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been registered; for his words are these, "all persons are supposed to die unbaptized but those whose baptism the registers own; and therefore, the registers not owning dissenting baptisms, those who die with such baptisms must be supposed to die unbaptized." Now this is assertion, but nothing more; for there is no authority whatever referred to in support of it, there is no law to be found which so declares, there is no practice which justifies this as being the rule. And to what extent-to what monstrous length, would this go? No foreigners who are in this country,-not only no Catholics, but no persons born in any Protestant country in Europe, coming into this country and dying here, could be buried according to the forms of the Church of England, because they are persons clearly not registered in this country, clearly not baptized by a lawful Minister of this country, or according to our Book of Common Prayer. Not only these, but none of his Majesty's Scotch Presbyterian subjects could be buried here, no member of the Church of England whose baptism has been by omission neglected to be registered in his parish; nay, a person born in one part of the kingdom, if he happened to die in another, and a distant part of the kingdom, could not receive Christian burial, from the want of facility to procure the register of his baptism.

It has been asked, if you do not require proof from the register, what other proof can you have? how are the clergy otherwise to find out who are baptized, and who are not? To that it may be properly answered, they must be satisfied with reasonable evidence,—with what a person acting fairly, and not captiously, would require; for if a clergyman meant to act vexatiously, and, under the pretext of not being satisfied of the fact, when taking all the circumstances of the case together no doubt could reasonably be entertained upon the subject, refused burial, he would not only be liable to the punishment of the law, but exposed to that punishment in its utmost extent. In the present case, there appears however no difficulty of the sort for the articles

assert that the child was baptized according to the form generally observed among that class of Dissenters; that Mr. Wickes stood upon the fact as the ground of his refusal. This was acting certainly much more properly, than pretending to doubt a fact of which he had no conscientious doubt; and though he has, perhaps, unfortunately mistaken the law, it was much more honourable not to state a doubt of the fact, but to act upon the existence of his doubt of the law.

It has been said, that the present case is important, both to the interest of the Dissenters and of the Church. It may be important to the Dissenters, that their right of church burial should be established, and that their baptisms should be recognized, and should not be considered as mere nullities; for that goes far to the denial of their being Christians at all; and every thing which savours of disability and exclusion is of importance to any subjects of his Majesty; and, if the law does not exclude them from church burial, no blame whatever can be imputed either to the individual, or to the body, if the body countenance the individual, in the attempt now made to assert the right of burial by the institution of the present suit. But how the object of the suit can be that, which has been suggested by the counsel, namely, for the purpose of establishing their Ministers as "lawful Ministers," is difficult to be imagined. As lawful dissenting Ministers, they are already established; for the law allows them and recognizes them as such; and the event of this suit cannot by possibility make them lawful Ministers of the Church of England episcopally ordained, nor can it in any manner alter their station and character in the political society of the country,

The importance of the suit to the interests and dignity of the Church is not less difficult to be apprehended. If the legal rights of the Church were affected, it would not be more the duty than the inclination of the Court to uphold them. The suit may be interesting to individuals who have been embarked in controversy and contest; it may be interesting to the clergy in general, who are doubtful


what the law is, that the law should be ascertained by a judicial decision: but why the rights and interests of the Church are to be affected by considering dissenting baptisms as Christian baptisms, by allowing persons so baptized the common right of being buried according to the ordinary forms of the Church, and by a minister of the Church to whose support they are bound to contribute, has not been explained. If the law has not excluded them from this ordinary right of Christianity and humanity, the ministers of the Church will not surely be degraded by performing the office. On the contrary, the generality of the Clergy, it may be presumed, will rejoice that in this last office of Christian charity there is no separation between the Church and their Protestant Dissenting brethren. It is by a lenient and a liberal interpretation of the laws of disability and exclusion, and not by a captious and vexatious construction and application of them, that the true interests and the true dignity of the Church establishment are best supported.

Upon the whole of the case, and for the reasons assigned, the Court is of opinion that the minister, in refusing to bury this child in the manner pleaded in the articles, has acted illegally. The suit is probably brought for the sake of deciding the question,

rather than of punishing the individual. The minister may have acted, and it is presumed has acted, from a sense of his public duty: for, upon his understanding of the law, it was his duty, and he was bound, not to perform the service, which he might most willingly have performed if he had more correctly understood the law. The Court has therefore thought it proper to state its opinion, and the grounds of that opinion, the more fully, in the hope of setting the question at rest, and of putting an end to the suit. If the facts are truly stated, and the decision now given upon the law should be acquiesced in, it may reasonably be expected, from the spirit of candour which has been avowed on the part of the promoter, that he would be satisfied in correcting the error, and in establishing the right; and that the suit might end here, and harmony be restored between these parties, each of them recollecting that, however they may differ upon certain points, either of doctrine or of ceremony, still they are both equally bound by Christian charity to dismiss as quickly as possible from their minds all feelings of animosity, and to return to the exercise of mutual kindness. The Court, upon the grounds already stated, has no doubt at all in admitting these articles, and does admit them accordingly.

