Imágenes de páginas

establishing the theory that longevity is hereditary
in families.

VOLTAIRE (4th S. i. 587, 613, ii. 22, 89.)-Your learned correspondent MR. WILLIAM BATES, in asserting that the phrase cited by me "has long been familiar to him," puts me more at ease in acknowledging that, like him, I know not in which of Voltaire's works it is to be found. It may possibly, like many of Luther's Tischreden, be spurious. "On prête aux riches," you know. The first time I saw the phrase was in a letter (now lying before me) I received some thirty years ago from an Italian savant, Sigr. Armellini, who, speaking of 66 matter of the heart," said to me: "Ah questo cuore, questo cuore! Sarebbe mai vero ciò che diceva Voltaire: che per esser felice bisogna avere un buono stomaco ed un cuore cattivo? Per me, non sarò mai Volteriano." Since then, I have heard it quoted many a time.


No one, assuredly, will contest Voltaire's meritorious efforts in the defence of Calas and Sirven. I myself possess some very interesting autograph proofs of the gratitude of their families, which justified his saying: "J'ai fait un peu de bien; c'est mon meilleur ouvrage." But the Rev. C. C. Colton was equally so when he wrote:

monde cent ans plus tard. Il est doux de songer que
ceux qui adorent Voltaire avec le plus de superstition ne
l'imiteraient pas."
P. A. L.*

LEGGINGS (4th S. ii. 57, 94.) — As an instance of the use of the word gaiters many years before the edition of Johnson referred to by MR. WAUGH, I transcribe a stanza from Rejected Addresses, Miller's edition, 1812, p. 119:

"And bucks with pockets empty as their pate,
Lax in their gaiters, laxer in their gait."


ST. THOMAS A BECKET (4th S. ii. 66, 117.) — In Stanley's Historical Memorials of Canterbury, 3rd edit. p. 78, the following note occurs: —

"A spot is still shown in Canterbury Cathedral, with a square piece of stone said to have been inserted in the stone pavement in the place of a portion taken out and sent to Rome. That the spot so marked is precisely the place where Becket fell, is proved by its exact accordance with the localities so minutely described in the several narratives; and that a piece was taken to Rome by the legates in 1173, and deposited in Sta. Maria Maggiore, is also well authenticated (see Baronius, vol. xix. 396). But whether the flagstones now remaining are really the same, must, perhaps, remain in doubt. The piece sent to Rome I ascertained, after diligent inquiry, to be no longer in existence. Another story states that Benedict, when appointed Abbot of Peterborough in 1177, being vexed at finding that his predecessor had pawned or sold the relics of the abbey, returned to Canterbury, and carried off, amongst other memorials of St. Thomas, the stones of the pavement which had been sprinkled with Itis blood, and had two altars made from them for Peterborough Cathedral. Still, as the whole floor must have been flooded, he may have removed only those adjacent to the flagstone from which the piece was taken-a supposition with which the present appearance of the flagstone remarkably corresponds."

J. M. CowPER.

"And Calas covers multitudes of sins; " foremost amongst which is that execrable one, "Écrasez l'infâme." As MR. WILLIAM BATES quotes in favour of Voltaire some of England's highest authorities, may I be allowed to give the counterpart in the words of some French worthies? Victor Hugo, speaking of that heartless and infamous poem "La Pucelle," justly stigmatises it thus: "Où sont également outragées la pudeur et CURIOUS ORTHOGRAPHIC FACT (4th S. ii. 67.)la patrie;" and Count Salvandy, who later became Voulez-vous me permettre (in re Curious OrthoMinister of Public Instruction under King Louis-graphic Fact) de demander à MR. G. A. SCHRumpf Philippe, in a letter I possess, written in 1827 to de me citer des mots où am, ams, aen, ean, eans, Mr. Auger, Perpetual Secretary to the French sont prononcés comme an? Academy, who had traced a severe though true literary portrait of Voltaire, says:

