LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1893. CONTENT 8.-N° 54. NOTES:-The Birthday of the Year-Gladstone Bibliography, 1-Lord Chief Baron Nicholson, 3-Shakspeare in Oxford, 5-"The Zoo "-The Haymarket Theatre-Archbishop Whately: Prisoner-The Star of Bethlehem, 6. QUERIES:-Dorset Marriage Licences-Persse-' Lines on Tennyson'Arms - Kilmeston Manor House-Stormy Petrel-Water Mill-A View of Life-Grotto at MargateMoreton Family, 7 — Cozens - Miniature-Discourse of Pirates' Tithe Commutation- Mediæval Diptychs"Commenced M.A."-Blow Family-Tennyson and 'The Gem'-Hollow Sword-Blade Company-Stewart's Rooms, 8-Imitation of Christ'-Verses by Whittier-Authors Wanted, 9. volume, 'Gleanings,' i. 97. See 'Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. *On the influence of authority in matters of opinion. -Nineteenth Century, March, 1877, pp. 2-22. The first page of the first number of the Nineteenth Century contains a sonnet by Tennyson, and Mr. Gladstone's article on Sir George Cornewall Lewis's book follows immediately. It is reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, iii. 137-71. Montenegro. A Sketch.-Nineteenth Century, May, 1877, pp. 360-79. Reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, iv. 305-39. See also Current Discussion,' 1878. REPLIES:-Shakspeare and Molière, 9-Burns in Art, 11St. Citha-" At" following Smell"-Smollett's Rode- The Eastern Question Association. Mr. Gladstone's rick Random-Golden Bullets, 12-"Dutch Nightin-resolutions and speech on the Eastern Question in the gales"-Topehall-Wesley and the Microscope-Grote's House of Commons, May 7, 1877. London, Eastern History of Greece'-City Companies-Marks on Ships, Question Association.-1877, 8vo. B.M. 8028 aa. 6 (6). 13-Miserere Carvings-J. Basire- Song of the Silent Land'- Heligoland Beans -"Dame Strachey, 14 — Another edition, London, Paris, and New York, Croyland Chronicle-A Jesuit Playwright - Gray's is 8028 de. 15 (2). 'Bard'-Nelly Moore-"Festum Patefactionis "-Manila -Fire by Rubbing Sticks-"It fair sheds," 15-G. Isham -A Dream of Fair Women'-St. James's Square Wilde Jäger-Tithe Barns, 16-Shakspeare and the Commentators-Lord Bacon: "Baugh" and "May"-" Coals to Newcastle"-Saughter Family-De Gestis Tancredi 'Crossbows-Chief Justice Jeffreys-Livery Companies, 17 -Gloves and Kisses-Daniel Sedgwick-Select Historical Documents '-Jewish Sects, 18-Mistake: Mistaken, 19. NOTES ON BOOKS:- Dictionary of National Biography,'' Vol. XXXVIII. Notices to Correspondents. Notes. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE YEAR. Brought in to us from out the unknown vast: 'Tis when the Spring charms forth the violets, CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF *Life of the Prince Consort. - Church Quarterly Review, January, 1877, pp. 465-88. This is a notice of the second volume of Sir Theodore Martin's work. The mistake in the title of the magazine, noted under July, 1876, occurs in the reprint in Gleanings,' 1879, i. 63; and also in the reprint of the article on the third * See the legend of St. Christopher. teenth Century, July, 1877, pp. 902-26. A reply to Sir James Fitzjames Stephen's article 'Mr. Gladstone and Sir George Lewis on Authority,' in the April number of the Nineteenth Century. Mr. Gladstone's 'Rejoinder' is reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, iii. 173-215. *Piracy in Borneo and the operations of July, 1849.Contemporary, July, 1877, pp. 181-98. *Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East.Nineteenth Century, August, 1877, pp. 149-66. Reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, iv. 341-65, but the close of the article is omitted as too political. See also 1884. *The colour-sense.-Nineteenth Century, October, 1877, pp. 366-88. For a German translation see 1878. *The dominions of Odysseus, and the island group of the Odyssey.-Macmillan's Magazine, October, 1877, pp. 417-28. *The county franchise and Mr. Lowe thereon.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1877, pp. 537-60. Reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, i. 131-70; and in 'Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. Lessons in massacre; or, the conduct of the Turkish Government in and about Bulgaria since May, 1876, &c. London, John Murray, 1877.-8vo. B.M. 8028 cc. 4 (12). *The Sclavonic provinces of the Ottoman Empire. Address at Hawarden. Published for the Eastern Question Association by Cassell. Petter & Galpin, London, 1877.