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hereby directed to send invitations to the various civic, commercial and other similar organizations of the city of Cleveland, notifying them of the time and place of said hearing which shall be determined by the chairman of the public utilities committee.

This resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency resolution and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the mayor.

Adopted January 9, 1922.

President of the Council.


Clerk of Council.

Approved by the mayor January 11, 1922.

File No. 56646. Mr. Michell.

Resolved, by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: That this council approve the appointment of Jas. W. Holcomb, as street railroad commissioner, and hereby fixes his salary as such commissioner, at seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) per annum, in conformity with section 10 of ordinance No. 48845-A, passed by the council April 7th, 1919. Said approval and salary to be effective as of January 1, 1922.

Adopted January 9, 1922.

President of the Council.


Clerk of Council.

Approved by the mayor January 16, 1922.

File No. 56647.

Mr. Stacel.

Whereas, there are approximately one hundred twenty-five thousand men and women in the city of Cleveland who are out of employment at the present time; and

Whereas, on account of this terrible condition thousands of men, women and children are penniless and in want; and

Whereas, on account of such condition a great emergency arises in that such condition greatly effects the public health, welfare and safety of the community; now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: That a committee of five members of the council be appointed by the president which committee shall forthwith inquire into the unemployment situation existing in the city of Cleveland and to make thorough study and survey of such necessary public improvements that can go forward without delay in order to provide employment.


Be it further resolved, that the said committee is hereby empowered to hold public hearings, issue subpoenas and compel witnesses to attend as provided for in section 47 of the charter of the city of Cleveland; and

Be it further resolved, that the committee meet as soon as possible and proceed with the said hearings and report back its recommendations and findings to this council at the earliest possible time.

The president appointed Messrs. Stacel, Bronstrup, Roberts, Sulzman and Rieder as such committee. Adopted January 9, 1922.


President of the Council.


Clerk of Council.

Not signed by the mayor.

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passed for the resurfacing of Kinsman rd., from E. 55th st, to E. 79th st.; and,

Whereas, funds are now available to proceed with this needed improvement; and

Whereas, it will give employment to a great number of men who are now out of work; now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the council of the city of Cleveland, State of Ohio: That the director of public service be and he is hereby requested to advertise for bids for the resurfacing of Kinsman rd., from E. 55th st. to E. 79th st.

Adopted January 9, 1922.

President of the Council.


Clerk of Council,

Not signed by the mayor.

File No. 56649.
Mr. Rieder.

Whereas, W. 25th st., from N. Y. C. & St. L. railroad bridge to Woodbridge ave., is occupied by business establishments and bears a heavy volume of traffic; now, therefore,

Be it resolved, that the director of public utilities and director of parks and public property be, and they are hereby requested to extend the so-called "White Way" lighting system on W. 25th st., from N. Y. C. & St. L. bridge to Woodbridge ave.

Adopted January 9, 1922.


President of the Council,

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Resolved, that the director of parks and public property be and he is hereby requested to install electric lights on the following streets:

E. 144th st., south of Kinsman rd., Bartlett ave., from E. 131st st. to E. 140th st.,

One light at the intersection of Corlett ave. and E. 130th st., to properly light said places. Adopted January 9, 1922.


President of the Council.

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Resolved, that the director of parks and public property be, and he is hereby requested to place an electric light on Harvard ave., at the corner of E. 110th st., to properly light said corner.

Adopted January 9, 1922.

President of the Council.


Clerk of Council.

Not signed by the mayor.

File No. 56657. Mr. Schooley.

Resolved, that the director of public service be and he is hereby requested to cover all dirt streets north of Lorain ave., from W. 110th st. to W. 116th st., inclusive, with cinders, as no deliveries can be made on account of the mud. Adopted January 9, 1922.


President of the Council.


Clerk of Council.

Not signed by the mayor.

File No. 56658.
Mr. Moore.

