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burned to the bone. Fortunately the bandages prevented the acid from entering the men's eyes, otherwise they would have been blinded for life.


A flagrant case of hazing by thoughtless men happened only a year ago in one of the most prominent New England colleges. A man was tied tightly in a bear skin and rolled downstairs. stairway chosen for this escapade was a long one and the victim did not roll straight. In the course of his descent his head struck against one of the stair posts and he was picked up unconscious. The ordeal resulted in a permanent injury to the man's nervous system and ever since that time he has had frequent attacks of vertigo.

It sometimes happens that freshmen are able to turn the tables on their sophomore inquisitors. This happened some five or six years ago in one of the small New England colleges, when the freshmen, goaded to desperation by bands of hazers, turned and hazed the sophomores. As they were more numerous than their foes, they found their victory a comparatively easy one. fact, they treated their former persecutors with even greater severity than they themselves had experienced. On the back of one sophomore they even branded their class initials with a redhot iron.


Another noteworthy instance of sophomores coming to grief in their efforts to "do up" freshmen was at the hands of a maiden landlady in a college town in Michigan. In her house a certain freshman had his rooms who was attacked at his desk one night by a sextet of sophomores. As soon as the landlady heard the uproar she rushed into the room and found her tenant at the bottom of a heap of struggling, squirming humanity. The sophomores were trying to cut the "freshie's" hair on one side of his head. In peremptory tones she demanded to know what was going on, but no notice was taken of her. Then, without any hesitation, she grabbed the uppermost man by the coat collar and with a hand which had had much experience in an unruly schoolroom, she shook the youth and hurled him out of the door. Before

he had landed on the sidewalk she had hold of the second. She treated him the same way, and before she herself realized what was happening, as she said afterward, she had thrown all the sophomores out. The freshman in that house was not disturbed again.

In a Connecticut college not long ago two freshmen were ordered to put on a masquerade costume, call at a prominent professor's house, seize him, carry him to the middle of the street and seat him in a mud puddle. The two men entered into the spirit of the thing, and when the professor's wife came to the door inquired if "Bill" was in. "Bill," which was the abbreviated form of the professor's Christian name, heard the inquiry and stepped to the door. Although their victim was a well-known author and scholar, the member of many scientific societies and the writer of several books, the freshmen seized him, carried him out and deposited him in the mud. Their identity was finally discovered and they were expelled.

At a college near Washington a member of the faculty was hazed in much the same way, but with far different results in the case. A tutor from South Dakota was the victim. He was invited out for dinner and his wine was "doctored" in such a way that it soon made him maudlin. He was then brought to the park near the Washington monument, dressed in grotesque fashion, and forced to deliver a speech and participate in other "stunts" of a similar character. But in the midst of the frolic he was violently tripped and as the result of his heavy fall he sustained a badly injured knee.

This prevented the tutor from taking his classes for a time, and instead he nursed his injured leg and crestfallen spirits. For several days he was confined to his room. The faculty of the university later learned the particulars of the outrage and the tutor lost his position. As it happened, he secured a position immediately in the Philippine service and is now teaching in those islands.

Hazing is sometimes as costly for its victim as it is dangerous. In Washington a young freshman was invited out by

some upper class men for an evening at a roadhouse called the "Ram's Horn," two miles from Brookland, in the District of Columbia. The party stayed there until I o'clock in the morning and the freshman was forced to pay all the expenses. The return trip was by foot to the trolley at Brookland. It was previously planned to suggest a short cut through a dense wood, in which there was a wet and swampy ground. The hazers knew the ground well and, getting into the midst of the thicket, they quickly seized and blindfolded the guileless freshman and left him in his dangerous surroundings. The night was dark and cold and he wandered helplessly about until morning, while his tormentors had no difficulty in getting back to the city. The freshman was finally discovered by a passing negro and directed to town. He was laid up in the infirmary for some days as the result of his exposure.

