Water, Division of (Printing Annual Reports 1921)-Notice for bids ....1056-1130 Water, Division of (Draft Fans, Feed Pumps, Stoker Drives) - Notice for bids 1184-1211 Water, Division of (Coal) -Notice for bids..1211-1226 Water, Division of (Contract 18, Inlet and Outlet Works at Fairmount Reservoir) - Notice for bids .........1211-1226 Water, Division of, Lake Shore Blvd. Pumping Station (Pump) -Notice for bids ......1227 Water, Division of, Lake Shore Blvd. Pumping Station (Ejectors) - Notice for bids 1227 ...... JC JAN 3 3 1922 V 9 The City Record Official Publication of the City of Cleveland January the Fourth, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Two (Telephones-Uniess otherwise stated, call Main 4600 or Central 1 for any of the officials listed below). EXECUTIVE MAYOR-FRED KOHLER, Mayor's Secretary-James J. Shea. Bureau of Information and Research- OEPARTMENT OF LAW J. P. Lamb, Director. Assistant Directors-J. M. Shallenberger, Ray T. Miller, E. P. Westenhaver, Oscar Bell, 304 City Hall. Commissioner of Franchises-Carl F. Shuler, 304 Chief Prosecutor Lee E. Skeel. Ontario 1320 Central Police Station. Chief Clerk-J. M. Crawford. Central 4021 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICEJ. F. Maline, Director. Director's Secretary-Al N. Jappe, 314 City Hall. Division of Streets John G. Tomson, Commissioner, 124 City hall, Street Cleaning, Street Repairs, Paving Permits. Division of Engineering and Construction Robert Hoffman, Commissioner, 618 City Hall. Paving, Sidewalks, Sewer, Bridges and Docks (Rivers and Harbors), Sewage Disposal, Plats and Surveys, Street Signs and House Numbers. Division of Garbage Wm. A. Stoller, Supt. of Collection, 2430 Canal DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY G. A. Ruetenik, Director. Director's Secretary-435 City Hall. Division of Parks Commissioner of Parks, 435 City Hall. City Forester, 435 City Hall. Division of Recreation Fred S. Day, Commissioner of Recreation, 485 Division of Markets-L. J. Linn. Albert Moritz, Superintendent, 436 City Hall. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Ralph Perkins, Director. Director's Secretary-327 City Hall. Sinking Fund Commission-Mayor Kohler, Presi- Board of Revision of Assessments-Mayor Kohler, CITY PLAN COMMISSION-Morris A. Black, Vice CITY STREET RAILROAD COMMISSIONER830 Leader-News Bldg., Main 5271, Central 348. L. G. Schooley. 2 John A. Braschwitz.:: 3 Samuel B. Michell..... Division of Health Dr. H. L. Rockwood, Commissioner, 116 City Hall. Dr. G. B. Morehouse, Medical Expert, Communicable Diseases, 117 City Hall. Roger G. Perkins, Director of Laboratories, 118 City Hall. Dr. Roy F. Leslie, Chief Bureau of Food and Dairy Inspection, 412 City Hall. Cora Templeton, Director of Field Nurses, 117 City Hall. Dr. Harold J. Knapp, City Chemist, 609 City Hall. 12 Herman H. Finkle... Dr. Bureau of Immigration John Prucha, Chief, 103 City Hall. Bureau of Outdoor Relief-106 City Hall. William A. Kenney, Supt. Parole Officer C. K. Miller, 327 City Hall. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Thomas C. Martinee, Director, Division of Police Chief, Central Police Station; Main 26, Central 542. Secretary of Police Department, Frederick W. Marcolin, Room 330 City Hall. Division of Fire George A. Wallace, Chief, 328 City Hall. Fire Prevention Bureau, Thomas F. Connell, Chief Warden, Room 328 City Hall. Secretary of the Fire Department, Room 330 City Hall. Division of Buildings Geo. S. Summerell, Commissioner, 605 City Hall. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Gerhard A. Gasell, Director. Division of Accounts F. A. Jackson, Commissioner, 226 City Hall... Division of Treasury Treasurer, 216 City Hall of Assessments and C. Cukr, Commissioner, 226 of Purchases and , 219 City Hall Address 2070 West 101st St. ......10622 Parkhurst Dr. 7915 Madison Ave. N. W. 7903 Grace Ave. ...3525 Clark Ave. 3800 West 33rd St. 2921 Scranton Ave. 1381 West 44th Pl. 3317 Montclair Ave. ...1596 E. 39th St. 2342 East 40th St. 2479 East 40th St. 5314 McBride Ave. .. 