-8vo. pp. 16. B.M. 8028 cc. 7. The royal supremacy; as it is defined by reason, history and the constitution. Being the substance of a the......Bishop of London......With a preface to the present edition by......W. E. G. London, 1877.8vo. B.M. 4109 h. 1 (9). This is a reprint of the edition of 1865, with the addition of a foot-note concerning a statement of Bishop Gibson. The letter was also reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, v. 173-289, with the passages placed within brackets which had been omitted in the editions of 1865 and 1877. MR. T. FISHER DR JESSOPP S NEW WORK. STUDIES by a RECLUSE: in Cloister, Town, and Country. By Rev. AUGUSTUS JESSOPP, D.D., Author of The Trials of a Country Parson,' &c. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. "Very charming and instructive......Dr. Jessopp is a real and capable student, and a very instructive expositor of the history of his native land."-Times. OVER 100 DRAWINGS BY DANIEL VIERGE. PABLO DE SEGOVIA: Adventures of a Spanish Sharper. By FRANCISCO DE QUE- "This most sumptuous publication."÷Standard. AN EXHAUSTIVE LIFE OF COWPER. UNWIN'S LIST NEW EDITION, REVISED AND AUGMENTED. FOR LOVERS OF THE FINE ARTS. OLD ITALIAN MASTERS. By W. J. STILLMAN. Engravings and Notes by T. Çole. Royal 8vo. cloth elegant, 21. 2s. Also an Édition de Luxe, in Two Portfolios, size 13in. by 18 in., printed on Indian paper, Text bound separately; hand-pulled Proofs of the 68 Illustrations from the Original Woodblocks, printed on Japan paper, and mounted on thick Japan matpaper, and signed by the Engraver and Printer; the Illustrations have Outline at foot, showing Tale of Picture. Price Thirty-five Guineas. This Edition is limited to 125 Copies, 12 only being for sale in England. "No book of the season is more artistic and interesting." Athenæum. The LIFE of WILLIAM COWPER. MR. LELAND'S NEW WORK. By THOMAS WRIGHT, Principal of Cowper School, "It is a faithful piece of service, patiently and lovingly performed."-St. James's Gazette. ILLUSTRATED BY JOSEPH PENNELL. PLAY in PROVENCE. By Joseph and ELIZABETH ROBINS PENNELL. With "A cheerful and sunshiny chronicle......The artist, indeed, has never done better work than these very clever and sparkling vignettes."-Saturday Review. The KELT or GAEL: his Ethnography, Geography, and Philology. By T. DE COURCY ATKINS, B.A., Barrister-at-Law. Demy 8vo. cloth, 5s. NEW VOLUME OF“ THE STORY OF THE NATIONS.” The TUSCAN REPUBLICS and MR. R. F. HORTON'S NEW WORK. REVELATION and the BIBLE. By R. F. HORTON, M.A., Author of 'Inspiration and the Bible,' &c. Large crown 8vo. cloth, 78. 6d. "Its information is of the best, its method is scientifically sound, its exposition lucid, its temper reasonable, and its style singularly clear, flowing, and unlaboured." Independent. ETRUSCAN ROMAN REMAINS in POPULAR TRADITION. By CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, Hon. F R.L.S., President of the Gipsy-Lore Society, &c. With many Illustrations, and copiously Decorated with Head and Tail Pieces by the Author illustrative of Etruscan Art. Small 4to. cloth, 21s. Also an Édition de Luxe, limited to 100 Copies, with an Original Drawing by Mr. Leland, numbered and signed, Il. 11s. 6d. "The book is written in a philosophical spirit, and has great personality and charm of style."-Notes and Queries. SECOND AND REVISED EDITION. SIXTY YEARS of an AGITATOR'S LIFE. The Autobiography of GEORGE JACOB HOLYOAKE. In 2 vols. with Photogravure Portraits to each. Demy 8vo. cloth, 21s. "These interesting volumes, which form a solid contribution to the history of English reform."-Daily Telegraph. NEW VOLUMES OF THE "PSEUDONYM LIBRARY." A SPLENDID COUSIN. By Mrs. ANDREW DEAN. SECOND EDITION. MORE ABOUT WILD NATURE. By Mrs. BRIGHTWEN, Author of Wild Nature Won by Kindness.' With Portrait of the Author, and many other Full-Page Illustrations. Small crown 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. "A very delightful collection."-Globe. London: T. FISHER UNWIN, Paternoster-square, E.C. LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1893. CONTENT 8.