Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

RENNIE, Sir J.-continued. See RENDEL, J. M. Report on the plan of Sir J. Rennie for embanking the shores of the Great Wash. 1840.

See WHITEHAVEN. Plans for the improvement of Whitehaven Harbour with reports by Sir J. Rennie and others. 1836. RENNIE, Sir J., and STEVENSON, A. Correspondence relative to the Bell Rock Lighthouse. Tract. 4to. vol. 39. Lond. 1849. 4to. RENNIE, R., Rev. Essays on the natural history and origin of Peat-Moss, etc. Edinburgh, 1807. 8vo. RENNIE AND CO. Machines à disque de MM. Rennie. Tract. folio. Paris, 1855. folio. On a new Barometric Formula for Mountain Heights, in which the hygrometric condition of the atmosphere is systematically considered. Tract. 4to. vol. 41.

vol. 12.


Dublin, 1857. 4to.

(From Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.)

On the Constants of the Barometric Formula which make correct allowance for the hygrometric state of the atmosphere. Tract. 4to. vol. 51. Dublin, 1859. 4to. RENOLD, H. Index to the various kinds of Steel Chains, and the purpose for which they are used. Tract. 8vo. vol. 505.

Manchester, 1893. 8vo. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. Biographical Record of the Officers and Graduates, 1824-1886, etc.

Troy, N. Y., 1887. 8vo. Troy, N.Y., 1887-90. 8vo.

Register. 1887-90. Report of a Committee of the Trustees concerning the System of Instruction. Tract. 4to. vol. 95. Troy, N.Y., 1870. 4to. RENSSELAER SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS. Selected Papers. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-5, and Vol. 2, No. 5. Troy, N.Y., 1884-89. 8vo. RENTON, A. H. On the Economy of Fuel on board Steam Vessels and on a new construction of Marine Boiler for effecting that object. Tract. 8vo. vol. 314. RENTZSCH,

[ocr errors]

Die deutschen Wasserstrassen.

Lond. 1846. 8vo.

Tract. 4to. vol. 96.
Berlin, 1885. 4to.

Paris, 1866. 8vo.

RENUCCI, J. E. Critique du problème de la navigation aérienne.
Tract. 8vo. vol. 261.
RENWICK, J. Essay on the Steam-boats of the United States of
America. Tract. 4to. vol. 70.

Lond. [1838.] 4to.

RÉSAL, H. Éléments de mécanique suivis d'additions relatives à la mécanique des systèmes de points matériels.

[blocks in formation]

Paris, 1851. 8vo. capillarité, chaleur, Paris, 1884. 4to.

Paris, 1873-81. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

RÉSAL, J. Constructions métalliques: élasticité et resistance des

matériaux fonte, fer, et acier.

Ponts en maçonnerie. 1887-88.

Ponts métalliques. 2 vols.

REULEAUX, F. Briefe aus Philadelphia.

Paris, 1892. 8vo.

See DEGRAND, E., and

Paris, 1885-89. 8vo. Tract. 8vo. vol. 310. Braunschweig, 1877. 8vo.

Der Constructeur : ein Handbuch zum Gebrauch beim Maschinen-
entwerfen, etc.
Braunschweig, 1865. 8vo.
The Constructor: a handbook of Machine Design. Translation
from the fourth enlarged German edition by H. H. Suflee.
Philadelphia, 1894. folio.
Die Festigkeit der Materialen, etc. 1853. See MOLL, C. L., and

The Kinematics of Machinery: outlines of a theory of machines,

[blocks in formation]

Leipzig, 1892.


Tract. 8vo. vol. 518.
Ueber Neuerungen an Dampfpumpen und Dampfpumpwerken.
Tract. 8vo. vol. 435.

Berlin, 1886. 8vo.

Ueber Neuerungen in Ferntriebwerken. Tract. 8vo. vol. 422.

REUNERT, T. Diamond Mines of South Africa.

Diamonds and Gold in South Africa, etc.

Berlin, 1885.


[blocks in formation]

Table of the Solid Measurement in cubic feet per log of round
Logs, etc. Tract. folio. vol.
Kimberley, 1873. folio.
Paris, 1884. 8vo.

