"All shrynes, images, church-stoles, and pewes that are well payed for, all banner staves, Pater-noster scores, and peces of the holy crosse." I say nothing of the spirit or taste which pervades the work, but it is impossible that such things as pews and pew rents could have entered into the bishop's head if they never existed. The first edition is placed by Watt 1550, only two years after Grafton printed the first Primer, and long before the Reformation had time to influence the "manners and customs" of the people. A. A. LONGEVITY OF Clergymen (3rd S. v. 22.)—The Rev. Peter Young, minister of Wigton, was appointed to that charge in 1799, and is now the only minister in the Church of Scotland who dates from the last century. G. MAY: TRI-MILCHI (3rd S. iv. 516.) — As an illustration of the milk-producing qualities of the month of May, I may mention that when my housekeeper expressed surprise to the fish boy, who brought her shrimps one May morning, that they were so early, he answered: "Oh, yes, ma'am, shrimps always come in in May with the fresh butter." KENT. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC. The Life and Correspondence of George Calixtus, Lutheran Abbot of Königshutter, and Professor Primarius in the University of Helmstadt. By the Rev. W. C. Dowding, M.A. (J. H. &. Jas. Parker.) We heartily thank Mr. Dowding for introducing us to as ripe a scholar, as good a Christian, and as kind-hearted a man as ever breathed. And we hope our readers will lose no time in making acquaintance with so pleasing a biography. Here they may read of College life at Helmstadt, out-heroding the worst bullying of our public schools of conversions to Rome among his old fellowcollegians, which were grief of heart to our Protestant Professor of the thirty years' war scattering his 600 academics to the winds-of the abortive conference at Thorn-of his yearnings and strivings to heal over the wounds of disunited Christendom. It is a touching story; troubles abroad, but peace always at the heart. It is a biography which will always be profitable to the thoughtful reader. Just now it possesses an additional interest, as taking us into the debatable ground of Holstein and Sleswig, which Mr. Dowding puts well before the eyes of his readers. Calixtus was a Śleswiger. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, MCCCCXLIX-MCCCCL. Robertus Blondellus de Reductione Normannia; Le Recouvrement de Normendie par Berry, Herault du Roy; Conferences between the Ambassadors of France and England. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson. (Published under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls.) (Longman.) The learned editor of the present volume remarks, with great truth, that there could be no more appropriate accompaniment to the volumes which treat of The Wars of the English in France-which have already appeared in printed from MSS. in the Imperial Library at Paris; the present Series of Chronicles-than the tracts here which enable us to trace, day by day, and step by step, the causes which led to the expulsion of the English from Normandy. Blondel's narrative records with considerable minuteness the events which occurred from the capture of Fougeres, when the truce between England and France was broken, to the final expulsion of the English after the loss of Cherbourg-and is the most important record which we have of this interesting period. The work of Jacques le Bouvier, surnamed Berry, the first King of Arms of Charles VII., closely follows that of Blondel in its arrangement and details; but contains some particulars not recorded by him. The negociations between the Ambassadors of France and England, which extended from the 20th June to 4th July, 1449, give completeness to the work, on which the editor has bestowed his wonted diligence and learning. A Spring and Summer in Lapland; with Notes on the Fauna of Luleä Lapmark. By an Old Bushman. (Groombridge.) Originally published in The Field, where they were favourably received, these Notes on Lapland and its Fauna will be very acceptable to lovers of natural history, and particularly so to students of ornithology. The Brown Book: a Book of Ready Reference to the Hotels, Lodging and Boarding Houses, Breakfast and Dining Rooms, Libraries (Public and Circulating), Amusements, Hospitals, Schools and Charitable Institutions, in London; with full Information as to Situation, Specialty, &c.; and a handy List, showing the nearest Post Office, Money Order Office, Cabstand, Police Station, Fire-Engine, Fire-Escape, Hospitals, &c., to One Thousand of the Principal Streets of the Metropolis. (Saunders & Otley.) A book containing the information detailed in this ample title-page cannot but be very useful, if the information be correct; and we are bound to state that, as far as we have been able to test it, The Brown Book is as correct, and consequently as useful, as any of its Red or Blue contemporaries. The Common Prayer in Latin. A Letter addressed to the By William John Blew. Common Prayer in Greek. A learned and temperate pamphlet on a subject deserving the serious attention of all Churchmen. Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymns, by Thomas Ken, D.D. With an Introductory Letter by Sir Roundell Palmer; and a Biographical Sketch by a Layman. (Sedgwick.) This edition of Ken's Hymns, with Sir Roundell Palmer's introductory examination into the authenticity of the text of them, and the biographical sketch of the good Bishop's Life, form one of the most interesting parts of Mr. Sedgwick Library of Spiritual Songs. THE SHAKSPEARE CELEBRATION.-Whatever may be the result of the present movement for a Tercentenary Celebration of Shakspeare's Birth-whatever form the Memorial, which is to spring out of it, may assumethe most remarkable tribute to the memory of the great poet is the simple List of the Members of the Committee. Here we see at a glance the representative men of all classes-social, literary, professional, artistic, and scientific-throwing aside all distinctions of creed, politics, or rank, to do homage to the memory of the one whom they all agree to honour. This is a fitting tribute to him whose large-hearted Catholicity found "good in everything." One word as to the fittest form for a Shakspeare Memorial. Looking to what Shakspeare has done for English literature-how he has enriched and moulded it, and made it known throughout the world- A FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE would, in our opinion, be a worthy memorial of him who tells us — "A beggar's book outworth's a noble's blood." LASTROZZI, by P. B. Shelley, Wanted by Mr. John Wilson, 93, Great Russell Street, W.C. THE TORCH: Journal of English and Foreign Literature. 4to, 1838-9. Notices to Correspondents. THE INDEX to our last volume will be issued with “ N. & Q." on Saturday next. Among other articles of interest which will appear in our next Number we may mention MR. FROUDE IN ULSTER. S. SINGLETON will find many earlier versions of "God tempers the wind," &c. in the 1st vol. of 1st Series of "N. & Q.' A. W. D. The custom on All Souls' Day in Shropshire is noticed in our 1st S. iv. 381, 506 G. (Edinburgh.) On consulting seven articles in our 1st S. (see Gen Few would refuse to contribute, both in money and books, "SI MONUMENTUM QUERIS, CIRCUMSPICE." BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and addresses are given for that purpose: QUEEN ELIZABETH'S BOOK OF PRAYERS. Either edition or parts of them. S. AUGUSTINE'S PRAYERS. London: Wolff. MISSALE ROMANUM. Folio. Venetiis: J. Variscus. Wanted by Rev. J. C. Jackson, 5, Chatham Place East, J. C. LINDSAY. For notices of the Mappa Mundi consult our 2nd S. iv' 434, 478. OXONIENSIS. The custom of placing salt on the breast of a corpse has been discussed in our 1st S. iv. 6, 43, 162; x. 395. "NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publisher (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 11s. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order, payable at the Strand Post Office, in favour of WILLIAM G. SMITH, 32, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C., to whom all CoMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed. "NOTES & QUERIES " is registered for transmission abroad. Horniman's Tea is choice and strong, moderate in price, and wholesome to use. These advantages have secured for this Tea a general preference. It is sold in packets by 2,280 Agents. GAME-BOOKS, Stable-books, Cellar books, Letter Delivery Books, Parcels Delivery Books, all 2s. 6d. each, cloth; Rental Books, 3s. 6d. each; Library Catalogues various prices; Analytical Indices; Extract Books and Reading Easels. Also Portable Copying Machines, ensuring perfect copies, 21s., with materials. Catalogues gratis at all Booksellers, and LETTS, 8, Royal Exchange. In One large Volume Octavo, price 21s. With a Map of Eastern Equatorial Africa by CAPTAIN SPEKE; Numerous Illustrations chiefly from Drawings by CAPTAIN GRANT; and Portraits Engraved on Steel of CAPTAINS SPEKE and GRANT. CAME WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London. AMPBELL'S OLD GLENLIVAT WHISKY. BOMAOL and ILLUMINATED styles-in the most superior OOKBINDING-in the MONASTIC, GROLIER, manner, by English and Foreign Workmen. At this season of the year, J. Campbell begs to direct attention to this fine old MALT WHISKY, of which he has held a large stock for 30 years, price 20s. per gallon; Sir John Power's old Irish Whisky, 188.; Hennessey's very old Pale Brandy, 32s. per gallon (J. C.'s extensive business in French Wines gives him a thorough knowledge of the Brandy market): E. Clicquot's Champagne, 668. per dozen: Sherry, Pale, Golden, or Brown, 30s., 36s., and 42s.; Port from the wood, 30s. and 368., crusted. 