the Committee on Banking and Currency. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mr. ANDERSON, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 2522) to defer the collection of irrigation maintenance and operation charges for calendar year 1962 on lands within the Angostura unit, Missouri River Basin project, reported it with an amendment and submitted a report (No. 1326) thereon. Mr. EASTLAND, from the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 11027) to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 1327) thereon. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. ANDERSON (for himself and Mr. PASTORE) (by request): S. 3129. A bill to amend the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955, as amended, to provide for the disposal of federally owned properties at Los Alamos, N. Mex., and for other purposes; to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. By Mr. CLARK: S. 3130. A bill to authorize the Secretary of Commerce to purchase industrial and commercial evidences of indebtedness to promote certain industrial and commercial loans in redevelopment areas by lending institutions in order to help such areas plan and finance their economic redevelopment, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. CLARK (for himself, Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. MORSE, Mr. LAUSCHE, and Mr. KEFAUVER): S. 3131. A bill to assist cities and States by amending section 5136 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, with respect to the authority of national banks to underwrite and deal in securities issued by State and local governments, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. JAVITS: S. 3132. A bill to provide for the issuance of a special series of postage stamps in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the death of George Gershwin; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. DODD: S. 3133. A bill to authorize loans by the Federal Government to local public school systems whose funds have been withheld or withdrawn by State or local governments because of the desegregation of one or more schools in such systems; to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. By Mr. MANSFIELD (for himself and Mr. DIRKSEN): S. 3134. A bill to fix the rates of basic compensation of employees of the Senate press, periodical, radio and television, and photographers galleries; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. TALMADGE: S. 3135. A bill for the relief of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Cunningham; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. MCNAMARA: S. 3136. A bill to authorize appropriations for the fiscal years 1964 and 1965 for the construction of certain highways in accordance with title 23 of the United States Code, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mr. LAUSCHE: S. 3137. A bill for the relief of Edward J. McManus; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. KEATING: S. 3138. A bill to amend the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 in order to provide for research to determine criteria and means for abating objectionable aircraft noise; to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. PROUTY: S. 3139. A bill making an authorization for an appropriation to provide for the expenses of a joint select committee of the Senate and House of Representatives to study the problem of local selfgovernment for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. HUMPHREY: S. 3140. A bill for the relief of Elizabeth J. Padillia; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey: S. 3141. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Army to relinquish to the State of New Jersey jurisdiction over any lands within the Fort Hancock Military Reservation; to the Committee on Armed Services. S. 3142. A bill for the relief of Michael J. Venezia; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SMATHERS: S. 3143. A bill to amend section 660 of title 18 of the United States Code, relating to the misuse of common carriers' funds derived from commerce, in order to expand the coverage of such section; to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. BEALL: S. 3144. A bill for the relief of Marcello Chiovelli; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BIBLE (by request): S. 3145. A bill to amend the Code of Law for the District of Columbia to give the Commissioners of the District of Columbia or their duly designated representative authority to transfer title to motor vehicles when the only assets of a decedent's estate consist of not more than two motor vehicles; S. 3146. A bill to amend the act concerning gifts to minors in the District of Columbia; and S. 3147. A bill to amend the District of Columbia Business Corporation Act; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. ADDED COAUTHORS OF SENATE BILL AND SENATE RESOLUTION Under authority heretofore granted the following-named Senators have been added as coauthors of the following bill and resolution, as indicated, previously introduced: S. 3107. A bill to establish in the Office of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior a Board of Public Lands Appeals, and for other purposes: Mr. BIBLE and Mr. CHURCH. S. Res. 325. A resolution to amend rule XXXIV to prohibit the serving of hard liquor in Senate wing of the Capitol or Senate office buildings: Mr. CARLSON and Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. APPROPRIATIONS FOR AIRCRAFT, MISSILES, AND NAVAL VESSELS FOR THE ARMED FORCES The hour of 2 o'clock p.m. having arrived, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate its unfinished business, viz, the bill (H.R. 9751) to authorize appropriations during fiscal year 1963 for aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels for Armed Forces, and for other purposes; when On motion by Mr. BARTLETT, and by unanimous consent, The further consideration of the said bill was temporarily laid aside; and ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PADRE ISLAND NATIONAL SEASHORE The Senate proceeded, by unanimous consent, to consider the bill (S. 4) to provide for the establishment of the Padre Island National Seashore. Pending debate, On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That when a motion to recommit the pending measure is offered, there be a limitation of debate of 1 hour on the