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Fourth, That the United States hereby disclaim any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over said island, except for the pacification thereof; and asserts its determination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people.




LL that had been done by the governments of the United States and of Spain was indicative of war, -it was virtually a declaration that an appeal would be made to arms.

April 20. Preparations were making in each country for actual hostilities, and the American people were prepared to receive the statement made by a gentleman in close touch with high officials, when he wrote:

"The United States has thrown down the gage of battle and Spain has picked it up.

"The signing by the President of the joint resolutions instructing him to intervene in Cuba was no sooner communicated to the Spanish minister than he immediately asked the State Department to furnish him with his passports.

"It was defiance, prompt and direct.

"It was the shortest and quickest manner for Spain to answer our ultimatum.

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Nominally Spain has three days in which to make her reply. Actually that reply has already been


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"When a nation withdraws her minister from the territory of another it is an open announcement to the world that all friendly relations have terminated.

"Answers to ultimatums have before this been returned at the cannon's mouth. First the minister is withdrawn, then comes the firing. Spain is ready to speak through shotted guns.

"And the United States is ready to answer, gun for gun.

"The queen regent opened the Cortes in Madrid yesterday, saying, in her speech from the throne: 'I have summoned the Cortes to defend our rights, whatever sacrifice they may entail, trusting to the Spanish people to gather behind my son's throne. With our glorious army, navy, and nation united before foreign aggression, we trust in God that we shall overcome, without stain on our honour, the baseless and unjust attacks made on us.'

"Orders were sent last night to Captain Sampson at Key West to have all the vessels of his fleet under full steam, ready to move immediately upon orders."

The Spanish minister, accompanied by six members of his staff, departed from Washington during the evening, after having made a hurried call at the French embassy and the Austrian legation, where Spanish interests were left in charge, having announced that he would spend several days in Toronto, Canada.

April 21. The ultimatum of the United States was received at Madrid early in the morning, and the gov

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