"L'homme m'inspire si peu d'estime que je ne puis éprouver ni presque concevoir aucun penchant pour lui. Dans toute sa polémique, que vous avez justement flétrie, il y avait plus que des torts de l'écrivain. Je ne saurais vous dire quel dégoût j'éprouve à voir ce frondeur injurieux qui passa trente ans à saper toutes les institutions et toutes les croyances, rechercher dans les écrits de ses ennemis tout ce qui peut les compromettre près de ce

pouvoir arbitraire dont lui-même fut souvent la victime; se faire délateur, appeler les lettres de cachet au secours de ces querelles de la république des lettres, qui ne doit point connaître celles-là. Étrange idole pour nos enthousiastes de liberté, que celui qui ne tarissait pas d'indignation sur ce que La Beaumelle avait osé penser mal du pouvoir absolu, ce qui était offenser la majesté du grand Louis Quinze! Pour accorder quelque indulgence à ces indignités, il faut penser que les mœurs du temps y entraient apparemment pour quelque chose. Ce sera un nouveau motif pour nous applaudir d'être venus au

am, ouï dans le milieu d'un mot comme ambassadeur;

aen, ean, Caen, Jean, deux noms propres, les seuls que je connaisse; peut-il en citer d'autres ? ams, eans, je n'en connais pas d'exemple.

end, ends, d'accord; tous les verbes en dre-je tends; il rend.

han, dans hanchoan, je ne l'admets pas; on dit le hanchoan, comme le han de St. Joseph. Le implique que l'h doit se faire sentir, autrement on écrirait l'hanchoan, comme on écrit l'hôpital. Nous n'avons je crois que deux mots ou han se prononce an; villes hanséatiques, et hanebane (henbane)— encore ne suis-je pas très-affirmatif au sujet de ce dernier.

[* We must request this correspondent to forward his communications to the Editor of "N. & Q.," and not to the publisher.-ED.]

Voici trois autres formes de an: uand, quand; uant, quant; ems, tems, forme discutée de temps.

J'ai aussi une observation à faire à MR. THOS. KEIGHTLEY. C'est à tort qu'il met sainte et saintes dans les seing, ceint, &c. Sainte se prononce sain-te en deux syllabes.

De même pour ceinte qui se prononce cein-te. Quand deux consonnes terminent un mot la dernière le plus souvent ne se prononce pas; mais au milieu d'un mot elle passe à la syllabe suivante, généralement s'entend, et alors se prononce, e.g. quant, quan-ti-té; champ, cham-pêtre; rudiment, rudimen-taire, &c. Qu'il se console d'ailleurs, si je lui enlève deux ain, je les lui remplace avantageusement: sins, coussins; sym, symphonie; syn, synchronisme; scin, scinder; cym, cymbale. Hen dans hendecagone-à ajouter aux an.

Сн. Н.

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CRASSIPIES (4th S. ii. 104.)-Has this word any relation to grasse and poisson? Possibly peche once signified fish, whence pecheur. It does not seem to mean sturgeon; for Bracton says, de sturgione verò observetur quod rex illum habebit integrum: de balænâ verò sufficit si rex habeat caput et regina caudam." The reason for this division was said to be that the queen's wardrobe would thus be furnished with whalebone (Prynne, Aur. Reg. 127), which captains of whalers say is to be found in the animal's head only.


"FAIS CE QUE TU DOIS," ETC. (3rd S. v. 34.)— The famous old knightly motto, "Fay ce que doy advienne que pourra," F. H. inquired about, is to be found (at least a variation of it) in P. Corneille's Horace, where the old man says:

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"Weston. . . . And that first supper was called ȧyárn; can you tell what that is?

Latimer. I understand no Greek; and yet I think it meaneth charity." (Fox's account of the disputation at Oxford, 1554.)

Latimer's after-appeals to the Latin versions, and his non-notice of the Greek, show the same :"Latimer. Will you give me leave to turn my book? 1 Cor. 11: Probet autem seipsum homo,' etc. I pray you, good master, what gender is homo?