-N° 54. QUERIES:-Dorset Marriage Licences-Persse-Lines on REPLIES:-Shakspeare and Molière, 9-Burns in Art, 11- volume, 'Gleanings,' i. 97. See 'Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. *On the influence of authority in matters of opinion. -Nineteenth Century, March, 1877, pp. 2-22. The first page of the first number of the Nineteenth Century contains a sonnet by Tennyson, and Mr. Gladstone's article on Sir George Cornewall Lewis's book follows immediately. It is reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, iii. 137-71. Montenegro. A Sketch.-Nineteenth Century, May, 1877, pp. 360-79. Reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, iv. 305-39. See also Current Discussion,' 1878. The Eastern Question Association. Mr. Gladstone's teenth Century, July, 1877, pp. 902-26. A reply to Sir James Fitzjames Stephen's article Documents'-Jewish Sects, 18-Mistake: Mistaken, 19. Notices to Correspondents. Notes. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE YEAR. This, a New Year? Sad is the sky and grey; Brought in to us from out the unknown vast: 'Tis when the Spring charms forth the violets, *Piracy in Borneo and the operations of July, 1849.Contemporary, July, 1877, pp. 181-98. *Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East.Nineteenth Century, August, 1877, pp. 149-66. Reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, iv. 341-65, but the close of the article is omitted as too political. See also 1884. *The colour-sense.-Nineteenth Century, October, 1877, pp. 366-88. For a German translation see 1878. *The dominions of Odysseus, and the island group of the Odyssey.-Macmillan's Magazine, October, 1877, pp. 417-28. *The county franchise and Mr. Lowe thereon.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1877, pp. 537-60. Reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, i. 131-70; and in 'Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. Lessons in massacre; or, the conduct of the Turkish Government in and about Bulgaria since May, 1876, &c. London, John Murray, 1877.-8vo. B.M. 8028 cc. 4 (12). *The Sclavonic provinces of the Ottoman Empire. Address at Hawarden. Published for the Eastern Question Association by Cassell, Petter & Galpin, London, 1877.-8vo. pp. 16. B.M. 8028 cc. 7. The royal supremacy; as it is defined by reason, history and the constitution. Being the substance of a the......Bishop of London...... With a preface to the present edition by......W. E. G. London, 1877.— 8vo. B.M. 4109 h. 1 (9). This is a reprint of the edition of 1865, with the addition of a foot-note concerning a statement of Bishop Gibson. The letter was also reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, v. 173-289, with the passages placed within brackets which had been omitted in the editions of 1865 and 1877. Homer und sein Zeitalter, Eine Untersuchung über Uebersetzung. Breslau, 1878.-8vo. B.M. 8715 dd. die Zeit und das Vaterland Homer's......Autorisirte...... 27 (9). deutsche Ausgabe von......D. Bendan. Jena, 1877.-8vo. B.M. 11335 bb. 8. See 1876. 1878. *The Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. -Church Quarterly Review, January, 1878, pp. 469-92. This article on the third volume is reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, i. 97-130, and in Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. *Last words on the county franchise.-Nineteenth Century, January, 1878, pp. 196-208. Reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, i. 171-92, and in 'Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. *The peace to come.-Nineteenth Century, February, 1878, pp. 209-26. *The paths of honour and of shame.-Nineteenth Century, March, 1878, pp. 591-604. See below. *The Iris of Homer: and her relation to Genesis ix. 11-17.-Contemporary, April, 1878, pp. 140-52. *Liberty in the East and West.-Nineteenth Century, June, 1878, pp. 1154-74. *A modern "symposium." Is the popular judgment in politics more just than that of the higher orders?Nineteenth Century, July, 1878. Mr. Gladstone's contribution is on pp. 184-9. It is reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, i. 193-202, and in 'Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. *England's mission.-Nineteenth Century, September, 1878, pp. 560-84. *Kin beyond sea.-North American Review, September, 1878, pp. 179-212. Reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, i. 203-48, and in 'Questions Constitutionnelles,' 1880. See also Prose Masterpieces,' 1886. ་ *The sixteenth century arraigned before the nineteenth. A study on the Reformation.-Contemporary, October, 1878, pp. 425-57. Reprinted in Gleanings,' 1879, iii. 217-73. *The slicing of Hector.