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phasis he waited another moment, and began to move his fingers with Delsartean grace. "Lillian, I have wanted to show you something for a long while, but alas! (gesture of despair) the words are hard to form, you see-"

"Yes, I see," was her eager gesticulation. She looked at his fingers with passionate abandon.

"We have known each other for many months now, and in that time there has existed, I am sure, that silent sympathy which brings people close together." Fortunately, both he and she were unconscious of his humor.

He glanced at her hands and saw that unformed words were there; but he did not know it was only nervousness. Then he continued: "Somebody has said that sympathy is but a grain of love. Lillian, the few grains that I have had from you have sunk deep into my life, and tonight I want you to help me reap the harvest." She did not smile at his strange figures of speech, though they looked so peculiar to her she loved him.

"When I met you in New York last winter, I knew then that I had found one with whom I could pass many hours in perfect communion. Here by the seashore, the gentle murmur of the ocean and the sight of the waves crested with silver have fostered my feelings toward you, until now, now, there seems to be something more in my life." His fingers stuttered with intensity. She sat there in silence; her blush was but a shade fainter than the light.

"Yes, Lillian," he resumed, "Something more has entered my life; often I sit with eyes closed and out of the depths of darkness an image bathed in the softest light is pictured before me. Can you not guess what I would say ?"

She blushed more and lapped his fingers with her romantic glances. But he, he did not look at her, for he had closed his eyes and was evidently looking at the imaginary figure bathed in light rather than the real woman, who, if the truth be told, was almost enwrapped in darkness. To explain, the oil in the lamp became divorced from the wick on the grounds of non-support, and the light was flickering because of the separation.


course, she could not speak, and would she be so indelicate as to touch him, at this time of all others? And he, he went on fingering his sentimental chords with the ease of a Romeo.

"Oh, Lillian-how I love the name, for the name is but a symbol of yourself, and while I love the name, yet it is you I really love. Yes, I love you. Now with closed eyes I see your face light up with a smile of joy! Shall I look and see whether the picture is like the real? No; not yet. Speak to me and it shall seem as though the goddess speaks-Liliian, the goddess only smiles. Alas! I must open my eyes to see her answer."

He opened his eyes; the room was in darkness.

Of course, the most casual reader will see that from the dramatic point of view the story should end here; but while the writer is absolutely ignorant as to how the proposal was finished, he knows that Frederick Paulson, by reason of his odd wooing, was in a curious dilemma. Did she love him and was she modest; or did she put the light out to stop him?


Place-In the drawing-room of a fashionable novel.

Time-An evening in January. Characters-The meet and a man.

woman we never

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Struthers, and especially when I asked you to come early. You will forgive me, of course? Thanks. I received your card. I saw the New Year in at Tuxedo. What's the opera tonight? Traviata? Does Sembrich sing? I never liked that last act, so we can leave earlier and avoid that frightful crush. But I don't want to miss "Ah, fors e lui." No, we'll meet them at the box. You haven't seen him lately? Well, I suppose you knew he went bathing last summer and broke a rib. When a man in bathing is forcibly thrust against a post he generally breaks his Third Commandment. But then Mr. Livingston always was original. Mr. Blakeslee? Penetrating? Yes; a very penetrating instrument of torture-l'ennuyeux comme il faut. No;


Madge Spence. She wanted more than he could give, but, nevertheless, she took less than she wanted. I got a letter from her today. She always writes as though she were out of breath. It was only announced last Thursday. Oh, yes, she's very nice; too bad she carries her head as though she wore a Roquefort breast-pin. La mere est tres savantewrites for the Theosophical Review and Mind. Its the easiest thing in the world. to criticise a subject which nobody knows anything about. Yes, of course. would hurt a person's pride to disagree Besides, it would be of no avail-like being witty to a deaf man. Why certainly; what's the use of being witty unless it is appreciated? That's why I always like to talk to you, Mr. Struthers. Oh, I don't flatter you; I only flatter those who cannot appreciate frankness. And we are always so frank. Do you think I am? I always try to be interesting. Entre nous, let me give you my secret formula: the way to get friends is to be interested in them, and the way to keep them is to get them interested in you. How do I do it? Well, do you think the latter element would be so hard? I simply puzzle them! That does seem contradictory, doesn't it? But then, frankness is very puzzling, because it is generally unexpected. The unexpected in woman always interests you men, n'estce pas? Besides frankness, I am a good conventional liar-that is, I am tactful. I never cut my nose off to hurt my feelings; though I often feel like it. Come nearer to the fire. Did you ever observe how often a thought is the mother-inlaw of a deed? I could have risked indigestion and eaten my maid tonight by the way she fixed this gown. Do you like it? Redfern generally fits better than this. But don't talk gowns; I hate conventional topics. I read your story in Scribner's. I don't know if I agree with your denouement. I think he should have told her that he loved her. It never happens, as you wrote it, in real life. Well, not so far as shown. You do? Tell me about it. He loved her? She was a society belle? How unfortunate! Yes, I know-people in society always pretend

