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The City Record

Official Publication of the City of Cleveland


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Volume 9




352.05 CIC v.9


The index is divided under the following general heads-Street Improvements, Petitions, Claims, Communications, Miscellaneous Ordinances, General Ordinances, Special Ordinances, Resolutions (Street), Miscellaneous Resolutions, Board of Control, Civil Service, Miscellaneous Matter.


The first part of the index contains street sewers and street pavements only. There is given a complete record of every step taken in regard to any sewer or pavement during the year 1922. (In some cases reference must be had to the 1921 Record for the initial steps; in other cases all the steps were not completed during 1922.) The streets are arranged alphabetically by their first letter only. Numbered streets are indexed by their first letter when written out-as, East 91st St. (Ninety-first Street) will be found under N as follows: 91st St. E.; West 105th St. (One Hundred and Fifth Street) will be found under O as follows: 105th St., W. The word "Pave" or "Sewer" following the name of the street indicates the character of the improvement. limits of the improvement are indicated on the second line usually by the names of two streets. Below the limits will be found the names of councilmen who are the authors of the legislation and the number in front of the name refers to the column of the index, similarly numbered, where will be found the reference to the legislation in question. The main divisions of the street improvement index are: Petitions, Remonstrances, Communications, Resolutions, Ordinances, Miscellaneous Matter and Board of Control. The important steps in a street improvement are: (1st) a "Declaratory Resolution" found under the heading Resolutions; (2nd) "Notices Served," found under the heading Communications; (3rd) an "Ordinance to Proceed and Levy Assessment," found under the heading Ordinances; and (4th) a resolution "To Contract" tound under the heading Board of Control. Numbers of five figures, as 39373, refer to the Council file number. The numbers following successively the file number refer to pages in the City Record where the successive legislative steps are recorded, and of these references to pages the last is in black face type and refers to the page in the City Record where the ordinance or resolution will be found printed in full after passage. (The last reference as X-783 or 2-300 refers to the volume and page where the ordinance or resolution is recorded in the office of the Clerk of Council.

The general headings Communications, Petitions and Claims are self-explanatory. Reports by administrative officers and Council Committees will be found under the heading Communications.

Miscellaneous Ordinances include routine departmental business.

General Ordinances are such ordinances as are sometimes referred to as by-laws.

Special Ordinances are grants of privileges to individuals or corporations, usually referred to as franchises.

Resolutions (Streets) contains all miscellaneous resolutions in regard to streets, such as lighting, sidewalks, street cleaning and street repairing.

Board of Control. Under this heading is indexed all the proceedings of the Board of Control, except its proceedings in regard to sewering and paving, which will be found under the street improvement index.

The general headings Civil Service and Miscellaneous Matters are self-explanatory. As in the case of the street improvements the numbers of five figures, refer to the Council file numbers, but they precede the subject matter in this case. The successive references are to pages and the reference in black face type refers to the page where the ordinance or resolution will be found printed in full after passage.

Libraries and Students of Municipal Government usually will find that the general headings Communications. General Ordinances and Special Ordinances contain the

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Notice of Adoption

Notice of Plans


To Contract

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