57707-Nyack Ct.-To accept dedication-Force... 435 *58267-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. - To pay Charles and Helen Csernus claim for separation, W. 44th St.-Sammon-V-CC-P130 .....609-846-863 *58268-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay estate of Gertrude Boey claim for grade separation, W. 48th St.-Sammon-V-CCP-131. 609-846-863 *58269-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. - To pay Rosa A. Biesinger claim for grade separation, W. 53rd St. - Sammon-V-CC-P-85....... .....609-752-788 *58426-Ν. Υ., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Caroline Hoenise claim for grade separation, W. 44th St.-Sammon-V-CC-P-131 662-846-864 *58503-Notes for Paving Streets-$45,000.00 - То issue-Damm-V-CC-P-65 ......675-701-733 *58504-Notes for Paving Hazeldell Dr.-$13,770.00 to issue-Damm-V-CC-P-66.675-701-733 *58505-Notes for Paving E. 113th St.-$6,800.00 to issue-Damm-V-CC-P-67 ......676-701-734 *58506-Notes for Sewering Hydraulic Ave.— $1,008.00 to issue-Damm-V-CC-P-68... ...848-996-1028 *58801-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Louisa M. Haas for grade separation, W. 85th St. Michell-V-CC-P-180...848-997-1028 *58859-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Charles Jeckel for grade separation, W. *58860-Ν. Υ., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay *58861-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Christ Heller for grade separation, Madison Ave. Michell-V-CC-P-182..861-997-1029 *58906-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Nellie Fay for grade separation, W. 47th St.-Sammon-V-CC-P-183 -Damm-V-CC-P-151. ....879-997-1029 *58966-Notes for Paving Streets-$60,640.00 issue *58967-Notes for Paving Streets-$16,530.00 issue ...895-908-933 -Damm-V-CC-P-153 . ...895-908-934-949 *58968-Notes for Paving Streets-$16,500.00 issue -Damm-V-CC-P-154 *58974-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Katherine Sesena for grade separation, . .......895-908-835 Mitchel ..... .949-980-1006 59185-19th St. W.- To accept dedication of.......964-980-1060 *59277-New York Central R. R. Co. Bridge at E. 152nd St.-To submit plans-Force-VCC-P-254 1000-1213-1233 *59341-Notes for Sewering Cedar Ave. To issue $23,400.00-Damm-V-CC-P-224 .....1047-1059 *59342-Notes for Sewering Fairmount Rd. To is sue $10,000.00-Damm-V-CC-P-225 1047-1059 *59343-Notes for Paving Amesbury Ave. To is sue $1,120.00-Damm-V-CC-P-226..1047-1059 *59344-Notes for Paving E. 55th St.-To issue $3,000.00-Damm-V-CC-P-2271047-1059 59185A-19th St. W.-To accept dedication of Mitchel-V-CC-P-228.1060-1133-1196 59395-Notes for Paving St. Olga Ave. To issue $992.00-Damm-V-CC-P-239 .....1062-1144 59396-Notes for Paving St. Tichon Ave. To issue $800.00-Damm-V-CC-P-240 .....1062-1144 *59443-Notes for Paving E. 138th St.-To issue $3,000.00-Damm-V-CC-P-246 1135-1189-1217 *59444-N. Y., C. and St. L. R. R. Co. To pay Peter J. and Louise M. Haas for grade separation, W. 77th St.-Michell-V-CC-P-254.. 1135-1213-1234 59545-North Park and South Park Blvds. Direc tor of Parks and Public Property grant- 56662-114th St. E.-To change name to E. 113th St.-Roberts-V-BB-P-530.......20-44-57-89 56714-153rd St. E.- To accept dedication of Sklenicka-V-BB-P-56932-178-195-338 56715-151st St. E.-To accept dedication of Sklenicka-V-BB-P-56932-178-195-338 56716-154th St. E. - To accept dedication of Sklenicka-V-BB-P-569 .....32-178-195-338 56803-Olympia Rd. To accept dedication of-Potter-V-BB-P-550 .59-103-177-209 56804-130th St. E.- To establish grade, Woodside Ave. to Arlington Ave. - Wheeler-V-BBP-543.. ...59-82-103-203 56809-130th St. E.- To establish grade, Penobscot Ave. to Austin Ave. - Wheeler-V-BB-P546. ....59-82-103-204 56810-146th St. E.- To establish grade-ForceV-BB-P-546.. 59-82-103-205 57063-Streets, Division of (Paving Repair Material)-To expend $100,000.00 for-Damm .....198-300-350 57070-Skyrum Ct.