713.. 908 165.. 1727 1318 360 242.. 1226 1041 Bureau .3337 1376.. 8351 1793.. 3123 1887 ILLINOIS. Logan. Dickey. Linc. McClel. Butler.Starne. CONGRESS, '66. PRES. 64. TREAS.'62. Randolph..1756 1809.. 1520 1727.. 945 Counties. Rep. Dem. Un. Dem. Un. Dem. Adams.....4091 4750. 3496 4562.. 2357 Alexander. 631 942.. 722 881.. 151 4154 889 987.. 417 Rock Isl'd.2631 1481. 2091 Saline...... 942 988.. 765 710 Sangamon.4073 4154.. 3565 763 Schuyler..1582 1614.. 1106 280 Scott.......1033 1030.. 873 Shelby.....1488 St. Clair... 4451 2142.. 1168 1542. 1353 1565 Stark 1292 585.. 1174 613.. 801 566 562.. 104 325 443.. 1173 989 Stephenson2567 Tazewell..2312 1767.. 2598 1928.. 2154 2395.. 2147 2307.. 1628 1852 1976 Cass... 995 1278.. 863 1243.. 618 1211 Champaign2360 1475.. 2116 Christian..1501 1635.. 1043 1133.. 1248 1606.. 698 1332 Clark 1331 1393.. 1061 2237.. 542 1104 1455 Vermilion 2766 Union...... 819 1600.. 709 1672. 2546 1315.. 142 1639. 1479 1088 1560 Coles.... 2456 1903 2210 Clinton 1242 1223 1110 1117.. 1002.. 911 1555 1282 1168 640 1589 1092 Wayne.....1307 1271. 987 Washingt'n1662 1103.. 1244 1207.. 908 957 Cook......15225 5650..18667 4351.. 9988 8369 1486.. 774 1336.. 431 1147.. 426 1173 Whiteside. 2998 816.. 2905 1033.. 2013 02 Crawford.. 993 1209.. 822 1371.. 530 1209 Will........8444 2479.. 3343 Cumberl'd. 797 1062.. 591 1134.. 831 872 Williamson1245 1197.: 859 1121.: 850 841 De Kalb....2554 491.. 2985 741.. 1829 670 De Witt...1484 1080.. 1271 Winnebago$375 407.. 3969 705.. 2740 620 1688.. 1270 1685.: 811 1266 Douglas 924 649.. 993 774.. 566 724 Du Page...1546 527.. 1816 774.. 1174 520 Edgar......2025 1994.. 1683 Edwards... 764 324.. 636 330.. 889 Hancock...3287 3231.. 2655 2929.. 1520 2844 Hardin..... 355 404.. 314 315.. 113 841 Henry .....3380 1170.. 3553 Iroquois...1939 955.. 1777 843.. 1250 866 Jackson...1238 Jasper ..... 773 955.. 537 923.. 246 783 Jefferson.. 888 Jersey..... 965 1407.. 817 1546.. 536 1256 Jo Daviess.2449 1418.. 2517 1722.. 1921 1810 Johnson...1173 631.. 1230 380.. 124 600 1. Judd........15247. 2. Farnsworth 16185. 3. Washburne. 14657. Harding....15052. Turner... 5897.. 8760 5. Ingersoll ...18437. 8. Cullom .18623. Fowler. 9. Lippincott..14721. Ross.. 10. Case .14743. Burr. 158730.120116 186662 Dist. Rep. Dem.or Cons. Rep.mj. Wallace..... 5667.. 9580 Haines. 3346..12839 4. Thompson...13391.. 2561 Ramsey ..-9665.. 8772 7721.. 7294 .18252.. 4138 .14520.. 4103 .15496.. *775 .17116..*2378 11. Kitchell....14378. Marshall.....16668..*2290 453 12. Baker......13032. Morrison....11956. 1076 470.. 1244 399 13. Raum. .13459. Allen ..12890.. 569 Knox......4314 1317.. 4245 1864.. 2796 1640 Lake.......2112 645.. 2403 873.. 1876 885 La Salle...5012 3183.. 5174 * Democratic majority. LEGISLATURE, 1866. Senate.House. Joint Bal. Lawrence.. 934 921.. 735 954.. 875 914 Republicans. 16 Lee ...2172 771 2562 1173. 1733 1038 Democrats.. 62.......... 9 78 23.......... 82 Livingston 2223 1017.. 1746 Logan .....2241 1539.. 1727 1371.. 1531 1482 Macon 2352 1745.. 1827 1516.. 1613 1340 Macoupin .2762 2972.. 2274 2935.. 1461 2443 Madison...3574 3441.. 3156 3287.. 2178 2817 Marion....1916 1895.. 1427 1678.. 676 1360 Marshall...1690 983.. 1548 1403.. 1128 1207 I. Mason .....1311 Massac..... 961 503.. 948 265.. 217 604 McDono'gh2665 2423.. 2145 2171.. 