659 reported without amendment (Rept. 1931)___ considered, read the third time, and passed.. passed the House__. 508 531 698 approved [Public Law 7121_. 17. A bill conferring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to make findings with respect to the amount of compensation to which certain individuals are entitled as reimbursement for damages sustained by them as a result of the cancellation of their grazing permits by the U.S. Air Force, and to provide for payments of amounts so determined to such individualsreported with amendments (Rept. 1262)___ 46. A bill to provide for the establishment and administration of basic public recreation facilities at the Elephant Butte and Caballo Reservoir areas, New Mexico, and for other purposes passed the House with an amendment_ Senate agrees to House amendment_. examined and signed.. presented___. approved [Public Law 542]. 55. A bill to authorize the establishment of the Fort Bowie National Historic Site, in the State of Arizona, and for other purposesreported without amendment (Rept. 1800)__ considered, read the third time, and passed__ 67. A bill for the relief of Col. Samuel Halepassed the House__. examined and signed___ presented_____ approved [Private Law 307]---- 103. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Auburn-Folsom South unit, American River division, Central Valley project, California, under Federal reclamation laws approved [Private Law 366] 167. A bill to authorize the Attorney General to compel the production of documentary evidence required in civil investigations for the enforcement of the antitrust laws, and for other purposes 439 455 103 passed the House with amendments.. 144 105 Senate disagrees to House amendments and 109 121 reported with amendments [Rept. 1859]_____ 453 House agrees to conference report.. Senate agrees to conference report_. examined and signed. presented_____ approved [Public Law 664]_ Number, title, and action 429. A bill for the relief of Alc. Percy J. Trudeau passed the House.. examined and signed. presented_____ approved [Private Law 310]____. 453. A bill for the relief of Robert J. Scanlan reported without amendment (Rept. 1928). considered, read the third time, and passed. passed the House.. examined and signed__ presented___‒‒. approved [Private Law 598] 455. A bill to [provide for public hearings on air pollution problems of more than local significance under, and extend the duration of, the Federal] amend the Act of July 14, 1955 relating to air pollution control [law], to authorize appropriations for an additional 2-year period, and for other purposes passed the House with amendments; title amended__. Senate agrees to House amendments_ examined and signed_____ presented___- approved [Public Law 761]______ 476. A bill to establish the Point Reyes National Seashore in the State of California, and for 585 631 642 658 798 approved [Private Law 3111___. 536. A bill to approve an order of the Secretary of the Interior adjusting, deferring, and canceling certain irrigation charges against non-Indian-owned lands under the Wind River Indian irrigation project, Wyoming, and for other purposes 103 105 109 121 594. A bill to authorize the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Crater-Long Lakes division of the Snettisham project, Alaska, and for other purposes 491 501 507 515 551 486. A bill to provide for the appointment of two additional judges for the juvenile court of the District of Columbia reported with amendments (Rept. 1786) considered____ referred_____ 631. For the relief of Elwood Brunken passed the House_ examined and signed.. presented__‒‒‒ approved [Private Law 285]____. 651. A bill for the relief of Howard B. Schmutz passed the House___ examined and signed.. approved [Private Law 286]‒‒‒‒‒‒ 507. A bill to set aside certain lands in Washington for Indians of the Quinaielt Tribe 654. A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to make unlawful certain practices in connection with the placing of minor children for permanent free care for for adoptionreported with amendments (Rept. 2025). considered, amended, read the third time, 563 approved [Private Law 328].......... 901. A bill to advance the marine sciences, to establish a comprehensive 10-year program of oceanographic research and surveys, to promote commerce and navigation, to secure the national defense, to expand ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources, to authorize the construction of research and survey ships and laboratory facilities, to expedite oceanographic instrumentation, to assure systematic studies of effects of radioactive materials in marine environments, to enhance the public health and general welfare, and for other purposes passed the House with amendments. 185 189 189 204 778. A bill to amend the act entitled "An act to authorize the District of Columbia government to establish an Office of Civil Defense, and for other purposes", approved August 11, 1950 considered, amended, read the third time, and passed........... 491 121 783. A bill to provide for the addition of certain property in Philadelphia, Pa., to Independence National Historical Parkreported with amendments (Rept. 2164) considered, amended, read the third time, and passed... 801. A bill to amend section 601 of title 38, United States Code, with respect to the definition of the term "Veterans' Administration facilities" presented...-. disapproved........... 914. A bill to provide for more effective administration of public assistance in the District of Columbia; to make certain relatives responsible for support of needy persons, and for other purposes 762 802 819. A bill to provide for suitable works of art in Federal buildings reported with amendments (Rept. 1343). 217 approved [Public Law 8071.. 799 |