- To accept dedication ofThompson-V-BB-P-638 198-351-389-438 56499-16th St. W.-To accept dedication of332-350-416 *57295-Sewers Various Streets ($350,000.00 Bonds) Townes-V-BB-P-622 -To issue-Damm-V-BB-P-626334-350-371 *57300-Sewers Various Streets ($178,254.00 Notes) -To issue-Damm-V-BB-P-636334-350-377 57301-Streets, Division of (Paving Repair Material)-To expend $25,000.00 for-DammV-BB-P-637.. 334-350-417 *57440-Sewering Streets ($28,133-00)-To issue for special assessments-Damm-V-BBP-639 ...352-388-438 57549-Sewage Treatment W. 58th St. and Lake Erie-To expend $45,526.35 for-Damm V-BB-P-652... ...392-410-441 (Electric) -То expend 57550-Street Lighting $266,000.00-Marshall 393 57625-Speedway Park-To expend $5,000.00 to improve-Wheeler-V-CC-P-32.. 414-658-708 57634-Schell Ave. - To accept dedication of ....415-453-476-532 Mitchel-V-BB-P-667 57781-Streets, Division of (Motor Trucks)-To expend $54,000.00-Damm-V-BB-P-678 .. attention-Damm-V-CC-P-52635-701-731 *58503-Street Improvment Notes $45,000.00 (Paving)- To issue-Damm-V-CC-P-65. 675-701-733 58571-Sewers ($237,000.00) - To expend for construction of Force-V-CC-P-74702-736 (Equipment)-$10, 58585-Streets, Division of 000.00 to expend-Damm-V-CC-P-94.... .....848-859-884 58869-Shelton Dr. - To accept dedication of 862-877-893-914 58910-Sewage Disposal (East and West Sides) To expend $18,024.00 for collecting and repeal Ordinance 56174-A-Force-V-CCP-149 .......880-893-915 *58974-Sesena, Katheryn-N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. to pay grade separation claim W. 85th St. Michell-V-CC-P-168. 896-980-1005 59033-77th St. E.-To establish grade-Bronstrup -V-CC-P-163 ..911-925-946-970 59098-Streets, Division of (Snow Plows, Motor Trucks)-To expend $50,000.00 - Kadlecek-V-CC-P-171 928-980-1005 *59179-73rd St. W. (Bridge Across Big Creek Valley)-Agreement with the Board of County Commissioners-Townes-V-CC-P-178 963-981-1009 *59116-Street Repair, Division of (Automobile Tax Fund)-To transfer $25,000.00 Damm-V-CC-P-171 948-980-1006 59279-Sidewalks (Delinquent) - To assess tax to construct east of river-Townes-V-CC- .......1000-1043-1156 58513-Transfer to General Sewer Fund-Director of Finance-Force-V-CC-P-70676-702-735 58525-10th St. W.-To accept dedication ofMoore-V-CC-P-90 ....677-756-791 58587-Transfer (Division of Fire) - $8,000.00 from 73 B Supplies-Damm-V-CC-P-95...... 705-753-793 58588-Transfer (City Hospital) -$4,000.00 from 52 Z Equipment-Damm-V-CC-P-95.... 705-753-823 58653--Transfer (Funds from Water Works Bonds) -From short to longer maturity-Marshall-V-CC-P-104 Damm-V-CC-P-105 ... 729-753-798 58655-Transfer ($10,000.00) Street repairs ...729-753-798 58656-Transfer ($21,000.00) -Division of Garbage -Damm-V-CC-P-106 .......729-753-798 58657-Transfer ($2,000.00) - Sewer maintenanceDamm-V-CC-P-106 58716-Transfer ($1,200.00) 729-753-798 Parks and Public 58960-Transfer ($3,466.00)-City Plan Commission -Damm-V-CC-P-157. ...895-908-945-968 58961-Transfer ($4,000.00) - Department of Parks and Public Property - Damm-V-CC-P161 895-908-945-971 58962-Transfer ($6,350.00) - Department of Public 58205-Transfer Funds ($5,000.00) - Division of Street Cleaning-Damm-V-CC-P-23 ....587-606-644 58208-24th St. W.-To change name to W. 25th St.-Mitchel-V-CC-P-32. 587-633-658-708 *57957-Transfer Appropriations-Within the gen eral fund-Damm-V-BB-P-695, 507-555-595 58274-Transfer (Clerk of Municipal Court)-Gen 609-631-686 eral funds-Damm-V-CC-P-29 58275-Transfer ($8,000.00) - Division of Fire Damm--V-CC-P-51 .........609-701-731 Safety-Damm-V-CC-P-158895-908-945-968 58963-Transfer ($500.00)-Department of LawDamm-V-CC-P-158 .....895-908-945-968 58964-Transfer ($400.00) -Department of Public Service-Damm-V-CC-P-158.895-908-945-968 Clerk of Council .....895-908-945-968 59021-Transfer-To General Paving Fund-Damm .....911-946-969 58965-Transfer ($400.00) Damm-V-CC-P-159 V-CC-P-161 59022-Transfer ($1,500.00) - Department of Public Service-Damm-V-CC-P-169...911-980-1005 |