they are thoroughly tired of it-that's part of the scheme of things. It is like married people who always say marriage is a failure. It may be because they know, but it's generally a confession of poor taste. But the fellow? I suppose he was a Gibson type, went to the opera on odd Mondays and was glad he didn't have to applaud Wagner, because it really bored him to death. He belonged to three or four fashionable clubs and smoked expensive cigars. No? Well, then the girl was she a frivolous Huylerian devotee? Did gossip always credit her with catching engagement rings in her social merry-go-round? No; then, if she was more than that, why didn't he propose? Why certainly, tell me. Other people's love affairs are always interesting. You are the man? No wonder my delineation was wrong. Don't call yourself a fool; it would reflect on me and I won't agree avec vous. When a man tells a woman he has been a fool, he would be hurt if she said that she agreed with him. No, you should tell her. Even negation is better than uncertainty. You want my permission? How funny? Why, of course. I? I am the woman? You love me? And I detest Huylers. Then the story in Scribner's was both an autobiography and an apologia? Well, Mr. Struthers, let me think, let me think .. Why am I looking so intently in the fire? I'll tell you: I was wondering if I could find an answer there. It's just a quotation from my favorite author: "Later we love the woman in a woman; but the first woman we love is the whole of womanhood." you believe it? Yes. Well, which stage are you at? A very satisfactory answer. I? Oh, I have had my little affaires de coeur, too-they have their advantages. I think I love you. Don't step on my train. But I have not quite decided if I want to marry-yet; even though my fling is almost over. Try and out-argue me, voulez vous? There's the carriage. Help me on with my cloak. Do you? I am so glad it isn't raining out. Well, isn't it a trifle premature? Oh, if you want to, I guess I wouldn't object. Only be careful-don't muss my hair."



The honor system is to be tried at the University of California. The committee of students appointed has reported as being in favor of all students signing the following at the end of all examination papers: "I hereby pledge my honor that I have received no assistance from any other person during this examination." The students of the university will be called on to vote on this proposition in a short time.

On account of race prejudice, the authorities of the Louisiana State University have refused admission to three Filipino students brought to this country by the United States Government to be educated in American institutions. W. A. Sutherland, of the bureau of insular affairs, who is superintendent of the Filipino students in this country, was anxious to have the students take an

agricultural course, because agricultural

conditions in Louisiana are similar to those in the Philippine islands. The university authorities, however, concluded that it would be unwise to take Filipinos on account of the race prejudice. The authorities believed the students would not allow the Filipinos at the university, even if they were allowed to enter.

[blocks in formation]

highly successful. Its section dealt with extremely varied subjects. The Red Cross, temperance, socialism, chess, education, peace and the sciences were all discussed in Esperanto. The delegates from the United States were enthusiastic regarding the possibilities and usefulness of Esperanto in traveling. Professor A. N. Grilon, of Philadelphia, and Professor Huntington, of Harvard, actively participated in the debates. The Esperanto congress of 1907 will be held in England.

Harvard University is going to have an unusual number of foreigners enrolled in the various departments this year. In this number will be the two Hindoos, the usual quota of Japanese, Canadians and Englishmen, and a number of Chinese. Of the 34 Chinese students who came to the Harvard summer school in July in charge of Dr. Charles D. Tenney, 16 will remain in this vicinity to take up work in Harvard University. Eight of these men will take courses in general sciences, seven will study political economy and government, in departments which Harvard has the reputation of being better equipped than any other university in the world, and one man will enter the medical school. The men who are to study political science will enter the Harvard law school at the close of their college course.

Miss Harriett Stratton Ellis has been appointed by George Washington University to a position designated as advisor of women, in addition to that of instructor in English in Columbian College. It is stated that the university authorities attach considerable importance to this position on account of the fact that there are so many young women now enrolled in the college. Since the college was opened to them a few years ago the number of women students has steadily

increased, until last year there were about one hundred and forty enrolled. These students have distinctive interests, and the new appointment, it is stated, is a recognition by the institution of these interests and the administra

The regents of the University of Colorado have recently authorized a College of Commerce as a regular department of the university. It is established for the purpose of providing professional training for the practical demands of business.

A chair in chemistry has been added to the University of Buffalo, and the incumbent will be Prof. Herbert M. Hill, city chemist of Buffalo. Prof. Hill has had charge for many years of the chemical course in the pharmaceutical department of the university. This last-named course requires students to attend lectures half a day every other day for two years. The new course will require attendance mornings and afternoons for six days a week through a period of three years, and students graduating in this course will receive the degree of analytical chemist.

Tobacco users and theater goers among students of Syracuse University must pay full tuition, according to an order issued by Chancellor James R. Day when college opened for the fall term.

