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publications bear the name of Francis and individuality of Lieber, gathering his Lieber. At the same time he wrote his direct and confidential impressions of men excellent dissertation, often quoted by us and facts, and learning to appreciate the and others in the discussions evoked by strength and delicacy, the originality and the Franco-German war, "Guerrilla Par-depth, of this great mind. His attention ties considered with Reference to the Law in late years was especially directed to inand Usages of War," and his "Instruc- ternational law, to the future of this scitions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field," which President Lincoln ordered to be promulgated in the general orders of the war department.

ence, and to its practical application. While he rejoiced in the success of Germany, his native country, he did not desire for it an unlimited empire, and he was deeply impressed with the advantages After the war Lieber occupied his mind which would result to civilization from the with subjects of peace, the constitution, friendly rivalry of several great nations. and international unity; taking part in He cherished the dream, for the realizaall questions of importance in law and pol- tion of which he desired our co-operation, itics. His letters to the "Evening Post," of coming to Europe, to this very spot, signed" Americus," reflect his opinions on in order to take part in a Congress of inthe principal events of the day. The ternational jurists, who should be occuform of these is concise, skilful, and im- pied in establishing the rights of the peopressive. Moreover whether he is impas-ple on a rational, firm, and practical basis. sioned, indignant, or approving, it is never What he desired above all things, what for ignoble motives. In Political Economy he was enrolled under the banner, yet too little popular in the United States, of free trade. His pamphlet, "Notes on Fallacies of American Protectionists," published in a very large edition by the American Free Trade League and republished in England by the Cobden Club, is an excellent refutation of the sophisms by the aid of which protection still makes itself acceptable to a large majority of the American nation. In 1867, "Memorial relative to Verdicts of Jurors," Lieber's motto was, "No Right with"The Unanimity of Juries," "Reflec- out its Duties, no Duty without its tions on the changes which may seem Rights." He had himself translated it necessary in the present Constitution of into French, by the two words "Droit New York," occupy him in turn. In oblige," and the English formula was 1868, "International Copyright,” and "Fragments of Political Science on Nationalism and Inter-Nationalism," which has been translated into Spanish and which an Italian publicist, M. Gazelli, calls "l'aureo opusculo - the golden


he practised himself, was respect for the right; and such was the name he had acquired in his adopted country for his devotion to this principle, that in 1870, by the united approval of both countries, the honourable office of third arbitrator or umpire was conferred upon him, charging him with the duty of giving the final decision in important cases pending between the United States and Mexico. His death unfortunately prevented him from completing this work.

printed at the head of all his letters. One day he noticed that the "Société Internationale" at the Congress of Geneva had appropriated this device, and still later, during the reign of the Paris Commune, that they had inscribed on some banners, "Pas de droits sans deFrom the very commencement of this voirs, pas de devoirs sans droits." We Review, Mr. Lieber, with whom we be- have his letter before us in which he excame acquainted through the medium of presses his vexation, and the disgust Laboulaye and Bluntschli, was kind which he felt at the profanation of his faenough to interest himself in our project. vourite aphorism. Lieber loved liberty and Very soon our correspondence became reform; but as rights enjoining moral and more intimate, and in later years, notwith- juridic responsibilities, so much the greatstanding the difference of age and the er in the larger measure that they are beseparating ocean, a sincere friendship ex-stowed. isted between us, having much of the An American journal, the "Nation," character of paternal tenderness on the one side, and filial reverence on the other. It was in this frequent and familiar exchange of letters that the author of this notice had the gratification of becoming thoroughly acquainted with the character

makes this singular admission: that he was one of the few great publicists who believed in republican government, and who had an equally clear insight into its merits and defects. Let us add from our personal knowledge that he had a like

hatred for absolutism of every kind, | nicating to our readers some of the treasdemocratic or monarchical, under whatever name it might be disguised.

Lieber died on the 2d of October, 1872, after a short illness, writing almost to his last hour, at a work entitled, "The Rise of the Constitution."