428., 488. and 548. Note.-J. Campbell confidently recommends his Vin de Bordeaux, at 20s. per dozen, which greatly improves by keeping in bottle two or three years. Remittances or town references should be addressed JAMES CAMPBELL, 158, Regent Street. JOSEPH ZAEHNSDORF, English and Foreign Bookbinder, 30, BRYDGES STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. Engravings will be given during the year 1861 from Pictures by E.M. Ward, R.A., W. P. Frith, R.A., T. Faed, A.R.A., H. O'Neil, A.R.A., J. Philip, R.A., Noel Paton, R.S.A., J. R. Herbert, R.A., A. Elmore, R.A., D. Maclise, R.A., P. F. Poole, R.A., John Linnell, F. Goodall, A.R.A., C. R. Leslie, R.A., J. C. Hook, R. A., &c. &c. Of works in Sculpture, the" Reading Girl" (Magni), the " Finding of Moses (Spence)," Ariel" (Lough), "Monument to Nicholson" (Foley), "Religion (Edwards), "Prince Leopold and Prince Arthur " (Mrs. Thornycroft), &c. &c. Selections from the Turner bequest to the nation will also be continued. Examples of the works of Newton, Mulready, Penry Williams, Muller, E. Crowe, Mrs. E. M. Ward, Miss Osborne, W. J. Grant, and others, will be given during the year. London: JAMES S. VIRTUE, 26, Ivy Lane. Fine old "beeswing" Port, 488. and 60s.; superior Sherry, 368., 428., 488.; Clarets of choice growths, 368., 428., 488., 608., 728., 848.; Hochheimer, Marcobrunner, Rudesheimer, Steinberg, Leibfraumilch, 608.; Johannesberger and Steinberger, 728., 848., to 1208.; Braunberger, Grunhausen, and Scharzberg, 488. to 848.; sparkling Moselle, 48s., 608., 66s., 788.; very choice Champagne, 66s. 788.; fine old Sack, Malmsey, Frontignac, Vermuth, Constantia, Lachrymæ Christi, Imperial Tokay, and other rare wines. Fine old Pale Cognac Brandy, 608. and 728. per doz.: very choice Cognac, vintage 1805 (which gained the first class gold medal at the Paris Exhibition of 1855), 1448. per doz. Foreign Liqueurs of every description. On receipt of a post-office order, or reference, any quantity will be forwarded immediately, by HEDGES & BUTLER, LONDON: 155, REGENT STREET, W. Brighton 30, King's Road. (Originally established A.D. 1667.) AU-DE-VIE.-This pure PALE BRANDY, 188. recent importations of Cognac. In French bottles, 38s. per doz.; or in a case for the country, 39s., railway carriage paid. No agents, and to be obtained only of HENRY BRETT & CO., Old Furnival's Distillery, Holborn, E.C., and 30, Regent Street, Waterloo Place, S.W., London. Prices Current free on application. Illustrated with nearly 1,500 Engravings on Wood and 12 on Steel, HE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE mens of the best exhibits in the International Exhibition from the works of the most famous English and Continental Art-Manufacturers; also Engravings on Steel and Wood of the Sculpture; accompanied with Essays, by various contributors, on the Progress and Development of Art as exemplified in the works exhibited; and a History of the Exhibition: forming a most interesting and valuable record of the Exhibition at South Kensington. In one vol. royal 4to, cloth gilt, 218. London: VIRTUE BROTHERS & CO., 1, Amen Corner. Now ready, 8vo, pp. 408, with many Engravings, cloth, 148. HE HISTORY OF THE VIOLIN, and other to the Present. Also, an Account of the Principal Makers, English and Foreign. By W. SANDYS, F.S.A., and S. A. FORSTER. London: J. RUSSELL SMITH, 36, Soho Square. "PHONOGRAPHY is a RAILROAD method of communicating thoughta railroad by reason of its expedition-a railroad by reason of its ease." REV. DR. RAFFLES. Price 18. 6d., Free by Post, PITMAN'S MANUAL OF PHONOGRAPHY. London: F. PITMAN, 20, Paternoster Row, E.C. PARTRIDGE & COZENS Is the CHEAPEST HOUSE in the Trade for PAPER and ENVELOPES, &c. Useful Cream-laid Note, 2s. 3d. per ream. Superfine ditto. 3s. 3d. Sermon Paper, 3s. 6d. Straw Paper, 28. Foolscap, 68. 6d. per Ream. Black bordered Note, 5 Quires for 18. Super Cream Envelopes, 6d. per 100. Black Bordered ditto, Is. per 100. Tinted lined India Note (5 Colours), 5 Quires for 1s. 6d. Copy Books (Copies set), 1s. 6d. per dozen. P. & C.'s Law Pen (as flexible as the Quill), 28. per gross. Name plate engraved, and 100 best Cards printed for 38. 6d. No Charge for Stamping Arms, Crests, &c. from own Dies. Copy Address, PARTRIDGE & COZENS, Manufacturing Stationers, 1, Chancery Lane, and 192, Fleet St. E.C. DESPATCH BOX, DRESSING CASE, AND TRAVELLING BAG MAKERS, J. J. 7, NEW BOND STREET, W., AND SISE LANE, CITY (NEAR MANSION HOUSE). (Established 1735.) MAPLE and CO. for CARPETS. Choice New Patterns. MAPLE and CO. for FIRST-CLASS FUR NITURE. MAPLE and CO. for BEDSTEADS, in Wood, An Illustrated Catalogue Free on application.