6715 Fleet Ave. 9213 Miles Ave. 7918 Townsend Ave. 6415 Quincy Ave. 2201 E. 83rd St. 2200 Cummington Rd. ...1576 E. 84th St. 1338 East 81st St. ..6213 Quinby Ave. 6012 Superior Ave. .772 Parkwood Drive ...11407 Itaska Ave. 13615 Blenheim Ave. 11507 Scottwood Ave. 3541 E. 91st St. .......9910 Rosehill Ave. 25 James B. Oswald....::::: The City Record VOL. 9 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1922 No. 419 inch riveted steel pipe," for the division of water, and will be opened and read immediately thereafter in council chamber, city hall. Dec. 28, 1921, and Jan. 4, 1922. INSTALLING WATER MAINS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, 219 city hall. Cleveland, Ohio, until 12 o'clock noon, official Cleveland time, Friday, January 20, 1922, for installing water mains for the division of water, and will be opened and read in the council chamber immediately there-' after. E. 127th st., from Fairmount rd. S. E. to Woodland ave. S. E. Britton dr. S. E., from E. 124th st. to E. 127th st. Mt. Overlook ave. S. E., from E. 127th st. to 135' W. of E. 124th st. E. 124th st., from Fairmount rd. S. E. to Mt. Overlook ave. S. E. E. 126th st., from Britton dr. S. E. to Mt. Overlook ave. S. E. Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to the commissioner of water, room 211 city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the division of water and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day above specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Jan. 4, 11, 1922. Friday, January 6 Meeting of the board of control, room 305, City Hall, 10 a. m. Monday, January 9Meeting of the board of control, 10 a. m. 33 Cleveland, O., January 3, 1922. To the Honorable Council of the City of Cleveland. Gentlemen: I hereby certify to you that there has been filed in the office of the clerk of council, the oath of office required by section 192 of the charter of the city of Cleveland, subscribed by the following councilmen:: Ward 1-Liston G. Schooley Ward 2-John A. Braschwitz Ward 3-S. B. Michell Ward 4-Michael L. Sammon' Ward 5-P. F. Rieder Ward 6-Clayton C. Townes 7-John J. Moore Ward 8 M. H. Gallagher Ward 10-Thomas E. Walsh Ward 16-John F. Curry Ward 24-Walter E. Cook Ward 28-Albert H. Roberts Ward 30-Edward J. Sklenicka Ward 32-R. S. Force. Yours very truly. C. J. BENKOSKI Clerk of Council. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT Mr. Finkle nominated Mr. Clayton C. Townes as president of the council. Seconded by Mr. Fleming. Mr. McGinty nominated Mr. William F. Thompson as president of The City Record CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JAN. 3, 1922 ELECTION OF CLERK Mr. Schooley nominated Mr. F. W. Thomas as clerk of council. Seconded by Mr. Marshall. Mr. Orlikowski nominated Mr. Joseph Pelcinski as clerk of council. Seconded by Mr. Kadlecek. Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Fleming, moved that nominations be closed. Carried. Mr. Thomas received 20 votes. S. B. Michell Smith Townes Wheeler Those who voted for Mr. Pelcin Cook Finkle Oswald Fleming Potter Force Roberts ski were Messrs. Curry Moore Sklenicka Orlikowski Sulzmann Thompson Walsh The president thereupon declared Mr. Thomas duly elected clerk of the council. W. E. POTTER, JAS. J. MCGINTY, CHAS. A. KADLECEK. Report received and adopted. REPORT OF COUNCIL COMMIT TEE ON RULES January 3, 1922 File No. 56558. Cleveland, Ohio, January 3, 1922. To the Council of the City of Cleveland, Gentlemen: Your committee on rules recommend the adoption of the following rules: Rule 1-Regular Meetings The first regular meeting of the numbered years council in cven shall be held in its chamber on the first Monday in January at eight o'clock p. m. Otherwise, the regular meetings of the council shall be held in its chamber Monday evening of each week. except the last two Mondays in July, the first three Mondays in August and the Monday preceding the general election beginning at the hour of 7 p. m., unby the less council. Rule 2-Special Meetings The mayor, the president of the |