The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volumen9A. Leathley, 1766 |
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Página 14
... thofe that understood him , fmil'd at one another , and fhook their heads ; but for mine own part , it was Greek to me . I could tell you more news too . Marullus and Flavius , for pulling > fcarfs off Cafar's Images , are put to ...
... thofe that understood him , fmil'd at one another , and fhook their heads ; but for mine own part , it was Greek to me . I could tell you more news too . Marullus and Flavius , for pulling > fcarfs off Cafar's Images , are put to ...
Página 17
... Thofe , that have known the earth fo full of faults . For my part , I have walk'd about the streets , Submitting me unto the perilous night b ( 2 ) Who glar'd upon me , ] The first edition reads , Who glaz'd upon me- Perhaps , Who gaz'd ...
... Thofe , that have known the earth fo full of faults . For my part , I have walk'd about the streets , Submitting me unto the perilous night b ( 2 ) Who glar'd upon me , ] The first edition reads , Who glaz'd upon me- Perhaps , Who gaz'd ...
Página 19
... Thofe that with hafte will make a mighty fire , Begin it with weak straws . What trash is Rome , What rubbish , and what offal , when it ferves For the bafe matter to illuminate So vile a thing as Cæfar ? But , oh grief ! Where haft ...
... Thofe that with hafte will make a mighty fire , Begin it with weak straws . What trash is Rome , What rubbish , and what offal , when it ferves For the bafe matter to illuminate So vile a thing as Cæfar ? But , oh grief ! Where haft ...
Página 24
... thofe many fine ftrokes in his Cato borrowed from the Philippics of Cicero ) has paraphrafed this fine description ; but we are no longer to expect those terrible graces which ani- mate his original . O think , what anxious moments pass ...
... thofe many fine ftrokes in his Cato borrowed from the Philippics of Cicero ) has paraphrafed this fine description ; but we are no longer to expect those terrible graces which ani- mate his original . O think , what anxious moments pass ...
Página 27
... thofe lawless cabals , which have not virtue enough in themselves to keep their members toge- ther : On this confideration his argument against an oath turns : And the motives he thought fufficient to preferve faith amongst them , were ...
... thofe lawless cabals , which have not virtue enough in themselves to keep their members toge- ther : On this confideration his argument against an oath turns : And the motives he thought fufficient to preferve faith amongst them , were ...
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Términos y frases comunes
Achilles Afide Agamemnon Ajax anfwer Antony beft blood Brutus Cæfar Cafar Cafca Caffius Calchas Char Charmian Cleo Cleopatra Clot Cloten Creffida Cymbeline defire Diomede doth Enter Eros Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid falfe fear feems fenfe fhall fhew fhould firft fleep fome fpeak fpeech friends ftand ftill ftrange fuch fure fweet fword give Gods Guiderius Hanmer hath heart heav'n Hector himſelf honour Iach Iachimo Imogen itſelf kifs lady laft Lord Madam mafter Mark Antony moft moſt muft muſt myſelf Neft noble Octavia paffage Pandarus Patroclus Pifanio pleaſe Pleb Poft Pofthumus Pompey prefent Priam purpoſe quarto Queen reafon Roman Rome SCENE Shakespeare ſhall ſpeak tell thee thefe THEOBALD Ther theſe thing thofe thou Titinius Troi Troilus Ulyffes WARB WARBURTON whofe word