REVEREND, A. Annuaire de l'électricité.
REVESI BRUTI, O. R. A new and accurate method of delineating
all the parts of the different Orders in Architecture, by means of
a well-contrived and easily-managed instrument; whereon the first
proportions of the principal members and of their several parts are
so disposed as wholly to avoid the difficulty of the fractional parts
that usually attend these operations. Englished from the original
Italian by T. Malie.
Lond. 1737. folio.
RÉVY, J. J. Hydraulics of great Rivers. The Paraná, the Uruguay,
and the La Plata Estuary.
Lond. 1874. 4to.

The Progressive Screw as a propeller in navigation. Tract. 8vo.
vol. 122.
Lond. 1860. 8vo.

REY, Le puits artésien de Grenelle. Tract. 8vo. vol. 496.

[ocr errors]

Paris, 1844. 8vo.

Genève, 1865. 8vo.

REY, A. L'huile de pétrole. Tract. 8vo. vol. 315.

[blocks in formation]

REY, L. Nouvelles formules pour le calcul des pièces soumises à des efforts de flexion ou de torsion. Tract. 8vo. vol. 495.

Paris, 1890. 8vo.

REYER, E. Bewegungen in losen Massen. Tract. 8vo. vol. 338.

1881. 8vo.

Kupfer in den Vereinigten Staaten. Tract. 4to. vol. 98.

REYMOND, L. VON. Über feldmässige dung einer Eisenbahn-Kriegsbrücke.


Wien, 1886. Eisenbahnen unter AnwenTract. 8vo. vol. 340.

Budapest, 1881. 8vo.

REYNAUD, L. Deuxième lettre adressée à MM. les membres de la IX classe du jury international de l'Exposition universelle de 1855 au sujet des réclamations de M. Th. Stevenson. Tract. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 8vo.

vol. 182.

Mémoire sur l'éclairage et le balisage des côtes de France. (Atlas
of plates.)
Paris, 1864. 4to. and folio.
Memoir upon the Illumination and Beaconage of the coasts of

Traité d'architecture. 4o édition.

Washington, 1876. 4to. 4 vols. (Atlas of plates.) Paris, 1875-78. 4to. and folio.

Les travaux publics de la France: publié sous la direction de
L. Reynaud. 5 vols.

Paris, 1883. folio.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

REYNIER, E. Instruction relative à l'emploi des accumulateurs électriques, système C. Faure. Tract. 4to. vol. 111.

Paris, 1882. 4to.

The Voltaic Accumulator: an elementary treatise. Translated from the French, etc. Lond. 1889. 8vo. REYNOLDS, J. An explanation of a mode of constructing Railways on the "continuous bearing" principle. Tract. 8vo. vol. 79. Lond. 1837. 8vo.

A letter to the editor of the Railway Magazine, on a new mode
of constructing the Permanent Way of railways. Tract. 8vo.
vol. 78.

Plan for Railways. Tract. 8vo. vol. 1.
(From the "Railway Mag.")

Lond. 1836. 8vo.

Lond. 1836. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

Locomotive-Engine Driving: a practical manual ... 2nd edition.

Lond. 1878. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

REYNOLDS, M.-continued. The Model Locomotive Engineer, Fire

man and Engine-boy.

Lond. 1879. 8vo.

Lond. 1885. 8vo.

Stationary Engine Driving. 3rd edition.
REYNOLDS, O. Cantor Lectures on Transmission of Energy, etc.
Lond. 1883. 8vo.

Memoir of James Prescott Joule. [Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc.
4th ser., vol. 6.]
Manchester, 1892. 8vo.

Sewer Gas, and how to keep it out of houses: a handbook on house drainage. 3rd edition. REYNOLDS, W. F., Rev., and CORBETT, C. J.

of the East Moulsey Glebe.
Main Sewerage.) [MS.]


Lond. 1876. 8vo. Lease to Mrs. Corbett (Lower Thames Valley 1879. folio.

Mittheilungen aus dem Markscheiderwesen, etc.

Freiberg in Sachsen, 1885, etc. 8vo.
Statisticher Auszug

RHEINSCHIFFS-REGISTER-VERBAND. aus dem Rheinschiffs-Register. 5 Ausgabe.

6. Ausgabe.

Frankfurt a. M., 1886. 8vo.
Frankfurt a. M., 1888. 8vo.

