Imágenes de páginas



PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS-continued. Archiv für practische Geologie. Herausgegeben von F. Posepny.

(No more published.)

Vol. 1.

Army List. Hart's New Annual Army List.

Wien, 1880. 8vo.

Lond. 1893. 8vo.

Artist and Amateur's Magazine: a work devoted to the interests
Lond. 1843. 8vo.

of design... by E. V. Rippingille.

Artizan a monthly journal of the operative arts. Vols. 1-28.

(1868 wanting.)

Lond. 1844-71. 4to.

Athenæum: a journal of literature, science, and the fine arts.
Lond. 1831, etc. 4to.

Australian Irrigation Colonies. Monthly Newspaper and Record
of Progress.
Lond. 1889. folio.
Berg- und hüttenmännische Zeitung. Freiberg, 1851, etc. folio.
Berg- und hüttenmännisches Jahrbuch der k.k. Bergakademien
zu Leoben und Príbram und der Königlich ungarischen Berg-
akademie zu Schemnitz, etc. Vol. 23, (24, etc.)

Wien, 1875, etc.. 8vo.

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Board of Trade Journal of Tariff and Trade Notices and miscellaneous commercial information.

Vol. 1, etc.

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Bombay Builder: an illustrated journal of engineering, architecture, science and art. Vols. 1-4. Bombay, 1865-69. 4to. Brett's Auckland Almanac and Provincial Handbook, for 1883. Auckland, N.Z., 1883. 8vo. or, Year Book of general information, Lond. 1839-45. 8vo.

British Almanack etc. 5 vols.

British Architect: a journal of architecture and its accessory arts. Vol. 25, etc.

Lond. 1886, etc.

Builder: an illustrated weekly magazine. Vol. 1, etc.


Lond. 1843, etc. folio.

Building News and Engineering Journal: a weekly illustrated record of the progress of architecture, sculpture, painting, engineering, metropolitan improvements, sanitary reform, etc. Lond. 1856, etc. folio.


Vol. 2,

Building World: an architectural, engineering and archæological
journal. Vols. 10-15.
Lond. 1887-91. 4to.

(Vols. 14 and 15 imperfect.)

Bulletin de l'hydraulique agricole. See FRANCE. [Agriculture.]
Bulletin du Canal interocéanique.

Paris, 1880-88. 4to.



PENFOLD, C. Practical remarks upon the principle of Rating
Railway, Gas, Water, and other Companies . 4th edition.
Lond. 1860. 8vo.
PANY. A statement of the position and operations of the
Company, from its incorporation to the present time. Tract. 8vo.
vol. 177.
Lond. 1866. 8vo.
PENLEY, A. A System of Water-Colour Painting. 39th edition.
Tract. 8vo. vol. 385.
Lond. [1878] 12mo.

PENMAN, W. Land Surveying on the Meridian and Perpendicular
New York, 1885. 8vo.
PENN, S., and RYBERG, A. W. Tables showing the weight of
different lengths of round, square, flat, bar and cast Iron, etc.
Lond. [1886.] 8vo.
PENNA, H. V. F., and OTHERS. Memoria justificativa dos planos
apresentados ao Governo Imperial para a construcção da estrada
de ferro de Porto Alegre a' Uruguayana.

Rio de Janeiro, 1875. 4to. PENNANT, T. The Journey from Chester to London. With notes.

Lond. 1811. 8vo.
Lond. 1791. 4to.

Some Account of London. 2nd edition. PENNETHORNE, J. General Report upon the Bill and Plans of the North Metropolitan Railway. [MS.] Tract. folio. vol. 17.

1854. folio.

The Geometry and Optics of Ancient Architecture; illustrated
by examples from Thebes, Athens, and Rome, by J. Pennethorne,
assisted... by J. Robinson.
Lond. 1878. folio.
Westminster Terminus Railway. Observations on the Bill and
deposited plans and sections. [MS.] Tract. folio. vol. 17.

PENNING, W. H. Engineering Geology.

1854. folio. Lond. 1880. 8vo.

A text book of Field Geology; with a section on Palæontology, by A. J. Jukes-Browne. 2nd edition


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with illustrations, etc.

Lond. 1879. 8vo.

An historical account of . . the Canal Navigation in Pennsylvania: with an appendix containing abstracts of the Acts of the Legislature since 1790, etc.

Tract. 8vo.
vol. 323.
Philadelphia, 1795. 4to.
Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal
Regions of Pennsylvania for the years 1870-1878.

Harrisburg, 1871-79. 8vo.
Coal Waste Commission. Report of Commission appointed to
investigate the Waste of Coal Mining with the view to the
utilizing of the Waste, etc.
Philadelphia, 1893. 8vo.

Geological Survey. Annual Report for 1886, etc.

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PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS continued. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für öffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Bd. 7, etc. Braunschweig, 1875, etc. 8vo. Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal, 1820, etc. See infra :-Polytechnisches Journal.

Ecclesiologist. Vol. 5.

Lond. 1846. 8vo.

Edinburgh Journal of Science: exhibiting a view of the progress
of discovery in natural philosophy, chemistry, mineralogy
By Sir D. Brewster. 10 vols.

New Series. 6 vols.

Edinburgh, 1824-29. 8vo.

Edinburgh, 1829-32. 8vo.