-Entrance 145, Tottenham Court Road. QUERIES:-Manuscript English Chronicle, 54- Baroness - -- QUERIES WITH ANSWERS:- Halifax Law-Charles Left- men-Paper Marks- The Laird of Lee Frith SilverPotato and Point-Greek and Roman Games, &c., 61. Notes on Books, &c. Notes. MR. FROUDE IN ULSTER. In two chapters of the eighth and last published volume of his History of England, Mr. Froude has sketched the leading events of the struggle with Shane O'Neill at the commencement of Elizabeth's reign; but the theme was worthy of a much larger space, and indeed required an ampler treatment, to render it intelligible to English readers. In that struggle the Scots formed a principal element, and, in connection with their settlements in Ulster during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Mr. F. had rare and plentiful materials at hand. The whole story of these Scottish settlements, however, is told at page 10, in the following words: "The Irish of the North, and the Scots of the Western Isles, had for two centuries kept up a close and increasing intercourse." This intercourse, practically speaking, began with the marriage of John Mor Macdonnell to Marjory Bisset, sole heiress to the Glynns or Glens of Antrim, about the year 1400, and a simple recital of facts in the history of their descendants, the Clan Ian Vór, or Clandonnell South, would have been highly important in reviewing the leading parties throughout Ulster during the sixteenth century. But without any previous knowledge of these Scots, the reader is introduced to a company of them thus, at page 10: "James M'Connell (Macdonnell) and his two brothers, near kinsmen of the House of Argyle, crossed over with 2000 followers to settle in Tyrconnell, while to the Callogh O'Donnell, the chief of the clan, the Earl of Argyle himself gave his half-sister for a wife." James Macdonnell had not only two, but seven brothers, the sons of Alexander of Isla, all of whom were leaders of greater or less note in the ranks of the Clan Ian Vor, and all of whom were probably born and brought up on the Antrim coast, where their father resided from the year 1493, having been then banished from Scotland by James IV. They were not, however, "near kinsmen of the house of Argyle," neither had they any immediate family relationship with the Campbells, farther than that James Macdonnell, the eldest brother, was married to a daughter of Colin Campbell, the third Earl of Argyle. James Macdonnell and two of his brothers may have gone on some expedition into Tyrconnell (Donegal), as the allies of the O'Donnells, but they never went there for the purpose of settling permanently, although their movements may have been so represented, or misrepresented, by English officials. James Macdonnell, when in Ulster, had his own well-known town and castle at Red Bay, on the Antrim coast, and his two brothers, Colla and Sorley (who no doubt went with him into Tyrconnell on the occasion referred to by Mr. Froude), dwelt respectively at Kinbann and Ballycastle, on the same coast. Mr. Froude always speaks of Calvagh O'Donnell as "the Callogh," thus adopting the phraseology of English emissaries. By them he is no doubt also misled, in supposing that Argyle gave his "half-sister" to the Callogh" as wife. The fact that the lady in question is always termed Countess of Argyle naturally enough puzzles Mr. F., seeing that, had she only been the Earl's half-sister, she could not have had the title of Countess. This lady, however, has been hitherto regarded as the step-mother only, of Archibald, fourth Earl of Argyle, having been his father's second wife, and consequently Countess dowager of Argyle. She afterwards became the second wife of Calvagh O'Donnell, but continued to retain her Scottish title. She was one of the seven daughters of Hector Mor Maclean, Chief of the house of Dowart, in Mull. Her mother was Mary, daughter of Alexander of Islay, and sister to James Macdonnell. After her abduction by Shane O'Neill, Sussex wrote to Elizabeth that "Thre of the Mac Illanes (Macleans), Kynsmen of the Countess of Oirgyle" had offered great services to her captor for her release. It must be admitted, however, that the lady is still somewhat of a genealogical puzzle, but it is certain she could not have been half-sister to the then Earl of Argyle. The latter is represented as being a wonderful match-maker, for he is described as proposing to marry James Macdonnell's widow ("another half-sister of Argyle," page 395), to Shane O'Neill, after the latter had repudiated or put away James Macdonnell's daughter; and, again (page 387), as making arrangements with O'Neill for marrying two of his children by the Countess of Argyle, with two of the children of James Macdonnell! This business was mooted in 1565, when O'Neill's children by the Countess could not have been more than three and four years of age respectively! The following is Mr. Froude's account (p. 380) of Shane O'Neill's celebrated expedition against the Scots, in the spring of 1565: "O'Neill lay quiet through the winter. With the spring and the fine weather, when the rivers fell and the ground dried, he roused