RHIND, R. H. Report upon the Floods of the Mahanuddy River
during 1872.
Calcutta, 1875. folio.
RHINE, River. Centralbureau für Meteorologie und Hydrographie
im Grossherzogthum Baden. Der Rheinstrom und seine wich-
tigsten Nebenflüsse von den Quellen bis zum Austritt des Stromes
aus dem Deutschen Reich. Eine hydrographische, wasserwirth-
schaftliche und wasserrechtliche Darstellung mit vorzugsweise
eingehender Behandlung des deutschen Stromgebietes. (Atlas
of plates.)
Berlin, 1889. 4to. and folio.

Regulirung des Rheins von Mainz bis Bingen. Lageplan der
Stromstrecke von Eltville bis Winkel. [Drawing.] Tract. folio.
vol. 45.
[1889.] folio.

Remarks on the importance of the Free Navigation of the Rhine,
as connected with the Commerce of this country: and on the
advantages which may be derived by employing Steam Power . . .
between London and Cologne. [By F. F. Gibbs.] Tract. 8vo.
vol. 504.
Lond. 1829. 8vo.

Wasserstands-Beobachtungen an den wichtigeren Pegeln des
Rheins und seiner grösseren Nebenflüsse im Grossherzogthum
Karlsruhe, 1883, etc. folio.
RHINE RAILWAY. Erweiterungsbauten der rheinischen Eisen-
bahn. Die Rheinbrücke bei Coblenz. Vol. 1.

Berlin, 1864. folio. RHODES, A. Universal Curve Tables for facilitating the laying out of circular arcs on the ground for railways, canals, etc., together with table of tangential angles and multiples.

Madras, 1870. 16mo.

[blocks in formation]

Evidence and Speeches on the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway
Lond. 1883. folio.
RHONDDA VALLEY. Reports on Explosions, etc. See GREAT
RHONE, River. Études sur les inondations dans le bassin du Rhône.


Notice sur la correction du Rhône, 1864–1877.

Paris, 1862. 4to.

Tract. 8vo. vol.

Sion, 1877. 8vo.

Kurzer Bericht über die Rhonecorrektion, 1864–77, etc. Tract.
8vo. vol. 357.
Sitten, 1877. 8vo.
Notice sur les travaux des embouchures du Rhône, canal St.
Louis. [MS.]


3 pts.

[1860.] 4to.
Lond. 1885-90. folio.

RIANT,, and OTHERS. Opposition au chemins de fer de Paris à
la mer par Gisors. Tract. 4to. vol. 81.

Paris, 1835. 4to.

RIBBLE, River. Act for the Improvement of the Navigation of the
River Ribble.
Lond. 1806. folio.

Reports of the Ribble Navigation Commission. 1889-91. See
NARES, Sir G. S., HARTLEY, Sir C. A., and BARRY, J. W.

RIBERA, J. DE. Memoria sobre el riego de los campos de Madrid
con las aguas del rio Lozoya.
Madrid, 1866. 4to.
RIBES, S. To the Rev. A. B. Bruce. Answer to the Chapters
XIX., XX., and XXI. of his book "The Life of William Denny,"
Shipbuilder, Dumbarton. Tract. 8vo. vol. 486.

Salto del Uruguay, 1889. 8vo.
RIBIÈRE, C. Investigations and Experiments on Compressed Air
Sound Signals. [2nd Int. Mar. Congr.] [Lond. 1893.] 8vo.
RICARDO, M. A letter addressed to Dr. Yates, on the proposed
plan of Travelling by Atmospheric Pressure. Tract. 8vo. vol. 81.
Brighton, 1827. 8vo.
RICCARDI, G. Ricerche istoriche e fisiche sulla caduta delle
marmore ed osservazioni sulle adjacenze di Terni. Tract. 8vo.
vob 14.
Spoleto, 1818.
RICHARD FRÈRES. Notice sur les instruments enregistreurs
construits par Richard frères, comprenant le rapport de M. le
Colonel Sébert.

RICHARD, G. La chaudière locomotive et son outillage.


Paris, 1886. 4to.

2 vols.
Paris, 1886. 4to.

Paris, 1885. 8vo. and folio.

Les moteurs à gaz. (Atlas of plates.)

Les nouveaux moteurs à gaz et à pétrole.

3 vols. (Atlas of
Paris, 1892. 8vo.

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