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branches into the house, and tie on the suet there in comfort. Then, if we drive a couple of wire nails part way through each branch, we can carry it out and quickly nail to any tree we like.

If we wish to go to just a little more expense, we can make suet-pockets of halfinch wire netting and staple them to the trunks of trees instead of tying the suet itself to the branches.

The simplest way to feed the seed-eating birds is to scatter the food on the ground. If there is soft, deep snow, the food should not be thrown upon it. Seed and most other foods quickly sink into soft snow, and, besides, most birds do not like to flounder about in the snow-drifts in order to get a bite The snow may be swept or shoveled

to eat.

on the ground. If there is danger from cats, we should select for our feeding station a space well out in the open; for if there are shrubs or other tall plants about, the cats will be able to creep up within leaping distance before the birds are aware of their presence.

This much we can do without any appliances, and at no expense beyond the cost of the food.

The following are some of the best foods and the birds which have been known to eat them:

Suet. Screech owl, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, flicker. blue jay, crow, Clark's nutcracker, starling, tree sparrow, junco, rose breasted grosbeak, myrtle warbler, brown creeper, white-breasted nut



away, but personally I much prefer to trample
it down. It is not easy, even with a snow-
shovel, to clear thoroughly a generous space
where there is long grass or weeds; besides,
cleared spaces are apt to become wet or
muddy and are usually unsightly. The
trampling process is quicker, much quicker,
if we have snow-shoes; it makes no unsightly
patches, and, moreover, the well-trodden
snow forms the most pleasing background
against which to see our feathered guests.

It is best to put out a day's supply of fresh food each morning; the birds learn to connect our appearance with the coming of good things for them, and gradually lose their fear of us. Moreover, by putting out comparatively small quantities of food we avoid the danger of unnecessary waste when snow-storms come and cover up whatever is

hatch, red-breasted nuthatch, chickadee, Hud sonian chickadee, hermit thrush.

Fat pork. Hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, blue jay, crow, white-breasted nuthatch, tufted titmouse, chickadee.

Raw meat. Screech owl, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, blue jay, white-breasted nuthatch, chickadee.

Hemp seed. Pine grosbeak, purple finch. redpoll, goldfinch, pine siskin, vesper sparrow. white-crowned sparrow, white-throated sparrow. junco, song sparrow, white-breasted nuthatch. chickadee.

Miliet seed. Purple finch, red poll, goldfinch. pine siskin, vesper sparrow, white-throate sparrow, tree sparrow, chipping sparrow, junce song sparrow, fox sparrow.

Cracked corn. Shore lark, blue jay, crow, sm bunting, lapland longspur, tree sparrow, junce cardinal grosbeak, white-breasted nuthatch.

Bread crumbs. Blue jay, crow, tree sparrow,

[graphic][graphic][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]

white-crowned sparrow, junco, cardinal grosbeak, mocking-bird, brown creeper, chickadee.

Broken nuts. Blue jay, white-crowned sparrow, junco, cardinal grosbeak, white-breasted nuthatch, red-breasted nuthatch, tufted titmouse, chickadee.

Dog biscuit crumbs. Blue jay, snow bunting, tree sparrow, junco, white-breasted nuthatch, chickadee.

Sunflower seeds. Blue jay, purple finch, goldfinch, white-breasted nuthatch, chickadee.

Chaff. Quail, shore lark, Lapland longspur, snow bunting, tree sparrow.

Oats. Quail, ruffed grouse, yellow-headed blackbird, snow bunting, chickadee. Blue jay, crow, white-breasted

Whole corn. nuthatch, chickadee. Canary seed. Goldfinch, vesper sparrow,

junco, song sparrow.

Doughnut crumbs. Blue jay, crow, whitebreasted nuthatch, chickadee.

White-breasted nut

Wheat. Quail, ruffed grouse. Broken squash seed. hatch, chickadee.

Salt, salt water, and mud impregnated with salt. White-winged crossbill, American crossbill.

