Imágenes de páginas

VOL. 9


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Section 1. That resolution 9732

of the board of control adopted November 25th, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Be it resolved by the board of control that in accordance with sec

tion 189 of the charter of the city of Cleveland and the classification adopted by the civil service commission in the pursuance thereto, the number and salaries of the employes of the department of law be fixed as follows:

One secretary who shall receive a salary of twenty-one hundred dollars ($2100.00), per annum.

One chief clerk, C. C. 4, who shall receive a salary of twentysix hundred and forty dollars ($2,640.00) per annum.

Two stenographers, C. S. 4, (court stenographers) one of whom shall receive a salary of 400.00) per annum, and one of twenty-four hundred dollars ($2,

whom shall receive a salary of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per


One stenographer, C. S. 3, who shall receive a salary of sixteen hundred and fifty dollars ($1650.00) per annum.

Three telephone operators C. O. 1, who shall each receive a salary of thirteen hundred and fifty-six dollars ($1356.00) per annum.

One assistant director of law, O. L. 2, who shall receive a salary of five thousand five hundred dollars $5500.00) per annum, and shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

One assistant director of law, O. L. 2, who shall receive a salary of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) per annum, and shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

One assistant director of law, O. L. 2, who shall receive a salary of three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars ($3,850.00) per annum, and shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

Two assistant directors of law, O. L. 2, who shall each receive a salary of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per annum, and shall each give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

One assistant police prosecutor, O. L. 1, who shall be designated as the chief assistant police prosecutor, and who shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per annum, and shall give

bond in the sum of one thousand

dollars ($1,000.00),

Six assistant police prosecutors, O. L. 1, who shall each receive a salary of nineteen hundred dollars

($1900.00) per annum, and shall each give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

Sec. 2. That the foregoing classification and rates of salary

of employees in the law department take effect as of January 1st, 1922.

Sec. 3. That resolution 9732, adopted November 25th, 1921, be and the same is hereby repealed.

File No. 9951.

By Director Maline.

Resolved, by the board of con

trol, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into subthe M. Pejsa Construction Comsidiary agreement No. 1471 with

No. 420

pany, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 13116 in the sum of $123.00, covering the paving of E. 130th st., from Abell ave. to Buckeye rd.

File No. 9952.
By Director Maline.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into subsidiary agreement No. 1473 with the River Construction Company, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 13057 in the sum of $75.00, covering the paving of E. 119th st., from Imperial ave. to Kinsman rd.

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By Director Maline. Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into subsidiary agreement No. 1470 with The Cleveland Trinidad Paving Company, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 13,103 in the sum of $173.55, covering the paving of Chestnut Hills dr., from Liberty Row to 1180 feet northerly.

File No. 9959.

By Director Maline.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 1420 with Gould & Maybach, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 13117 in the sum of $1,866.04, covering the paving of E. 144th st., from St. Clair ave. N. E. to Aspinwall ave. N. E., be and the same is hereby approved. File No. 9960.

By Director Maline.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 1435 with Gould & Maybach, making certain additions to and amend ing contract No. 12943 in the sum of $660.28, covering the paving of Lake Shore blvd., from 1,277 feet east of E. 156th st. to E. 174th st., be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 9961.

By Director Maline.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 1450 with The Roehl Bros. Paving & Construction Company, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 12925 in the sum of $45.00, covering the paving of Clark ave. S. W., from the west line of W. 41st st. to W. 58th st., be and the same is hereby approved.

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of water in the sum of two thousand three hundred ($2300.00) dollars, be and the same is hereby approved.

J. J. SHEA, Secretary.

The board of control convened at 10:00 A. M., Monday morning, January 9th, 1922.

Present: The President and Directors Lamb, Maline, Perkins, Martinec, Gesell, Roberts and Ruetenik.

Absent: None.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as present


Moved by Director Lamb, seconded by Director Gesell, ell, that the regular meetings of the board of control be held at 10:00 A. M., Tuesday morning and Friday morning.

There being no further business to bring before the board, the meeting adjourned.



December 28th, 1921.

Minutes of a regular meeting of the city plan commission held in the mayor's office at 2 P. M., December 28th, 1921.

There were present: Vice Chairman Black; Directors Bernstein, Metcalf, Sprosty, Blossom and Farrell; Adviser Whitten; City Engineer Hoffman.

