Director's Secretary 314 City Hall. Division of Streets Otto Paul Hense. John G. Tomson, Commissioner, 124 City hall, Street Cleaning, Street Repairs, Paving Permits. Division of Engineering and Construction-- Robert Hoffmann, Commissioner, 618 City Hall. Paving, Sidewalks, Sewer, Bridges and Docks (Rivers and Harbors), Sewage Disposal. Plats and Surveys, Street Signs and House Numbers. Division of Garbage Wm. A. Stoller, Supt. of Collection, 2430 Canal Director's Secretary-H. H. Horwitz, 327 City Hall. Division of Health Dr. Dr. H. L. Rockwood, Commissioner, 116 City Division of Employment Charles F. Arndt, Commissioner, 109 City Hall. Bureau of Immigration John Prucha, Chief, 103 City Hall. Bureau of Outdoor Relief-106 City Hall. William A. Kenney, Supt. Parole Officer C. K. Miller, 327 City Hall. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Thomas C. Martinec, Director. Division of Police Chief, Room 330 City Hall; Main 4600, Central 542. Secretary of Police Department, Room 330 City Hall, Division of Fire George A. Wallace, Chief, 328 City Hall. Fire Prevention Bureau, Thomas F. Connell, Chief Warden, Room 328 City Hall. Secretary of the Fire Department, Room 330 City Hall. Division of Buildings Commissioner, 605 City Hall. Samuel Hatcher, Commissioner of Division of Smoke, 330 City Hall. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES- Director's Secretary-228 City Hall. J. T. Martin, Commissioner, 211 City Hall. W. E. Davis, Commissioner, 228 City Hall. Board of Control-Mayor Kohler, President, and Ciy'l Comm'ssion-Benjamin Parmely, een Dave R. Jopes and Wiliam E. Scharf, oders. Louis Simon, Secretary, 414 у Вар. 11 Sinkog Iand Commission - Mayor Kohler, Presidep: Gad A. Gesell, Secretary, and President of City Council, Clayton C. Townes, Raymond P. Martin, Asst. Secretary, 128 City Hall. Board of Revision of Assessments- Mayor Kohler, President; Gerhard A. Gesell, Secretary, and Directors Lamb and Maline, and President of City Council Clayton C. Townes, 305 City Hall. CITY PLAN COMMISSION-Morris A. Black, Vice haman; Walter I. Robinson, Executive Secreдару: П. M. Farnsworth, Wm. G. Mather, H. H. He pron. Ex-officio Members: J. I. Lamb, J. F. Mline, Thomas C. Martinec, Ralph Perkins, G. A. A. A. B. Roberts, Gerhard A. Gesell. Robeit Whatten, Special City Plan Advisor; Frank R. Walker, General City Plan Advisor, 436 City Hall. CTLY SURFET PALROAD COMMISSIONER-James Lab, 530 Leader-News Bldg., Main 5271, 13 14 12 Herman H. Finkle... Charles A. Kadlecek Bernard Orlikowski... 15 William F. Thompson. 16 John F. Curry. 17 Jacob Stacel... 18 L. R. Canfield 19 John D. Marshall.... 20 Wellington J. Smith... 21 John Sulzmann.. 22 Henry Bronstrup. 23 Adam J. Damm.. 24 Walter E. Cook. 25 James B. Oswald..... 26 Wm. E. Potter...... 27 R. C. Wheeler.... 28 Albert H. Roberts. 29 30 Louis Petrash..... Edward J. Sklenicka... 31 James J. McGinty..... 32 R. S. Force.. Address 2070 West 101st St. 10622 Parkhurst Dr. .7915 Madison Ave. N. W. 7903 Grace Ave. ...3525 Clark Ave. 3800 West 33rd St. 2921 Scranton Ave. .. 1381 West 44th Pl. .3317 Montclair Ave. 1596 Ε. 39th St. 2342 East 40th St. 2479 East 40th St. 5314 McBride Ave. .6715 Fleet Ave. 9213 Miles Ave. 7918 Townsend Ave. 6415 Quincy Ave. 2201 E. 83rd St. 2209 Cummington Rd. 1576 E. 84th St. 1338 East 81st St. ..6213 Quinby Ave. 6012 Superior Ave. 772 Parkwood Drive ..11407 Itaska Ave. 13615 Blenheim Ave 11507 Scottwood Ave. 3541 E. 91st St. 9910 Rosehill Ave. ...3683 E. 140th St. 2741 Commercial Rd. .14708 Aspinwall Ave. 316 City Hall Clerk-F. W. Thomas, Bureau of Information and Research-Commissioner. Judiciary Finkle, Stacel, Fleming, Damm, Cook. Legislation-Wheeler, Smith, A. J. Mitchel, Damm, Sklenicka. Parks and Recreation-Bronstrup, S. B. Michell, Smith, Petrash, Thompson. Canfield, Printing Oswald, Bronstrup, Sulzmann, Walsh. Public Utilities-Marshall, Stacel, Potter, McGinty, Wheeler. Public Welfare Braschwitz, Schooley, Roberts, Kadlecek, Moore. River and Harbor Canfield, Force, Sammon, Rieder, Sklenicka. Sewers and Sidewalks - Force, A. J. Mitchel, Gallagher, Moore, Orlikowski. Steam Railroads-Stacel, Cook, Roberts, Rieder, Curry. Streets-Kadlecek, Fleming, Roberts, A. J. Mitchel, Orlikowski. Street Railways-S. B. Michell, Finkle, Canfield, McGinty, Oswald. Taxes and Assessments-Sammon, Braschwitz, Petrash. Gallagher, Walsh, BOARD OF CONTROL The regular meeting of the board of control convened at 10:00 a. m., Friday morning, January 27, 1922. Present: Mayor Kohler and Directors Lamb, Maline, Perkins, Martinec, Gesell, Roberts and Ruetenik. Absent: None. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented and on motion of the president the following resolutions were adopted: File No. 9984. By Director Maline. Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 1471, with The A. M. Pejsa Construction Company, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 13116, in the sum of $123.00, covering the paving of E. 130th st., from Abell ave. to Buckeye rd., be and the same is hereby approved. File No. 9985. By Director Maline. Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 13182, with The Strong, Carlisle & Hammond Company, amounting to $2067.00, covering the furnishing, delivering and installing of pressure booster pump, air compressor, pressure tank and appurtenances at the easterly sewage treatment works, be and the same is hereby approved. File No. 9986. By Director Roberts. Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public utilities be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with The Post Construction Co., lowest and best bidder for installing water mains in the following named streets: E. 127th st., from Fairmount rd. S. E. to Woodland ave. S. E. Britton dr. S. E., from E. 124th st. to E. 127th st. Mt. Overlook ave. S. E., from E. 127th st. to 135 ft. west of E. 124th st. E. 124th st., from Fairmount rd. S. E. to Mt. Overlook ave. S. E. E. 126th st., from Britton dr. S. E. to Mt. Overlook ave. S. E. in a sum not to exceed thirteen thousand two hundred twenty-seven and 50/100 ($13,227.50) dollars in accordance with its bid received January 20, 1922. File No. 9987. By Director Roberts. No. 423 Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 13179 with L. D. McFarland for furnishing and delivering cedar poles for the division of light and power in the sum of five thousand one hundred seventy-one and 75/100 ($5,171.75) dollars, be and the same is hereby approved. J. J. SHEA, Secretary. The regular meeting of the board of control convened at 2:00 p. m., Monday, January 30, 1922. Present: Mayor Kohler and Directors Lamb, Maline, Perkins, Martines, Gesell, Roberts and Ruetenik. Absent: None. the printing of annual report for CIVIL SERVICE ELIGIBLE LIST the year 1920 for the division of water in the sum of two thousand two hundred seventy-five ($2,275.00) dollars, be and the same is hereby approved. It was moved and seconded that the meeting recess until 10:00 a. m., Wednesday, February 1, 1922. CIVIL SERVICE NOTICES Applications and full information covering the following examinations may now be obtained at the office of the civil service commission, 414 City Hall. Applications should be obtained as soon as possible, and must be filed by applicant in person at that office not later than 12 o'clock noon of the seventh day preceding the date of the examination. BOARD OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF EXΑΜΙΝΑΤΙON FOR POSITIONS OF DEPUTY CLERKS CK-1, IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND. Cleveland, O., January 16th, 1922. Public notice is hereby given, that an open competitive examination will be held in accordance with the law and rules of the commission, commencing at 9:00 a. m., Saturday, February 18th, 1922, at a place to be later designated, for positions of deputy clerks CK-1, of the municipal court of the city of Cleveland. Initial salary $2,128.00 per annum. The examination will include the following: 4. Practical questions. All the qualifications that may be necessary to fill the position of a first grade clerk, together with a knowledge of legal procedure involved in the transaction of business in the municipal courts, which include all the sections of the general code, pertaining to the laws, rules and regulations governing the same. 5. Clerical experience tending to qualify applicants to perform the duties of the position, certified to the satisfaction of the commission, will be considered and given weight as a subject of the examination. NOTICE: Two eligible lists will be established from this examination, one covering positions of deputy clerks whose duties are limited to clerical work, and the other covering positions of deputy clerks whose duties include typewriting. The latter list, deputy clerk (typist), will comprise the names of all eligibles on the deputy clerk list who have, subsequent to the establishment of said list, taken and passed a prescribed qualifying test in typewriting. Blank applications may now be obtained at the offices of the commission, 414 city hall, and must be filed at the office by applicant in person, not later than 12:00 noon, Saturday, February 11th, 1922. BY ORDER OF THE CIVIL Applicants must have resided in the city of Cleveland for a period of at least one year next prior to the date of the examination. AGE REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be not less than 21 years of age on the date of examination. 