"Young men who can afford to pay for indulgences can afford to pay for their tuition and will receive no concessions from the faculty," said the chancellor. "Such students need not expect to be given scholarships. A young man who smokes is a fool, at least in that particular. He ought to take better care of his nerves and present a cleaner exhibit of himself."

The ban has been placed upon the scholastic bulldog for more than two years and that erstwhile boon companion of the struggling undergraduate is now relegated to other institutions of learning where he is still recognized and appreciated.

If President Day is determined to revolutionize modern college life he has taken the right way. The non-smoking student! How is such a thing possible? For generations the reeking pipe and callow cigarette have been the badge of college swaggerdom. They are the distinguishing hall mark of the 'varsity "man." They have the same intimate place in our educational system as the green sweater and the rah-rah trousers. How can Chancellor Day expect his young men to absorb the pearls of wisdom from his class room unless said young men are allowed to smoke, keep bulldogs and hoot at the broiler chorus? If the students are required to pay tuition they might as well go to some other college where the regulations place no inhibition upon those ancient student practices without which a college educa

tion is a barren waste.

Professor Goldwin Smith some time ago formally willed his brain to Cornell University. Some remarkable brains have been sold, not given. An Englishman has disposed of his to an American university for $10,000. He is a man of little education and for many years worked as a coal miner. He has a marvelous memory, especially for dates, and is now earning a good salary on the music hall stage.

Heads were bruised, faces scratched and wrists and legs sprained in a fight between the freshmen and sophomores of the medical department of Purdue University, Indianapolis, Ind., and after the badly injured had been sent to their rooms for medical treatment the remaining freshmen were chained together and hurried through the principal streets. The freshmen got a tip that the sophomores would attack them and they assembled in a room in the institution and

barricaded the doors. There were twenty-eight of them and the forty odd sophomores forced the door and the fight began. Freshman after freshman was overpowered and carried, bound hand

and foot, to the basement, where they were piled up on the floor till all had been captured. Four were so badly injured that they had to be sent to their rooms and a half-dozen others were badly bruised in the melee. When the last freshman was taken they were all bound together and paraded through the through the streets. Those who witnessed the fight say it was the fiercest they ever saw. Only because outnumbered were the freshmen beaten.

Senator Beveridge of Indiana once entered a competitive examination for appointment to West Point and lost his opportunity for becoming a great soldier because he laughed at an inopportune moment in the examination and was fined several points for indecorous conduct.

The Sigma Nus at Indiana University are to have a new chapter house costing $20,000 exclusive of the lot.

The Vossiche Zeitung of Berlin has unearthed from the records of the University of Koenigsberg a full report of the "salary and emoluments" paid to the professor of metaphysics and logic, Immanuel Kant, at the time of his death, Feb. 12, 1804. Kant drew a salary in a three-fold capacity, as a professor ordinarius, as a senator, and as the senior of the philosophical faculty; and he was also entitled to "extraordinary" additional emoluments. The total income from these four sources was 749 thaler, 23 groschen, and 10 pfennigs. In addition, as professor of metaphysics and logic, he was entitled to 44 bushels of rye and 8 cords of wood.

The new rules relative to the disqualification of students at Williams College for athletic and other organizations were drawn up before the close of last year by the Williams Athletic Council, and are included in the administrative rules. No student will be allowed to represent the college in any athletic, dramatic or musical organization as a member, sub

stitute or officer if he is under discipline for irregularity in attendance or conduct, or if he has failed to complete twelve hours of college work during the previous semester.

One feature which marked the beginning of the new college year at Brown University was the unveiling of a new statue of Augustus Cæsar, a gift of Moses B. I. Goddard to the university.

Lord Kelvin once performed a daring experiment before a class of students. In the course of his lectures he said that while a voltage of 3,000 or so would be fatal to a man, a voltage of some 300,000 would be harmless. He was going to give a practical illustration on himself, but the students cried out, "Try it on a dog!" Lord Kelvin cast a look of reproach at his class. "Didn't I figure it out myself?" he said with magnificent self-confidence, as he walked to the apparatus and safely turned the tremendous voltage into himself.

Mrs. John D. Rockefeller gives a great deal of money to maintain the "Spellman Seminary" at Atlanta, Ga., which she and her sister, Miss Spellman, established and named for their mother. The Spellman Seminary is an institution where several hundred negro girls are instructed in industrial methods by which they may earn a living. They may graduate as trained nurses, dressmakers, cooks, housemaids. and may also receive academic training which will fit them for teaching. The seminary is in the edge of the town, and the buildings, all similar in design and building material, are set in the midst of large and beautiful grounds. Flowerbordered drives and walks approach them, and a beautiful smooth campus is grass covered and shaded.

"Simplicity and truth, modesty of demeanor, and purity of life" is the phrase. by which Secretary Bonaparte defines a gentleman. This is comprehensive and admirable, but a definition made not very

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