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the balance remaining due, the time when fuch Mode of balance becomes payable; and that the whole paymant, land fold will be forfeited, if the faid balance taining a is not then paid; but that if it fhall be duly patent, &c. 'discharged, the purchaser, or his affignee, or other legal representative, fhall be entitled to a patent for the faid lands: And on payment of the faid balance to the Treasurer, within the specified time, and producing to the Secretary of State a receipt for the fame, upon the aforefaid certificate, the Prefident of the United States is hereby authorized to grant a patent for the lands to the faid purchafer, his heirs or aligns: And all patents fhall be counterfigned. by the Secretary of State, and recorded in his office. But if there fhould be a failure in any payment, the fale fhall be void, all the money theretofore paid on account of the purchase shall be forfeited to the United States, and the lands thus fold fhall be again difpofed of, in the fame manner as if a fale had never been made: Provided nevertheless, that fhould any purchaser make payment of the whole purchasemoney, at the time when the payment of the. first moiety is directed to be made, he shall be entitled to a deduction of ten per centum on the part, for which a credit is hereby directed to be given; and his patent fhall be immediately iffued.

Entries to

Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treafury, and the Governor of the territory north-weft of the river Ohio, shall refpectively, caufe books to kept, in which hall be regularly entered, an account of the be made of dates of all the fales made, the fituation and num- the date of fales, &c. bers of the lots fold, the price at which each was ftruck off, the money depofited at the time of fale, and the dates of the certificates

or Secre

tary to

certain times.

Governor granted to the different purchafers. The Governor, or Secretary of the faid territory fhall," tranfmit at every suspension or adjournment, for more copies at than three days, of the sales under their direction, tranfmit to the Secretary of the Treasury, a copy of the faid books, certified to have been duly examined and compared with the Tracts fold original. And all tracts fold under this act, on the ge- fhall be noted upon the general plat, after the neral plat. certificate has been granted to the purchaser.

to be noted

Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That all Navigable rivers to be navigable rivers, within the territory to be public disposed of by virtue of this act, fhall be deemhighways. ed to be, and remain public highways: And Streams, that in all cafes, where the oppofite banks not navi- of any stream, noť navigable, fhall belong to different perfons, the ftream and the bed property. thereof shall become common to both.

gable, to be


veyor Gen.

to fix .com

Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Compenfa tion of Sur- Surveyor-General shall receive, for his compenfation, two thousand dollars per annum Prefident and that the Prefident of the United States penfation may fix the compenfation of the affistant furof affiftant veyors, chain-carriers and axe-men: Provided, furveyors, that the whole expenfe of furveying and markExpenfe ing the lines, fhall not exceed three dollars ceed 3 dols. per mile, for every mile that shall be actually run or furveyed.

not to ex.

for every

mile furveyed.

Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the following fees fhall be paid for the fervices to Regulation be done under this act, to the Treafurer of of ices to the United States, or to the receiver in the be paid. western territory, as the cafe may be ; for each certificate for a tract containing a quarter of a township, twenty dollars; for a certificate for a tract containing fix hundred and forty acres, fix dollars; and for each patent for a

quarter of a township, twenty dollars; for a fection of fix hundred and forty acres, fix dollars And the faid fees fhall be accounted for by the receivers, refpectively.

taken by

Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Oath to be Surveyor-General, affiftant-furveyors, and the Surveychain-carriers, fhall, before they enter on the or-gen. &c.several duties to be performed under this act, feverally take an oath or affirmation, faithfully to perform the fame; and the perfon, to be The perfon appointed to receive the money on fales in the to be apwestern territory, before he fhall receive any receive the pointed to money under this act, fhall give bond with money in fufficient fecurity, for the faithful discharge of the weftern territory to his truft: That, for receiving, fafe-keeping, give bond. and conveying to the treafury the money he &c. may receive, he shall be entitled to a compenfation to be hereafter fized.

the House of Reprefentatives.

SAMUEL LIVERMORE, Prefident of the

Senate pro tempore.

APPROVED, May the eighteenth, 1796:

Prefident of the United States.

[blocks in formation]

An Act to regulate Trade and Intercourfe with the Indian Tribes, and to preferve Peace on the Frontiers.

Sec. I.


E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congrefs affembled, That the following boundary line, established by



treaty between the United States and various dary line Indian tribes, shall be clearly afcertained, and the United diftinctly marked, in all fuch places, as the States and Prefident of the United States fhall deem nedian tribes ceffary, and in fuch manner as he fhall direct, to be afcer to wit: Beginning at the mouth of Cayahoga marked. river on Lake Erie, and running thence up the

various In

tained and

fame, to the portage between that and the Tufcaroras branch of the Muskingum ; thence down that branch, to the croffing-place above Fort Lawrence; thence wefterly. to a fork of that branch of the Great Miami river, running into the Ohio, at, or near which fork, stood Laromie's ftore, and where commences the portage, between the Miami of the Ohio, and Saint Mary's river, which is a branch of the Miami, which runs into Lake Erie; thence a wefterly courfe to Fort Recovery, which ftands on a branch of the Wabash; thence fouth-wefterly, in a direct line to the Ohio, fo as to interfect that river, oppofite the mouth of Kentucky or Cuttawa river; thence down the faid river Ohio, to the tract of one hundred and fifty thousand acres, near the rapids of the Ohio, which has been affigned to General Clark, for the ufe of himfelf and his warriors; thence around the faid tract, on the line of the said tract, till it shall again interfect the faid river Ohio; thence down the fame, to a point oppofite the high lands or ridge between the mouth of the Cumberland and Tenneffe rivers; thence easterly on the faid ridge, to a point, from whence, a fouth-west line will ftrike the mouth of Duck river; thence ftill eafterly on the faid ridge, to a point forty miles above Nashville; thence north-eaft, to Cumberland river; thence up the faid river, to where the Kentucky road

croffes the fame; thence to the top of Cumberland mountain; thence along Campbell's line, to the river Clinch; thence down the faid river, to a point from which a line shall pass the Holften, at the ridge, which divides the waters running into Little River, from thofe running into the Tenneffe; thence fouth, to the North-Carolina boundary; thence along the South Carolina Indian boundary, to and over the Ocunna mountain, in a fouth-west courfe, to Tugelo river; thence in a direct line, to the top of the Currahee mountain, where the Creek line paffes it; thence to the head or fource of the main fouth branch of the Oconee river, called the Appalachee; thence down the middle of the faid main fouth branch and river Oconee, to its confluence with Oakmulgee, which forms the ri ver Altamaha; thence down the middle of the faid Altamaha, to the old line on the faid river; and thence along the faid old line to the river Saint Mary's: Provided always, that if the boundary line between the faid Indian tribes and the United States, fhall, at any Provision time hereafter, be varied, by any treaty which for alterafhall be made between the faid Indian tribes may be and the United States, then all the provifions made by contained in this act, fhall be conftrued to apply to the faid line fo to be varied, in the fame manner, as the faid provifions now apply to the boundary line herein-before recited.

tions which


Penalty on

to hunt,

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any citizen of, or other perfon refident in the pafling the United States, or either of the territorial dif- boundary tricts of the United States, fhall crofs over, &c. or go within the faid boundary line, to hunt, or in any wife deftroy the game; or shall drive, or otherwife convey any itock of horfes

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