIVERSARY MEETING AT NORTH SUNDERLAND.-The anniversary tea-meeting of the English Presbyterian Church, North Sunderland, was held on the evening of the 5th ult. About 400 sat down to tea, after which the chair was occupied by Mr. D. Sharpe, of North Shields, who congratulated the minister and people upon the prosperity of their cause during the past year. The Rev. W. Dunn, minister of the church, next addressed the meeting. He said this was the first anniversary of his settlement amongst them at North Sunderland, and he was happy to say it had been a year of great success.

When he

was ordained there was £200 debt upon the church, and no manse attached to it. Now the debt was entirely removed, and a manse just about erected. Not only so, but £100 of it paid for. They would want £200 or £300 more, which he trusted would be forthcoming in a short time; so that, if spared to meet on a similar occasion next year, if not able to open the manse free, he might be able to say, at least, they had very little debt upon it. Mr. Dunn said he felt especially grateful to the many kind friends not connected with his congregation who had so liberally aided him and his people in their efforts. Addresses

CALL.-The congregation of the Free Martyrs' Church, Paisley, have given a unanimous call to the Rev. Mr. Macindoe, of Carlisle.


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- BANK HILL CHURCH SOIREE.-The annual congregational soirée in connection with this church was held on the 23rd of November. There were upwards of 300 persons present: and after all had partaken of an excellent tea, served out in an orderly style by the young ladies of the congregation, the Rev. Robert Scott, minister of the church, was called on to preside. In his introductory address Mr. Scott congratulated the congregation on the noble efforts they had made during the year on behalf of the different schemes of the church. He was particularly gratified with the zeal displayed by the young ladies of the congregation in their efforts to liquidate the debt on the manse, and trusted that so soon as they had completed this object they would set themselves to the building of a new school. Mr. Richardson, treasurer, was then called on to read the financial statement of the past year, which showed that the church was in a healthy state, for, after paying all liabilities, a favourable balance was in the hands of the treasurer. Mr. George Mossman was then called on to read his Report on the Foreign Mission Association, which showed that the zeal of the church in this good cause was equal to former years. Mr. Mossman made an earnest appeal on behalf of missions in general, more especially on behalf of our called on to report on the Manse Fund. This Report showed that from every source the sum of £220 had been raised, including the handsome donation of £20 from Mr. Barber (Manchester). Mr. Patrick concluded his Report by trusting that the congregation would not lose sight of the balance of £60 which yet remained, and that at their next annual meeting they would meet free from debt. Mr. Short followed with an earnest address to parents to train up their children for God, and to avail themselves of the privileges the Sabbath School in connection with the church afforded them in assisting them in this work. The congregational choir sung several anthems during the evening in their After the accustomed style of excellence. usual votes of thanks had been passed, this interesting meeting was closed by the Rev. Mr. Scott pronouncing the benediction.

China Mission. Mr. Patrick was then

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