32. 33. Monosoff, Mary, 2546 E. 37th st. Ohlbaum, Blanche, 9118 Parkgate ave. Frank, Marian T., 4735 Payne ave. 34. Grimm. Viola K., 3732 W. 25th st. 35. Roth, Helen, 8006 Golden ave. 68. Bartlett, Jeannette B., 4091 E. 91st st. 69. Helfer, Mildred, 14108 Aspinwall ave. 70. Joers, Lena C., 2101 Broadview rd. 71. Willcox, Margaret F., 12310 Superior Wulliger, Pearl, 2200 E. 70th st. 79. Klein, Gertrude A., 3270 W. 97th st. 80. Adams, Emma M., 2111 Barber ave. 81. Brandt, Gertrude, 1406 E. 88th st. 82. Dieger, Caroline, 1152 E. 79th st. 83. Ruggles, Marion L.. 4169 E. 95th st. 84. Golden, Lena, 11311 Union ave. 85. Herke, Azalia R. I., 3207 Devonshire rd. 86. Bigelson, Tobuette Y., 1375 E. 95th st. 87. Moskovitz, Libbie, 2372 E. 61st st. 88. Post, Muriel F., 9516 Leo st. 89. Masopust, Florence R., 5894 Cable 90. 91. 92. ave. Canniff, Lenore V., 4009 Woodbine ave. Bender, Edna H.. 14917 Kinsman rd. 93. Cohen, Rebeccа В., 2434 E. 59th st. 94. Becker, Lillian R., 86071/2 Cedar ave. 95. Bomstein, Naomi, 2494 E. 37th st. PROPOSALS Division of Purchases and Supplies COAL Sealed bids entitled coal for municipal light plant, will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, 219 city hall, until 12 o'clock noon February 10th, 1922, and will be opened immediately thereafter in the council chamber. Proposal blanks and specifications may be had on application at room 204 city hall. Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 1922. BIDS FOR ENAMELED BRICK FOR THE CITY HOSPITAL BUILDINGS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 9th, 1922, and will be opened and read immediately thereafter in the council chamber for furnishing and delivery at the site of enameled brick for City Hospital buildings, Scranton rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications, copy of which may be obtained at the office of the chief architect, 604 city hall. No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the chief architect and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the date specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A certified check or proposal bond for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal. Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 1922. ELECTRIC METERS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall, Cleveland, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 10, 1922, for electric meters and will be opened and read in the council chamber, city hall, immediately thereafter. Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to room 204 city hall. No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by division of light and power, and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day above specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BIDS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR THE CITY HOSPITAL BUILDINGS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall unitl 12:00 o'clock noon, February 16th, 1922, and will be opened and read immediately thereafter in the council chamber, for providing and installing electrical equipment for the city hospital on Scranton rd. Each bid must be made in accordance with the drawings and specifications, copy of which may be obtained at the office of the chief architect, 604 city hall. Our drawings and specifications loaned to the bidders for compiling their bids must be returned to the office of the architect before the bids are opened. No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the chief architect and delivered to the office of the commissinoer of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the date specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A certified check or proposal bond for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal. Feb. 1, 8, 1922. SIDEWALKS Sealed proposalss will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219, city hall, until 12:00 o'clock M., February 16th, 1922, and will be opened in the council chamber immediately thereafter, for furnishing, laying, relaying and repairing sidewalks with stone or cement in the northerly, southerly and western sidewalk districts, for a period of one year from date