We shall not, in this hastily written notice, take a final leave of our dear and deeply regretted collaborator. Perhaps we may have the opportunity of commu

ures with which his writings, yet too little
known in Europe, abound. Under all.
circumstances the memory of this friend,
whom we have never seen in this world
but through the eyes of the soul, will ever
be present to us; and whether in writing
or in directing this Review we shall en-
deavour to honor him by being faithful to
his motto, "Droit oblige."

GLEANINGS FROM AUGUSTINE. -The race of man is like the leaf of the olive or the laurel, never without foliage, yet ever varying. Pride doeth its own will: humility the will of God.

Man is one thing in that he "is;" another, in that he is "able."

He who was God was made man, by taking what He was not, not by losing what He was. By faith we are knit; by understanding we are quickened.

Those who do not recognize God in the pages of Scripture, will seldom acknowledge godliness in the persons of men.

Wouldest thou pray in a temple? Pray within thyself. Only first be thou a temple of God, because He in His temple will hear him that prayeth.

God will not be any the greater by pleasing thee, but thou wilt be the less by displeasing


If a man lives after the flesh, he lives but as the beast; if he lives after the Spirit, angels are his companions.

There are two sources of sins; one from oneself, the other from the persuasion of others.

The love of things temporal can only be overcome in us by a pleasure in things eternal. Thou madest us, O Lord, for Thyself, and our heart is restless until it repose in Thee.

If thou art seeking truth, hold thou the way; for that same is the way which is the truth.

A miracle or wondrous work done by God, ought not to excite wonder, the wonder would be if man had done it.

All things appertaining to the house are carefully looked unto; and where you wrote unto me that your maid should have more wool, she hath at this present, 4lb. of wool for spinning, which will keep her a-work till Wednesday night. You commanded that 2lb. of this wool should have been delivered to the clerk's wife, but her leisure will not serve her to spin it up, therefore your maid must spin it, else it will be left undone. Your maid Grace hath wrought out her work, all saving the sides. Her thread is all done, so that she is driven to lay it aside, and at this present she worketh upon your drawn work;-(Drawn work was a kind of lace, so named from the mode in which it was made) - but I doubt her silk will scarcely hold out your coming home. I have sought all your lower closet, and I can neither find silk nor thread for her.

Some half a century later, the maid-servants seem to have been more idle, and less easy for a man to manage. Thus, in 1640, John Turberville writes from Clerkenwell to his friend Willoughby:

Your old maid, Anne Ralph, begins to be weary of working; to make clean a house is too painful for her, and to make clean a shoe, she scorns it. She ran away one day, and came again next to warn herself away, and

all was for the abusive word, "base slut!" given her.

She now begins to speak more than is fit; but I have found your words true. She loves to fare well, lie well, and do little; but I am very glad of her short deliverance from me, and so I leave her to Him that made her.

The servant-maid movement in Scotland is not an original agitation. The three things that Anne Ralph loved, seem to be especially favoured by the "lassies or "hizzies," who vex the souls of their northern mistresses. Notes and Queries.

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HORSE NAILS BY MACHINERY. Some new works have been recently constructed near Battersea for the production of horsenails by maA GENTLEMAN AT HOME: 1588. In the chinery. It is said that there is a consumption last volume issued by the Camden Society- of no less than 150 tons per week of these The Trevelyan Papers, admirably edited by Sir nails, all of which had hitherto been manuCharles Trevelyan, there are as many illustra-factured by hand labour. The new machinery tions of social or domestic life as of the political and religious aspects of the long period to which the papers refer. One singular figure is exceedingly striking. He thus describes to his wife, Mrs. Grace Kirkham, his doings at home (Feniton) in that "loving wife's" absence :

is said to have proved in every respect satisfactory, and will give employment to a large number of young women from seventeen to twenty-five years of age, thus extending the sphere of female labour in a direction altogether unexpected.


