609-846-863 *58269-Biesinger, Rosa A.-N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. to pay claim grade separation W. 53rd St. Sammon-V-CC-P-85...609-752-788 *58419-Bonds (2,600,000.00) - To issue for purchasing land for park and boulevard purposes-Damm-V-CC-P-46 ....662-673-705-714-724 *58502-Bonds ($11,800.00) - To issue for judgments -Damm-V-CC-P-64 ....675-701-732 58512-Bridges City (Painting)-To expend $16, 000.00-Damm-V-CC-P-90......676-753-791 58419-Stacel 58589-Bonds ($2,600,000.00) - To repeal Ordinance ...705-751-761 *58651-Bonds ($16,400.00) - To issue to pay judg..729-753 *58651-A-Bonds ($17,300.00) - To issue to pay ments-Damm judgments-Damm Naughton-V-CC-P-133 Damm-V-CC-P-135 753 56500-Breton Dr. To accept dedication of Mc......846-859-883 *58789-Bonds $310,000.00-To erect hospitals..848-858-882 58797-Brooklyn Heights Village-Agreement for sewer outlet privileges-Mitchel-V-CCP-149 ....848-893-917 *58800-Berger, Samuel S. and Rosa-N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. to pay claim grade separation W. 45th St.-Sammon-V-CC-P180 848-996-1028 *58867-Building Code (Board of Appeals) - То amend Sections 889 and 892 and repeal Section 1946-Potter by request 862 58977-Biddulph Ave. To accept dedication ofMitchel-V-CC-P-156 ....896-909-925-951 59023-Burial of Indigent Dead Persons-To expend $2,500.00-Braschwitz-V-CC-P-161 *59275-Baldwin Reservoir (Land) - To purchaseMarshall-V-CC-P-2191000-1059-1151 *59277-Bridge E. 152nd St. and N. Y. C. R. R. Co. -Railway Co. to submit plans-ForceV-CC-P-254 ...1000-1213-1233 59286-Booth Ave. To establish grade-Thomp son-V-CC-P-219.1000-1044-1060-1151 *59340-Baldwin Reservoir (Land) - To purchaseMarshall-V-CC-P-2241047-1059-1153 59405-Bast, James A. (Fire Department) -To pay bills for medical attention- Braschwitz..1063 *59442-Bonds ($385,000.00) - To issue for opening E. 13th St. - McGinty ..1135 *59528-Bonds ($3,380,000.00) Water Works-To issue-Damm-V-CC-P-270.1191-1213-1229-1236 *59609-Bonds ($615,000.00) Paving-To issueDamm-V-CC-P-268 ......1215-1229-1241 59641-Benwood Ave. To establish grade-Sklen 56599-Clerk of Council (Assistants) - To supplement Ordinance 52343-A salaries-Cook.. 10 56599-A-Clerk of Council (Assistants) - To supplement Ordinance 52343-A salariesCook .....20-30-46-60 55005-Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. To repay the unexpended balance depositedZmunt-V-BB-P-536 ..........57-81-110 56492-Cemeteries (Highland Park, West Park and Harvard Grove) - To expend $100,000.00– Cook by request-V-BB-P-540.102-201 56930-Clarion Ct. To accept dedication of 58207-Gay Ave. To accept dedication of Rob....587-1145-1189-1217 58252-Garbage Tankage Authorize sale ofDamm-V-CC-P-24 ....606-645 *58501--Grade Crossings (Penn. R. R. Co.)-To provide for abolishment-Stacel-V-CCP-58 ...675-701-762 58514-Garbage Collection Division (Motor Trucks) -To expend $21,000.00-Damm-V-CC-P 90 ..676-753-791 58515 -Garbage Collection Division (Coal)-To expend $4,148.37 Willow, Ohio-Damm-VCC-P-71 676-702-766 58658--Gordon Park (Greenhouses)-To expend $2,000.00-Bronstrup-V-CC-P-106 729-754-799 *58753-Gas (Initiated Ordinance)-Fixing price and terms of The East Ohio Gas Co.-... .:.761-864-877 56502-Granby Ave. To accept dedication ofTownes-V-CC-P-133 .........846-859-883 58863-Garbage Disposal Plant (Gasoline)-To purchase-Damm-V-CC-P-143 .. 861-876-898 *58909-Granite Improvement Company TrusteesTo sell property on Union Ave. held in trust for City, Pennsylvania Co. and Erie 57705-Hitchcock Ave. To change name to W. 32nd St.-Rieder-V-BB-P-676 435-476-503-562 58352-Hanousek, Margaret (E. 110th St.)-To pay claim for change of grade-Thompson... 635 *58426-Hoenise, CarolineN. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. to pay grade separation claim W. 44th St. Sammon-V-CC-P-131 .. 662-846-864 *58801-Hass, Louisa M.-N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. to pay grade separation claim W. *58861-Heller, Christ-N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. 