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in the course of a century, the operations of the Society have increased more than a hundredfold.

For upwards of a century, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge was the only body of importance which supported the cause of general education. And it appears that the number of children educated exclusively from the books of the Society, amounts to about 900,000.

The Society has been largely and successfully occupied, during the last year, in turning into the channel of the mighty Christian instruction, streams of popular and periodical literature, and counteracting the sceptical use which has been made of those influential instruments. In May last, the number of weekly cheap periodicals published in London alone was 300,000, of which not one was professsedly engaged in defence of religion, and the greater part were openly hostile to Christianity. To counteract this immense evil, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge sanctioned the formation of a Committee of General Literature and Education, and placed at its disposal 2000. It appears that the Saturday Magazine, established by this Committee, has already extinguished some of the worst low periodicals, and subdued the tone of others.

An important feature of the last year's operations has been the establishment of School Lending Libraries; to encourage which the following resolution has been adopted by the board: "That a grant of books from the Society's permanent catalogue, to an amount not exceeding five pounds at the cost price, be made to any such schools in union with the National Society as shall apply for the same, provided that books to an equal or greater amount be added to them, at their own expense, from the Society's Catalogue." The advantages which may arise from this liberal resolution are almost incalculable.

Forty-three new works are admitted on the Society's Permanent Catalogue, and fifteen on the Supplemental.

An edition of the Common Prayer in French has been published for the use of the island of Jersey, to which the Society has contributed 50%. And

at the General Fast, the Society con-
tracted with the King's Printer to
supply 200,000 copies of the Form of
Prayer at a very low price.

The Society concludes the domestic
portion of its report with a commend-
atory notice of the system adopted
by the Bath and Bedminster District
Committee, which we have before re-
commended to local associations. The
advantages of that system, proved by
actual results, cannot be too exten-
sively known.

In India, the Society has been endeavouring to procure the grant of three Bishops for that enormous diocese; and with well grounded expectations of success. They have also exerted themselves to obtain the removal of the abominable encouragement of idolatry by the British Government, and East India Company; and have reason to hope that their representations will be successful. A new church has been built at Mysore, with the authority of the Rajah. The Liturgy of our Church is in course of translation into the Persian, Arabic, Teluroo, Guzeratee, and Bengalee languages. The Native School system has been productive of the expected fruits. Native children have been baptized, together with their parents. An annual grant of 1507. is made to the Mission Seminary at Vepery. 50%. has been granted to the Colombo Committee for school books.

To the Cape of Good Hope 20007. has been granted for general purposes. An English church at Cape Town is Towards in a very forward state. this object, towards the erection of churches at Port Elizabeth, Bathurst, Wynberg, and Simon's Town, and towards the establishment of infant and other schools, this money has been distributed. The Local Society are beginning to print portions of the Scripture in the Caffer tongue.

To the district of St. John's, Newfoundland, 40%. has been granted in books; and tracts on Confirmation have been also issued.

The only part of the Report which bears a tinge of melancholy is the West Indian. But nothing can here be assigned in the way of negligence on the part of the Society.


Jamaica, the horrors of the last year, and the progress of fanaticism and jacobinism have had a fearful effect on Christian instruction. By the Providence of God, however, it may be expected that the planters, having witnessed the comparative effects of ecclesiastical and schismatical teaching, may take those decided courses, which may lead to the more efficient establishment of sound Christianity. In Barbados, the hurricane of the last year rendered unfit for divine service every church, chapel, and schoolhouse. To the repairs of these places the Society granted 20007.

The Society has been engaged in

diffusing Christianity in the Scilly Islands. Besides the regular expenses of the Missionaries, the Society has granted 30l. towards the repair of Boyhar Church. It has further memorialized the crown on the spiritual wants of these islands; and as they form part of the Duchy of Cornwall, and thus yield a revenue to the crown, it is hoped the application will be attended to.

The Report concludes with an energetic appeal to the Christian public to concentrate its energies in the bosom of a Society which may become the most effectual bulwark of the truth in an apparently impending struggle.


THE anniversary of these institutions was held on Thursday, Oct. 25, when the Civic Authorities, together with the Schools connected with the Societies, attended the Cathedral. The performance of the service, which was that composed by Bridgwater, of York, was very grand, and the 100th Psalm, by the children, had a most pleasing effect. The anthem appropriately chosen for the occasion was Dr. Clarke's, of Cambridge, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way," &c. It was admirably sung, particularly the part by the two trebles, whose chasteness of execution afforded a rich treat to the admirers of sacred music. The Right Rev. Dr. Philpotts preached a forcible sermon from Matt. xxiv. 14. The collection at the doors-741. 7s. 10d.