Edinburgh Philosophical Journal . . . By Sir D. Brewster and
R. Jameson. 13 vols.
Edinburgh, 1819-25. 8vo.

Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal: exhibiting a view of the
progressive discoveries and improvements in the sciences and arts.
By R. Jameson. 57 vols.
Edinburgh, 1826-54. 8vo.

New series. 19 vols.

Edinburgh, 1855-64. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

Edinburgh Review: a critical journal. Vol. 1, etc.

Eisenbahn. Schweizerische Wochenschrift für die Interessen des
Eisenbahnwesens. 17 vols.

[blocks in formation]

Zurich, 1874-82.


is incorporated "Electric Lond. 1888, etc. folio.

By C. V. Walker.
(No more published.)

Electrical News and Telegraph Reporter.

Vol. 1.

Electrical Review.

Electrical Review.] Vol. 1, etc.

Lond. 1875. 8vo.

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(No more published.)

[Formerly the

Telegraphic Journal and

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Engineer: a monthly review of
Vol. 4, etc.

The Electrical World: a weekly review of current progress in

electricity. Vol. 9, etc.

Electrician. Vol. 2, etc.

Electrician and Electrical theoretical and applied science.

New York, 1885, etc. 4to.

Électricien : revue generale d'électricité. Vols. 7-14. 8 vols.

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[blocks in formation]

An Inaugural Address [on] Colliery Machinery. [Haydock Mining Lectures.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 488.

Wigan, 1890. 8vo.

————— The Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. 2 vols.

Lond. 1885-86. 8vo.

(Vol. 1 is of the third, and vol. 2 of the second edition.) Winding and Overwinding: giving descriptions of the chief detaching hooks now in use, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 313.

Wigan, 1880. 8vo. PERCY, J. Addresses as President of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1885 (1886). Tract. 8vo. vols. 421 and 467.

Lond. 1885, 86. 8vo.

Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Correspondence
relating to the projected removal of the Metallurgical Department
of the Royal School of Mines to South Kensington. Tract. 8vo.
vol. 310.
Lond. 1879. 8vo.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Die Metallurgie.

Ergänzungsband.) 4 vols.

Ubertragen und bearbeitet, etc. (Zweiter
Braunschweig, 1863-88. 8vo.

On Steel Wire of High Tenacity. Tract. 8vo. vol. 425.


Lond. 1886. Knowledge to the Lond. 1852. 8vo.

On the Importance of special scientific
Practical Metallurgist. Tract. 8vo. vol. 100.
The Manufacture of Russian Sheet-iron. Tract. 8vo. vol. 209.
Lond. 1871. 8vo.

See NATHAN, M. Notes of Six Lectures... by Dr. Percy.
PERDONNET, A. Traité élémentaire des chemins de fer. 2 vols.
Paris, 1855-56. 8vo.
Paris, 1858-60. 8vo.

2e édition. 2 vols.

PERDONNET, A., and POLONCEAU, C. Nouveau portefeuille de l'ingénieur des chemins de fer, continué par MM. A. Perdonnet et E. Flachat. 2 vols. (Atlas of plates.)

Paris, 1866-67. 8vo. and folio.

PEREIRA, J. Lectures on Polarized Light, together with a lecture on the microscope. 2nd edition.

Lond. 1854. 8vo.

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PEREZ DE LA SALA, P. Señales maritimas. Lecciones explicadas en la Escuela especial de ingenieros de caminos canales y puertos.

(Atlas of plates.)

Señales maritimas.

Madrid, 1868. 8vo. and folio.

Notas recogidas por los alumnos de la

Escuela de caminos, etc.

Madrid, 1887-88. 8vo.

Tratado de las construcciones en el mar,


Madrid, 1871.

[Another edition.] Part 1.

8vo. Madrid, 1886. 8vo. Classification of

PERIGAL, H. Contributions to Kinematics:
Bicircloids, Curves of two Curvatures (in the same plane), the
Resultant of two Circular Movements. Tract. 8vo. vol. 88.

Ellipses. Tract. 8vo. vol. 103.

Lond. 1849. 8vo.
Lond. 1855. 8vo.

Notes on the Kinematic Effects of Revolution and Rotation, with reference to the motions of the moon, and of the earth. 2nd edition. Tract. 8vo. vol. 88. Lond. 1850. 8vo.

On the Mis-use of technical Terms; ambiguity of the terms “rotation" and "revolution," etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 88.

Lond. 1849. 8vo. On the probable Mode of constructing the Pyramids. Tract. 8vo. vol. 193. Lond. 1844. Svo. Transformations of a Kinematic Curve, (dependant upon the ratio of radial adjustment,) showing the phases, or changes of figure of the curve, as its variable elements alter in their relative proportions, etc. [Lond?] 1846-49. 8vo.


[This heading does not include the Transactions, Journals, etc., of Societies.
These will be found under the names of the Societies which issue them.]
Academy Architecture and Annual Architectural Review, 1889.
Edited by A. Koch and C. W. English.
Lond. 1889. 4to.

Age Annual: a political and statistical register of the Colony of
Victoria, 1889.
Melbourne, 1889. 8vo.

Allgemeine Bauzeitung. Herausgegeben
Förster. Bd. 1, etc. (Atlases of plates.)

(Since 1874 the text and plates for each year have been published together.)

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von C. F. L.

Wien, 1836, etc. 4to. and folio.

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