Absent: Members Farnsworth, Mather and Hampton; Directors Woods and Thomas; Adviser Walker.

Reading of the minutes of the previous meetings was dispensed with and, on proper motion, they were approved as prepared.

The secretary announced that the chief business before the meeting was a further consideration of the proposal of the board of education to erect a storage warehouse and garage at E. 63rd st. and Waterman ave., the topic considered at a special meeting of the commission on December 21, 1921.

Director of Schools Frank G. Hogen again appeared with Architect McCornack in behalf of the board of education, while Rev. Joseph Sztucki, pastor of St. Hyacinth's church; Mr. Kelly, representing the Horace Kelly Art Foundation; Councilman Orlikowski and a delegation of property owners from the vicinity of the proposed site, appeared in opposition. There were read in opposition to the proposal a petition signed by 100 residents of the neighborhood, communications from Father Sztucki, John Krzar

zkski, Frank F. Mosinski and Dippel Dippel Bros.; also report from Special City Plan Adviser Robert H. Whitten, in which he urged that another site not within an area zoned for residence purpose in the tentative zone jlan be selected by the board of education. Variuos arguments were advanced by Mr. Whitten to uphold his contention that another site should be selected and he suggested that, "a withdrawal by the board from this location might be conditioned on the giving of definite assurance that the plot in question would be purchased for residence purposes so that the board could feel reasonably sure that by such withdrawal they were actually contributing to the permanent maintenance of the residence section in this neighborhood and around Todd School."

Mr. Kelly argued that a warehouse and garage would not only depreciate values of lots and property in the neighborhood but would also make it difficult for his organization to sell remaining property for residence purposes. He explained that it was their plan to pay into the Art Museum Fund receipts obtained for lots sold. All the other opposing the proposal based their objection on contentions that such a building would result in a depreciation of property values and be a menace to the safety of school children. Father Sztucki claimed the St. Hyacinth's church and school property was valued at $175,000 and that great loss would be incurred through the depreciation of the value of the parish's holdnigs in the neighborhood.

Director Hogen explained that he was exceedingly anxious to cooperate in every possible way with the commission, but said that no other location as desirable seemed to be available. He told the commission that he had made an investigation of a suggestion made at the previous meeting that a plot of ground was available on Morgan ave. and had found that he could not recommend it for the warehouse site because of the higher price and the location benig close to railroad tracks.

At the request of the chairman, no formal vote was taken, but it was the unanimous opinion of members of the city plan commission present at this third and final meeting to consider the suggested location for the warehouse and garage, that the locatino of this warehouse on the site selected would not be in accord with the general public interest.

The members present accepted completely the judgment of Director Hogen as to the economy of

the site selected; and commended the admirable zeau of the director and of the architect of the board of education in promoting the economy and the efficiency of the work of that body.

None the less, this particular site, after a full hearing on the part of all parties interested, did not commend itself as an advisable one for this purpose, for the following reasons:

1. It increases the automobile accident hazard of 1200 pupils of the Todd school, and of the 800 pupils of St. Hyacinth's school in the neighborhood of the projected site.

2. It would violate the tentative zoning plans of the city plan commission, this having been approved as a residence district. Such an infraction of this plans would create public sentiment against the entire zoning plans, instead of sentiment favorable to them.

3. Whatever economy would be accomplished through the purchase of this particular piece of land by the board of education, would very largely be offset by diminished value of other properties in this neighborhood belonging to the Kelly estate, all the proceeds of which go to the Art Museum, which like the board of education operates entirely in the public service.

4. It would interfere with the value and availability of St. Hyacinth's school.

5. It would depreciate the value of residence property in this neighborhood, if it is accomplished in spite of their protests and resultant ill-will.

The chairman of the commission asked that no vote be taken, "so as to give to the board of education the opportunity of winning good-will, instead of ill-will of this entire community, by withdrawing their request and finding some other central locations in districts tentatively zoned for industry instead of in one zoned tentatively for residence purposes.

"As only one warehouse is being contemplated, there ought to be

some other central location found without the objections inherent in this one," he said.

"This suggestion is with full appreciation of the importance of the public school work, and of its difficulty, and with full appreciation that the public is well served by the energy and ability and zeal of Director Hogen and of School Architect McCornack."

