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Adaptation of Christianity to man. See Suitableness.

Address to the docile and sincere student, i. 253, Rulers and governors,
ii. 612. Ministers of Christ's church, 615. The humble and teachable,


Advantages, which each individual bas respectively enjoyed in a Chris-
tian land, unspeakably augment the obligation to receive Chris-
tianity, ii. 551.

Alaric, soldiers under, a wonderful example of the power of Christianity
over the fierce passions of man, i. 429.

Apocryphal books of Old Testament, i. note, 205.

Apocryphal books of New Testament are destitute of the external proofs
of authenticity which belong to the Canonical books, i. 147.
Apostles, the, of our Lord, were twelve separate witnesses to the gospel
facts, i. 194; had a full knowledge of the things they attested, 195;
were competent judges of the facts to which they bore testimony,
196; were of transparent integrity of character, 197; men of sound
minds, and by no means credulous, 199; relate events at the spot where
they occurred, and before the multitudes who witnessed them, 199;
their subsequent lives were distinguished by unparalleled benevo-
lence and holiness, 200; and they had nothing to expect for their
testimony but temporal calamities and death, 201. Gifts bestowed
upon them by our Lord, 473.

Apparent contradictions in man, accounted for by the Christian Revela-
tion, ii. 21.

Authenticity of writings defined, note 1, 99; discovered by their con-
tents, 115.

Authenticity of the Old Testament, connected with that of the New,
i. 95. 203.

Authenticity of the books of the New Testament stands on the authority of
apostle Paul, i. 97; Illustrated by that of the Book of Common Prayer,
100; Dooms-day Book, 101; Institutes of Justinian, 102; Ancient
Classics, 102; Manifest from their contents, 117; and, by analogy,

from the conduct of men respecting legal deeds, 119. The proofs of,
which we possess, are irradiations of the divine glory, 122; and
demand our sincere confidence, 123. They consist of the testimony
of witnesses, in succession, from the present day up to the time of
the apostles, 127; a specimen of their testimony, 134; of the pro-
gressive settlement of the sacred canon, 132; the admissions of
Heathen and Jewish adversaries, 141; the number and antiquity of
our manuscripts, 144; the style and manner of the books, 149;
unexpected confirmations, 155.

Babylon, destruction of, i. 346.

Bacon's, Lord, remark on the office of reason, ii. 450; on interpretation
of Scriptures, note, 515.

Beneficial effects of Christianity. See Effects of Christianity.

Benevolence and compassion of Jesus Christ, ii. 146.

Benevolence, the cement of national virtue, ii. 613.

Boyle, the Honourable Robert, the character and conduct of, ii. 380.

Canaanites, the history of, shows the fulfilment of prophecy concerning
them, i. 351.

Candid and sincere mind, all is light in Christianity to the, i. 544.
Canon of Scripture, the progressive settlement of, i. 132.

Celsus, the Heathen philosopher, admits the genuineness of the New
Testament, i. 141.

CHRIST must be received into the heart, as well as the miracles he wrought
be believed, i. 256. The character and conduct of our LORD JESUS, ii.
124; his claims, 125. His conduct as MEDIATOR, 130; the SON OF
GOD, and the SAVIOUR of the world, 130; a teacher and revealer of the
will of GOD, as to his manner, dignified and forcible, 133, yet mild
and attractive, 144; as to his matter, grand, and yet intelligible, 136;
earnest, and yet wise, 137; in a state of humiliation, 139; promising
to his disciples a heavenly reward, 141. As a PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL, an
example of human virtue, 143; piety and devotion to his heavenly
Father, 145; benevolence and compassion towards man, 146; meek-
ness and lowliness of spirit, 148; superiority to the world, 149;
strict temperance, and command of the inferior appetites, 150; forti-
tude and constancy, 151; prudence and discretion, 151; all these
unalloyed with the kindred failings, 153; opposite graces in equal
proportion, 154; carried to the utmost height, and continued in one
even tenor, 154; with a peculiar harmony, 155. AS THE FOUNDER of
the Christian religion, 156; his suitableness to the necessities of man,
157; the surprising novelty and sublimity of his deportment, 159;
the different parts of his character correspond with his undertaking,
161; the impression and effect of his whole public character, 163;
the manner in which it is given by the evangelists, 164. The argu-
ment in favour of Christianity, springs from a fair presumption upon
the first statement of the case, 167; rises higher when contrasted with
every pretension, 168; becomes a moral demonstration, 172; and
bears away the heart of every serious inquirer, 175.

Christian, the true, feels the necessity of Revelation, i. 85, 90.
Christians should take care that the good effects of Christianity be the
result of religious principles in themselves, i. 446; must not stop

short in its temporal benefits, 447; and will find its advantages in
proportion to the development of its strength and energy, 449.
Young Christians should continue in the things they have been
assured of, 495.

Christian nations, the state of, shows that Revelation was necessary,
i. 82; viewed in the sixteenth century, 83; at any period, 83; at the
present day, 84. The advantages they possess, 91.

Christian Revelation speaks a decisive language, ii. 13; unfolds all the
mysteries of man's condition, 19; accounts for the apparent contradic-
tions of his state, 21; and addresses him on this footing, 24. Provides
also a remedy for all his wants, 25; and is calculated for universal
diffusion, 33.