In commenting on the opening of the school year, the Chicago Tribune says:

Only a casual glance at the newspapers is needed to secure convincing evidence that the schools and colleges are open for the fall term. This impression is not gained from accounts of any undue agitation of thought waves. Nor is there special record as yet of any strange and interesting discoveries resultant from investigations of teachers or pupils in laboratory or library. Far from it. The information comes in an entirely different manner. For, after all, the stranger in America, forming his notion from the newspaper reports, would hardly reach the conclusion that the institutions existed for the purpose of stimulating study.

In the city of brotherly love the Unimen of a scientific school are painted by versity of Pennsylvania reports a freshman lying in the hospital with a fractured skull and an eye so badly injured that sight may be lost. In Cleveland the "applied science" of a certain school was used by freshmen in nearly killing a sophomore who fell from a pole only to be pounced upon by the freshmen, who "filled his eyes and ears with tar, pushed

his face into the ground, and then battered him until he was almost unconscious." At Delaware two freshmen and a sophomore were carried from a frav unconscious. In Boston students attacked a policeman. In Chicago freshmen of a scientific school are painted by the sophomores and permitted to enjoy the luxury of sleeping in a barn all night.


Two things appear in these accounts of college affrays. One is the longtime rivalry of the freshmen and the sophomores, the latter seeking opportunity to get revenge for their own treatment a year before. The other is the feeling among students that they must be judged by a different standard from that applied to other disorderly persons. city and country college alike the disgraceful affairs take place, disgusting many a friend of so-called "higher education" and reflecting greatly upon the ability for administration possessed by the officials of the institutions. Even the girls are affected, tidings coming from one school of the suspension of twenty-five who left their school without permission to witness a "rush" at the boys' college in the same town.

There is much allowance to be made for the exuberance of spirit of boys and girls. There is a fair amount of toleration to be given to the traditional desire to prevent the green freshman from becoming too important in his early college days. The jokes and "grinds" of the campus no doubt have much to do with shaping character and developing manhood. But there is no excuse for the brutality which seems to be epidemic this fall. Torn clothes, torn hats, black eyes, and bitterness are not valuable assistants to friendly feeling and mutual helpfulness. And it is occasion for rejoicing that, in some of the schools and colleges, hazing is being prevented by student initiative, the students themselves recognizing the harm done to the reputation of an institution by the brutal and demoralizing rioting which cannot be rightfully classified as "fun." Where such saner counsels do not prevail a rigid enforcement of law, with one

standard for student hoodlum and street rioter alike, would prove beneficial treatment.

Under the caption "Ruffianism in Colleges," the Brooklyn Union says:

"Isn't it about time our colleges, some of them at least, were put under some sort of supervision, as the great public utilities are, to see that they do right and give their patrons what they pay for? The supervision of the faculties in too many of them is evidently inadequate to control the students and suppress hazing, "rushing" and other forms of ruffianism indulged in by the young men presumably sent there by their parents or guardians to get an education which will enable them to shine as "gentlemen and scholars" in later life. A flagrant in

stance of this ruffianism is afforded by the University of Pennsylvania, where a freshman, on his first night at the instituition, was brutally hazed by upper class men, beaten, and thrown over a balustrade, resulting in a fractured skull, while a blow in the eye may result in his losing that organ. The only satisfactory thing about the episode is that he and other freshmen who came to his aid, sent a number of the hazers to the hospital where he is confined.

"Acts like these cannot be regarded as mere boy's play, they are criminal, and the hazers should be arrested and tried by the courts of the state or city. "Students' pranks," so-called, are survivals of a past age, when either it was thought necessary to allow some latitude to young men in order to encourage them to become educated men-when educated men were scarce, or the rule of law and order was not so well established as now. It is stated that some of the more advanced colleges have succeeded in abolishing hazing and all forms of ruffianism within their precincts, and those who do not, or cannot do this must be considered behind the age, to be avoided by those charged with the responsibility of securing an education for their sons or those placed in their charge."