Following the presentation of the chairman's views, Mr. Hogen said he would "put the whole situation up to the board of education." He explained that he probably would put it in the form of a definite recommendation, claiming that it was his business judgment that the proposed site was the best one available from the viewpoint of the board, and intimating that he was likely so to inform members of the board.

On motion of Director Bernstein, the chairman named Mr. Farnsworth, Director Bernstein, Mr. Black and Mr. Whitten a committee to appear before the board of education and present the commission's views on the proposal when Director Hogen places the problem before the board.

On motion, duly seconded, the meeting adjourned.

Executive Secretary.


Applications and full information covering the following examinations may now be obtained at the office of the civil service commission, 414 City Hall. Applications should be obtained as soon as possible, and must be filed by applicant in person at that office not later than 12 o'clock noon of the seventh day preceding the date of the examination.


Division of Purchases and Supplies INSTALLING WATER MAINS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the comissioner of purchases

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E. 127th st., from Fairmount rd. S. E. to Woodland ave. S. E.

Britton dr. S. E., from E. 124th st. to E. 127th st.

Mt. Overlook ave. S. E., from E. 127th st. to 135' W. of E. 124th st.

E. 124th st., from Fairmount rd. S. E. to Mt. Overlook ave. S. E.

E. 126th st., from Britton dr. S. E. to Mt. Overlook ave. S. E.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to the commissioner of water, room 211 city hall.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the division of water and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any

or all bids.

Jan. 4, 11, 1922.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon January 27th, 1922, for one direct heat rotary dryer for use at the Cleveland garbage disposal plant, Willow, Ohio, and will be opened and read in the council chamber immediately thereafter.

Specifications and bidding blank may be obtained at the office of the director of public service, room 314 city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blank furnished by the director of public service and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Jan. 11, 18, 1922.

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Fire and Police-Fleming, S. B. Michell, Potter, Oswald, Thompson. Health and Sanitation-Schooley, Bronstrup, Sammon, Sklenicka, Sulzmann.

Judiciary-Finkle, Stacel, Fleming, Damm, Cook. Legislation-Wheeler, Smith, A. J. Mitchel, Damm, Sklenicka.

Parks and Recreation-Bronstrup, S. B. Michell, Smith, Petrash, Thompson.


Printing Oswald, Bronstrup. Sulzmann, Walsh. Public Utilities-Marshall, Stacel, Potter. McGinty, Wheeler.

Public Welfare Braschwitz, Schooley, Roberts, Kadlecek, Moore. River and Harbor Canfield, Force, Sammon, Rieder, Sklenicka.

Sewers and Sidewalks - Force, A. J. Mitchel, Gallagher, Moore, Orlikowski.

Steam Railroads-Stacel, Cook, Roberts, Rieder, Curry. Streets-Kadlecek, Fleming, Roberts. A. J. Mitchel, Orlikowski.

Street Railways-S. B. Michell, Finkle, Canfield, McGinty, Oswald. Taxes and Assessments-Sammon, Braschwitz, Gallagher, Walsh, Petrash.




File No. 56625.




Cleveland, Jan. 9, 1922.

To the Honorable Council

of Cleveland, O.



In accordance with the new policy of retrenchment, so necessary in the conduct of our city's finances, it is the consensus of opinion of the Women's Political League that the new Bureau of Legislative Research or the re-organized Bureau of Public Information, should be abolished. Respectfully submitted,






File No. 56626.

To repeal ordinance No. 54382 providing for the paving and improving of E. 128th st. N. E.

Referred to the director of public service, committee on streets taxes and assessments, director of finance and director of law.

File No. 56627.

To repeal ordinance No. 55306 providing for the paving of E. 68th st., from Harvard ave. S. E. to Claasen ave. S. E.

Referred to the director of public service, committee on streets taxes and assessments, director of finance and director of law.


File No. 56628.
Cleveland, Ohio, January 9, 1922.

To the Honorable Council
of the City of Cleveland.

In accordance with resolution, file No. 56590, providing for the recount of the ballot cast for A. J. Mitchel and John G. Willert, candidates for the office of city councilman from Ward 9 of the city of Cleveland at the election held on the 8th day of November, 1921, your committee on January 5th, 1922, proceeded to count and did count said ballots as in said resolution provided, and found the following results:

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Received and approved.
File No. 56629.
Cleveland, Ohio, January 9, 1922.

To the Honorable Council
of the City of Cleveland.