of awarding contract. Each bid must be made in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the commissioner of engineering, room 618, city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of purchases and supplies,, previous to 12:00 o'clock M. on the day spe cified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Feb. 1, 8, 1922. COAL Sealed bids entitled "Coal for City Hospital" will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 16th, 1922, for the furnishing and delivering of the necessary nut, pea and slack coal for a period of one year, and will be opened in council chamber immediately there after. Specifications and bidding blanks may be obtained at the office of the department of public welfare, city hall. Feb. 1, 8, 1922. FEED AND GRAIN Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 17th, 1922, for the necessary feed and grain requirements of the garbage collection division of the department of public service, for a period of three (3) months, and will be opened and read in the council chamber immediately thereafter. Specification and bidding blank may be obtained at the office of the director of public service, room 314 city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blank fufrnished by the director of public service and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Feb. 1, 8, 1922. PAVING room Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 15, 1922, and will be opened in the council chamber immediately thereafter for the grading, draining, curbing, paving and improving of the following named thoroughfares, between the points named: Adelbert rd., from Euclid ave. to 1460 ft. southerly. Aspinwall ave. N. E. and E. 155th st., from St. Clair ave. N. E. to E. 154th st. Edmonton ave. N. E., from 199 ft. W. of E. 130th st. to E. 131st st. Everett ave. N. E., from E. 78th st. to E. 80th st. S. E., from Woodhill Grandview ave. rd. S. E. to E. 110th st. Mt. Overlook and E. 121st st., from E. blvd. to Woodland ave. Rosewood ave. S. E., from Warner rd. S. E. to W. L. O. lot No. 471. Wichita ave. S. W., from Pearl rd. S. W. to W. L. of W. 45th st. Woodside ave. N. E., from W. L. Forest Hill Parkway subdivision to E. 131st st. Zimmer ave. N. W., from W. 98th st. to W. 100th st. E. 94th st., from Lowell ave. N. E. to Carr ave. N. E. E. 96th st.. from Lowell ave. N. E. to Carr ave. N. E. E. 97th st.. from Lowell ave. N. E. to Carr ave. N. E. E. 97th st., from Hilgert dr. S. E. to Dickens ave. S. E. E. 98th st., from Hilgert dr. S. E. to Dickens ave. S. E. E. 99th st., from Ramona blvd. S. E. to Dickens ave. S. E. E. 119th st.. from Miles ave. S. E. to Putman ave. S. E. W. 94th st., from Denison ave. S. W. to Maywood ave. S. W. Each bid must be made in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of the commissioner of engineering and construction, room 618 city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and construction and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon, official time of the city of Cleveland, on the day above specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Feb. 1, 8, 1922. BIDS FOR CEMENT UNDERFLOORING FILL FOR THE CITY HOSPITAL BUILDING Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 16th, 1922, and will be opened and read immediately thereafter in the council chamber, for providing and installing cement underflooring fill for the city hospital on Scranton rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Each bid must be made in accordance with the drawings and specifications, copy of which may be obtained at the office of the chief architect, 604 city hall. Our drawings and specifications, loaned to the bidders for compiling their bids must be returned to the office of the architect before the bids are poened. No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the chief architect and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the date specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. A certified check or proposal bond for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal. Feb. 1, 8, 1922. STEAM DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE CRANE Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12:00 o'clock noon, February 17th, 1922, for one steam driven locomotive crane, for the garbage reduction plant at Willow, Ohio, and will be opened and read in the council chamber immediately thereafter. Specification and bidding blank may be obtained at the office of the director of public service, room 314 city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blank furnished by the director of public service and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies previous to 12:00 o'clock noon on the day specified. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Feb, 1, 8, 1922. Friday, February 3 Meeting of the board of control, room 305, City Hall, 10 a. m. Monday, February 6 Meeting of the board of control, 10 a. m. 33 CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JAN. 30, 1922 nish the council an estimate of the cost of widening E. 79th st., from Euclid ave. to Addison rd., I beg to advise that the estimated cost of acquiring the land and buildings necessary to widen this road to a width of eighty (80) feet between property lines is three hundred and twenty-five thousand ($325,000.00) dollars. The improvement of this road, involving the repaving to a width of fifty (50) feet between curbs, and the replacing of sidewalks, it is estimated will involve an additional cost of one hundred and thirty thousand ($130,000.00) dollars. Respectfully submitted, Director of Public Service. Received. File No. 56758. CITY OF CLEVELAND Department of Public Service Office of the Director January 24th, 1922. To the Honorable Council 7. F.W. W. Thomas G of the City of Cleveland. Gentlemen: In response to council resolution No. 56648, requesting that the director of public service advertise for bids for the resurfacing of Kinsman rd., from E. 55th st. to E. 79th st., wish to advise that this street forms one of those which it is contemplated to pave this coming season. The taking of bids for paving work is now under way, so that Kinsman rd. will receive attention at an early date. Respectfully submitted, Received. File No. 56759. CITY OF CLEVELAND Department of Public Service Office of the Director January 30th, 1922. To the Honorable Council of the City of Cleveland. Gentlemen: In response to council resolution No. 56658, in which the director of public service is requested to issue instructions for placing a retaining wall or fence along University rd. on the northerly side, from W. 14th st. to Literary rd., I beg to report that I have referred this matter to the commissioner of streets who advises that the fence will be provided in the near future. Respectfully submitted, Received. File No. 56760. CITY OF CLEVELAND Department of Public Service Office of the Director January 30th, 1922. To the Honorable Council of the City of Cleveland. Gentlemen: In response to council resolution No. 56598, requesting the director of public service to report at the earliest possible time on what steps may be taken to successfully abate the nuisance of the stench that arises from the garbage disposal plant of the city of Cleveland, I desire to advise the members of the council of the city of Cleveland that an investigation is now being made in order to determine what changes or additions can be made to the existing plant in order to increase its efficiency and make it more effective in the prevention of odors. As soon as this investigation can be completed so that the proper recommendations as to future procedure may be made, I will be pleased to further advise the council. Resolution No. 56598 also makes inquiry as to the estimated cost of a new disposal plant. To fully answer this question will require a somewhat complete design and plan for a new installation. It may be safely predicted, however, that the construction of a new plant equipped with the most modern machinery for garbage reduction will cost from $1,000,000.00 to $1,500,000.00. Respectfully submitted, J. F. MALINE, Director of Public Service. Very truly yours, A. B. ROBERTS. Director of Public Utilities. Received. File No. 56762. COUNTY OF CUYAHOGA January 30th, 1922. To the Honorable Council of the City of Cleveland. Gentlemen: Mr. I. L. Davis, representing the State Civil Service Commission of Ohio, will conduct civil service examinations on Tuesday, January 31, and Wednesday, February 1, beginning at 9:00 A. M., for the position of highway superintendent, foreman and inspectors. It has been rather difficult to find an available place to hold these examinations and it would be conferring a great favor on the state civil service commission of Ohio, as well as the board of county commissioners, if your council would grant permission for the use of the council chamber on the above mentioned dates. Trusting that you will comply with this request, we beg to remain, Yours respectfully, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, By A. J. HIEBER, Clerk. |