-Nineteenth Century, October, 1878, pp. 752-64. Electoral facts.-Nineteenth Century, November, 1878, pp. 955-68. See September, 1887, December, 1889, and September, 1891. A translation of the article in the Nineteenth Century for October, 1877. 1879. *The friends and foes of Russia.-Nineteenth Century January, 1879, pp. 168-92. *On epithets of movement in Homer.-Nineteenth Century, March, 1879, pp. 463-87. *Probability as the guide of conduct-Nineteenth Century, May, 1879, pp. 908-34. Reprinted in Gleanings,' vii. 153-99, under the title The Law of Probable Evidence and its See 'Gleanings' below. Relation to Conduct.' *Greece and the Treaty of Berlin.-Nineteenth Century, June, 1879, pp. 1121-34. *The Evangelical Movement, its parentage, progress, and issue.-British Quarterly Review, July, 1879, pp. 1-26. Reprinted in 'Gleanings,' 1879, vii. 201-41. *The country and the Government.-Nineteenth Century, August, 1879, pp. 201-27. *The Olympian system versus the solar theory.-Nineteenth Century, October, 1879, pp. 746-68. The Wellington College...... November 3rd, 1879. Wellington College, G. Bishop, 1879.8vo. pp. 18. B.M. 12301 c. 51 (8); Inaugural address to the students of the University of Glasgow......1879. London, John Murray, 1879.-8vo. pp. 40. B.M. 12301 c. 51 (9). London, Bentley & Son, 1879.-8vo. pp. 32. B.M. Dean Hook, an address delivered at Hawarden. 4906 dd. 31 (18). *Gleanings of past years, 1843-78 [sic]. London, John Murray, 1879.-8vo. 7 vols, B.M. 2344 a. The dates on the general title-pages (facing the special volume title-page) vary somewhat. Vols. i., iii., iv., v., and vi. have the date 1843-78; vol. ii. has a date differing only by one year, 1844-78; but vol. vii. has 1860-79 on its general title-page, and 1843-79 on its special title-page. It would seem as if these dates should have been transposed. The date 1879 (instead of 1878) for the series is correct, as vol. vii. contains two articles reprinted from magazines of 1879. One of these is The Law of Probable Evidence,' and the date of this seems rather uncertain. The year 1845 is given under the heading on p. 153, and there is this foot-note: "First published in, and reprinted from, the Nineteenth Century for March, 1879." *Homer......London, Macmillan & Co., 1878.-12mo." March" is a misprint for May. The wording of pp. 153. B.M. 2322 a. One of J. R. Green's "Literature Primers." *Montenegro. A Sketch. the note seems to imply that the article was written earlier. And in the table of contents, p. vi, the date 1849 is placed after the heading. This article, reprinted from the Nineteenth Cen-Thus there is contradiction whichever way we turn. tury, May, 1877, occupies pp. 119-153 of vol. i. of 'Current Discussion,' edited by E. L. Burlingame, published in New York, 1878, by G. P. Putnam's Sons. The paths of honour and of shame. London, 1878.8vo. B.M. 8139 b. 1 (3). See Nineteenth Century for March. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Farbenkenntniss des Homer......Autorisirte deutsche Moreover, the dates on the special title-page of vol. i., "1875-8," do not seem to be quite correct, as the first address reprinted was delivered in April, 1862. Κοσμου Νεοτης, τουτεστιν οἱ θεοι και οἱ άνθρωποι της ἡρωικής εποχης. Συγγραμμα ἐξελληνισθεν ύπο Α.Μ. Ιδρωμένου. ἐν Κερκυρα, 1879, &c.-8vo. B.M. 11315 de. 14. See 1869. *Political speeches in Scotland, November and December, 1879. Edinburgh, Andrew Elliot, 1879.-8vo. pp. 103. B.M. 8139 bbb. 1 (11). P. 2 contains an Itinerary, giving Mr. Gladstone's movements from November 24 to December 6. The Preface, signed "J. J. R.," occupies p. 3; an Advertisement, signed "W. E. Gladstone," forms p. 4. These speeches were reissued in 1880, when J. J. R.'s Preface was p. 1, the titlepage not then being counted; the Itinerary, p. 2. A second Preface, signed "W. E. G.," occupies pp. 3-6; and the Advertisement, p. 7. The first speech begins on p. 9; the last ends on p. 106. B.M. 8139 aaa. 5. Germer, Baillière et Cie......1880.-8vo. pp. li, 03, and Table des matières. B.M. 8139 df. 7. This volume contains translations of the speech at Manchester, April 23, 1862; of the article on the Prince Consort in the Contemporary, Jane, 1875; of those in the Church Quarterly Review for January, 1877, and January, 1878; of those in the Nineteenth Century, November, 1877, January, 1878, and July, 1878; and of that in the North American Review, September, 1878. 