Resolved, that the director of public service be, and he is hereby requested to instruct the Erie Railroad to place a retaining wall or fence along the north side of University rd., from W. 14th st. to Literary rd. S. W.

Adopted January 9, 1922.

President of the Council.


Clerk of Council.
Not signed by the mayor.

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The City Record

Official Publication of the City of Cleveland

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January the Twenty-fifh, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Two

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John G. Tomson, Commissioner, 124 City hall, Street Cleaning, Street Repairs, Paving Permits. Division of Engineering and Construction

Robert Hoffmann, Commissioner, 618 City Hall. Paving, Sidewalks, Sewer, Bridges and Docks (Rivers and Harbors), Sewage Disposal, Plats and Surveys, Street Signs and House Numbers. Division of Garbage

Wm. A. Stoller, Supt. of Collection, 2430 Canal
Road. Telephones: Central 4894, Main 2736.
C. C. Smith, Engineer, Garbage Disposal Plant,
Willow, Ohio. Broadway 338, Union 139.

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Ralph Perkins, Director.

Director's Secretary-H. H. Horwitz, 327 City Hall.
Division of Health-

Dr. H. L. Rockwood, Commissioner, 116 City
Hall. Dr. G. B. Morehouse, Medical Expert,
Communicable Diseases, 117 City Hall. Dr.
Roger G. Perkins, Director of Laboratories, 118
City Hall. Dr. Roy F. Leslie, Chief Bureau of
Food and Dairy Inspection, 412 City Hall. Cora
Templeton, Director of Field Nurses, 117 City
Hall. Dr. Harold J. Knapp, City Chemist, 609
City Hall.

Division of Employment

Charles F. Arndt, Commissioner, 109 City Hall. Bureau of Immigration

John Prucha, Chief, 103 City Hall.

Bureau of Outdoor Relief-106 City Hall.

William A. Kenney, Supt.

Parole Officer

C. K. Miller, 327 City Hall.

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Gerhard A. Gesell, Director.

Division of Accounts

F. A. Jackson, Commissioner, 226 City Hall.

Division of Treasury

City Treasurer, 216 City Hall.

Division of Assessments and Licenses

LC. Cukr, Commissioner, 226 City Hall.

Division of Purchases and Supplies

A. B. Roberts, Director.

Director's Secretary-228 City Hall.
Division of Water-

J. T. Martin, Commissioner, 211 City Hall.
Division of Light and Heat-

W. E. Davis, Commissioner, 228 City Hall.

Board of Control-Mayor Kohler, President, and
Directors Lamb, Maline, Perkins, Martinec,
Gesell, Ruetenik and Roberts. James J. Shea,
Secretary, Room 305 City Hall.

Civil Service Commission-Benjamin Parmely,
President; Dave R. Jones and William E. Scharf,
Louis Simon, Secretary, 414

City Hall.

Sinking Fund Commission-Mayor Kohler, Presi-
dent; Gerhard A. Gesell, Secretary, and Presi-
dent of City Council, Clayton C. Townes, Ray-
mond P. Martin, Asst. Secretary, 128 City Hall.

Board of Revision of Assessments-Mayor Kohler,
President; Gerhard A. Gesell, Secretary, and
Directors Lamb and Maline, and President of
City Council Clayton C. Townes, 305 City Hall.

Chairman; Walter I. Robinson, Executive Secre-
tary; H. M. Farnsworth, Wm. G. Mather, H. H.
Hampton. Ex-officio Members: J. P. Lamb, J. F.
Maline, Thomas C. Martinec, Ralph Perkins, G. A.
Reutenik, A. B. Roberts, Gerhard A. Gesell. Rob-
ert Whitten, Special City Plan Advisor; Frank R.
Walker, General City Plan Advisor, 436 City Hall.

CITY STREET RAILROAD COMMISSIONER830 Leader-News Bldg., Main 5271, Central 348.







President-Clayton C. Townes


L. G. Schooley...... John A. Braschwitz...

Samuel B. Michell..

Michael L. Sammon.