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That was enough to make him suspected, leges and universities, notably in Yale and to cause his imprisonment as a dema- and Harvard; admirable Essays on gogue in 1819. We subsequently find "Property and Labour," where he with him studying in Halle, Jena, and later in rare vigour opposes the communistic Dresden, from whence, in 1821, he made doctrines, on "Penal Laws," "Penithe journey on foot through Germany, tentiary System," "Prison Discipline," Switzerland, and a portion of France to on the "Relation between Education and Marseilles, whence he embarked for Crime;" "A Letter on Anglican and Greece with the intention of aiding the Gallican Liberty," translated into German Greeks in the uprising against the Turks, by Wittermeyer. When visiting Germany the signal for which had been given on in 1845 and in 1848 he published in Gerthe 4th of April, 1821. But he found no man his "Fragments on Subjects of Peopportunity to exercise his courage. The nology" and a volume on the "Indepenrevolt was without organization, conduct- dence of the Judiciary." ed by small bands at various points and with diverse success. After some time Lieber, entirely deprived of all resources, was constrained to return to Italy. He gives the experience of this episode in his life in his "Tagebuch meines Aufenthalts in Griechenland" in the year 1821.

1857 to accept the chair of History and Political Economy in Columbia College, New York, subsequently exchanging it for the chair of Political Science in the Law School of the same institution. The inaugural at the commencement of his course, and the solemn testimony of his former pupils, prove the success and nobleness of his teachings.

In 1850, on the admission of California into the Union as a State, a wide-spread secession movement was forming in South Carolina; Lieber did not hesitate to oppose it, and delivered his celebrated speech on Secession at a large meeting held at Greenville, South Carolina, by the Arrived in Italy, destitute as he was, friends of the Union. He here predicted, our young enthusiast had the good for- with a foresight which events have but tune of being received with true friend- too strongly confirmed, the probable conship by Niebuhr, at that time Prussian sequences of an attempt at secession. In ambassador in Rome, and by Chevalier the meantime, the publication of these Bunsen. At the expiration of two years convictions made his position in the midst he returned with Niebuhr to Germany, of a people passionately devoted to slavwhere a peaceable sojourn was promised ery untenable; and he did not hesitate in to him. Notwithstanding this, however, he was again arrested in 1824, but through the intercession of Niebuhr obtained his release. Tired of the repeated annoyances and false accusations, he escaped to England in 1825, where he supported himself by giving lessons and in writing for several journals and reviews. Subsequently, in 1827, he proceeded to the United States. We have from himself the characteristic He had not been very long in New statement that while lecturing, and pub- York, when the terrible crisis came which lishing his Encyclopædia Americana, a for a time seemed to menace the existwork of thirteen volumes on the plan of ence of the American Union. From the the "Conversations Lexicon " of Brock-commencement to the end, Lieber rehaus, he, at the same time, established and mained true to the cause of liberty, to the conducted a swimming school in Boston. Constitution, and the unity of the repubIn 1835 he received a call to the South lic. In 1861 he published his "Two LecCarolina College in Columbia, South tures on the Constitution of the United Carolina, as Professor of History and States." In 1862, his speech at the InauPolitical Economy. During the twenty-guration of the Loyal National League in two years that he occupied this chair, he New York, entitled, "No Party now, but published a number of his writings, of all for our Country," which has had sevwhich the most prominent are his "Man-eral new editions. In 1863 he was one of ual of Political Ethics," a work in two the founders of the Loyal Publication Sovolumes, classical in America, highly valued and often cited in Europe; "Legal and Political Hermeneutics, or the Principles of Interpretation and Construction in Law and Politics; "Civil Liberty and Self-government," the second edition of which of 1859 has been translated into German by Wittermeyer, and of which use is made as a manual in several col