The Philadelphia Ledger, however, says, that hazing as practiced at the University of Pennsylvania is not only harm

less, but a 'healthful and necessary institution." We quote:

"Hazing at the University of Pennsylvania has assumed scientific and definite proportions. As it has existed this year, it has been acknowledged to be at healthful and necessary institution. Contrary to reports to that effect, no one has been seriously injured in any of the hazing matches. Upper classmen say that the freshmen have profited by the lessons taught them to a degree that makes them the best first-year class in


"Nearly all the hazing has been done in the dormitories this year. Large numbers of the freshmen obtained rooms there. The sophomores found out which rooms they were in and hauled them out for chastisement. This has often been supervised by juniors and even seniors.

"The punishment inflicted upon firstyear men has been almost childish in its harmlessness. Freshmen have been collected in groups of five or six and compelled to sweep the pavements, their coats turned inside out. They have been tossed in rugs and blankets, but usually nothing so strenuous as this has been practiced. 'Tackling a match,' 'wrestling with temptation,' making speeches, trundling each other around the triangle in the trunk carriage, have been some of the tamer 'stunts.'

"At one time the freshmen painted their numerals in red paint in many places about the University. The authorities took up the subject and suspended Smith, the freshman president, for two days, at the end of which time all the big '10's had been removed by freshmen, under the supervision of the sophomores.

"The faculty has not changed its attitude toward hazing, but the attitude of the student body has altered. They are willing to practice the kind of hazing that does not cause injury, and so long as they do this the faculty has felt no reason for interfering. The Pennsylvanian has commended this kind of practice, and has advised that the freshmen be kept in subjection and taught proper respect for their elders."

The following from one of our college

exchanges, is fairly characteristic of the student sentiment in many colleges. It is entitled "Hazing-A Benefit":

"After one has passed through the ordeal commonly called hazing the popular prejudice against its practice seems ridiculous. It is true that hazing in the hands of some thoughtless fellows, ceases to be a benefit and becomes a crime. Such practice should be most severely legislated against and persons found participating in them should be most severely punished. The underlying principle, however, should not be .condemned.

"Hazing should not be considered as a plaything, as some people try to make it. Neither should it give amusement to the one nor injury to the other. It should be treated as a most serious affair and must be restricted to certain definite lines, which should never be overrun. Under these conditions hazing becomes a benefit. It is this theory which is followed in those schools where hazing is recognized by the faculty or to be a benefit.

"In every college there are men who would make excellent fellows if properly started. Many of these lose out entirely, however, simply because they have too high an estimation of their own worth. They are generally students who have come from small towns, where they have probably led their class and have been looked up to by the town in general. These men, on entering college, treat the fellows whom they meet as though they considered them only second-rate fellows after all. Here again they believe they can "act smart" and that people must look up to them. It is this class of fellows who receive lifelong benefit from systematic hazing, for in nine cases out of ten the man learns in a short time that he is only one of the many and a very small one at that. He also finds that he was extremely mistaken when he dreamed that college was all a good time and no work, and, that as far as knowledge went he and the professors were on the same level. He finds that there are vast fields of knowledge yet to gain and that college means a lot of hard, steady work. It is the 'Fresh

Chaps,' as the fellows call him, who are hazed. Men who have learned not to display their knowledge and have found out how to be a hale fellow well met with everyone, never know that there is anything distasteful about hazing and those men who do feel its sting come out better men for the ordeal.

"We believe that hazing, properly practiced, properly restricted, and entered into in the right spirit, is one of the healthiest and most lasting benefits that a student receives in those institutions where hazing is officially recognized."