Weston. Marry, the common gender.
Cole. It is in the Greek ὁ ἄνθρωπος.
Harpsfield. It is ȧvýp, that is vir.

Latimer. It is in my book of Erasmus' translation, 'Probet seipsum homo.'

Feckenham. It is probet seipsum' indeed, and therefore it importeth the masculine gender.

Latimer. What then? I trow when the woman touched Christ he said: 'Quis tetigit me? Scio quod alius me tetigit,'-that is, 'Who touched me? I know that some man touched me.' B. NICHOLSON.

WHIT-SUNDAY DECORATIONS (4th S. i. 551.)— How common may be the custom of decorating churches at Whitsuntide with birch, I do not know. But it may be worth while to state my own limited experience. Some years ago I was curate of Monk Sherborne, near Basingstoke. There was a good deal of birch in the woods of the parish, and it was customary to decorate both the parish church and the priory church with birch on Whit-Sunday. I always thought the reason to be, simply, that it was the prettiest example of the foliage of the season. J. S. St. Bees, Whitehaven.

WILLIAM BREWSTER, THE "PILGRIM FATHER" (4th S. ii. 125.)-I cull the following from the Selling-off List of Ebenezer Palmer, for August:

"Ames (Dr. W.), Responsio ad N. Grevinchovii de Lumina Naturæ et Gratia. 1617. This small volume is very interesting as being published by William Brewster, the elder, who accompanied the Pilgrim Fathers to AmeCicero likewise (Epist. ad Familiares, x. ep. iii.) rica in the May-flower. It is, so far as is known, the

"Faites votre devoir et laissez faire aux Dieux."

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POPE'S INDELICACY (4th S. ii. 105.)-The letters of Pope to the Marriotts of Sturston, quoted in my "Memoir of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, have never I believe been published, which accounts for F. J. H.'s difficulty. They form part of the collection for the new edition of Pope's Works, so long in preparation by Mr. Murray, which I was permitted to examine when preparing my Memoirs. MOY THOMAS.

A TOMBSTONE EMBLEM (4th S. ii. 37, 93.)As "the subject is curious" I should like to see its elucidation. Had Dr. Rogers described the other three figures, this fourth might possibly have been more easily apprehended. Unless it be interpreted with or by the other emblems, I should be inclined to view it as a masonic mark, implying that a stonemason, being at the same time a Freemason, had tooled the stone in some way, and then inscribed his particular mark as a sign or witness to that effect. The other day I saw some stones which had been tooled, and amongst the marks I found one which reminded me of the present subject. I think every genuine free stonemason adopts some sign or emblem when he tools stone for certain purposes. J. BEALE.

Spittlegate, Grantham.

LORD LOVAT (4th S. ii. 59.) — Your correspondent is in error in stating that Hogarth's etching of Lord Lovat was taken from an oil painting of his lately discovered. On the contrary, it is a facsimile of a pen, ink, and pencil sketch taken by him at St. Alban's for Major Gardner, under whose escort Lord Lovat was travelling, August 14, 1746. Mrs. Gardner was a Miss Farington; the sketch came into the possession of the Faringtons of Worden, and was exhibited by Miss Farington at Lancaster the other day, during the visit of the Archæological Institute, where I had the pleasure of seeing it.

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P. P.

BREWSTER FAMILY (4th S. ii. 125.) I should be glad to assist in tabulating a pedigree of this family. In Barbados, and later in Jamaica, are many notices in parish registers of a family of the In the former island these extend far back into the seventeenth century, and in the


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"GIDEON" (4th S. ii. 133.)-Surely the answer is a living composer, and published his oratorio to this query is incorrect. "Dr. Stainer of Oxford" Gideon at Novello's either last year or the year preceding. If any other Gideon-composer named Stainer can be found in oratorio history I shall be much obliged for some account of him. There was a pasticcio oratorio named Gideon, compiled in part from the works of Handel, by J. Christopher Smith (Handel's amanuensis), and of this Dr. Morell wrote the libretto.