ciety, for the publication and distribution of books, pamphlets, and tracts, in order to stimulate patriotism and to hasten the suppression of the rebellion. Dr. Lieber was made president of this society, and occupied the position until the end of the war. More than a hundred pamphlets were published, and a hundred thousand copies of these distributed. Ten of these

publications bear the name of Francis and individuality of Lieber, gathering his Lieber. At the same time he wrote his direct and confidential impressions of men excellent dissertation, often quoted by us and facts, and learning to appreciate the and others in the discussions evoked by strength and delicacy, the originality and the Franco-German war, "Guerrilla Par-depth, of this great mind. His attention ties considered with Reference to the Law in late years was especially directed to inand Usages of War," and his "Instruc- ternational law, to the future of this scitions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field," which President Lincoln ordered to be promulgated in the general orders of the war department.

ence, and to its practical application. While he rejoiced in the success of Germany, his native country, he did not desire for it an unlimited empire, and he was deeply impressed with the advantages After the war Lieber occupied his mind which would result to civilization from the with subjects of peace, the constitution, friendly rivalry of several great nations. and international unity; taking part in He cherished the dream, for the realizaall questions of importance in law and pol- tion of which he desired our co-operation, itics. His letters to the "Evening Post," of coming to Europe, to this very spot, signed" Americus," reflect his opinions on in order to take part in a Congress of inthe principal events of the day. The ternational jurists, who should be occuform of these is concise, skilful, and im- pied in establishing the rights of the peopressive. Moreover whether he is impas-ple on a rational, firm, and practical basis. sioned, indignant, or approving, it is never What he desired above all things, what for ignoble motives. In Political Econo- he practised himself, was respect for the my he was enrolled under the banner, yet right; and such was the name he had actoo little popular in the United States, of quired in his adopted country for his defree trade. His pamphlet, "Notes on votion to this principle, that in 1870, by Fallacies of American Protectionists," the united approval of both countries, the published in a very large edition by the honourable office of third arbitrator or umAmerican Free Trade League and repub-pire was conferred upon him, charging lished in England by the Cobden Club, is him with the duty of giving the final dean excellent refutation of the sophisms cision in important cases pending between by the aid of which protection still makes the United States and Mexico. His itself acceptable to a large majority of death unfortunately prevented him from the American nation. In 1867, "Me- completing this work.

morial relative to Verdicts of Jurors," Lieber's motto was, "No Right with"The Unanimity of Juries," "Reflec-out its Duties, no Duty without its tions on the changes which may seem Rights." He had himself translated it necessary in the present Constitution of into French, by the two words "Droit New York," occupy him in turn. In oblige," and the English formula was 1868, "International Copyright," and printed at the head of all his letters. "Fragments of Political Science on Na- One day he noticed that the "Société tionalism and Inter-Nationalism,” which | Internationale " at the Congress of Gehas been translated into Spanish and which an Italian publicist, M. Gazelli, calls "l'aureo opusculo - the golden


neva had appropriated this device, and still later, during the reign of the Paris Commune, that they had inscribed on some banners, "Pas de droits sans deFrom the very commencement of this voirs, pas de devoirs sans droits." We Review, Mr. Lieber, with whom we be- have his letter before us in which he excame acquainted through the medium of presses his vexation, and the disgust Laboulaye and Bluntschli, was kind which he felt at the profanation of his faenough to interest himself in our project. vourite aphorism. Lieber loved liberty and Very soon our correspondence became reform; but as rights enjoining moral and more intimate, and in later years, notwith-juridic responsibilities, so much the greatstanding the difference of age and the er in the larger measure that they are beseparating ocean, a sincere friendship ex-stowed.

isted between us, having much of the An American journal, the "Nation," character of paternal tenderness on the makes this singular admission: that he one side, and filial reverence on the other. was one of the few great publicists who It was in this frequent and familiar ex-believed in republican government, and change of letters that the author of this who had an equally clear insight into its notice had the gratification of becoming merits and defects. Let us add from our thoroughly acquainted with the character personal knowledge that he had a like

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