1443 1957 McHenry..2697 682.. 2951 1188.. 2119 1007 McLean....4743 2566.. 4001 2582.. 2939 2345 Menard ....1048 1063.. 854 1075.. 768 968 Mercer....2020 1291.. 1759 1100.. 1042 Monroe .... 674 1488.. 560 1527.. 633 1249 II. Montgom'y1790 2133.. 1274 1960.. 814 1725 Columbia. Morgan....2486 2578.. 2292 2354.. 1526 2023 Dane...... Moultrie... 713 878.. 549 829.. 496 793 Jefferson. Ogle..... 2882 916 Rock... Peoria.....3837 3616.. 3536 3739.. 2518 3303 Perry .1404 806.. 1147 718.. 599 742 Piatt. 872 Pike 2713 2968.. 2335 2857.. 1508 525.. 1089 339.. 86 Pulaski.... 564 503.. 601 Putnam.... 687 344.. 711 WISCONSIN. 'CONGRESS, '66. GOV'NOR, '65. PRES. '64. Districts. Rep.Dem. Un. Dem. Rep.Dem. Kenosha...1528 776.. 1035 552. 1318 879 Walworth....3875 985.. 2890 2840 1141.. 2021 ..4531 3903.. 3534 .2797 2798.. 2003 .3961 991.. 3190 2574 Crawford..... 968 919.. 517 534.. 183 373 Green..... .1994 639.. 1552 2025.. 2010 2196 9619..11992 12786 1087.. 2652 1483 2660.. 4018 8811 2335.. 2157 2742 1122.. 4368 1532 7204..13195 9568 581.. 711 786 1131.. 3247 1561 728.. 2017 1107 1051.. 1282 1424 1152.. 2034 1644 852.. 3455 1192 .14679 10298.. 9634 Total.....14129 8833..10743 Cobb Virgin. 600 275.. 309 2954 3879.. 2702 3580.. 3226 4698 Atchison.. Fond du Lac 3887 3013.. 2871 2759. 3484 3305 Audrain.. Ozaukee... 183 1559 263 1643. 243 2050 Barry... Sheboygan....2264 2061. 1605 1669. 1958 2185 Barton. Washington.. 740 2124. 599 1969. 664 2923 Bates... Benton.. Total.....10028 12636.. 8040 11620.. 9575 15161 Bollinger..... 255 132.. V. Sawyer Martin. Brown.. 982 1318.. 447 Calumet...... 862 690. 485 465 93.. 309 Boonc.. 88.. 574 21 243 12 135 631.. 132 1763.. 262 813 789.. 1914 813 27 49.. 846.. 730 1286 Buchanan.....1447 1292.. 866 422. 1441 Door.... 508 Callaway..... 383.. 157 753 Camden..... 58.. 496 88 146 1630.. 274 965 355 32.. 290 C. Girardeau. 804 370.. 696 Carroll... Oconto... 449 256. 352 241. 291 178 Carter.. Outagamie...1053 1179.. 739 1007. 651 492.. 1139 Shawanaw... 212 140.. 138 116.. 134 Winnebago...3420 1491.. 2180 261.. 1053 1299.. 2926 989 Cass... 97 Cedar. 669 460.. 291 .. 391 336.. 167 352 15.. 202 541 Chariton.... 530 564.. 236 282 1772 8085..10638 10094 Christian..... 437 58.. 326 Clark.... .1082 132.. 645 Cole.... 126.. 581 222 Cooper... 23 14 29 Crawford..... 322 211.. 597 284 Dade... Dallas.. 39.. Dent... 67 Douglass. 251 Dunklin.. 362 Franklin. 382 193.. 221 15.. 507 207 Gasconade.... 905 687 Gentry..... 904 Greene.. 22 Grundy.. 839 102.. 645 527 Harrison......1077 279.. 820 650 Henry.. 472 252.. 365 119 Hickory....... 398 107 369.. 704 311 Howard...... 200 960.. 265 896 497.. 704 492. 939 381 882.. 170 295. 297 307 57 1.. 417 4 12 795 345.. 564 1.. 189 2 120.. -.. 838.. 1717 401 227.. 508 346.. 862 185 597 345.. 326 79.. 525 281 208.. 2223 346 43.. 933 17 185.. 1252 212 34.. 465 232 10.. 282 Holt..... 784 81.. 517 Vernon.......1233 238.. 1164 120.. 1337 451 Jasper. 278 1.. Wood.... 212 299.. 223 259.. 247 248 Jefferson...... 771 771.. 452 489 915 323 Soldiers' vote.. -..1200 277 14550 2291 Johnson. 592 67.. 832 224 647 344.. 541 197.. 669 348 Total.....13135 6640.. 9692 5278..11484 6756 Whole State. 79323 55416..58332 48330..83458 65884 Per cent..... 58.87 41.13 54.67 45.33 55 89 44.11 In 1866, whole vote cast for the regular Republican and Democratic candidates for Conwhole Republican vote, 79,323 Democratic vote, 55,416; Republican majority 23,907. In 1865, total vote for Governor (includ. 