P. F. Rieder...

6 Clayton C. Townes.

7 John J. Moore.

8 Michael H. Gallagher....

9 A. J. Mitchel..





Thomas E. Walsh...
Thomas W. Fleming.....
Herman H. Finkle...
Charles A. Kadlecek.....

14 Bernard Orlikowski.


William F. Thompson.

16 John F. Curry.





Jacob Stacel..


.2070 West 101st St. 10622 Parkhurst Dr.

7915 Madison Ave. N. W. .7903 Grace Ave. 3525 Clark Ave. 3800 West 33rd St. 2921 Scranton Ave. 1381 West 44th Pl. 3317 Montclair Ave. ...1596 E. 39th St. 2342 East 40th St. .2479 East 40th St. .5314 McBride Ave. .6715 Fleet Ave. 9213 Miles Ave. 7918 Townsend Ave. 6415 Quincy Ave. 2201 E. 83rd St. Cummington Rd. 1576 E. 84th St. 1338 East 81st St. ..6213 Quinby Ave. 6012 Superior Ave. 772 Parkwood Drive 11407 Itaska Ave. 13615 Blenheim Ave 11507 Scottwood Ave. 3541 E. 91st St. 9910 Rosehill Ave. 3683 E 140th St.

L. R. Canfield..
John D. Marshall...........2200

Wellington J. Smith.....

23 Adam J. Damm..


John Sulzmann..

22 Henry Bronstrup.....

24 Walter E. Cook


James B. Oswald.....


Wm. E. Potter.......


R. C. Wheeler...


Albert H. Roberts........

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The regular meeting of the board of control convened at 10:00 a. m., Friday morning, January 20, 1922. Present: Mayor Kohler and Directors Lamb, Maline, Perkins, Martinec, Gessel, Roberts and Ruetenik.

Absent: None.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented and on motion of the president the following resolutions were adopted:

File No. 9975.

By Director Maline.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 1473 with The River Construction Company, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 13,057 in the sum of $75.00, covering the paving of E. 119th st., from Imperial ave. to Kinsman rd., be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 9976.

By Director Maline. Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 13178, with the Cleveland Crane and Engineering Company, amounting to $5,913.39, covering the furnishing, delivering and installing of an electically operated monorail hoist and appurtenances at the Easterly Sewage Treatment Works, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 9977.

By Director Ruetenik.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 1419, with The Riester & Thesmacher Company, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 12802, for flashing and sheet metal work for the public hall, amounting to $1,294.50, be and the same is hereby approved.

J. J. SHEA, Secretary.

The regular meeting of the board of control convened at 10:00 A. M., Monday morning, January 23, 1922.

Present: Mayor Kohler and Directors Lamb. Maline, Perkins, Martinec, Gesell, Roberts and Ruetenik.

Absent: None.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented and on motion of the president the following resolutions were adopted:

File No. 9978.

By Director Roberts.

No. 422

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public utilities be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with the Sanford Riley Stoker Co., lowest and best bidder, for item 6, for furnishing and delivering four (4) gravity underfeed mechanical stokers for the division of water, in the sum of forty-two thousand four hundred ninety ($42,490.00) dollars, in accordance with its bid received December 9, 1921.

File No. 9979.

By Director Roberts. Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public utilities be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with the Babcock & Wilcox Co., lowest and best bidder, for item No. 1, for furnishing and delivering four (4) water tube boilers and superheaters (bent tube type) for the division of water, in the sum of seventy-six thousand five hundred nineteen ($76,519.00) dollars, in accordance with its bid received December 9, 1921.

File No. 9980.

By Director Roberts.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public utilities be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with the J. D. Farasey Mfg. Co., lowest and best bidder, for furnishing and delivering one sixteen (16) inch riveted steel pipe to be used on grade crossing on Lorain ave, and Nickel Plate R. R. by the division of water, in the sum of three thousand four hundred ($3.400.00) dollars, in accordance with its bid received January 12,

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