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Applications and full information covering the following examinations may now be obtained at the office of the civil service commission, 414 City Hall. Applications should be obtained as soon as possible, and must be filed by applicant in person at that office not later than 12 o'clock noon of the seventh day preceding the date of the examination.


Cleveland, O., January 16th, 1922. Public notice is hereby given, that an open competitive examination will be held in accordance with the law and rules of the commission, commencing at 9:00 a. m., Saturday, February 18th, 1922, at a place to be later designated, for positions of deputy clerks CK-1, of the municipal court of the city of Cleveland.

Initial salary $2.128.00 per annum. The examination will include the following:

1. Letter writing on a designated sub(Including penmanship).


2. Arithmetic 3. Spelling

4. Practical questions relating to business and office practice and routine, and may, in the discretion of the commission, include an oral test to be conducted by a committee designated for that purpose.

5. Clerical experience tending to qualify applicants to perform the duties of the position, certified to the satisfaction of the commission, will be considered and given weight as a subject of the examination.


Two eligible lists will be established from this examination, one covering positions of deputy clerks whose duties are limited to clerical work, and the other covering positions of deputy clerks whose duties include typewriting.

The latter list, deputy clerk (typist), will comprise the names of all eligibles on the deputy clerk list who have, subsequent to the establishment of said list, taken and passed a prescribed qualifying test in typewriting.

Blank applications may now be obtained at the offices of the commission, 414 city hall, and must be filed at the office by applicant in person, not later than 12:00 noon, Saturday, February 11th, 1922.

BY ORDER OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. Applicants must have resided in the city of Cleveland for a period of at least one

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BUILDING CITY HOSPITAL Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 2nd, 1922, and will be opened and read immediately thereafter in the council chamber for providing and installing mechanical equipment for the city hospital on Scranton rd.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the drawings and specifications, copy of which may be obtained at the office of the chief architect, 604 city hall. Our drawings and specifications loaned to the bidders for compiling their bids must be returned to the office of the architect before the bids are opened.

No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the chief architect and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the date specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

A certified check or proposal bond for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal.

Jan. 18, 25, 1922.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissisoner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 3rd, 1922, for approximately ten thousand (10,000) gallons of gasoline for the garbage disposal division of the department of public service, and will be opened and read in the council chamber immediately thereafter.

Specifications and bidding blank may be obtained at the office of the director of public service. room 314 city hall.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blank furnished by the director of public service and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any

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Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon. February 1, 1922, and will be opened in the council chamber immediately thereafter for the grading, draining, curbing, paving and improving of the following named thoroughfares, between the points named:

Aetna rd. S. E., from E. L. of E. 78th st. to E. L. of E. 82nd st.

Amesbury ave. N. E., from E. L. Richardson allot. to N. L. Sharp allot.

Aspinwall ave. N. E., from E. 152nd st. to E. 154th st.

Calvin et. S. W., from W. 17th st. to W. 21st pl.

Colonial ct. S. E., from Woodhill rd. S. E. to Frank ave. S. E.

Forest ct. S. E., from E. 33rd st. to E. 34th st.

Fruit ave. S. W., from W. 9th st. to W. 10th st.

Helena ave. N. E., from E. 105th st. to Parkwood dr. N. Ε.

Joan ave. S. W., from W. 105th st. to Lorain ave.

Natchez ave. S. W., from W. 30th st. to W. 35th st.

Oakwood ave. S. E., from E. 71st st. to E. 72nd st.

Paul ave. S. E., from Murray Hill rd. S. E. to Random rd. S. E.

Paxton rd. N. E., from Barrington ave.

N. E. to Arlington ave. N. E.
Rosewood ave. S. E., from Turney rd.
S. E. to Warner rd. S. E.

Shale ave. S. E., from Woodhill rd. S. E. to E. 110th st.

Stewart ave. N. E., from E. 90th st. to E. 93rd st.

Tampa ave. S. W., from W. 30th st. to W. 35th st.

Vineyard ave. S. E., from Warner rd. S. E. to Turney rd. S. E.

E. 67th st., from Worley ave. S. E. to Collier ave, S. E.

E. 114th st., from Woodland ave. S. E.

to Hulda ave. S. Ε.

E. 124th st., from 715' S. of Woodland

ave. to Buckingham ave. S. E.

