Imágenes de páginas



PORTER, J. S. On the Metrical System of Weights and Measures, and the desirableness of its universal adoption. Tract. 8vo. vol. 202. Lond. 1859. 8vo.

PORTER, T. The Students' Guide to the practice of Italian Archi-
tecture. Pt. 1. Tract. folio. vol. 35.
Lond. 1880. folio.

PORTER, W., Maj.-Gen. History of the Corps of Royal Engineers.
2 vols.
Lond. 1889. 8vo.
PORTER, W. H., and Co. Observations and Reports upon Porter &
Co.'s Patent Anchor.

[Another edition.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 254.

Lond. [1842.] 8vo.

[Lond. 1843.] 8vo.

PORTHDYNLLAEN HARBOUR. Report on the Harbour of Port Dynllaen, made in pursuance of the report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the existing communication between London and Dublin and to consider what improvements could be made therein, etc. Lond. 1838. folio. PORTLAND. Copies of reports, plans, and correspondence respecting a Harbour of Refuge and Breakwater at the Isle of Portland. Lond. 1847. folio.

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Suggestions for converting Portland Roads into a Harbour, by A. Lamb. (A Bill for constructing a Breakwater in Portland Roads.) 1825. folio. PORTLAND ROAD BRIDGE, L. B. & S. C. R. Copy of Report by Major-General Hutchinson of his inquiry into the accident that occurred on the 1st May, 1891, at Portland Road Bridge, near Norwood Junction, etc. Lond. 1891. folio. PORTLOCK, J. E. Report on the Geology of the County of Londonderry and parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, etc. [Memoirs of the Geological Survey.] Dublin, 1843. 8vo.

Papers on Geometrical Drawing, Fortification, etc.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

PORTO CABELLO. Proposed macadamised road from Porto Cabello to Valencia, distance thirty-five English miles. Tract. 8vo. vol. 70. Lond. [1838] 8vo. provision respecting

PORTSMOUTH. An Act for making further the Borrowing of Money by the Corporation of Portsmouth, etc.

Plan of H.M. Dockyard at Portsmouth.

[Another edition, corrected.]

Lond. 1883.


[Lond.] 1858. 8vo.

[Lond.] 1878. 8vo.

Proposals of Prices for performing the several Works and supplying of such materials as may be required in building a new Dock in His Majesty's Yard, etc. Tract. folio. vol. 49.

[Lond. 1800?] folio.



PORTSMOUTH-continued. Proposals of Prices for . . . repairing the Dwelling House, intended for the Port Admiral at Portsmouth. Tract. folio. vol. 49.

The Sewerage of Portsmouth.

[Lond. 1800?] folio.

Tract. 8vo. vol. 447. 1887. 8vo.

Free Public Library. Sixth Annual Report.

Portsea, 1890. 8vo. PORTSMOUTH AND ARUNDEL NAVIGATION. Act for making. a navigable Canal from the River Arun to Chichester Harbour, and from thence to Langstone and Portsmouth Harbours, etc. Lond. 1817. folio.

Act for giving further powers to the Company of Proprietors of the Portsmouth and Arundel Navigation, etc.

Lond. 1819. folio. PORTUGAL. [Bridges.] Projectos das principaes pontes de sobrestructura metallica que se teem executado em Portugal, etc. Tract. folio. vol. 15. Lisbon, 1872. folio. [Drainage.] Relatorio ácerca dos systemas modernos de canalisação empregados na Europa para esgoto das cidades por J. E. de St. A. da C. Castel-Branco. (Atlas of plates.)

Lisboa, 1880. 8vo. and folio. [Forests.] Relatorio ácerca arborisação geral do paiz.

Lisboa, 1868. 8vo. [Lighthouses.] Instrucções para o serviço dos pharos das costas, portos e barras do continente e ilhas adjacentes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 422. Lisboa, 1886. 8vo.

[Mines.] See infra:—[Public Works.]

[Public Works.] Boletim do ministerio das obras publicas, commercio e industria. No. 3, setembro, 1853.

Lisbon, 1853.


Collecção de legislação de 1886 e 1887 relativa a obras publicas e minas publicada na Revista de obras publicas e minas.

Lisboa, 1888. 8vo.

Estatistica graphica. Quadros graphicos dos serviços dependentes do Ministerio das obras publicas commercio e industria.

Lisboa, 1881. folio.