12 scattering), 106,674; Fairchild's majority 10,002. In 1864, total vote for President, 149,342; Lincoln's majority, 17,574. In 1863, whole vote for Governor, 135,297; Lewis' (Union) majority, 17,574. In 1860, whole vote for President, 152,018; Lincoln's majority, 20,202. Total vote in 1865, on extension of suffrage, 102,179 majority against extension of suffrage, 9,003. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1866. The vote on calling a Constitutional Convention was, for Convention, 22,431, against Convention, 30,862; majority against Convention, 8,431. LEGISLATURE, 1867. Senate, House. Joint Bal. 822 640.. 646 McDonald.... 101 Mercer....... 944 123 770 Miller 431 34.. 460 Moniteau.. 708 470.. 534 457 373.. 282 Morgan.. Nodaway. .. 734 37 Osage.. 563 1 Ozark. Pemiscot..... 57 Perry.. ...... 581 372.. 45 20.. 11 99.. 380 -.. 624.. 398 721. 764 679 -.. 134.. -.. 38 122:: 542.. 435 527.. 509 116 81 328. 1757 23 14 3 Park. Will. For. Against. Linc. McClel. Pettis. Phelps. Pike... Platte Berry.Miller. Fagan. Bell. Breck. Doug. 694 490.. 253 334.. 879 396 Crawford..... .177 4 390.. 374 244 357 251 180.. 422 269.. 985 263 Crittenden 3 106 211.. 257 88 173 983 1245.. 638 1113.. 1143 930 Cross 17 227 147.. Polk. 695 190.. 644 106.. 870 5 Desha. Pulaski 121 163.. 50 15.. 105 28 Drew .194 131 298.. 283 666 44 Ralls. 216 277.. 191 235.. 292 194 Fulton... 2 73 192.. 38 252 56 Randolph. 182 1168.. 96 817.. 484 327 Greene Ray... 585 522.. 350 403.. 531 798 Hempstead .247 291 Reynolds. 137.. 1 20.. 7 20 Hot Spring...... 86 340 149.. 23 451 45 Ripley Independence...424 512 548.. 893 722 281 St. Charles...1239 891.. 512 1133.. 1438 394 Izard.... 2 450 227.. 271 524 128 St. Clair...... 318 1.. 125 223 -.. 325.. 146 408.. 246 134 394.. 172 213.. 423 217 Johnson St. Louis.....12076 9231.. 5322 11248..14027 1 Jackson 21 270 462.. 722 762 53 Jefferson .252 314 318.. 600 664 442 8882 Lafayette. Saline.... Schuyler. Scotland. 442 357.. 317 137.. 170 388 152.. 260 25.. 546 655 549.. 404 162.. 612 98 Lawrence 191 Madison...... 533 Marion... 72 176 Scott.... 259 236.. 131 142.. 155 186 Mississippi... Shannon. Monroe.... Shelby... 216 Montgomery....220 114 24.. 60 360 4 Stoddard...... 117 147.. 130 105.. 111 6 Newton. .113 76 Stone.... 103 89.. 25 103.. 100 Quachita Sullivan..... 764 254.. 540 140.. 1074 52 Perry Taney.. 103 8.. Phillips 121 124 745.. 606 619 62 Texas... 88 126. 37 10 Pike .219 54 133.. 51 294 77 Vernon. 46 189.. 11 106.. Poinsett 9 98 Warren.. 655 273.. 451 280.. 948 271 Polk 137 153 699.. 788 239 Pope 276.. 396 663 12 247.. 343 189 Prairie. 87.. 15 Washington.. 296 575.. 167 Worth, Wright. Soldiers' vote. 407 259.. 292 163.. 533 192 Pulaski 277 194.. 167 192 41.. 106.. 346 121 Randolph. 3995 1168.. 65 2 Saline. Total ......62187 40958..43670 41308..71676 31626 In 1866, total vote for Superintendent of Public Schools, 104,775; Parker over Williams, 20,859. In 1865, total vote on the new Constitution, so far as returned, 85,478; maj. for new Constitution, 1,862. In 1864, whole vote for President, 103,302; Lincoln over McClellan, 40,050. In 1860, whole vote for President, 165,518; anti-Lincoln maj., 131,462. CONGRESS, 1866. The vote by Congressional Districts stands as follows: Dist. Rad. Con. Maj. VI...5391 4857....534 I...6728 6510....218 VII..10942 3980...6962 II...9564 6254...3310 VIII...7601 6069...1532 III...3571 4637...1066 ΙΧ...4876 4698....178 IV...6083 1929...4154 V...7617 4084...3533 Total.62373 43018 LEGISLATURE, 1867.