Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

School and College Information Bureau

In the reference rooms of the American Educational Company are kept constantly on
hand catalogues of all the leading schools and colleges of every kind in the United States
and Canada, as well as from many foreign countries. Free and unlimited use of these files
is offered any student or parent wishing to investigate the relative merits of the various
schools, and every facility will be accorded them to secure the exact information they seek in
their selection of a school that will best meet their individual requirements. No charge
whatever is made for this service, either to the schools or to the inquirers and all inquiries
are given prompt attention. Correspondence is invited.

Information on school subjects, books, supplies and equipment of every kind will also
be gladly furnished. Address
315 Dearborn St., CHICAGO

[blocks in formation]

School and College Information Bureau

In the reference rooms of the American Educational Company are kept constantly on
band catalogues of all the leading schools and colleges of every kind in the United States
Ad Canada, as well as from many foreign countries. Free and unlimited use of these files
is offered any student or parent wishing to investigate the relative merits of the various
schools, and every facility will be accorded them to secure the exact information they seek in
their selection of a school that will best meet their individual requirements. No charge
whatever is made for this service, either to the schools or to the inquirers and all inquiries
are given prompt attention. Correspondence is invited.

Information on school subjects, books, supplies and equipment of every kind will also
be gladly furnished. Address
315 Dearborn St., CHICAGO

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