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Der Gesandte in London an den englischen Minister des Auswärtigen. Cleveland hat eine Kommission zur Untersuchung der Venezuelafrage ernannt.

Embassy of the United States, London,
February 3, 1896. (February 4.)

Nr. 11245. My Lord, || I HAVE the honour to inform you that I am instructed by Vereinigte the Secretary of State of the United States to make known to your Lordship 3. Febr. 1896. that a Commission to investigate and report upon the true divisional line between the Republic of Venezuela and British Guiana has, under the authority of the Congress, been appointed by the President of the United States, which Commission is now in session at Washington, and has chosen Mr. Justice Brewer, of the Supreme Court of the United States, as its President. || Through its President, this Commission has suggested to the Secretary of State that, being distinctly and in no view an arbitral Tribunal, but having its duty limited to a diligent and careful ascertainment of the facts touching the territory referred to and in dispute for the information of the President, it would be grateful for such assistance to that end as could be obtained by the friendly co-operation and aid of the Governments of Great Britain and Venezuela. | Wherefore I beg leave to make application to your Lordship that, if entirely consistent with your sense of international propriety, the Commission may be furnished with such documentary proof, historical narrative, unpublished archives, or other evidence as may be within the power of Her Majesty's Government, as well as for any facilities which may conveniently be extended to assist the Commission in the purposes of its institution. || In communicating these wishes of the Commission to the Secretary of State, its President states: "It is scarcely necessary to say that if either Great Britain or Venezuela should deem it proper to designate an Agent or Attorney, whose duty it would be to see that no such proofs were omitted or overlooked, the Commission would be grateful for such evidence of good-will, and for the valuable results which would be likely to follow therefrom. Either party making a favourable response to the wish so expressed by the President of the Commission would of course be considered only as amicus curiæ, and to throw light upon difficult and complex questions of fact." The purposes of the investigation proposed by the Commission are certainly hostile to none-nor can it be of advantage to any that the effort to procure the desired information should fail of its purpose--the sole concern of the United States being the peaceful solution of a controversy between two friendly Powers.

T. F. Bayard.

Nr. 11246. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen. an den Gesandten der Vereinigten Staaten. Antwort auf das Vorige.

Foreign Office, February 7, 1896.


Your Excellency, || I Have the honour to acknowledge your Excellency's Nr. 11246. letter of the 3rd instant. || Any information which is at the command of Her britannien. Majesty's Government upon any subject of inquiry that is occupying the 7. Febr. 1896. attention of the Government of the United States will be readily placed at the disposal of the President. || Her Majesty's Government are at present collecting the documents which refer to the boundary questions that have for some years been discussed between Great Britain and Venezuela, in order that they may be presented to Parliament. As soon as the collection is complete, and ready for press, Her Majesty's Government will have great pleasure in forwarding advance copies to your Excellency.


Die armenischen Unruhen und die Pläne auf Einführung von Reformen

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Nr. 11247.

pour M. le Ministre des Affaires étrangères. Beschreibung Kleinasiens mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Armeniens.

L'Asie Mineure se divise au point de vue géographique en trois régions Frankreich. distinctes: || 1° Sa partie occidentale, formée d'une côte profondément découpée, est très riche et très peuplée. Smyrne en est la ville la plus importante. || 2o Au centre, un grand plateau élevé, cinq fois plus étendu que la partie occidentale, presque désert sur certains points. Ses villes principales sont Angora, Koniah, Césarée et Alep. || 3° Sa troisième région enfin, ou région orientale, s'étend à l'est de l'Euphrate le long des frontières russe et persane. Formée par un épais massif de montagnes, elle semble au premier abord, presque impénétrable, notamment dans sa partie nord; mais, en réalité, elle possède une grande route naturelle d'une importance exceptionnelle, l'Euphrate, qui, partant de la frontière russe, lui donne accès, d'un côté, au golfe d'Alexandrette, c'est-à-dire à la Méditerranée, et de l'autre au golfe Persique, c'est-à-dire à l'océan Indien. Bien que les populations de l'Asie Mineure soient, au point de vue ethnique, extrêmement mélangées, on peut dire qu'à ces trois régions correspondent, d'une manière générale, trois groupes principaux de populations. Les Grecs occupent en masse la région occidentale; les Turcs, la région centrale, et les Arméniens, la partie nord de la région orientale. || Un examen approfondi de la répartition de ces différentes races permet toutefois de constater que les Arméniens ne se trouvent en majorité dans aucun vilayet de l'Empire. || Administrativement, l'Asie Mineure est divisée en 18 gouvernements ou vilayets qui vont être successivement passés en revue en les rattachant, autant que possible, à chacune des trois régions qui viennent d'être indiquées.

*) Die folgenden Dokumente bis 11425 entstammen dem französ. Gelbbuche ,,Affaires Arméniennes. Projets de réformes dans l'empire ottoman." 1897. Vergl. Nr. 10916 ff.

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Les Arméniens grégoriens ont 3 évêchés: Angora, Césarée et Yozgat et environ 10 monastères. Les Arméniens catholiques comptent 2 évêchés:

Angora et Césarée,

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