In accordance with resolution, file No. 56591, providing for the recount of the ballot cast for Michael L. Sammon and Frank J. Faulhaber, candidates for the office of city councilman from Ward 4 of the city of Cleveland at the election held on the 8th day of November, 1921, your committee on January 5th, 1922, proceeded to count and did count said ballots as in said resolution provided, and found the following results:

Michael L. Sammon
Frank J. Faulhaber

All choice votes

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Received and approved.
File No. 56630.
Cleveland, Ohio, January 9, 1922.

To the Honorable Council
of the City of Cleveland.

In accordance with resolution, file No. 56593, providing for the recount of the ballot cast for Wellington J. Smith and S. D. Noragon, candidates for the office of city councilman from Ward 20 of the city of Cleveland at the election held on the 8th day of November, 1921, your committee on January 5th, 1922, proceeded to count and did count said ballots as in said resolution provided, and found the following results:

Wellington J. Smith

All choice votes

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All choice votes Your committee having found that Wellington J. Smith received a plurality including all choices, of 117 votes, find that he was duly elected and recommend that the petition to contest said election be rejected and there be no further proceedings to contest.

Respectfully submitted.




Received and approved.
File No. 56631.

Cleveland, Ohio, January 9, 1922.

To the Honorable Council

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File No. 56640.

Of notices served on property owners of the adoption of a resolution to construct a sewer together with drains and other appurtenances in W. 116th st., from Bellaire rd. S. W. to Highland rd. S. W. Received.

File No. 56632.

Department of Finance
Division of Assessments
and Licenses

To the Honorable Council
of the City of Cleveland.

January 5, 1922.

The undersigned board of revision of assessments having met at the time and place designated in the notices served for the following improvements, after careful consideration approved the estimated assess

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File No. 56644.

Mr. Marshall.

Whereas, The Ohio Bell Telephone Telephone Company has filed with the public utilities commission of Ohio, schedules providing for certain increased rates in connection with the moving and installation of telephones throughout the state of Ohio, and

Whereas, the proposal of The Ohio Bell Telephone Co., to levy an installation charge and to make other charges of a similar character is of a great public interest to the present and prospective subscribers in the city of Cleveland, and

Whereas, the subject matter herein constitutes an emergency, because the public utilities commission has set down the application for the above increase on February 2, 1922, and it is therefore necessary for the preservation of public welfare and for the operation of municipal departments that this resolution be made effective at once, now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: That the committee on public util

ities of this council be, and it is hereby requested and directed to hold public hearings at the earliest convenient time for the purpose of inquiring into the proposed installation charges above referred to and other charges of The Ohio Bell Telephone Co., as set forth in the above stated schedule, and

Be it further resolved that The Ohio Bell Telephone Co., be and it is hereby requested to appear at said public hearing and explain the nature and purpose of said charges and the necessity therefor and answer such inquiries as the committee may care to make, and

Be it further resolved that the clerk of this council be, and he is hereby directed to send invitations to the various civic, commercial and other similar organizations of the city of Cleveland, notifying them of the time and place of said hearing which shall be determined by the chairman of the public utilities committee.

This resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency resolution and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the mayor.




File No. 56645. Mr. Finkle.

Whereas, the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) has been deposited with Louise Dewald, supervisor of cemeteries, by the Cleveland Trust Company, trustees of the estate of William C. Scofield, for the purpose of creating a permanent trust fund the interest thereof to be used for the perpetual care of the north half of lot 37, section 10, in Woodland cemetery and known as the "Mary Barker lot."


Whereas, the said of two hundred dollars $200.00) is now in the hands of the supervisor of cemetermies; therefore, be it

Resolved, by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: That the director of parks and public property be and he is hereby directed to place said sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) to the credit of a fund to be called "The Mary Barker Trust Fund" and that semi-annually upon settlement of the city depositories with the city of Cleveland for the interest due said city of Cleveland upon its average daily balances in such depositories, the director of finance be, and he is hereby directed to place to the credit of the "Mary Barker Trust Fund" an amount. equal to the interest upon two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the time such money has remained in the city treasury and acquired interest, as being a part of the city balances at a rate of interest which shall be equal to the average rates paid to the city by such depositories; and that such an amount of interest or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be used from time to time for the perpetual care of the north half of lot 37, section 10, in Woodland cemetery.

Referred to the director of parks and public property, committee on parks and recreation, appropriation and finance, director of finance and director of law.

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