"Ye'll no be the waur for a jag afore ye gang." The scene was beautiful and touching, and it was easy and very pleasant to provoke. I have known many similar in their hospitality, but never another who managed the proceedings in the same way, or used the same term for the parting cup. But as my friend was a native of Stirlingshire, and passed his days in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, it is a safe inference that the word is still in use in these parts. See also 'Encyclopaedic Dict.,' s.v. "Jag. THOMAS BAYNE. Helensburgh, N.B. "EATING POOR JACK" (8th S. ii. 529; iii. 76, 131).—Mr. Bloundelle-Burton slips in saying, at the second reference, that Habington "exclaims, "Vaunt wretched herring and Poore John!"" Let me correct your correspondent by quoting the passage in full from Elton's edition, p. 244:— I (who still sinne for company) was there, Could since vaunt wretched herring and poore John. Arms," acted also as Norroy. Besides the numerous volumes issued by the Harleian Society, Mr. Joseph Foster has reproduced several, also Messrs. Howard, Vivian, Colby, Metcalfe, &c., and the Surtees Society. Full details of the whole would A. HALL. make a volume of itself. 13, Paternoster Row. TENNYSON AND 'THE GEM' (8th S. iii. 8, 57, 93). According to the article on 'The Gem which appeared in the Publishers' Circular, Aug. 15, 1891, that annual was only issued during the four years 1829 to 1832. I have a copy of the issue for 1831, which contains three poems by A. Tennyson, Esq., viz., 'No More' (p. 87), ‘Anacreontics' (p. 131), and 'A Fragment' (pp. 242-3). J. F. MANSERGH. I am much obliged to MR. DARTNELL for his reference. Thanks to it, I have been able to discover the third poem, A Fragment.' Through the absence of a single leaf, I fell into the grievous error of stating that there were only two poems in 'The Gem,' 1831, acknowledged by our late lamented Laureate. W. A. HENDERSON. Dublin. 105, Albany Road, Camberwell, S.E. DENTON MSS. (8th S. iii. 126).—MR. HIPWELL'S Surely "hacer penitencia," in the mouth of a reference to the "many copies" of John Denton's Spanish Amphytrion, merely means now-MR.Accompt of the most considerable Estates and GIBBS uses the present tense-"to take pot-luck"! I certainly never found it to mean what MR. GIBBS calls bacalao, and Velasquez and others call bacallao; though the latter is the Spanish equivalent for "Poor Jack." W. F. WALLER. "THE HARROWING OF HELL' (6th S. i. 155, 266, 286).-I failed to mention in my query at the first of the above references that the curious original picture of this subject by Albert Dürer is in my possession. It is on panel, thirty-seven by thirty-one inches, and signed with the painter's W. I. R. V. monagram and dated 1510. HERALDS' VISITATIONS (8th S. ii. 408, 473, 490).-Noble's 'History of Heralds' College' contains an ample list of visitations, all MSS., among which several are undated, ex. gr., Bucks, Cambs., Cornwall, Devon, Essex, Hants, Hunts, Leicester, Lincs., Norfolk, Northampts., Salop, Somerset, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex; these sixteen are each placed at the head of its county, as though primitive. Of course Noble's book is an old story now, and the above documents may have since his time been further discriminated; but, seeing that we have so much printed matter before us, it would be desirable to hear more definitely hereon. Noble states that the earliest commission for a visitation was issued in 1528, yet one visitation is known to be dated 1412, say 13-14 Hen. IV., ascribed to Norroy's deputy. At this date John Otherlake, otherwise known as "March, King at Families in the County of Cumberland, from the Conquest unto the Beginning of the Reign of K. James,' suggests that he is not aware that this very valuable document was printed in 1887, under the editorship of Chancellor Ferguson, as the second of the "Tract Series" of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archæological Society. Q. V. DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS À BECKET (8th S. iii. 127).-There can be no very near connexions, for no brother of the archbishop is known. Canon Robertson's 'Life' of him, p. 353. C. F. S. WARREN, M.A. Longford, Coventry. Some few years ago, at the exhumation of some remains at Canterbury, which were at first supposed to be the relics of St. Thomas, a letter appeared in the Daily Telegraph, over the joint signatures of W. à Beckett-Turner and Arthur C. William à Beckett, which implied that the writers claimed kindred with the archbishop. It may be of interest to mention that in a petition to Parliament (1 Hen. VII.) there are some genealogical details of a family of Becket holding property in Woolwich and Plumstead ('Rolls of Parliament,' vol. vi. p. 324a). NATHANIEL HONE. Henley-on-Thames. JOHN PALMER (8th S. iii. 87, 133).