himself out of his lair, and with his galloglasse and kern, and a few hundred 'harquebussmen,' he dashed suddenly down upon the Redshanks' and broke them to pieces. Six or seven hundred were killed in the field; James M'Connell and his brother Sorleboy were taken prisoners; and for the moment the whole colony was swept away." In this brief space, Mr. Froude compresses all the stirring events of that remarkable campaign; the mustering of O'Neill's force in Armagh after the solemnities of Easter-his march into Clandeboye, and the gathering of the gentry in that territory, with their adherents, around the standard of their great chief-the battle of Knockboy, near Ballymena, where Somhairle Macdonnell withstood, for a time, the overwhelming force of O'Neill-the siege and capture of Red Bay Castle (Uaimdergh)-the landing of the Scots at Cushindun under James Macdonnell, and their union with Sorley Boy's small force their retreat before O'Neill northward along the coast to Baile Caislean (now Ballycastle) the furious battle of Gleanntaisi, in that district, commencing at five o'clock on the morning of the 2nd of May-O'Neill's halt at Ballycastle, where he listened to, but rejected, the despairing proposals of the Scots, and from which he addressed his celebrated letter to the Lords Justices, informing them of his victory-his subsequent capture of the Castles of Downesterick and Dunluce his sending James and Sorley Macdonnell, together with nineteen other Scottish leaders, captured on the field of Gleanntaisi, to dungeons in Tyrone and his own triumphant return into Armagh. In selecting the season of spring for this "dash" against the Scots, Shane was not so much concerned about "when the rivers fell and the ground dried" as about the necessity of having the blow dealt before the period when reinforcements began generally to arrive from Scotland. The Scots were known to leave Antrim each season in October, or early in November, except such numbers as were necessary to hold certain positions along the coast, and as regularly to return in the 66 spring, after they had sown their own barren patches of soil with bere or barley, throughout Cantire and the Isles. If an emergency arose, however, reinforcements were summoned by the simple means of lighting a great fire on TorrHead, which is the nearest point of the Antrim coast to Cantire, the Channel here being only eleven miles and a half in breadth. Mr. Froude asserts that the Warning Fire was lighted on the gigantic columns of Fairhead," but local tradition invariably assigns that distinction to TorrHead; and in Norden's Map of Ulster prefixed to vol. ii. of the State Papers, we have the following announcement at the latter headland: "At this marke the Scotts used to make their Warning Fires." It is not unlikely, however, that Fairhead, which is much higher and more prominent, although further from Cantire, may have been also used for the same purpose; but on what authority Mr. Froude's statement rests, I do not know. At page 418, Mr. Froude thus describes the place of Shane O'Neill's assassination : Isnaleara, where the black valley of Glenariff opens out "In the far extremity of Antrim, beside the falls of into Red Bay, sheltered among the hills and close upon the sea, lay the camp of Ailaster M'Connell (Alexander Oge Macdonnell) and his nephew Gillespie." one ex The county of Antrim extends along the coast from Belfast to Coleraine, but the point here so indefinitely referred to is neither at tremity nor the other. Shane O'Neill was slain in the present townland of Ballyteerim, overlooking Cushindun Bay, and still containing traces of the building in which his last fatal interview with the Macdonnells took place. In Norden's Map prefixed to the State Papers, vol. ii., the name of this townland is Balle Teraine, and it is accompanied with the following note: "Here Shane O'Neale was slayne." Mr. Froude has, no doubt, some authority for associating that chieftain's death with the "falls of Isnaleara" and the "black valley of Glenariff." We are told, also, that O'Neill's lifeless body was flung into a pit dug hastily among the ruined arches of Glenarm," and if so, the assassins must have carried the corpse a distance of at least twelve miles! Local tradition affirms that the mutilated remains were buried in an old church enclosure at, or near, the place of assassination, and Campion tells us that O'Neill's last resting-place was "within an old chapell hard by." 66 The Scottish leader whom Mr. Froude designates as "Gillespie" was the eldest son of James Macdonnell, and, as such, was naturally more interested than any other in avenging his father's death, and repudiating the false story of his mother's proffered marriage with O'Neill. Mr. Froude, misled by others, represents Gillaspick Macdonnell as nephew of James Macdonnell, but Campion is correct in stating that Agnes |