Legislação e disposições regulamentares sobre empreitadas. Tract. 8vo. vol. 258. Lisboa, 1874. 8vo. PORTWINE, E. Harbours of Refuge on the South-eastern Coast of England, including a digest of the evidence produced before the committee on shipwrecks, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 230:

Lond. 1849. 8vo. POSADA, J. DE LA C. The Geology of Carmelo Bay. 1893. See LAWSON, A. C., and POSADA, J. DE LA C. POSSENTI, C. Piano di sistemazione del fiume Tevere dall' Acqua Acetosa al mare, per impedire le inondazioni di Roma.

Firenze, 1871.

[blocks in formation]

POST, J. Chemisch-technische Analyse-Handbuch der analytischen
Untersuchungen zur Beaufsichtigung des chemischen Grossbe-
Braunschweig, 1882. 8vo.
POST, J. W. Maintenance-Expenses of Track on Wooden and Metal
Ties. With discussion. Tract. 8vo. vol. 482.

[New York,] 1888. 8vo.

Note sur le matériel de la voie des railways économiques. Tract. folio, vol. 39. Paris, 1883. folio. Le réseau des chemins de fer de l'État à Sumatra. Tract. folio, vol. 48. Paris, 1891. folio. POSTAL TELEGRAPH AND CABLE COMPANY. Reports. [Containing accounts of the Leggo Automatic and Gray Harmonic Systems of operating.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 380.

New York, 1883. 8vo. POSTLE, J. D. Some Papers relating to the preservation of Meat by Refrigeration. Tract. 8vo. vol. 362. Sydney, 1882. 8vo. POTENTI, G. Carte itinéraire, historique et statistique des chemins de fer et des autres voies de communication à vapeur de l'Europe centrale. Bruxelles, 1846. 8vo. POTERLET, -, Jun. Lois, instructions, réglemens et circulaires qui concernent spécialement le service des ponts et chaussées, de la navigation intérieure, des bacs, usines, ports de commerce, depuis 1789 jusqu'à 1806, etc.

Paris, 1820.


POTIER, A. Carte du Pas-de-Calais, etc. [1877?] See LAROUSSE, E., POTIER, A., and Lapparent, A. de.


Rapports sur l'exploration géologique sous-marine du Pas-de-Calais. [Paris, 1875-77.] folio. POTOMAC AQUEDUCT. Report on the construction of the Potomac Aqueduct by Maj. W. Turnbull with other documents relating thereto. (Atlas of plates.) 1838. 8vo. and folio. POTTER, E. C. The Pollution of Rivers: by a Polluter. A Letter to the Right Hon. G. Sclater-Booth. Tract. 8vo. vol. 516. Manchester, 1875. 8vo.

POTTER, R. An Elementary Treatise on Optics. 2nd edition, revised. 2 vols. Lond. 1851.


POTTER, T. Concrete its use in building and the construction of concrete walls, floors, etc.

POTTS, J., Jun. Remarks on the Assessment of
Hereditaments containing Machinery. Tract.

Lond. 1877. 8vo.

Rateable Value on
8vo. vol. 310.
Lond. 1879. 8vo.

POTTS, R. An Appendix to the larger edition of Euclid's Elements of Geometry; containing additional notes on the Elements, a short tract on transversals, and hints for the solution of the problems, Lond. 1847. 8vo.


Appendices to a new Supplement to Euclid's Elements of Geometry
and to a new Treatise on Mechanics.
Lond. 1841. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

POTTS, W. J. Potts' Mining Directory, etc. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS.

POUCHET, F. A. Table pour la révivification des noyés. Tract. 8vo. vol. 53.

Paris, [1840?] 8vo. POUGUES. Medical notice on the Mineral Waters of Pougues, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 124. Lond. 1858. 8vo. POUFF, P. Abstract of paper on a new form of Siemens Furnace, etc. 1890. See HEAD, J., and Pouff, P. POUILLET, C. S. M. Éléments de physique expérimentale et de météorologie. 4e édition. (Atlas of plates.)

Bruxelles, 1840. 8vo. Rapport fait à l'Académie des Sciences sur les appareils télégraphiques de M. Siemens (de Berlin). Tract. 8vo. vol. 136.

[Paris, 1850?] 8vo.

POUPARDIN, F. L. Résumé de la méthode d'essais de machines à vapeur de G. A. Hirn et de ses applications.


Tract. 8vo. vol. 250. Mulhouse, 1875.