The author is very well aware that the above lists are not complete, either with regard to the kinds of food which the winter birds will eat or with regard to the kinds of birds which will eat the foods which are mentioned. These lists can be made complete only as a result of the careful experiments of many observers working for a considerable period over a wide territory. At present they are as complete as can be made from records compiled by Gilbert H. Trafton, by the author himself, and by other members of the Meriden Bird Club. They will enable the reader to make a fair start, and he can then experiment for himself as much as time and inclination will permit.

To those who will have a little patience some of the most delightful experiences will come from having birds so fearless that they will alight on the hand or shoulder or permit one to pick them up. To those who have had no experience in feeding wild birds, and who are inclined to doubt that such experiences will ever come to them, I will say that it is simply a matter of being very quiet and gentle with your feathered guests, of being patient with them, and of using a little thought and ingenuity. At least eleven species of our winter birds have been known to feed from the hand. They are: Canada jay, Oregon jay, evening grosbeak, pine grosbeak, white-winged crossbill, redpoll, pine siskin, white-breasted nuthatch, red-breasted nut

hatch, tufted titmouse, chickadee. Of these the writer has had five come to him for food. One severe winter when the pine grosbeaks came down from the north in great numbers, we fed hundreds of them in the gardens of Meriden, and not only the writer and Mrs. Baynes, but several other bird lovers, fed them as they sat on hand or shoulder. They were so tame that one could sit down in the middle of a flock and they would come into one's lap to feed. They would alight upon the heads of children watching them, and sometimes they allowed Mrs. Baynes to pick them up one in each hand. They seemed to prefer hemp seed to any other food we offered.

I have already spoken of the crossbills which one winter came to us in Meriden. A few six or eight-had been coming most of the summer to the garden path. Two or three were American and the rest whitewinged crossbills. They crept about, quiet as mice, eating something, but just what it was I could not tell until they had been here for some time. Then one day, after watching them at work for several minutes, I took a magnifying-glass and went down on my knees to see what there might be there to attract them. I found that they had been working on a patch of clay, the surface of which had been carved in every direction with their sharp bills. As there were no "chips," I knew that these must have been eaten, so I tasted the clay to see why they had eaten it. It was very salty, the result of scattering salt on the path to kill the weeds. A few days later my friend Frederic H. Kennard came to see me, and, observing the crossbills, ran into the house for some salt, of which he had often observed their fondness. The flock continued to grow until midwinter, when it numbered about a hundred and twenty-five. We went out t play with them for a while almost every day and by and by they seemed to look for our coming. We would sit on the well-trampled snow we had prepared for their feeding ground, and from the trees about us they would come down in a musical shower t alight upon our heads and shoulders and feed from our hands. It was such fun that sometimes, even when the thermometer regis tered from ten to fifteen degrees below zero, we would sit there banding them, phote graphing them, or often simply watchi them until we were almost too numb get up.




N one district in New York City a Negro population equal in numbers to the inhabitants of Dallas, Texas, or Springfield, Massachusetts, lives, works, and pursues its ideals almost as a separate entity from the great surrounding metropolis. Here Negro merchants ply their trade; Negro professional men follow their various vocations; their children are educated; the poor, sick, and orphan of the race are cared for; churches, newspapers, and banks flourish heedless of those, outside this Negro community, who resent its presence in a white city. The progress which the Negroes have made in their own district is indeed little understood by those who, fearing the encroachment of a Negro slum, have done their best to thwart the growth and the progress of New York Negroes in obtaining better housing and living conditions and opportunities for racial advancement for the responsible colored people of New York City. That this prejudice manifested by their white neighbors is largely unwarranted both on moral and economic grounds may be seen from a rehearsal of the facts.

If one stands at the corner of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street and Fifth Avenue, in four directions can be seen rows of apartments or flat houses all inhabited by Negroes. This is virtually the center of the community. The houses are in good repair; windows, entrances, halls, sidewalks, and streets are clean, and the houses comfortable and respectable inside to a degree not often found in a workingman's locality. The ground floor of the buildings in every case is occupied by a store or business office. Here and there one sees the name of some Nationally known firm whose agent, always a Negro, has opened a branch business among the people of his own race. From the juncture of One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Street and Fifth Avenue can be seen the business signs of Negroes and Negro firms whose holdings and interests reach an aggregate of four million dollars.

