Enter Le Beu. O poor Orlando! thou art overthrown; Le Beu. Neither his daughter, if we judge by man ners; But yet, indeed, the shorter is his daughter. But that the people praise her for her virtues, I fhall defire more love and knowledge of you. [Exit. I the Duke's condition,] The word condition means characer, temper, difpofition. So 2 [Exit. Cel. Changes to an Apartment in the Palace. Re-enter Celia and Rofalind. HY, Coufin; why, Rofalind-Cupid have mercy-not a word! WHY Rof. Not one to throw at a dog. Cel. No, thy words are too precious to be cast away upon curs, throw fome of them at me; come, lame me with reafons. Rof. Then there were two Coufins laid up; when the one fhould be lam'd with Reafons, and the other mad without any.. Cel. But is all this for your father? Rof. No, fome of it is for my father's child. Oh, how full of briars is this working-day world! Cel. They are but burs, coufin, thrown upon thee in holiday foolery; if we walk not in the trodden paths, our very petticoats will catch them. Rof. I could fhake them off my coat; thefe burs are in my heart. Cel. Hem them away. Rof. I would try, if I could cry, hem, and have him. Cel. Come, come, wrestle with thy affections. Rof. O, they take the part of a better Wrestler than myfelf. Cel. O, a good with upon you! you will try in time, in defpight of a Fall.-But turning these jefts out of fervice, let us talk in good earneft. Is it poffible on fuch a fudden you fhould fall into fo ftrong a liking with old Sir Rowland's youngest fon? Rof. The Duke my father lov'd his father dearly. —for my father's child.] The by Mr. Theobald, for my future old Editions have it, for my child's bufband. father, that is, as it is explained C 3 Cel. Doth it therefore enfue, that you fhould love his fon dearly? by this kind of chafe3, I fhould hate him; for my father hated his father dearly; yet hate not Orlando. fake... Rof. No, faith, hate him not, for my Rof. Let me love him for that; and do you love him, because I do. Look, here comes the Duke. Cel. With his eyes full of anger. Duke. Miftrefs, dispatch you with your fafeft hafte, And get you from our Court. Rof. Me, Uncle! Duke. You, coufin. Within these ten days if that thou be'ft found Rof. I do befeech your Grace, Let me the knowledge of my fault bear with me; Or have acquaintance with my own defires; Duke. Thus do all traitors; If their purgation did confift in words, 3 by this kind of chafe,] That is, by this way of following the argument. Dear is ufed by Shakespeare in a double fenfe, for beloved, and for hurtful, hated, baleful. Both fenfes are autho rifed, and both drawn from ety, mology, but properly beloved is dear, and hateful is dere. Rofalind ufes dearly in the good, and Celia in the bad fenfe. Rof. Rof. Yet your mistruft cannot make me a traitor; Tell me whereon the likelihood depends. Duke. Thou art thy father's daughter, there's enough. Rof. So was I, when your Highnefs took his Dukedom; So was I, when your Highnefs banish'd him. Or if we did derive it from our friends, Cel. Dear Sovereign, hear me fpeak. Duke. Ay, Celia, we but ftaid her for your fake; Elfe had fhe with her father rang'd along. Cel. I did not then entreat to have her ftay; Duke. She is too fubtle for thee; and her fimoothness, Her very filence and her patience, Speak to the people, and they pity her. Thou art a fool; the robs thee of thy name, And thou wilt fhow more bright, and feem more virtuous +, When she is gone. Then open not thy lips: Which I have paft upon her. She is banish'd. ↑ And thou wilt fhew more bright, and SEEM more virtuous,] This implies her to be fome how remarkably cefective in virtue; which was not the fpeaker's thought. The poet doubtless. wrote, al -and SHINE more virtuous. i. e. her virtues would appear more fplendid when the luftre of her coufin's was away. WARBURTON. The plain meaning of the old and true reading is, that when she was seen alone, the would be more noted. Cel. C 4 Cel. Pronounce that fentence then on me, my Liege; I cannot live out of her company. Duke. You are a fool-You, Niece, provide your- If you out-stay the time, upon mine Honour, [Exeunt Duke, &c. SCENE X. Cel. O my poor Rofalind; where wilt thou go? Wilt thou change fathers? I will give thee mine: I charge thee, be not thou more griev'd than I am. Rof. I have more cause. Cel. Thou haft not, coufin; Pr'ythee, be cheerful; know'ft thou not, the Duke Has banifh'd me his daughter? Rof. That he hath not. Cel. No? hath not? Rofalind lacks then the love Which teacheth thee that thou and I are one. Shall we be fundred? fhall we part, fweet Girl? No, let my father feek another heir. Therefore devife with me, how we may fly; Whither to go, and what to bear with us; And do not feek to take your change upon you, To bear your griefs yourself, and leave me out : For by this heav'n, now' at our forrow's pale,. Say what thou canft, I'll go along with thee. Rofalind lacks then the fenfe of the established text is not remote or obfcure. Where would be the abfurdity of faying, You know not the law which teaches you to do right. Love, Which teacheth thee that thou and I are one.] The poet certainly wrote which teacheth ME. For if Rofalind had learnt, to think Celia one part of herfelf, she could not lack that love which Celia complains she does. WARBURTON. Either reading may stand. The 6 take your change upon. you,] In all the later editions, from Mr. Rowe's to Dr. War burton's, change is altered to charge, without any reafon. Rof. |