E. 140th st., from Ashwood ave. N. E. to Abell ave. N. E.

E. 160th st., from Holmes ave. N. E. to Saranac rd. N. E.

W. 44th pl., from Detroit ave. N. W. to Bulkley blvd. N. W.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of the commissioner of engineering and construction, room 618 city hall.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and construction and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, 219 city hall, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon, official time of the city of Cleveland, on the day above specified.


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BIDS FOR ENAMELED BRICK FOR THE CITY HOSPITAL BUILDINGS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 9th, 1922, and will be opened and read immediately thereafter in the council chamber for furnishing and delivery at the site of enameled brick for City Hospital buildings, Scranton rd., Cleveland, Ohio.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications, copy of which may be obtained at the office of the chief architect, 604 city hall.

No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the chief architect and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the date specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

A certified check or proposal bond for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal.

Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 1922.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall, Cleveland, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 10, 1922, for

electric meters and will be opened and read in the council chamber, city hall, immediately thereafter.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to room 204 city hall.

No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by division of light and power, and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 1922.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 1, 1922, and will be opened in the council chamber immediately thereafter for the grading, draining, curbing, paving and improving of the following named thoroughfares, between the points named:

Aetna rd. S. E., from E. L. of E. 78th st. to E. L. of E. 82nd st.

Aspinwall ave. N. E., from E. 152nd st. to E. 154th st.

Calvin ct. S. W., from W. 17th st. to W. 21st pl.

Colonial ct. S. E., from Woodhill rd. S. E. to Frank ave. S. E.

Forest ct. S. E., from E. 33rd st. to E. 34th st.

Fruit ave. S. W., from W. 9th st. to W. 10th st.

Helena ave. N. E., from E. 105th st. to Joan ave. S. W., from W. 105th st. to Parkwood dr. N. E.

Lorain ave.

Natchez ave. S. W., from W. 30th st. to W. 35th st.

Oakwood ave. S. E., from E. 71st st. to E. 72nd st.

Paul ave. S. E., from Murray Hill rd. S. E. to Random rd. S. E.

Paxton rd. N. E., from Barrington ave. N. E. to Arlington ave. N. E.

Rosewood ave. S. E., from Turney rd. S. E. to Warner rd. S. E.

Shale ave. S. E., from Woodhill rd. S. E. to E. 110th st.

Stewart ave. N. E., from E. 90th st. to E. 93rd st.

Tampa ave. S. W., from W. 30th st. to W. 35th st.

Vineyard ave. S. E., from Warner rd. S. E. to Turney rd. S. E.

E. 67th st., from Worley ave. S. E. to Collier ave. S. E.

E. 114th st., from Woodland ave. S. E. to Hulda ave. S. E.

E. 124th st., from 715' S. of Woodland

ave. to Buckingham ave. S. E.

E. 140th st., from Ashwood ave. N. E. to Abell ave. N. E.

E. 160th st.. from Holmes ave. N. E. to Saranac rd. N. E.

W. 44th pl., from Detroit ave. N. W. to Bulkley blvd. N. W.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of the commissioner of engineering and construction, room 618 city hall.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and construction and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon, official time of the city of Cleveland, on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

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Swetland Building


January 23, 1922.

To the City Council,

City of Cleveland, Gentleman:

Your attention is respectfully called to the following resolution passed by our board of trustees, at a meeting held this morning:

"Whereas, the question of the opening of the public auditorium in time to carry out the existing contracts with the American Building Exposition Company and other organizations, has received the full consideration of this board and its sub-committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the matter of operation expenses incident to the opening of the auditorium and probable income from its use.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that this board does hereby recommend and urge the city administration to open the auditorium in time for the date set for the opening of the American Building Exposition; provided that proper waivers from such contractors as may not have entirely completed their work, can be obtained amply protecting the city against any loss, which might be sustained by reason of opening the building prior to its full completion, and

Be it further resolved, as there appears to be some apprehension on


MONDAY, JAN. 23, 1922

the part of the administration as to whether the income will meet the expenses of operation; the board will enter into a suitable contract with the city to operate the hall for the period ending December 31st, 1923, assuming all cost of operation, except such as the city would be liable for if the hall remained closed, and

Be it further resolved that the proper officers of the board be, and are hereby instructed to notify the mayor and the city council of this action."