* *

Under the caption "College Rowdies," the New York Tribune says: "With the opening of the college year the usual reports of hazings and rushes and general ruffianism, organized or unorganized, begin to appear in the newspapers. * * Such performances in a ruder day were part of the traditions of student life. They have been long abolished in the better American colleges, and students who indulge in them. and institutions which tolerate them, instead of giving evidence of manly college spirit, merely record themselves as still afflicted with childishness. Real upto-date college men do not do such things; only overgrown and underbred. boys. The wise college presidents, both in large and small institutions, have effectually stopped these practices without sacrifice of the manliness of their students or any interference with the reasonable overflow of animal spirits. They have simply created a standard of gentlemanliness and civilization which does. not permit self-respecting young men to imitate the manners of rowdies."

But college rowdyism must not be taken for college enthusiasm. There is. nothing more inspiring than the college enthusiast. He represents what is lacking in the practical business world, unselfish enthusiasm. He shouts himself hoarse, disarranges his clothes and takes all sorts of mean flaunts with good grace, all because he is interested, heart and soul, in something which means nothing to him personally. The college enthusiast makes everything secondary to that over which he is enthused. He

shouts and laughs and shrieks and cuts. all kinds of antics for mere joy.

He is jolly and the world has to be jolly with him or go unnoticed by him. Nothing is more inspiring to a man whose temperament is not soured by too much discouragement than the waving flags, the shrieking choruses, the bellows of the megaphones and the gay appearance of a football field. The man who discourages college enthusiasm is a grouch. He has seen so much of the world's dark side that it and it alone

looks good to him. The broad-minded man, the man who gets down and feels with the sorrowing and the joyous, can do no less than give his silent approval and, if he still retains some of the spirit of youth, is apt to even so far forget himself as to become undignified, in the orthodox sense of the word, and "yell." College enthusiasm is one of the most admirable results of the modern day college. It is worth encouragement because it is joyous. Fortunately it is contagious.


Dr. Andrew Fleming West, one of the best known educators in this country, and since 1901 dean of the Princeton Graduate School, is looked upon to become the new head of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as the successor to Dr. Henry S. Pritchett, it being regarded as almost certain that he will accept the formal invitation of the executive committee recently tendered. It has been known for some time that Dr. Pritchett has been very anxious to have his successor appointed in order that he might be at liberty to give his full attention to his work as chairman of the Carnegie Fund committee.

Professor West was born in Alleghany, Pa., May 17, 1853, his father, the Rev. Nathaniel West, having been prominent as a clergyman. a clergyman. After study in private schools at Brooklyn and Philadelphia, Dr. West entered Princeton, from which institution he was graduated in 1874.

After his selection as professor of Latin at Princeton in 1883, he attracted great attention among educators by reason of his writings on educational questions. In 1883 he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Princeton, in 1897 that of Doctor of Laws from Lafayette, and in 1902 the especial distinction of Doctor of Literature from the University of Oxford, in England. He has been president of the American

School of Classical Studies at Rome since 1901, and has otherwise been signally honored in educational societies.

A memorial to William Rainey Harper from the presidents of the leading universities of the country has been received at the University of Chicago. The memorial is engraved on parchment, and pays tribute to Dr. Harper as a scholar, a thinker, an administrator, and as a


It is signed by Benjamin Ide Wheeler, University of California; D. J. O'Connel, Catholic University of America; Granville Stanley Hall, Clark University; Nicholas Murray Butler, Columbia; J. G. Schurmann, Cornell; Charles W. Eliot, Harvard; Ira Remsen, Johns Hopkins; David Starr Jordan, Leland Stanford; James B. Angell, Michigan; Charles C. Harrison, Pennsylvania; Woodrow Wilson, Princeton; E. A. Alderman, Virginia; Charles A. Van Hise of Wisconsin, and Arthur T. Hadley, Yale.

The memorial has been placed over President Harper's desk in Haskell Hall.

The board of overseers of Harvard College have ratified the action of the president and fellows in electing as dean of the Lawrence Scientific School, and in that capacity as the chief administrator of the reorganized departments of applied science in Harvard University,

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