1881. The Irish Land Bill. Speech......April 7th, 1881. National Press Agency.-London, 1881. 8vo. pp. 39. B.M. 8146 c. 2 (3). The Irish Land Bill. (Second reading.) Speech...... May 16th, 1881. National Press Agency.-London, 1881. 8vo. pp. 30. B.M. 8146 c. 2 (4). Political speeches in Scotland, November and December, 1879...... With an appendix, containing the Rectorial address in Glasgow, and other non-political speeches. Reprinted from the Scotsman reports. London, W. Ridg-1881, on 1. Land and "Fair Trade."-2. Ireland.-3. Speeches Leeds, October 7th and 8th, way, 1879.-8vo. pp. 255. B.M. 8138 f. 4. 1880. *Free trade, railways, and the growth of commerce.Nineteenth Century, February, 1880, pp. 367-88. This article is omitted under Mr. Gladstone's name in the index to the volume, but appears under "Free Trade." *Russia and England.-Nineteenth Century, March, 1880, pp. 538-56. *Religion, Achaian and Semitic.-Nineteenth Century, April, 1880, pp. 710-25. *Political speeches in Scotland, November and December, 1879...... With an appendix, containing the Rectorial address in Glasgow, and other non-political speeches. Revised edition. Edinburgh, Andrew Elliot, 1880.-8vo. pp. 255. B.M. 8139 df, 9. This edition (the fly-title and title not being counted) contains on p. 1 J. J. R.'s Preface; on pp. 3-4, the Itinerary. Under the Contents, pp. 5-13, the beads of the speeches are given. The Advertisement forms p. 14; but the Preface signed "W. E. G." does not appear. *Political speeches in Scotland, March and April, 1880. Second Series. Edinburgh, Andrew Elliot, 1880.-8vo. pp. 91. B.M. 8139 aaa. 5. Free Trade.-4. Foreign and Colonial Policy. 4 pts. National Press Agency.-London, 1881. 8vo. B.M. 8138 e. 3 (10). *Fixity of tenure.-Fair rent and free sale. These portions of speeches, reprinted from Hansard, vol. cxcix., form pp. 37-45 of Mr. Gladstone and the 'Three F's,' issued by the Irish Land Committee, 31, South Frederick Street, Dublin, 1881. B.M. 8146 b. 1883. National expenditure. the House of Commons......6th April, 1883. London, National Press Agency.-1883. 8vo. pp. 12. B.M. 8229 de. 31 (15). Parliamentary oaths. Speech......on the second reading of the Parliamentary Oaths Act Amendment Bill, 26th April, 1883. London, National Press Agency, 1883. -8vo. pp. 16. B.M. 8132 ee. 16 (8). [2nd June, 1883]. Tradotto in Italiano da G. Zaffira. Londra, A. Andrews, 1883.-8vo. pp. 15. B.M. 10604 f. 2 (5). Il discorso di W. E. Gladstone intorno a G. Garibaldi *Senti, senti, anima mia.-Nineteenth Century, September, 1883, pp. 357-9. A translation in Italian of Cowper's hymn "Hark, my soul! it is the Lord." The Conservative legacy, 1880. Liberal work, 18801883. the inaugural banquet, National Liberal Club......1883. London, National Liberal Club. The title-page is not counted, p. 1 containing-1883. 8vo. pp. 16. B.M. 8139 bb. 46 (1). the Contents, and the fourth Midlothian speech beginning on p. 3. *Political speeches in Scotland, March and April, 1880...... With an appendix, containing addresses to the Midlothian electors, and a letter to Count Karolyi. Revised edition. Edinburgh, Andrew Elliot, 1880.-8vo. pp. 366. B.M. 8139 df. 9. In this volume the fly-title and title form pp. 1-4; a new Preface by J. J. R. is p. 5; the Itinerary, March 16 to May 8, forms pp. 7, 8. The Contents, pp. 9-16, contain the heads of the speeches. The approaching general election. Speeches delivered in Midlothian, during......November, 1879. London, H. J. Infield, 1880.-8vo. B.M. 8139 aaa. 4. *Questions constitutionnelles (1873-1878). Le trône et le Prince-époux.-Le cabinet et la constitution. Par W. E. Gladstone...... Traduit de l'anglais et précédé d'une introduction par Albert Gigot......Paris, Librairie (To be concluded.) THE LORD CHIEF BARON NICHOLSON. I do not find that in any work treating on London much has been said about the Judge and Jury Society, an institution which, whatever may be thought of its moral character, existed during a series of years, was one of the stock amusements of London, and one of the first places visited by country cousins on their arrival in the metropolis. I therefore propose putting together some facts respecting this mock court and its founder. Renton Nicholson was born in a house opposite to the Old Nag's Head Tavern, in the Hackney Road, on April 4, 1809; but his parents dying when he was very young, he was brought up by |