Christianity courts inquiry, i. 1; is not a speculation, 30; requires her
students to be of a meek and docile disposition, 34. The only religion
set up and established by miracles, 249. Effects of, 418. Admission
of the inspiration of the Scriptures essential to the right reception of
Christianity, 520. Connives at no one vice, ii. 39. The sum of, Jesus
Christ, 177; supposed to be universal, 220. What it is, and what it is
not, 224. Directions for making a personal trial of it, 276. Is so
excellent in itself that the slightest external evidence is sufficient to
oblige men to obey it, ii. 533.

Clement, Bishop of Rome, A. D. 91 to 110, testimony of, to the authen-
ticity of books of New Testament, i. 134; to the inspiration, 491.
Coins, ancient, see Medals.

Common sense, it is an act of, to follow the proofs of Christianity, i. 540.
Common sense and the ordinary laws of human language assist us to
the right method of interpretation, ii. 488.

Compass, the Bible is the Christian's, i. 212.

Confirmations to the authenticity of the New Testament unexpected, i.
155. A remarkable fragment discovered in 1740, 157. Medals and
coins, 162.

Consolatory, the Christian doctrines are, ii. 74.

Constantine's, the Emperor, attachment to sacred Scriptures, i. 140.
Contradictions of Infidelity and Paganism, ii. 67.

Converts. Men of the finest talents convinced by the Christian history,
i. 187. The moral and religious change wrought in the Christian, 395.
Included persons of all ranks, 397.

Conviction of the truth of Christianity is strengthened the more practi-
cally its propagation is considered, i. 414.

Credibility of the Old Testament, i. 203.

Credibility of the New Testament defined, i, 170; illustrated, 171; esta-
blished by the authenticity of the books, 172; by the extraordinary
prominence and small number of the principal facts, 173; by the
positive and various testimonies adduced, 175; by the testimony of the
governors of Roman provinces, 177; Heathen writers, 178; Jewish his-
torians, 180; by the conviction produced in the minds of men of the finest
talents, who, examining the pretensions of Christianity, met its claims
at first with prejudice and hatred, 187; by silence of Mahomet, 188;
by existing rites and usages, which sprang out of the facts of Christi-
anity, 188; by ancient and authentic monuments, coins, and medals,

[blocks in formation]

189; by the character and circumstances of the sacred writers them-
selves, 192; fifteen witnesses, 194; possessing a full knowledge of the
things they attested, 195; and of which they were competent judges,
196; being persons of the strictest integrity, 197; of sound minds, and
by no means credulous, 199; relating events at the spot where they se
curred, and before the multitudes who witnessed them, 199; their
subsequent lives marked by unparalleled benevolence and holiness,
200; while they had nothing to expect for their testimony but tem
poral calamities and death, 201; no one came forward to complain of
an imposition, 202; if our accounts be false, where is the true one, 203.
Depravity of the human heart the greatest obstacle to the full reception
of Christianity, i. 542.

Direction, the, which Christianity takes, ii. 184.

Directions for entering on a personal trial of Christianity as a matter of
experience, ii. 271; study Christianity in the Bible itself, 276; trace
out in your heart and character the truth of the particular statements
of the Bible, as to the condition of man and his guilt before God, 283;
pray fervently for divine grace, 289; use the means which God has
promised to bless, 294; keep your eye fixed on the great object which
Christianity reveals, 296; observe how all the parts of it constitute a
whole, and meet all the necessities of your case, 298.

DIVINE AUTHORITY of Christianity established by miracles, i. 214; pro-
phecy, 260, 299; its propagation, 372; preservation, 404; beneficial
effects, 417; adaptation, ii. 1; doctrines, 46; morals, 85; example of
Christ, 124; and tendency, 178.

Docile hearers, address to, ii. 175, 621.

Docility necessary in a student of Christianity, i. 35, 293, 369; essential
to a sound interpretation of Scripture, ii. 480, 522, 524.
Doctrines of Christianity, definition of, ii, 46; enumeration of the chief
doctrines, 48; their divine excellency pointed out, 60; they all
emanate from the character of God, 60; possess simplicity, 62; sur-
passing grandeur and sublimity, 63; and an harmony which stamps their
divine authority, 65; meet all the necessities of man, 70; and yet
promote the ends of God's moral government, 71; are deeply humi-
liating. 72; and yet sources of consolation, 74; they are the result of
the great design of Almighty God, 76; augment the inward evidence
of Christianity, 82; and demand of the true Christian, love and grati-
tude to God, 83.

Doddridge and Rousseau, contrasted, ii. 388.

Effects of Christianity a proof of its divine authority, i. 417. Christianity
implants good principles, 418; arouses conscience, 419; discourages
vices, and establishes contrary virtues, 419; mitigates insatiable ardour
after worldly possessions, 419; implants enlarged benevolence, 420;
expels indolence, 420; and elevates the whole character of man, 420.
Christianity banishes an immense mass of evils; idolatry, 421; murder,
421; exposing of infants, 422; divorce and polygamy, 423; the de-
gradation of the female sex, 424; the cruelties of domestic slavery,
424; private assassination, 426; and a thousand similar evils, 426.
Christianity mitigates many other evils-such as the horrors of war,
425; the spirit of faction and party, animosities in states, 431; venality
and corruption, 431; offences against temperance and chastity, 432;

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