motion, the time to be divided equally between Mr. BIBLE and Mr. TOWER. On motion by Mr. BIBLE, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That the committee amendments be agreed to en bloc, and that the bill as thus amended be considered as original text for the purpose of amendment. On motion by Mr. TowWER to recommit the bill to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, After debate, So the motion to recommit was not agreed to. On motion by Mr. BIBLE to reconsider the vote disagreeing to the motion, On motion by Mr. HUMPHREY, The motion to reconsider was laid on the table. On motion by Mr. ALLOTT to further amend the bill as follows: On page 4, after line 2, insert the following new subsection: (d) (1) The Secretary is authorized and directed to establish and maintain such roads as are necessary for the safety of the users of the said national seashore and is specifically directed to establish a road through the entire length of said seashore area with access roads to the mainland from the north end of the island and from the south end of the island. (2) The Secretary is authorized to acquire by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, condemnation, transfer from any Federal agency. exchange, or otherwise, such lands, waters, and other property, and improvements thereon and any interest therein, as he may determine necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection. On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, Ordered, That there be a time limitation of one-half hour on each amendment proposed to the bill, half the time to be controlled by the proposer of the amendment, and half the time to be controlled by Mr. BIBLE. On motion by Mr. ALLOTT, The yeas and nays, being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, were ordered on the question of agreeing to his amendment. So the amendment was not agreed to. No further amendment being made, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. On motion by Mr. BIBLE to reconsider the vote on the passage of the bill, On motion by Mr. YARBOROUGH, The motion to reconsider was laid on the table. APPROPRIATIONS FOR AIRCRAFT, MISSILES, AND NAVAL VESSELS FOR THE ARMED FORCES The Senate resumed the consideration of its unfinished business, viz, the bill (H.R. 9751) to authorize appropriations during fiscal year 1963 for aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels for Armed Forces, and for other purposes. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Mr. DIRKSEN, at 5 o'clock and 30 minutes p.m., The Senate adjourned. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1962 The VICE PRESIDENT called the Senate to order, and Rev. Aubrey L. Burbank, of Skowhegan, Me., offered prayer. THE JOURNAL On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent. The reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, April 10, 1962, was dispensed with. PRESIDENTIAL APPROVALS A message from the President of the United States, by Mr. Miller, his secretary: Mr. President: The President of the United States, on April 10, 1962, approved and signed the following acts: S. 899. An act for the relief of Liu Shui Chen; and S. 2018. An act for the relief of Robert B. Kasparek, Robert M. Kearny, Richard A. Stokes, J. R. Whitehouse, Jr., and Herbert A. Wolff, Jr. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. COMMITTEES AUTHORIZED TO SIT The following-named committees were authorized to sit, as indicated, during the sessions of the Senate: The Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, the Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, and the Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, on today; on the request of Mr. MANSFIELD; and The Subcommittee on Internal Security of the Committee on the Judiciary to hold a session in New York City on Friday, April 13; on the request of Mr. MANSFIELD; and The Committee on Finance and the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, on today, on the request of Mr. HUMPHREY. REPORT OF RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following message from the President of the United States; which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare: To the Congress of the United States: In compliance with the provisions of section 10 b 4 of the Railroad Retirement Act, approved June 24, 1937, and of section 121) of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, approved June 25, 1938, I transmit herewith for the information of the Congress, the report of the Railroad Retirement Board for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1961. JOHN F. KENNEDY. THE WHITE HOUSE, April 11, 1962. REGISTER OF NAMES OF CERTAIN MOTOR The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Acting Secretary of Commerce, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend the act approved July 14, 1960 (74 Stat. 526) relating to the establishment of a register of names in the Department of Commerce of certain motor vehicle drivers; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Commerce. STATISTICS OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1960, PUBLICLY OWNED The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Chairman of the Federal Power Commission, transmitting a copy of the publication "Statistics of Electric Utilities in the United States, 1960, Publicly Owned"; which, with the accompanying document, was referred to the Committee on Commerce. DIVISION OF TRIBAL ASSETS OF THE PONCA TRIBE OF NATIVE AMERICANS OF NEBRASKA The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to provide for the division of the tribal assets of the Ponca Tribe of Native Americans of Nebraska among the members of the tribe; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. REPORT OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY THE BANKRUPTCY COURTS The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication from the Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, transmitting, pursuant to law the annual statistical tables reflecting the business transacted by the bankruptcy courts and other pertinent data for the fiscal year 1961; which, with the accompanying report, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Mr. JORDAN, from the Committee on Rules and Administration, to whom was referred the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 68) to print additional copies