Respectfully yours,


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File No. 56726.

To the Honorable Council of the City of Cleveland. Gentlemen:

Your special committee on unemployment met Tuesday, January 17, 1922, with the following members present:

Stacel (chm.), Bronstrup, Rieder, Roberts and Sulzmann.

Also present were the following: Former Councilman J. W. Reynolds, Directors Maline, Perkins, Roberts and Ruetenik; C. F. Arndt, commissioner of unemployment, W. A. Pease, representing the Van Sweringens', E. C. Henn, National Acme Co., E. A. Roberts, Builders' Exchange, H. F. Schuler, American Steel & Wire Co., J. Wayne Hart, White Motor Co., Mrs. E. F. Starr, Federated Women's Clubs, and representatives of The Joseph & Feiss Co., and the Cigar Makers' Union.

Your chairman stated the objects of the committee as outlined in resolution, file No. 56647, adopted by the council on January 9th, 1922.

The chairman first called on Mr. Arndt, commissioner of unemployment, who stated there was no change in conditions since July 1, 1921. He stated there are approximately 625 applicants for work each dav, and that he is able to place only about four and one-half per cent, a very low percentage. He estimated there are about one hun

dred and twenty-five thousand men out of work.

Ralph Perkins, director of public welfare, told the committee the outdoor relief department was taking care of approximately eleven thousand families, and that his department was receiving an additional request from about sixty-five families daily.

J. F. Maline, director of public service, stated he had discharged between three hundred and four hundred men since January 1st. He stated there was no work for them now, and that no work would be available until spring, when paving, sewer, and paving repair work will be started again.

A. B. Roberts, director of public utilities, stated his department would not put additional men to work until March, when the concrete work on the new Baldwin Reservoir would begin.

E. A. Roberts, secretary of the Builders' Exchange, made a plea for opening the new public hall on schedule time, stating that the Building Show would do much toward stimulating building, thereby relieving unemployment to a large extent.

J. Wayne Hart of the White Motor Co., told the committee that the unemployment situation today was worse than at any time in the past. Other opinions voiced before the committee tended to show there would be no change in conditions for at least several months.

Your committee has been informed that approximately 200 men furnished by the Associated Charities and American Legion Barracks are being used on street work. These men receive no pay from the city or from other resources, their compensation being food and lodging furnished by the Associated Charities and American Legion through the Community Fund.

Your committee does not approve of this practice for the following


1. By using these men, who are single men, married men with families are deprived of employment.

2. This practice tends to make public charges, not only of the men actually used on this work, but of a like number of married men who could be used, and their families.

3. This condition creates an immediate drain upon the funds of charitable institutions, because of the fact that many of those laborers who have been discharged by the city since January 1st, are forced to turn to the out-door relief department for assistance.

In view of the fact that the consensus of opinion among those who appeared before the committee tended to show that conditions probably would not improve for some months to come, we feel that agencies, other than private employers, should take the lead in relieving the unemployment situation, and with this in mind we recommend further that a sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated by the council to be expended by the director of public service, through the division of streets, this money to be used to supply employment to married men with families. The work to be done with this money should consist of extra work in clearing the streets of snow, ice and other obstructions; work that under ordinary conditions might not be done.

We recommend further that every property owner and business man in the city of Cleveland be, and he is hereby requested to carefully examine his house or business property from cellar to attic, to make up a list of improvements which can be made at the present time, in an effort to provide employment to some of thousands of Cleveland's unemployed. Let their motto be "Do It Now" in order that some temporary relief may be had until such time when work on public improvements can be started in early spring. Respectfully submitted, JACOB STACEL,

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no appropriation and finance, director of finance and director of law as an emergency measure.

Read second time.

Passed as an emergency measure.
Yeas 31, nays 0.

Ord. No. 55742.

An ordinance to accept the dedication of Muskoka ave. N. E., from E. 185th st. to its westerly end. Read third time. Passed. Yeas 31, nays 0.


An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in W. 107th st., from Jasper rd. to Thrush ave., as per estimated assessment No. 3,065. (G. R. 12448.)


Passage recommended by committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. Read second time.

Ord. No. 56607.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in Mount View ave., from E. 105th st. to Armstrong ave., as per estimated assessment No. 3060. (G. R. 12446.)