—John Palmer was one of the many persons whose services were celebrated by halfpenny tokens about and receive the sacrament. It is possible that he may have made more than one voyage to the Levant, but it is not easy to understand that he was chief factor for Mr. Willoughby at the Porte. Mr. Willoughby may have had a factor at Constantinople, but not at the Porte, but it is more likely he had an agent in the city, a member of the Levant Company. It is possible Liston went out as supercargo on board ship. HYDE CLARKE. LATREILLE (8th S. iii. 49).—K. H. B. will find an excellent biography of "Pierre André Latreille, naturaliste français," in vol. xxix. pp. 850-54 of the Nouvelle Biographie Générale,' published by Firmin-Didot Frères in 1859, with the main sources of information from A. J. L. Jourdan, dans la Biogr. Médicale'; Henrion, Annuaire Biogr.'; Querard, La France Litteraire.' W. B. GERISH. There is a short sketch of Latreille's life and work in Rose's 'Biographical Dictionary,' vol. ix. p. 205 (ed. 1848). J. F. MANSERGH. Liverpool. REV. GEORGE CROLY, LL.D. (8th S. ii. 446; iii. 32).-Dr. Croly was well known in Paternoster Row as a frequenter of the Chapter Coffee House in his days of early struggle. He attended there on call," so to speak, ready to accept a guinea fee as supply for any incumbent in town or country who suddenly needed a substitute. A. HALL. 13, Paternoster Row. E.C. AMERICAN COBBLERS (8th S. ii. 528).-The cobbler referred to was Nathaniel Ward, died in land, in 1603; went to Boston, Mass., in 1634; England in 1652; graduated at Cambridge, Engpreached at Ipswich; wrote the 'Great Body of Liberties,' 1641; and then wrote The Simple Cobler of Agawam,' which was published in England in 1646/7. His pen name was Theodore (for Nathaniel) de la Guard (for Ward). Agawam is the Indian name for Ipswich. The book is worth reading, and is almost a great achievement C. W. ERNST. Boston, Mass. hope FATHER ANGUS will not think me hyper'BECKET' AT THE LYCEUM (8th S. iii. 164).-I critical if I remind him that as St. Thomas was murdered some four hundred years before the pseudo-classicization of the Breviary Hymns in the sixteenth century, the hymn for the day, as sung in Canterbury Cathedral, would have been, "hariolation" is in Webster as an obsolete word, The word "hariolation" is very much older without question, the original and ancient hymn OSWALD, O.S.B. Fort Augustus, N.B. DOCTOR BY ROYAL Mandate (8th S. iii. 145).— Were there not three separate essays, on gambling, duelling, and suicide? The old Cambridge Calendars' used to tell us, I think, that the author received fifty guineas for each essay, and gave forty guineas, in the whole, to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. Dr. Hey was originally of Magdalene, Third Wrangler and Senior Chancellor's Medallist, 1768; Esquire Bedell, 1772. P. J. F. GANTILLON. bad PRINTERS' ERRORS (8th S. i. 185, 217; ii. 337, 456; iii. 36, 136).-Another instance-and, curiously enough, once more combining Mr. Chamberlain and the press-can be furnished from the London Letter of the Birmingham Daily Gazette for February 18, the very date upon which the previous one was given in N. & Q.' The suggestion that the reverential' burying of the Imperial "Heartily the House enjoyed his [Mr. Chamberlain's] supremacy was but the expression of a Press opinion...... And we don't want Press opinions,' said Mr. Chamberlain'; we can get any number of press opinions from hon. gentlemen.'"' It need hardly be said that the right hon. gentleman was not disparaging the Fourth Estate: he was referring to "pious" opinions. POLITICIAN. Another amusing blunder of this kind occurs in one of Warne's cheap reprints. I made a note of it the other day, but have mislaid. The printer put a moral sin for a mortal sin (the italics are mine). E. WALFORD, M.A. Ventnor. CHANDLER FAMILIES (8th S. iii. 168).—A MatJOHN CUTTS (8th S. iii. 29, 152).—This is the thew Chandler was Mayor of Maidstone in 1703, Lord Cutts who had so large a part in the capture 1712, and 1721. The church plate of Alkham of Buda, and who is mentioned by Brodrick in his Church, Kent, includes a paten which had been a 'History of the late War,' published in 1713, as domestic salver," the property of Mrs. Elizabeth having been at the siege of Venlo, in 1702, Chandler and her husband, Mr. Matthew Chand-"remarkably eminent in his post." There is a ler, of Maidstone." On the death of the latter his widow married Mr. Ward Slater, who presented this salver to the church in 1732-3. Maidstone. F. JAMES. "HARIOLE" (VERB) (8th S. iii. 86, 154).