59401-Highland Park Golf Course (Grass Seed)— .....1063 St. L. R. R. Co. to pay grade separation claim W. 77th St. Michell-V-CC-P-254. Damm--V-CC-P-64..............675-701-732 *58651-Judgments $16,400.00-To issue bondsDamm *58651-A-Judgments $17,300.00-To issue bonds...........753-797 *58859-Jeckel, Charles-N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. to pay grade separation claim at W. 41st St. -Sammon-V-CC-P-181 ... ....861-997-1028 Damm-V-CC-P-102 -Sammon-V-CC-P-181 *58860-Jeckel, Bernard-N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. to pay grade separation claim at W. 41st St. ....861-997-1028 *59544-Judgment (J. Milton Dyer)-Director of Law to confess for $20,000.00-DammV-CC-P-257. K 1192-1236 56442-King Ct. To vacate a portion-Reynolds.. 305 59029-Kipling Ave. To accept dedication of Force-V-CC-P-162911-925-946-970 L 56806-Lamontier Ave. To establish grade-Pe59-82-103-203 trash-V-BB-544. 56807-Leopold Ave. To establish grade-Mitchel -V-BB-P-545 ..59-82-103-204 56919-Light and Power, Division of (Coal)-To expend $400,000.00 - Marshall-V-BB-P610... .....105-300-358 14208-Light and Power, Division of (Electric Light Hearings)-To expend $12,000.00Smith. 45659-Light and Power, Division of-To approprian additional sum of $175,000.00 ate Smith. 45702-Light and Power, Division of To expend $2,500.00-Smith 107 107 107 10 56749-Ingalton Ave. To accept dedication of Potter-V-BB-P-541 .. .......45-82-103-202 45207-Ice Plants (Bonds 22%) - To issue to erect 57072-Lenacrave Ave. To accept dedication of and etc. Sulzmann *57304-Land for Night Soil Division-To purchase-Cook .....334-1231 *57443-Land for Water Work Purpose-To purchase in Willard's subdivision-Marshall. ....353-561 *57449-Lakewood, Ohio, Annexation - Naming commission to represent-Finkle-V-BBP-644. .353-388-440 *57861-Land for Sewer Purposes Lake Shore Blvd. at Euclid Creek-To purchaseForce-V-BB-P-681 .....480-526 57965-Lighting (Electric) - To expend $266,000.00 ..507-583-612 58125-Light and Power, 559-606-639 70 .676-701-735 58583-Light and Power, Division of (Gasoline Locomotive) - $3,500.00 to expend-Marshall-V-CC-P-83 .....705-725-778 58584-Light and Power, Division of (Concreting Pockets of Crib)-$6,082.50 to expendMarshall ....705-725-778 *58728-Lakewood, Ohio, Annexation-Submit to vote-Schooley-V-CC-P-122 ....754-810 58864-Light and Power, Division of (Auto Trucks) -To expend $7,500.00- Marshall-V-CCP-144 861-877-898 For garbage collection .896-909 *58971-Leasing Land station-McGinty 59034-List Ct.-To establish grade of-Rieder.911-925-946-970 V-CC-P-163 59123-Light and Power, Division of-To expend $175,000.00 to extend electric light system -Marshall-V-CC-P-174949-980-1007 M *56601-Mayer, John-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. to pay grade separation claim at W. 44th St.-Sammon-V-CC-P-8410-752-788 *56602-Mazur, Mary and Catherine-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. to pay grade separation at W. 53rd St.-Sammon-V-CC-P-130... -V-BB-P-548 .10-846-863 56604-Meredith Ct.-To vacate a portion-Potter .........10-103-177-208 55742-Muskoka Ave. - To accept dedication ofPotter-V-BB-P-521 .31-43-61 56929-Miller Ct. To accept dedication of-Moore -V-BB-P-622 106-332-351-416 56934-Moltke Ct.-To accept dedication ofRieder-V-BB-P-623 ......106-332-351-417 54809-Municipal Court (Stenographer and Bookkeeper) - То increase appropriation Fleming. 57869-Municipal Court (Employees) - To amend Ordinance 55700-Damm-V-BB-P-694.. 182 *56601-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay John Mayer claim for grade separation at W. 44th St. Sammon-V-CC-P-84 ....10-752-788 *56602-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Mary and Catherine Mazur claim for grade separation at W. 53rd St.-Sammon-V-CCP-130 ...10-846-863 *56926-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. (Grade Crossing)-To amend Sections 18, 19 and 20, Ordinance 33723 - Sammon-V-BB-P-617 59411-Linn Dr. To accept dedication of Cook V-CC-P-246 56488-Night Soil, Department-To purchase land 1063-1145-1190-1217 *59406-Lease of Land (Cleveland Ry. Co.)-For 1063-1133-1202 *57449-Lakewood, Ohio-Annexation naming commission to represent - Finkle-V-BB-P laying of a water main-Marshall-V-CCP-235 *57297-Notes for Paving Streets-$151,326.00 to is sue-Damm-V-BB-P-632........334-350-375 *57298-Notes for Paving Streets- $165,914.00 to issue-Damm-V-BB-P-633......334-350-376 *57299-Notes for Paving Streets-$7,100.00 То issue-Damm-V-BB-P-635 ......334-350-377 644 .....353-388-440 |