Philip A. Payton, a Negro and a wealthy real estate operator, may be rightly termed the father of this Negro community, since it was he who, despite violent opposition, first installed his people in tenement property in

this section ten or twelve years ago. It was Payton's theory that living conditions equal to those available for the white man were what the Negro needed to give him the realization of white progress and white standards.

Payton first bought three tenements. At that time a wealthy syndicate of whites owned a near-by tract, known as Olympic Field, where athletic meets had been held

for several years. The syndicate intended cutting the tract into building lots, and, thinking to improve their selling chances, bought the tenements controlled by Payton and evicted the Negroes. But Payton and another Negro, J. C. Thomas, thereupon bought three other tenements on the same block and evicted the whites. The result of this skirmish was merely an exchange of tenants. After a series of shrewd business dealings in which the syndicate was worsted, the Negroes were left in possession of the nucleus of their future community, and Payton's dream of progress among his people had begun to be realized. The Negro section proper now extends for ten blocks between Seventh and Park Avenues, with a generous fringe of colored tenants reaching out in all directions from the community center-evidence of quiet growth and expansion. In this community of tenements and apartments are about fifteen hundred private houses of very good grade. One prominent member of the settlement recently paid fifty thousand dollars for one of these. The most prosperous of the Negroes, however, do not all live in private houses, by any means, since the apartment-houses, as in similar white districts in New York City, offer equal advantages for good living.

Examples of Negroes who have attained success in this community may be found in Mr. George W. Harris, a Negro who worked his way through Harvard University and two years in the Harvard Law School. Mr. Harris is editor of "The News," a paper whose entire staff of twelve men are aii colored. Among these twelve men are Fenton Johnson, a writer of verse and a recent graduate of the University of Chicago; the sporting editor, Leslie Pollard, who as a Dartmouth student was rated as a

member of that somewhat nebulous organization the All-American Football Team; a clever cartoonist, E. C. Shefton; and a Washington correspondent in the person of Ralph W. Taylor, an auditor in the navy under both President Roosevelt and President Taft. The clerks, stenographers, and advertising solicitors of "The News" are also all Negroes.

In the professions this Negro community has some twenty physicians who received their medical training at various universities and colleges. Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Howard, the Col

pharmacists from Columbia and the New York College of Pharmacy who conduct large drug stores in the districts, and twenty-five registered trained nurses.

In the business world the community possesses Negro real estate firms which enjoy the confidence of some of the largest and most conservative financial institutions in the city. One of these, Nail & Parker, may be taken as an interesting example. This firm has full charge of the property holding of St. Philip's Church, which is valued at well over a million dollars. In addition to this


Mr. Johnson is a member of the New England Conservatory

lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Long Island

Medical College, and the School are all represented. who is resident in the student at Oxford.

Flower Hospital One West Indian community was a

In the legal fraternity there are fifteen lawyers from Harvard, Yale, Syracuse, Columbia, the New York Law School, and Northwestern University. One of these men is a deputy Assistant District Attorney for New York County, and one is Assistant Corporation Counsel for the city of New York.

There are eight dentists from Howard and New York Dental Colleges, two architects from Cornell University, four registered

they manage for individual owners some seventy-five to eighty separate parcels of real estate, and collect over thirty-five thousand dollars a month in rent. St. Philip's Church, built, by the way, from the plans of a Negro architect, was erected a few years ago at a cost in land and building of $255,000. It carries a mortgage now of only twenty-nine thousand dollars. In addition to this the church owns a block of ten apartment-houses valued at $620,000. These carried a mortgage of $393,000 in April, 1911, when they were acquired by the church; this has since been reduced to $311,000. From this and other property owned by the church is derived

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