-My authority is the paragraph in the Daily News to which I referred. I have, however, searched for the word in all accessible dictionaries, without finding it. I believe, moreover, though of this I cannot now be sure, that the writer in the Daily News said or inferred that Dr. Wordsworth himself claimed the word as a coinage of his own. As regards MR. BALDOCK's objection, I may say that mezzotint portrait of him in armour, engraved by Belsize Avenue, N.W. ST. VICTOR (8th S. iii. 129).--PHILOTECHNIC asks what is known of the life and history of this saint-a question not easy to answer concisely, considering that the Church honours at least ve saints of this name, including a famous Pope o tae second century, an anchoret of the seventh, and three martyrs (known respectively as SS. Victor of Braga, Milan, and Marseilles), probably all Roman soldiers who suffered at different times during the great Dioclesian persecution. For details of their lives it will be sufficient to refer to the usual well-known sources, such as the Bollandists, Butler's 'Lives,' Tillement, Fleury, or other Church histories of repute. The last two I have mentioned are perhaps more popularly known than the rest. The cultus of St. Victor of Marseilles is (naturally) confined chiefly to the south of France, while his contemporary of Milan is still the favour ite military saint of Lombardy and Northern Italy. The former is variously represented as trampling down a pagan altar, undergoing the amputation of his foot, or with a millstone and sword (the instruments of his martyrdom). In one of the windows of Strasburg Cathedral he appears in the guise of a mediæval knight, in chain armour, with shield and spurs. St. Victor of Milan is introduced into many Milanese pictures as a Moor, wearing the dress of a Roman soldier. According to some authorities he was burned alive in an oven, or in an ox made of metal, and these objects are found in some representations of the saint. OSWALD O.S.B. Fort Augustus, N.B. There are five saints of this name mentioned in Butler's 'Lives of the Saints,' and forty in the list of saints given in August Potthast's Bibliotheca Historica Medii Evi,' supplement 254. It is, therefore, not easy to identify the person inquired after. If the information given in Butler be not sufficient for your correspondent he had better, taking Potthast's list as a guide, hunt up the various Victors in the Acta Sanctorum,' bearing in mind that the work is still unfinished, ending with the month of October. I believe-but of this I am not quite certain—that an index to the 'Acta,' so far as it has yet gone, has been recently published. If so it is sure to be in the British Museum. It may not be amiss to mention that a St. Victor was patron of the Guild of Millers at Ghent (see Felix de Vigne, 'Gildes et Corporations,' p. 50), Relics of St. Victor were in the old days preserved in the abbey church of Abingdon (see Chron. de Abingdon,' ii. 156, Rolls Series). ASTARTE. PHILOTECHNIC will find all particulars of SS. Victor, of whom six are mentioned, in the Rev. S. Baring-Gould's 'Lives of the Saints.' One of these was Pope A.D. 189. Of the other five, three were soldiers, of whom St. Victor of Marseilles seems best known. St. Victor of Milan is only mentioned among the saints commemorated on May 8. According to Saints and their Symbols,' by E. A. G., St. Victor of Marseilles is represented in armour with a millstone, the instrument of his martyrdom. TAUPE. DERIVATION OF THE SURNAME TURNER (8th S. iii. 67). Not every Turner owes his name to a lathe-working ancestor, for, as Mr. Davies wrote in his account of the York press (p. 2)," the elaborate initial and capital letters and floreated marginal borders [in the MSS.] were invented and drawn by the turnours and flourishers," and it is highly probable that they made their impress on the nomenclature of posterity. Mr. Lower ('Patronymica Britannica') says that "those who dislike the plebeian tournure of Turner have contrived to turn it into Turnoure" on the plea that they came from some Tour Noir in Normandy. He states that Turner is one of the most common of surnames, and inclines to agree with Mr. Ferguson that the popularity of tourneys or tournaments had much to do with it. ST. SWITHIN. Add the German turner, a gymnast; as a verb turnen, and turnverein, a calisthenic club, sadly provocative of heart disease from over muscular exertion. We have the word as tournament, and the patronymic Tourner, so a tilter or spearman; and Halliwell gives tourn for a spinning wheel. This may drag in the "mill rind," and see turnbroche. Wood turners were found in localities where the beech tree flourished. The Turners of traced as a fraternity to 1310, were described as the London Guild, incorporated in 1604, but measure makers (wooden pots), &c. A. HALL. PUBLIC SPEAKING (8th S. iii. 69).