THE JOURNEY TO CALVARY (4th S. ii. 104.)— At Antwerp I recollect seeing, many years ago, a very curious representation of Our Lord's journey to Calvary, sculptured in high relief, the figures as large as life. I doubt not but it still exists, as it used to be taken very good care of, the rather that it was in the open air. P. A. L.

THEOLOGIA GERMANICA (4th S. i. 527.) — The Latin translation of this work (from the German edition printed at Basle in 1557) was published at Antwerp, in 1558, by Christopher Plantin. The translator's name, Sebastian Castalion al. Chateillon. Here is the title:

"Theologia Germanica: libellus aureus: quomodo sit exuendus vetus homo, induendusque novus, ex Germanico translatus studio Joan. Theophili. Antverpiæ, Christ. Plant. 1558."

Chateillon also translated this work into French.

A copy of the first edition, which is scarce, is in the university library at Louvain. The title runs thus:

"La Theologie germanicque, liuret auquel est traicte comment il faut depouiller le vieil homme et vestir le nouueau. A Anvers, de l'imprimerie de Christophe Plan

tin. M.D.LVIII."

The privilege is dated October 6, 1557.


Lasos. F. R. S. will find references to the above, a LASSUS (4th S. ii. 131), called also Lasus and Greek poet, in Biographie Universelle (vol. xxiii.); Moreri, Dictionnaire Historique; Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography; or Müller and Donaldson's Literature of Ancient Greece, whichever he may have at hand; but none of these explain the lines in Lord Lytton's Devereux. A reference to the works of Lasus, doubtless, would do so: these are excessively scarce. British Museum may have a copy, or part of them may be in Poetæ Græci principes heroici carminis et alii nonnulli (curante Stephano), 1566. J. D. MULLINS.




Old English Homilies and Homiletic Treatises of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Edited from MSS. in the British Museum, Lambeth, and Bodleian Libraries, with Introduction, Translation, and Notes by Richard Morris. First Series, Parts I. and II.

Sir David Lyndesay's Works. Part III. The Historie of ane Nobil and Wailzeand Squyer William Meldrum, umquhyle Laird of Cleische and Bynnis. Compylit by Sir David Lyndesay of the Mont. With the Testament of the said William Meldrum, Squyer. Edited by F. Hall, Esq. D.C.L.

Woodcuts for the Babees Book.

These new volumes just issued by the Early English Text Society are alike creditable to the zeal of those who have the management of the Society and to the learning and industry of the respective editors. The first of these, the First Part of Mr. Morris's Old English Homilies, is issued as one of the publications for 1867, in lieu of Mr. Toulmin Smith's book on English Guilds, which is not yet finished, and has moreover far outgrown the money available for its production, and has therefore necessarily been postponed until 1869. Those who know how difficult it is to estimate accurately the extent and consequent cost of a volume, or the labour it may entail upon an editor, and consequently the time at which such labour may be brought to a close, will be disposed rather to congratulate the Early English Text Society on the general punctuality with which their books are published, than be surprised at the present delay. This delay has, moreover, led to one advantage, namely, the publication at the same time of both parts of Mr. Morris's First Series of Old English Homilies and Homiletic Treatises. These are no less than twenty-nine in number, derived from MSS. in the British Museum and in the Lambeth and Bodleian libraries. They do not consist of a continuous series of homilies, as was originally intended, but of fragments and smaller treatises arranged in the order in which the editor was fortunate enough to meet with them; but in Mr. Morris's opinion the first six homilies are by one and the same author. These have really but one theme, that is shrift, which, as explained by the homilist, is to renounce the devil, to repent of sin, and to determine to lead a better life for the future. These points, as Mr. Morris observes, are by no means unskilfully handled, and the author stands before us in his discourses as a plain but earnest and outspoken instructor of the "lewd." The work will interest two distinct classes of readers students of philology, who will find in the language of the Homilies, Mr. Morris's Grammatical Introduction, and his Notes and Illustrations, much which will greatly interest them; while those who, caring little for philology, yet desire to know something of the pulpit eloquence of the Middle Ages, will be well rewarded by a perusal of Mr. Morris's translations of these sermons of by-gone days.