of hearings on the Revenue Act of 1962, reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 1337) thereon. Mr. JORDAN, from the Committee on Rules and Administration, to whom was referred the resolution (S. Res. 321) to print additional copies of certain hearings entitled "Communist Threat to the United States Through the Caribbean," reported it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 1338) there on. Mr. JORDAN, from the Committee on Rules and Administration, to whom were referred the following concurrent resolutions, reported them each without amendment and submitted reports thereon, as follows: H. Con. Res. 25. Concurrent resolution authorizing the printing of additional copies of a veterans' benefits calculator (Rept. No. 1329); H. Con. Res. 405. Concurrent resolution authorizing the printing of additional copies of hearings on civil defense for the Committee on Government Operations (Rept. No. 1330); H. Con. Res. 408. Concurrent resolution authorizing the printing of the publication entitled "Our Flag" as a House document, and providing for additional copies (Rept. No. 1331); H. Con. Res. 412. Concurrent resolution authorizing the printing of additional copies of House Report No. 1282, parts 1 and 2, 87th Congress, 1st session (Rept. No. 1332); H. Con. Res. 414. Concurrent resolution authorizing the printing of additional copies of "Hearings Relating to H.R. 4700, To Amend Section 11 of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950, as Amended (the Fund for Social Analysis)", 87th Congress, 1st session (Rept. No. 1333); H. Con. Res. 416. Concurrent resolution to print as a House document the publication "Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications" and to provide for the printing of additional copies (Rept. No. 1334); H. Con. Res. 419. Concurrent resolution providing for additional copies of hearings on "Small Business Problems in the Poultry Industry," 87th Congress (Rept. No. 1335); and H. Con. Res. 451. Concurrent resolution authorizing the printing of additional copies of House Document No. 218, 87th Congress, 1st session, entitled "Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States" (Rept. No. 1336). Mr. HOLLAND, from the Committee on Appropriations, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, reported it with amendments and submitted a report (No. 1341) thereon. Mr. HART, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted a report (No. 1328) entitled "Cuban Refugee Problem," pursuant to Senate Resolution 50 (87th Cong., 1st sess.), as extended; which was ordered to be printed. REPORT ON DISPOSITION OF USELESS PAPERS Mr. JOHNSTON, from the Joint Select Committee on the Disposition of Papers in the Executive Departments, to whom were referred lists of papers in various departments and agencies of the Government, recommended for disposition, transmitted to the Senate by the Archivist of the United States, dated March 26, 1962, submitted a report thereon. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS Bills were introduced, severally read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as follows: By Mr. DIRKSEN (by request): S. 3148. A bill to amend the Civil Service Retirement Act and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959 so as to eliminate discrimination against married female employees; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. By Mr. YARBOROUGH: S. 3149. A bill to waive section 142 of title 28, United States Code, with respect to the U.S. District court for the Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division, holding court at Marshall, Tex.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. DODD: S. 3150. A bill to provide that any alien brother, sister, married son, or married daughter of a citizen of the United States, who is eligible for a quota immigrant status under the provisions of section 203 (a) (4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act on the basis of a petition filed with the Attorney General prior to July 1, 1961, shall be held to be a nonquota immigrant; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota: S. 3151. A bill to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to adjust farm acreage allotments for wheat in order to correct inequities and to prevent hardships; to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. By Mr. ELLENDER (for himself, Mr. LONG of Louisiana, Mr. FULBRIGHT, Mr. EASTLAND, Mr. KuCHEL, and Mr. YARBOROUGH): S. 3152. A bill to provide for the nutritional enrichment and sanitary packaging of rice prior to its distribution under certain Federal programs, including the national school lunch program; to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. By Mr. ANDERSON (by request): S. 3153. A bill to guarantee electric consumers in the Pacific Northwest first call on electric energy generated at Federal plants in that region and to guarantee electric consumers in other regions reciprocal priority, and for other pur poses; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. RANDOLPH (for himself and Mr. BYRD of West Virginia): S. 3154. A bill to amend Public Law 86-184, an act to provide for the striking of medals in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the admission of West Virginia into the Union as a State; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. LONG of Hawaii: S. 3155. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Agnes J. Wong; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. RANDOLPH (by request): S. 3156. A bill to amend section 142 of title 28, United States Code, with regard to furnishing court quarters and accommodations at places where regular terms of court are authorized to be held, and for other purposes; and S. 3157. A bill to repeal subsection (a) of section 8 of the Public Buildings Act of 1959, limiting the area in the District of Columbia within which sites for public buildings may be acquired; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mr. SYMINGTON (for himself and Mr. LONG of Missouri): S. 3158. A bill authorizing construction of a bridge across the Missouri River in the vicinity of St. Joseph, Mo.; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mr. JACKSON (by request): S. 3159. A bill to provide for the popular election of the Governor and government secretary of the Virgin Islands, for the transfer to the government of the Virgin