-"Quot homines, tot sententiæ," on this subject. But STUDENT will find very much of value-especially on the oft-neglected physical side of public speaking-in "The Voice and Public Speaking. A Book for all who read and speak in public. By J. P. Sandlands, M. A." The copy I have is of the third edition (London, Hodder & Stoughton), 1885. Q. V. One can safely recommend: King's College Lectures on Elocution,' by C. J. Plumptre; "The Speaking Voice,' by John Hullah; both high-class works on the subject. Bell's Standard Elocutionist' (new edition, 1892) still holds its own as a standard book, and there is a smaller and newer candidate for popular favour, 'Grammar of Elocution,' by John Millard (sixth edition, 1892). Hastings. EDWARD H. Marshall, M.A. "HE THAT RUNS, MAY READ (8th S. ii. 529 ; iii. 92).-Habakkuk ii. 2, bas (A. V.) "he may run that readeth it." Matthews (1537) has the more intelligible "that whoso commeth by, may rede it," i.e., read the vision, "plain upon tables," without pausing. It may interest some of your readers to ascertain the correct original, and account for the difference; but I presume this is the source of the phrase referred to by your correspondents. Derby Road, S. Woodford. W. H. DALTON. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, &c. The Great Book Collectors. By Charles Isaac Elton and Mary Augusta Elton. (Kegan Paul & Co.) WE have here the first of the attractive series of books about books which we noticed as in preparation by Messrs. Kegan Paul. It appears in a shape dear to amateurs of books, with goodly type and paper, and with a solid, plain, tasteful red cover. The work itself is almost necessarily as much about libraries as about collectors, since such of the works stored by the collectors of early times as still survive have naturally found their way into the great libraries. Such knowledge as is preserved concerning the Greek and Roman collectors of books is pleasantly epitomized. It is when we come to subsequent times and to collectors such as Jean Grolier, Diane de Poitiers, and De Thou that the chief interest is inspired. Of Diane, whose books, when they come into the market, fetch marvellous prices, our authors speak as a true chasseresse des bouquins. The exact phrase scarcely seems the most appropriate, but she was at least the sessor of some lovely books. We do not reach quite modern date, and we hear nothing of the marvellous books accumulated by poor Turner, or of the even more ambitious Huth Collection. Our authors have some diffi. culty in avoiding the ground to be covered by their successors, early books being necessarily MSS., and bindings being practically inseparable from volumes. Books on the subjects of MSS. and bindings are, however, in preparation. A few well-executed illustrations, portraits, designs, &c., add greatly to the attraction of a well-written and eminently acceptable volume. pos Book Prices Current. Vol. VI. (Stock.) THIS most useful, and, to a certain class of mind, most entertaining of works has now reached its sixth annual issue. We were among the first to accord it a warm welcome, as the book of all others most delightful and useful to the bibliophile, and we have recorded with pleasure its successive triumphs. To certain minds it must, of course, appear the dreariest of publications, for others it has absolute witchery. No very great sale by auction has taken place, the famous Althorp Library having been sold but escaping dispersal. None the less the number of books registered is very great, and innumerable gems may be picked out. We there find the famous Elzevir collection of Molière's works, Amsterdam, Jacques le Jeune, with the posthumous works in the edition of 1689, the whole in a handsome Trautz Bauzonnet binding. This work has in Paris brought as much as 4,000 fr. In England it brought only 40%. We find a first folio Shakspeare,' with some slight imperfections, sold for 2087., and a fourth folio for 31%, and the 1655 Rape of Lucrece for 17. A first edition of Milton's 'Paradise Lost,' with the first titlepage, brings 1201., while one with the fifth title-page goes for 191. 