Imágenes de páginas

59030-Thornhill Dr. To accept dedication of

59477-Transfer ($3,917.50)-Department of Public

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Safety-Damm-V-CC-P-252 1147-1189-1220

59478-Transfer ($1,900.00)

Department of Finance-Damm-V-CC-P-252 1147-1189-1221 59479-Transfer ($2,900.00) -Department of Public

Service-Damm-V-CC-P-253 1147-1189-1220

59480-Transfer ($11,200.00)-Department of Parks and Public Property - Damm-V-CC-P253

59481--Transfer ($4,000.00) Damm-V-CC-P-253

59483-Transfer ($10,000.00)


Municipal Court


For demolishing

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.....1046-1133-1196 59335--Transfer-Funds to a General Paving Fund



59397--Transfer ($200.00) -Department of Law......1062-1144-1201

59398-Transfer ($2,600.00)—Division of Cemeter


59399-Transfer (Various)-Department of Parks and Public Property - Damm-V-CC-P


1062-1144-1201 59412-Tuscora Ave. To accept dedication of


59475-Transfer ($800.00) - Department of Public Welfare Division of Dairy and Food In

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56921-Water, Division of (Coal) - To expend $20,000.00 for-Marshall-V-BB-P-610 105-300-358 56922-Water, Division of (Cast Iron Pipe, Etc.)To expend $185,000.00 for Marshall-VBB-P-610.

.....105-300-359 56285-Water, Division of (Riveted Steel Pipe, Etc.) -To expend $30,000.00 for Caldwell-VBB-P-548


[blocks in formation]

57958-Woodland Hills Park (Comfort Station, Etc.) To expend $20,000.00 for construction-Petrash-V-BB-P-695 ...507-535-595

57961-Wade Park at Lake (Comfort Station, Etc.) -To expend $25,000.00 for construction— Marshall-V-BB-P-696. .......507-555-596

*58033-Water, Division of (Appropriate Property)

-Land for-Marshall-V-CC-P-5 529-583-612 58035-Water, Division of (Coal)-To expend $150,


58039-Walbrook Ave. To accept dedication ofMitchell-V-CC-P-11 .....529-584-606-638 *58034-A-Water Mains ($511,000.00) - To expend for constructing-Marshall-V-CC-P-5..

...583-613 58182-Water, Division of (Coal) -To expend $30,000.00 without competitive bidding-Marshall-V-CC-P-10


58270-Water, Division of Appropriate propertyMarshall-V-CC-P-30 ........609-631-685 58271-Water, Division of (Chemicals) - $15,000.00 to expend for-Marshall-V-CC-P-28....


*58348-Water, Division of (Appropriate Property)

-To pay award to Ihna T. Frary-Mar-

635-672-714 58350-Water, Division of (Pockets of Crib No. 3) -To expend $75,000.00 for-Marshall-VCC-P-37

...635-658-708 58351-Water, Division of (32-Ton Auto Trucks)To expend $10,000.00 for-Marshall-VCC-P-37..

635-658-708 58358-West Blvd. (Purchase Land) - To repeal Ordinance 53027-Cook ...635-672

58427-Water, Division of (Lead Pipe and Laying Water Mains)-To expend $15,000.00 forMarshall-V-CC-P-51662-673-717

58580-Water, Division of (Property Appropriated) -To pay awards for (Cleve. Stone Co.'s) -Marshall--V-CC-P-82. 704-725-777 58581-Water, Division of (To Appropriate Property)-For sites for reservoirs, etc.....705-753-792 58582-Water, Division of (Chemicals) - $4,000,00 -To expend-Marshall-V-CC-P-83


705-725-777 58654-Water, Division of ($2,062,000.00) -To expend for enlarging, etc.-Marshall-V


729-753-798 *58729-West Park, Ohio, Annexation-Submit to vote-Schooley-V-CC-P-125 ......754-812

59124-Water, Division of (Pig Lead, Lead Pipe and Valve Boxes)-To expend $30,000.00


.....949-980-1007 59237-Wade Park Comfort Station, Etc. To expend additional $6,500.00-Bronstrup-v