Passage recommended by committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. Read second time. Ord. No. 56608.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in E. 52nd st., from 673' S. of S. L. Fleet ave, to Burke Brook, as per estimated assessment No. 3033. (G. R. 12444.)

Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.

Ord. No. 56609.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a water main with necessary appurtenances in Caine ave., from E. 139th st. to E. 146th st., as per estimated assessment No. 210. (G. R. 12442.)

Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.
Ord. No. 56610.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in E. 117th st., from Farringdon ave. to Craven ave., as per estimated assessment No. 3025. (G. R. 12452.)


Passage recommended by committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.
Ord. No. 56611.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in Batavia ave., from E. 75th st. to 160′ easterly, as per estimated assessment No. 3044. (G. R. 12450.)


Passage recommended by committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time. Ord. No. 56612.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in E. 118th st., from Farringdon ave. to Craven ave., as per estimated assessment No. 3024. (G. R. 12454.)


Passage recommended by committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. Read second time. Ord. No. 56613.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in E. 143rd st., from Miles ave. to Benwood ave., as per estimated assessment No. 3,054. (G. R. 12456.)

Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.
Ord. No. 56614.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in Holborn ave., from E. 118th st. to E. 131st st., as per estimated assessment No. 3026. (G. R. 12460.)

Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. Read second time. Ord. No. 56615.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in Galion ave., from Valley rd, to W. 16th st., as per estimated assessment No. 3059. (G. R. 12458.)


Passage recommended by committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.
Ord. No. 56616.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in W. 16th st., from Crestline ave. to Elston ave., as per estimated assessment No. 3,057. (G. R. 12468.)

Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.

Ord. No. 56617.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a water main with necessary appurtenances in W. 54th st., from Bangor ave, to Biddulph ave., as per estimated assessment No. 106. (G. R. 12470.)


Passage recommended by committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.

Ord. No. 56618.

An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer with necessary appurtenances in Kimmel rd., from Bading ave. to Sykora ave., as per estimated assessment No. 3041. (G. R. 12462.)

Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law.

Read second time.

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and the director of law.
Read second time.
Ord. No. 56709.

An ordinance to repeal ordinance No. 54667, passed May 23, 1921, being "An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, laying sidewalks and improving Wichita ave. S. W., from E. L. of W. 49th st. to W. L. of the Lowrie allotment, as per estimated assessment No. 5089. (G. R. 12224).

Passage recommended by the director of public service, committee on taxes and assessments, director of finance and director of law.

Read second time.

Ord. No. 56710,

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of the present width to the established grade.

And that the mayor be directed to cause legal notice to be served upon the owners of property abutting on said sidewalks, or their agent or agents, of the adoption of this resolution and if said sidewalks within fifteen days from the service of said notice are not constructed a tax will be levied to pay for the same and the director of public service is directed to have the same done at the expense of said property own


Read second time.

The rules were suspended.

Yeas 31, nays 0.
Read third time.


Yeas 31, nays 0.



File No. 56688. Mr. Michell.

Resolved, by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: That the Cleveland Railway Company be and the same is hereby authorized to enter into contract with the G. C. Kuhlman Car Company for the purchase of two pair of Brill type 68-E trucks with steel bolsters, less wheels, axles, journal boxes, center and side bearings, at a cost not to exceed $2,560.00; and

Be it further resolved, that when said trucks have been received and placed in service, the cost of same not to exceed $2,560.00 be deemed a capital charge as defined in ordinance No. 48845-A.

Adoption recommended by the committee on street railways. Adopted.

Yeas 31, nays 0. File No. 56690.

Mr. Orlikowski.

Resolved, that the street railroad commissioner be and he is hereby requested to instruct The Cleveland Railway to repair or replace rail on Lansing ave., between E. 65th and E. 71st sts.

Adoption recommended by the committee on street railways. Adopted.

Yeas 31, nays 0.


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Resolved, that the director of public utilities be, and he is hereby requested to report to council, estimate of the cost of installing a "White-Way" lighting system on Pearl rd., from the end of the Brooklyn-Brighton bridge to Brooklyn ave.

File No. 56735.
Mr. Moore.

Resolved, that the director of public utilities be, and he is hereby requested to report to council, estimate of the cost of installing a "White-Way" lighting system on W. 14th st., from Abbey ave. to Brainard ave.

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