No. 1. OR, Monthly Journal of Fashion. LONDON, JANUARY 1, 1831. LONDON AND PARISIAN FASHIONS FROM A VARIETY OF THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES, INCLUDING COPIOUS EXTRACTS FROM "The Petit Courrier des Dames"-" Journal des Dames et des Modes L'Observateur des Modes et L'indiscret" -" Le Follet Courrier des Salons" -"Le Mercure des Salons," &c. &c. THE reception which the interesting Miss Smithson met with on her benefit night, must have proved as beneficial as it was flattering to this young and beautiful foreigner. Crowds actually flocked to testify their sense of admiration and interest. The names of Mesdames Mars, Taglioni, Montessu, Malibran, &c., carried with them an assurance of success, which was fully realized. The boxes were filled with the most elegant and graceful females of our fashionable capital. We noticed a great number of head-dress coiffures. White feathers on contracted hats, brims inclined on one side, and turned up on the other. Velvet and cachemire dresses: there were a number of short beret sleeves, long sleeves of white blond lace, very narrow towards the wrist, others wide and gathered round the wrist boas innumerable, some of them of marabouts.-PETIT COURRIER. HATS.-The shapes continue small; still inclined on one side or rounded, closing on the ears; a profusion of blond under the brims. Though the greater number of hats are of velvet, lined with velvet, some are also lined with peluche. Those entirely of peluche have a kind of crest of the same material, well trimmed with a deep blond lace. Some very neat yet elegantly tasteful, have lately appeared, with ribbons which wind round a very small crown: those shapes have not yet been invaded by all the marchandes de modes, and are certainly the most becoming of any this season has produced. VOL. I. Velour epingle and white satin are also much worn; shape rather open, and slightly inclined to the right or to the left, ornamented with white feathers, oftener with blond lace, and some few with nœuds of ribbons taillades. Velvet hats, with two or three nœuds only, of broad ribbon, figured in the middle, or at each edge: a single flower or a small sprig is sometimes added: blond lace, however, is the predominating article. A rose coloured hat, the crown of which was lapped over by the same material, which covered the front, so as to allow a sprig of honey suckle to be seen, one of the branches of which emerging twined twice round the crown, and gracefully fell on the front, was noticed by us as being particularly elegant. A white satin hat, lined with rose coloured velvet, having but three coques of gauze ribbon, edged all round with a deep blond lace. On green or immortelle coloured hats, white feathers (pinked) according to the shades of the above materials; but the most general mode is black feathers on black velvet or satin, or other colour, either en bouquet, or two long ones, en spirale, on one side of the shape. An aigrette, from each end of which, hangs small bluets, formed with two nœuds of ribbon, the ornaments of a yellow satin hat. MATERIALS.-Hats are now made of velvets, either black, rose, white, or light blue; few in satin or plush. Watered silk is made up in all ornaments which taste can devise. As placing it against the face is to be avoided, it may receive the addition of velvet as a lining; nevertheless, any other material, or even crape, is more becoming. BERETS of crape, with feathers, are much worn with evening dresses, being equally adapted to suit all toilettes which rank above the negligé. Some very handsome ones have one side turned Some milliners introduce flowers in the ribbon ❘ up high with ribbons and blond lace; the crown aigrettes, with which they ornament the hats. shallow and rounded: large feathers are placed A |