*59276-West Park Cemetery (Caretaker's House) 983-997-1031 -To appropriate to build-Bronstrup


....1000-1043-1064 *59340-Water, Department of (Land)-To purchase-Marshall-V-CC-P-224. 1047-1059-1153

59473-Water Works Purposes (Land-Dan O. Caswell)-To authorize payment for property appropriated-Marshall-V-CC-P-251


59474-Water, Division of ($225,000.00)-Increase

the appropriation-Marshall-V-CC-P-251

....1146-1189-1220 *59275-Water, Division of (Land)-To purchaseMarshall-V-CC-P-219 1000-1059-1151 *59528-Water Works Bonds $3,380,000.00 To is


sue-Damm-V-CC-P-270 1191-1213-1229-1236

59540-Woodworth Rd.--To establish grade-Pot





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[blocks in formation]

*58362-Building Code (Set Back Lines) - To amend Ordinance 54205-B-Marshall by request-V-CC-P-88 ...635-756-790 *58579-Booths, Tents and Stands (Temporary) To regulate construction-Oswald-V-CCP-92.

704-753-791 58804-Building Code (Set back Lines)-Oak Park Ave. to amend Ordinance 54205-B Mitchel by request-V-CC-P-218 848-1060-1151 *58867-Building Code (Board of Appeals) - То amend sections 889 and 892 and repeal section 1946-Potter by request *58980-Building Code (Sidewalk Builders-Licensing)-To amend-Force

Ord. 54205-B-Rieder



59184-Building Code (Set Back Lines) - To amend 59284-Building Code (Set Back Lines) -E. 49th St. to amend Ord. 54205-B-Walsh by re


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D *56802-Disorderly Conduct on Public Streets-To amend section 2680 Revised OrdinancesFinkle by request



*58362-Euclid Ave. (Building Set Back Lines) —

To amend Ordinance 54205-B-Marshall
by request-V-CC-P-88635-756-790

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

57444-Taxicabs (Stands)-To amend section 2304 of Ordinances 1921-Kadlecek-V-BB-P654

353-431-487 57451-Traffic Code (Penalties)-To amend section 2277 for violations-Kadlecek-V-BB-P650

353-410-440 57626-Traffic Code-To amend section 2261 Revised Ordinances 1921-Wheeler-V-BBP-659

414-431-488 57872-Traffic Code (Penalties)-To amend section 2271 Revised Ordinances 1921-Finkle.... 480 58272-Taxicabs (Stands)-To amend section 2304

of Ordinances 1921-Kadlecek-V-CC-P-

..609-730-752-789 58273-Traffic Code-To amend section 2261 Re



vised Ordinances 1921-Kadlecek 58357-Theaters and Moving Picture Theaters-To repeal section 897 of Ordinances (Licenses)-Damm-V-CC-P-88.635-753-790

58509-Traffic and Transportation-To supplement sections 2227 and 2240 and adding sections 2227-A and 2240-A, B and C-Wheeler.676-761

58523-Traffic Code-Supplement and amend section 2261 Ordinances 1921 as amended by Ordinances 55706-56177-56928-A, 57067-A and 57626-Marshall

58578-Traffic Code-To amend sections 2228-22422248-2252-2267-C-D 2271-2275-B and 2277 as amended by Ordinance 57451-Finkle-V-CC-P-90


704-753-809 *58579-Tents, Booths and Stands (Temporary) To regulate construction-Oswald-V-CCP-92


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[blocks in formation]

180-452-476-530 56996-Weights and Measures-To revise and

amend section 2030 Ordinances 1921Bronstrup-V-BB-P-664.....180-452-476-531

56997-Weights and Measures To revise and amend section 2027 Ordinances 1921


56998-Weights and Measures To revise and amend section 2032 Ordinances 1921Bronstrup-V-BB-P-664.....180-452-476-531

*56801-Window Frames, Etc. Building Code-To amend and supplement section 1038 Ordinances 1921-McGinty 59-103-177-209

*57068-Walls and Partitions, Construction, Building Code-To supplement section 1427 Ordinances 1921-Potter by request-V-BB

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