At the conclusion of the service at the Cathedral, the usual meeting took place at the Guildhall, where the Lord Bishop presided, and having offered up an appropriate and impressive prayer, announced that during the last year, (exclusive of nearly 25,000 religious papers and cards for the use of schools) there had been an increase in the number of books and tracts, which have been sold at the Exeter Depository alone, of nearly 16,700. The total number sold,

amounting to-Bibles, 1,522; Testaments and Psalters, 3,980; Common Prayer Books, 3,890; other books and tracts 39,762.

A portion of the above list was issued gratuitously: viz :-Bibles, 87; Testaments and Psalters, 270; Common Prayer Books, 162; other books, 6,631.

And another portion was granted for the purpose of being re-sold considerably under the regulated prices: viz; - Bibles, 133; Testaments, 99; Common Prayer Books, 338.

The average sale at the Depository of the Saturday Magazine alone, has exceeded 800 numbers weekly.

Such is a brief statement of the endeavours which have been made, during the last year, to promote Christian knowledge and education within this diocese. But a most gratifying circumstance still remains to be noticed. This Committee have been enabled to place at the disposal of the Chaplain of the county gaol and bridewell, Bibles, Common Prayer Books, and other religious publications; to be by him re-sold to such of the prisoners as (through his exertions, prospered by the blessing of Him who willeth not the death of a sinner) have been brought to feel, that the fear of the Lord is wisdom,

and to depart from evil, understanding. The books which have been thus disposed of, from the appointment of the present Chaplain in October 1831 to 29th September 1832, amount to-Bibles, 38; Common Prayer Books, 110; other books and tracts, 204.

In the Report of the Treasurer is noticed a donation of 207. from "An

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Anonymous Friend," by the hand of Miss Wyatt.

S. P. G.-The claims of this Society we stated in the Report, and some powerful appeals were made in its behalf; but we have been unable to learn what sum of money the ComImittee have transmitted to the Parent Society.


DOMESTIC. No political circumstance of purely domestic relation, and of sufficient importance to merit particular notice, has occurred during the last month.

So many difficulties have arisen to hinder the registration of votes for members of Parliament in Ireland, that it is calculated this cannot be completed before the end of January next; and, consequently, that Parliament cannot be dissolved before that time.

But if domestic political measures have been so unimportant, those connected with our foreign relations have been of the greatest consequence. The administration of this country have laid an embargo on all Dutch vessels in the ports of this kingdom, and issued orders to the commanders of his Majesty's cruisers, to detain and send in all vessels bearing the Dutch flag, or conveying Dutch property. They have commissioned a fleet of ships of war to go, in company with a fleet of French ships, to the mouth of the Scheldt, whether merely to blockade the entrance of that river, or to attempt to sail up it, does not yet appear. The king of Holland speaks in the same undismayed tone as before; and whilst he omits no means of prudence to maintain his rights, has not suffered himself to be betrayed in any measure derogatory to that high ground which he has all along occupied. He has laid no counter embargo, he has shewn no hostile feeling towards the subjects of those states which thus indicate their warlike intentions towards him. He continues to send towards the Scheldt, such "materiel" of war as may be necessary to protect his people and maintain his rights. He has caused the citadel of Antwerp to be furnished with provisions and ammunition for a a long siege; and has instructed the commander, General Chassé to fire upon

the town immediately after he is advised of the entrance of a French army into Belgium. In all these measures he is most enthusiastically supported by his people, both the government and the governed acting most vigorously in the same spirit.

The effects of these measures upon our domestic policy have been seriously felt, and powerfully expressed by a large portion of our fellow-subjects. A numerous meeting of the bankers, merchants, and traders of London was held on the 12th ultimo, and their voice was most loudly and unanimously raised against them, as injurious to the country, and tending strongly to increase the distresses under which the country has groaned so long and so heavily. The same feeling is expressed by all ranks, in all our commercial and manufacturing towns; whilst our seamen feel so repugnant to fight against the Dutch, and for the French, that though thousands of them are out of employ, and literally starving for want, this small fleet could not be manned without having recourse to the odious measure of issuing press-warrants.

The indications of the intentions of the powers whose interests are involved in this question, continue to be warlike. The Prussian armies are approaching Venloo in great force-the French papers say, to occupy it, and maintain its neutrality, as a measure favourable to Belgium-other accounts state as one to facilitate operations in favour of Holland, should hostilities be commenced. From Vienna, it is said, contracts have been made to furnish clothing for five hundred thousand troops, with a contingent contract for that of two hundred thousand more, if required. Marshal Mortier, who had been sent to St. Petersburgh on a special mission, has returned to Paris, it is reported, having failed in the object of it.

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