8vo. Note sur le procédé au minerai ou " Ore Process" pour

obtenir l'acier sur sole au four Siemens-Martin. Tract. 8vo.

vol. 530.


Paris, 1891. 8vo.

Contributions to the Fauna of the Gulf

Stream at great depths. Tract. 8vo. vol. 208.

Cambridge (U.S.), 1868. 8vo.

POUSSIN, G. T. Chemins de fer américains . 2e édition.

Bruxelles, 1836. 8vo.

Travaux d'améliorations intérieures, projetés ou executés par le gouvernement général des États-Unis d'Amérique de 1824-1831. Paris, 1834. 4to.

Leeds, [

POVEY-HARPER, J. Working Drawings of Coal-Mining Plant.
.] folio.
POW, J. B. The new Patent relating to the Sewage of Towns.
Tract. 8vo. vol. 223.
Lond. 1872. 8vo.
POWELL, B. H. Handbook of the Economic Products of the
Punjab. 2 vols.
Roorkee and Lahore, 1868-72. 8vo.
POWELL, G. T. Foundations and Foundation Walls for all classes
of buildings, etc.
New York, 1879. 8vo.
POWELL, H. J. The Principles of Glass-Making, together with
treatises on Crown and Sheet Glass by H. Chance, and Plate
Glass by H. G. Harris.
Lond. 1883. 8vo.
POWER, J., Rev. Mode of preventing the disastrous Effects of
Collision preceded by an inquiry into the causes of the Brighton
Railway Accident. Tract. 4to. vol. 36. Cambridge, 1842. 4to.
POWER, W. A. Manufacture of "Poudrette" by the Liernur Pneu-
matic Process. Tract. 8vo. vol. 275. [Dublin,] 1876. 8vo.

POWLES, H. H. P. See HAEDER, H. Handbook on the Steam
Engine. . . With additions by H. H. P. Powles.


[blocks in formation]

POWNALL, C. A. W. Notes on recent publications relating to the effect of Earthquakes on structures. Tract. 8vo. vol. 517.

[1891.] 8vo. POWNALL, T. A memoir, entituled Drainage and Navigation but one united work; and an outfall to deep water the first and necessary step to it. Addressed to the corporations of Lynn Regis Lond. 1775. 8vo. POWRIE, W. Annual Address as President of the London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, on "Past Progress and Present Results in some Branches of Engineering," etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 454. Lond. 1888. 8vo.

and Bedford Level. Tract. 8vo. vol. 12.

POZZO, A. Rules and Examples of Perspective, proper for painters, architects, etc. In English and Latin. Done into English by Lond. [1703?] folio. ASSOCIATION. Annual


reports of the Practical and Scientific Association for the promotion of improved Street-Paving, cleansing, drainage, etc., for the years 1843 and 1845. Tract. 8vo. vols. 68 and 179.

Lond. 1843-45. 8vo. PRAGUE. Königlich-böhmisches polytechnisches Landes-Institut. Personal-Stand und Ordnung der öffentlichen, ordentlichen und auszerordentlichen Vorlesungen an demselben im Studienjahre 1863-64. Prag, 1863. 4to. Polytechnisches Institut des Königreiches Böhmen. Anzeige der Vorlesungen und des Personalstandes am 1866-67 (1867-68).

Jahres-Bericht über den Zustand

Institutes in Studien-Jahre 1864-67.

Prag, 1866-67. 4to. und die Leistung des [1867.] 4to.

PRANGEY, G. DE. Monuments arabes et moresques de Cordoue,

Séville et Grenade.

PRASCHKAUER, M. Antimetallism.

On Arbitration.

[Paris, 1837.] folio.

[blocks in formation]

Tract. 8vo. vol. 486.

Lond. 1889. 8vo.

Institute. Tract. 8vo.
Albany, 1870. 8vo.

PRATT, D. J. Manual of the Albany

Lond. 1844.

vol. 249. PRATT, H. A dissertation on the Power of the intercepted Pressure of the Atmosphere, and its application to bakeries, iron-works, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 54. 8vo. PRATT, J. H. The Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philosophy, and their application to the theory of universal gravitation. Cambridge, 1836. 8vo.

PRATT, J. T. The Law relating to Highways. 3rd edition.

12th edition

by S. Prentice.

Lond. 1837.
Lond. 1881. 8vo.


Pratt's Law of Highways. 1853.

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