tis, to cast one's eyes so low! The crows and choughs, that wing the midway air, Show scarce so gross as beetles : Half way down Hangs one that gathers samphire; dreadful trade! Methinks, he seems no bigger than his head: The fishermen, that walk upon... Shakespeare's Plays: With His Life - Página 46por William Shakespeare - 1847Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | William Shakespeare - 1800 - 396 páginas
...here's the place : —stand still.— "•How fearful And dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so low ! 1'he crows, and choughs, that wing the midway air, Show...fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminish'd to her cock; her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight : The... | |
 | John Walker - 1801 - 422 páginas
...on, sir, here's the place — stand still. How dreadful And dizzy 'tis to cast one's eyes so low I The crows and choughs, that wing the midway air, Show...fishermen that walk upon the beach Appear like mice; and yon tall anch'ring bark Diminish'd to her cock ; her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight. The murmuring... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1804 - 642 páginas
...Edg. You are much deceiv'd; in nothing am I chang'd, But in my garments. Glo. Methinks, you are better spoken. Edg. Come on, sir; here's the place: — stand...fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminish'd to her cock; her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight: The... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 490 páginas
...garments. Glo. Methinks, you are better spoken. Edg. Come on, sir; here's the place : — standstill. — How fearful And dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so...fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminish'd to her cock;8 her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight: The... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 496 páginas
...garments. Glo. Methinks, you are better spoken. Edg. Come on, sir; here's the place : — standstill. — How fearful And dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so...fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice j and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminish'd to her cock;8 her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight:... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1806 - 356 páginas
...Glo. Methinks, you are better spoken. Edg. Come on, sir; here's the place:— stand still. — s°How fearful And dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so low...fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminish'd to her cock; her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight : The... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1811 - 424 páginas
...garments. Glo. Methinks, you are better spoken. Edg. Come on, sir ; here's the place : — stand stilll — How fearful And" dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so...fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice ; and yon' tall anchoring bark,. Dimiuish'd to her cock 5 her cock, a buoy- . Almost too small for sight... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1811 - 498 páginas
...I Glo. Methinks, you are better spoken. Edg. Come on, sir; here's the place;—stand still. ^r-How fearful And dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so low!...fishermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminish'd to her cock ; 8 her cock, a buoy Almost too small for sight: The... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1812 - 414 páginas
...sir ; here's the place :— Stand still — How fearful And dizzy 'tis, to cast one's eyes so low I The crows, and choughs, that wing the midway air,...his head : The fishermen, that walk upon the beach, _ £2] Nfte means in this place not a letter, but a remark. JOHNSON. [3] You may infer more than I... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1814 - 528 páginas
...You are much deceiv'd ; in nothing am I chang'd , But in my garments. Glo. Methinks, you are better spoken. Edg. Come on, sir ; here's the place : —...Show scarce so gross as beetles : Half way down Hangs oue that gathers samphire ; dreadful trade ! Methinks, he seems no bigger than his head : The fishermen,... | |
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