10s. One may wade knee-deep in Chaucers, Spensers, Shelleys, and what not, and may smile over the prices that are given for modern illustrated works, especially those of Cruikshank, Mr. Swinburne's 'Atalanta in Calydon' brings 47. to 6l., and his Queen Mother,' 71. 5s. Perhaps the most significant thing in the work is that Burton's 'Arabian Nights' fetches 221., while Lady Burton's bowdlerized version brings about the same number of shillings. A goodly number of books appear under the signatures of modern writers, such as Andrew Lang and Austin Dobson, and the list of Dickenses is, of course, interminable. In his preface the editor chronicles the curious fact that a bundle of pamphlets, made up into a parcel and badly catalogued, obtained the remarkable price of 867., a scarce American work in an uncut form, printed by Franklin, having slipped in among them. Each succeeding volume is welcome, and adds to the value of a delightful series. Old Rabbit, the Voodoo, and other Sorcerers. By Mary Alicia Owen. (Fieher Unwin.) MISS OWEN is a diligent and careful collector of Negro folk-lore, as it is known in America, where it is blended with Indian tradition. The curious stories which she transmits are told in conclave by five old "aunts" of pure Negro or mixed Negro and Indian blood, all of them more or less of witches, and are ushered in by a preface by Mr. C. G. Leland descriptive of their connexion with the folk-lore of other countries. Not at all to be confused with the well-known tales of Brer Rabbit and the like are these legends concerning the Bee King, the Woodpecker, the Blue Jay, the Goose, the Snake, and other animals, endowed with magical powers. Some difficulty to English readers is offered by the strange terms employed and the language generally. Mr. Leland has done his best to remedy this by explaining such phrases as he thinks likely to be misunderstood. His views of difficulty and those of the Englishman do not always coincide. It is as in the explanations given in footnotes to French texts of Molière, words common enough to Englishmen are explained, and others, which cannot be guessed at, are left to puzzle him. Concerning the truth and sincerity of this work no doubt seems possible. We have here the genuine Negro folk-lore unsophisticated the genuine student are keen, and it is to be hoped that with a view to popularize it. Its value and interest to Mies Owen will give the world the remaining still more recondite information she is known to possess. A good many illustrations, altogether in keeping with the text, are supplied. The Four Randle Holmes, of Chester, 1571-1707. By J. P. Earwaker, M.A., F.S.A. (Reprinted from Journal, Chester Archæological and Historic Society.) MR. EARWAKER has laid genealogists under a fresh obligation to him by his reprint for private circulation of a paper, read before the Chester Archæological and Historic Society during its session for 1890-91, on that very remarkable family which produced the four generations of antiquaries, heralds, and genealogists bearing the name of Randle Holme. The family tree is traced back to the latter part of the fourteenth century, when marriage with one of the coheiresses of the manor of Tranmere, in Cheshire, gave Robert de Holme a settlement retained by his descendants down to the time of James I., when it was sold by William, grandfather of Randle Holme I. The literary tastes of the family may, perhaps, be traced back to this William Holme, who was a member of the Companies of Stationers alike of Chester and of London. His grandson, Randle I., was also a member of the Company and the "Painters, Glaziers, Embroiderers, and Stationers" of Chester, as were also the three succeeding Randles. Randle I. was apprenticed in 1587, probably about the age of sixteen, to an arms painter of Chester, Thomas Chaloner, whose widow he eventually married. It is not without interest to note, at a time when the succession to a long and distinguished tenure of the chiefship of the College of Arms of Ireland has been brought before us, that Thomas Chaloner is stated, on a Holme monument, to have been at one time Ulster King of Arms. The facts of the case might surely easily be verified. The Chaloner connexion is important in the history of the Holmes, as having in all probability laid the foundation of their subsequent fame as collectors of family history, through the acquisition of pedigrees and notes |