Islands of the assets and obligations of the Virgin Islands Corporation, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior anr Insular Affairs. ADDED COAUTHORS OF CERTAIN SENATE BILLS Under authority heretofore granted, the following-named Senators have been added as coauthors of the bills, as indicated, previously introduced: S. 3117. A bill to promote the coordination and development of effective Federal and State programs relating to outdoor recreation, and to provide financial assistance to the States for outdoor recreation planning, and for other purposes: Mr. CLARK, Mr. DOUGLAS, Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. SMITH of Massachusetts, Mr. MORSE, Mr. METCALF, Mr. Moss, Mr. HART, Mr. ENGLE, Mr. LONG of Missouri, Mr. HARTKE, Mr. LONG of Hawaii, Mr. FULBRIGHT, Mr. COOPER, Mr. CARROLL, Mr. BYRD of West Virginia, Mr. McGEE, and Mr. AIKEN; and S. 3118. A bill to provide for the establishment of a land conservation fund, and for other purposes: Mr. CLARK, Mr. DOUGLAS, Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. SMITH Of Massachusetts, Mr. MORSE, Mr. METCALF, Mr. Moss, Mr. HART, Mr. ENGLE, Mr. LONG of Missouri, Mr. MAGNUSON, Mr. MANSFIELD, Mr. LONG of Hawaii, Mr. CHAVEZ, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. COOPER, Mr. CARROLL, Mr. BYRD of West Virginia, Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey, Mr. MCGEE, Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. CHURCH, Mr. BURDICK, Mr. BIBLE, and Mr. AIKEN. PRINTING OF ADDITIONAL COPIES OF HEARINGS ON "CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE MENTALLY ILL" AND "WIRETAPPING AND EAVESDROPPING LEGISLATION" Mr. ERVIN submitted the following concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 69); which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration: Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That there be printed for the use of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary one thousand additional copies each of parts 1 and 2 of its hearings on "Constitutional Rights of the Mentally Ill," and one thousand copies of its hearings on "Wiretapping and Eavesdropping Legislation," held by its Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights during the Eighty-seventh Congress, first session. MRS AGNES J. WONG-REFERENCE OF BILL TO COURT OF CLAIMS Mr. LONG of Hawaii submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 326); which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary: Resolved, That the bill (S. 3155) entitled "A bill for the relief of Mrs. Agnes J. Wong", now pending in the Senate, together with all accompanying papers, is hereby referred to the Court of Claims; and the Court shall proceed with the same in accordance with the provisions of sections 1492 and 2509 of title 28 of the United States Code and report to the Senate, at the earliest practicable date, giving such findings of fact and conclusions thereon as shall be sufficient to inform the Congress of the nature and character of the demand as a claim, legal or equitable, against the United States and the amount, if any, legally or equitably due from the United States to the claimant. AUTHORIZATION TO PRINT AS A SENATE DOCUMENT THE "ELECTION LAW GUIDEBOOK" Mr. JORDAN, from the Committee on Rules and Administration, reported the following resolution (S. Res. 327) and submitted a report (No. 1339) thereon; which was placed on the calendar: Resolved, That a revised edition of Senate Document Numbered 102 of the Eighty-sixth Congress, entitled "Election Law Guidebook," be printed as a Senate document. TO PRINT AS A SENATE DOCUMENT THE 64TH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Mr. JORDAN, from the Committee on Rules and Administration, reported the following resolution (S. Res. 328) and submitted a report (No. 1340) thereon; which was placed on the calendar: Resolved, That the Sixty-fourth Annual Report of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution for the year ended March 1, 1961, be printed, with an illustration, as a Senate document. NOTICE OF MOTIONS TO SUSPEND THE RULES Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware (for himself and Mr. CARLSON) submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (HR. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment, namely: At the proper place in the bill insert the following: ***GENERAL PROVISION "'No part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act, or of the funds available for expenditure by any individual, corporation, or agency included in this or any other Act, shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes designed to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress, or to pay the salary of any officer or employee in the executive branch of the Government who appears before any public group for the purpose of explaining, interpreting, supporting, or opposing the administration's position on legislation pending before Congress; but this shall not prevent officers or employees of the United States or of its departments or agencies from communicating to Members of Congress on the request of any Member or to Congress, through the proper official channels, requests for legislation or appropriations which they deem necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business. For the purposes of this paragraph the term "officer" or "employee" shall not be construed to include (1) the President and Vice President of the United States; (2) persons whose compensation is paid from the appropriation for the Office of the President; (3) heads and assistant heads of executive departments; (4) officers who are appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who determine policies to be pursued by the United States in its relations with foreign powers or in the nationwide administration of Federal laws.'" Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate. I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (H.R. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment. namely: On page 19, after line 9, insert the following: **'CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS "For payment of claims as settled and determined by departments in accord with law and judgments rendered against the United States by the United States Court of Claims and United States district courts, as set forth in Senate Document Numbered 84, Eighty-seventh Congress, $1,065,929, together with such amounts as may be necessary to pay interest (as and when specified in such judgments or provided by law) and such additional sums due to increases in rates of exchange as may be necessary to pay claims in foreign currency: Provided, That no judgment herein appropriated for shall be paid until it shall have become final and conclusive against the United States by failure of the parties to appeal or otherwise: Provided further, That, unless otherwise specifically required by law or by the judgment, payment of interest wherever appropriated for herein shall not continue for more than thirty days after the date of approval of this Act.'" Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (HR. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment, namely: On page 17, after line 17, insert the following: ***CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE SENATE "Joint Economic Committee ***For an additional amount for “Joint Economic Committee”, $20,000.* ** Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (H.R. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment, namely: On page 17, after line 3, insert the following: ***SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES "Office of the Vice President "'For an additional amount for "Office of the Vice President", $1,185. ***Administrative and Clerical Assistance to Senators "For an additional amount for "Administrative and clerical assistance to Senators", $118,250: Provided, That the basic clerk hire allowance of each Senator is increased by $3,000.*"* Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby given notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (H.R. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment, namely: On page 16, after line 19, insert the following: ""DEPARTMENT OF LABOR " "Manpower Development and Training "'For expenses necessary to carry into effect the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 (PL. 87–415), $2,850,000 of which not less than $790,000 shall be available solely for carrying out part B of title II of the Act, to be transferred from the appropriation for "Unemployment compensation for Federal employees and ex-servicemen". Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (H.R. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment, namely: On page 10, after line 22, insert the following: 'CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES "For an additional amount for "construction of facilities", $71,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That this paragraph shall be effective only upon enactment of authorizing legislation into law to cover such amount.'” Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (H.R. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment, namely: On page 7, after line 3, insert the following: "'GENERAL PROVISION ""The amounts made available for fiscal year 1962, for planning or construction of buildings or facilities under the headings "Foreign Quarantine Activities", "National Cancer Institute", "National Heart Institute", and "Allergy and Infectious Disease Activities", shall remain available until June 30, 1963.'" Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to the bill (H.R. 11038) making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes, the following amendment namely: On page 5, after line 18, insert the following: "'EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ""The Director of the Bureau of the Budget is authorized to create a special review panel within the Bureau to carefully screen and evaluate all requests for additional personnel, and to make exhaustive and searching inquiries within the departments and agencies prior to approving any request for additional personnel,'” Mr. HOLLAND submitted the following notice in writing: "In accordance with rule XL, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my inten 72100-S J-87-2-14 The reported amendment was agreed to. Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. On the question, Shall the bill pass? ANGOSTURA UNIT, MISSOURI RIVER BASIN On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 2522) to defer the collection of irrigation maintenance and operation charges for calendar year 1962 on lands within the Angostura unit, Missouri River Basin project; and the reported amendment having been agreed to, Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time, Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. Humphrey Jackson Javits Jordan Keating Kefauver Kerr Lausche Long, Mo. Long, Hawaii Long, La. Magnuson Mansfield McCarthy McClellan McNamara No Senator voted in the negative. Resolved, That the bill do pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendment. HOM HONG HING On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H.R. 3008) for the relief of Hom Hong Hing, also known as Tommy Joe; and the reported amendment having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in the amendment. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING REPORTS UNDER PUBLIC LAW 86-272 On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H.R. 10043) to amend Public Law 86-272, as amended, with respect to the reporting date; and no amendment being made, Ordered, That it pass to a third read ing. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. FREE ENTRY OF STEEL DONATED FOR CHIPPEWA COUNTY WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL On motion by Mr. MANSFIELD, The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H.R. 9778) to provide for the free entry of certain steel and steel products donated for an addition to the Chippewa County War Memorial Hospital, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; and the reported amendment to the text having been agreed to, Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a third time. The said bill, as amended, was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass and that the title thereof be amended, as reported by the committee, to read: "An Act to provide for the free entry of certain steel and steel products donated for an addition to the Chippewa County War Memorial Hospital, Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, and to provide for the free entry of records, diagrams, and other data with regard to business, engineering, or exploration operations conducted outside the United States." |