-The Radicals have a large majority in each branch of the State Legislature. NEVADA. Total .......6476 15241 12690..20094 28732 5227 In 1866, total vote for Auditor, 34,407; Miller over Fagan, 2,551. Combined Democratic vote (Miller and Fagan) over Berry (Conservative) Union, 21,455. In 1860, total vote for President, 54,053; Breckinridge over Bell, 8,638. CONGRESS, 1866. District I.-William Byers (Dem.), 10,703; P. Van Patton (Ind. Dem.), 2,322; T. M. Jacks (Union), 462; scattering. 50. Total vote, 13,537; Byers over Van Patton, 8,381; over all 7,869. District II.-A. W. Hobson (Dem.), 5,861; J. H. Askew, 4,221; total vote (incl. 235 for J. R. Fellows, 438 for D. H. O. Moore, and 93 scatt'ng), 10,848; Hobson over Askew, 1,640. District III.-A. B. Greenwood (Dem.), 7,183; J. M. Johnson (Rep.), 3,616; total vote (incl. 786 for JE. Bennett, 241 for H. B. Stuart, and 65 scattering), 11,891. Greenwood, over Johnson, 3,567. LEGISLATURE, 1866. The Senate consisted of 25 members, all anti-Republicans, except one, whose seat was contested. The House contained 5 Radicals (2 for Sebastian, 1 for Scott, 1 for Pike, 1 for Montgomery), 2 Conservative Unionists, all others were anti-Repub 100.. 716 839 138 Anderson..... 23 910.. 141 739.. 113 911 NORTH CAROLINA. At the election for Governor in October, the Union party stood on the platform of the Constitutional Amendment proposed by the majority of Congress. Their candidate, Dockery, declined, however, to be a candidate, and a very large proportion of the Unionists did not vote at all. GOV'NOR, '66.GOV. '65. PRESID'T, '60. Counties. Un. Dem. Un. Dem. Un.Dem. Dem. Dockery. Worth. Hol'n. Worth. Bell. Breck. Doug. Alamance..120 563.. 451 619.. 661 536 86 Alexander.. 31 392.. 229 Alleghany.. 51 Anson ... 9 220.. 261 513.. 70 .199 512.. 472 Beaufort....178 418.. 427 Bertie.......155 260.. 364 427.. 90 280.. 471 403 Dockery. Worth. Hol'n. Rowan..... 2 592.. 341 Rutherford.648 382. 558 Sampson.... 38 Stokes... Tyrrell ..... 2 Union...... 51 Wake.......341 Warren Washington 174 2 Watauga.... 68 39.. [no return.] Wayne...... 59 245 7 Wilkes......462 630.. 871 284.. 717 229 1 Wilson... 70 314..1082 549 42 Yadkin.....459 76..597 399 17 416.. [thrown out.] 826 662 49 4 445 18 9 83 8 870 42 Yancey..... 83 In 1866, whole vote for Governor, 45,094; Worth over Dockery, 23,596. Total vote for Governor, in 1865, 58,554; Jonathan Worth over W. W. Holden, 6,730; over all 6,524. In 1860, total vote for President, 96,230; Breckinridge over Bell, 8,549. NEW STATE CONSTITUTION, 1866. A vote on the adoption of the new State Constitution framed by the State Convention was taken on August 2, 3, and 4, with the following 460.. 208 449.. 529 979 6 407.. 286 339.. 934 53 9 .216 505.. 452 265.. 432 745 Surry ..153 Transylv'ia 474.. 616 329.. 502 811 28 [with Henderson.] 169.. 16 293.. 300 77 22 432. 298 366..379 858 5 453..1130 1216 276 525.. 138 858 5 203.. 92 189.. 413 159 44 287.. 822 147 632.. 239 1359 11 |