Mr. Hall has, in the third book on our list, furnished a further instalment of his edition of The Works of Sir David Lyndesay; while the fourth consists of woodcut

great authors. That of Samuel Richardson has for the last half century been at the lowest ebb-so low, indeed, that the accomplished editor of this new edition of Clarissa does not hesitate to declare that "there are scores of circulating libraries throughout the land, in which you shall ask for the finest, the most powerful, and most penetrating novel in the English language, and the librarians will tell you they never heard of it." But we suspect the tide will soon turn; and shall not be surprised, under the influence of its new editor's vindication of its merits, to find all the world sharing Macaulay's admiration of Clarissa, who "knew it almost by heart," and Sir James Mackintosh's opinion, that it is "the finest work of fiction ever written in any language."

One of the causes, and perhaps not the least influential, of the neglect with which Clarissa (which no less an authority than Dr. Johnson has declared to be "the first book in the world for the knowledge it displays of the human heart," and Alfred Musset has pronounced the "premier roman du monde") has of late years been treated, is its prolixity. This prolixity, as Mr. Dallas well observes, is of three kinds: the first of which may be described as that of the gossip, the second as that of the moraliser, and the third as that of the complete letter writer. With the first of these Mr. Dallas has wisely interfered but little; as wisely has he dealt more freely with Richardson's sermonising; and, which required yet greater judgment, with his habit of making all the actors in a scene narrate each in his own way his story of what took place. Here Mr. Dallas has exercised the pruningknife most effectually, feeling that here Richardson's narrative might most safely be abridged, and that "without abridgment he is not to be read at all." Let our readers take heart, therefore, and determine to read Clarissa; and our word for it, they will not lay it down till they have finished it-unless, like the Chief Justice of Calcutta, they can't read it for tears.

Notices to Correspondents.

UNIVERSAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ART.-All Additions and Corrections should be addressed to the Editor, South Kensington Museum, London, W.

A. B. G. There are satisfactory reasons for the omission. There can be no doubt of its genuineness.

T. T. W. For notices of Francis Moore and his Almanacks, see "N&Q." 1st S. iii. 263, 339, 381, 466; iv. 74, 162; 2nd S. iii. 226, 278.

Q. H. F. For some account of the ministerial wooden spoon, consult "N. & Q." 3rd S. v. 214, and also 2nd S. xii. 247.

TRANSLATOR. There are at least five English editions of Abp. Cranmer's Defence of the True and Catholick Doctrine of the Sacrament. J. S. A. The lines on Tobacco " are by Thomas Jenner. See the whole song, in two parts, in" N. & Q." 2nd S. i. 258, 320, 378.

CHARLES WYLIE. For flea read flee, and the meaning of the saying is obvious.

HERMENTRUDE. The lines are by John Byrom of Manchester. See his Miscellaneous Poems, ed. 1824, ii. 219.

P. The Architect and Building Operative [called Gazette in vol. ii.] made twenty parts, or two vols. The first number is dated April 5, 1849, and the last Nov. 30, 1850.

T. D. L. Spoonfuls, not spoonsful; just as we say handfuls, not handsful. See Todd's Johnson for examples.

*** Cases for binding the volumes of "N. & Q." may be had of the Publisher, and of all Booksellers and Newsmen.

A Reading Case for holding the weekly Nos. of "N. & Q." is now or, free by post, direct from the publisher, for 18. 8d.

illustrations which were intended to have accompanied ready, and may be had of all Booksellers and Newsmen, price 18. 6d. ; Mr. Furnivall's edition of The Babees Book.

Clarissa: a Novel. By Samuel Richardson. Edited by
E. S. Dallas. In Three Volumes. (Tinsley.)
As surely as there is a tide in the affairs of men, there
is one in the reputations and degrees of popular favour of

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