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[Titles of Articles are printed in heavier type.]


Afghanistan, The Amir of, 151–
his autobiography, 152-policy, 153
-alliance with Russia, ib.-delimi-
tation of the boundary, 154-versa-
tile and masterful character, 155-
under Russian protection, 156-
selected Amir, 157-relations with
England, 158-method of ruling,
159-reorganisation of the civil and
military administration, 160-the
Panjdeh incident, 161-his mis-
takes, 162-religious convictions,
163-reforms, 164-question of a
representative in London, 165–167.
Africa, South, The Settlement of,
224, 544.

State Finance and Industrial
Enterprise, 224-participation in
the cost of the war, 225-amount,
226-duty of the State, 227-need
for a garrison, 228-investigation
into the proportion of costs, 228-
230-increase of revenue and ex-
penditure, 231-principal sources,
232-the Netherlands Railway, 232-
234, 239-dynamite monopoly, 234
the bewaarplaatsen licences, 235-
237-unallotted lands, 237-poten-
tialities, 238.

Immigration, Agriculture, and
Irrigation, 239-Dr Farrelly on
the need of a final settlement, 240
-immigration, 242-result of a
census, ib.-danger from the
Vol. 193.-No. 386.

foreign element, 244-various pro-
posals, 245-development of re-
sources, 246-minerals, 247-mag-
nitude and natural advantages,
248-condition of viticulture, 249-
fruit-growing, 250-horse-sickness,
252, 253-irrigation and rainfall,
254-recurring droughts, ib.-de-
sirability of utilising the rainfall
and rivers, 255-257.

Mines and minerals, 544-cop-
per, 545-discovery of diamonds,
546-amalgamation scheme, 548-
output, 549-coal, 550-gold, 551-
statistics, 553-Main Reef Series,
554-Rhodesia, 555-estimated pro-
duction from the Rand, ib.-de-
posits of iron ore, 556.

Means of communication, 557—
railways, ib. - mileage, 558
schemes of construction, 559-bene-
fit of state ownership, 561-position
of Rhodesia, 562-other modes of
traffic, 563-harbours, ib.

The Native Question, 566-popu-
lation, ib.-Report of the Native
Races Committee, 567-main ques-
tions, 568. Land, 568-570. La-
bour, 570-575. Liquor, 575-577.
Status, 577-581-taxation, 580-
the hut-tax, ib.-indirect, 581-
missionary work, 581-583.

Agriculture, British, in the Nine-
teenth Century, 1, 338-applica-
tion of science, 1, 16, 341-courses
2 U

of cropping, 2-drilling and dibb- |
ling of corn, 3-ploughs, ib.-crops,
4-fertilisers, ib.-average yield of
corn crops, 5-deterioration of
potato crops, ib.-land draining, 6,
340-enclosure of waste land, ib.-
live stock, 7-use of oxen, 8
societies, 8, 17-Board of Agricul-
ture, 9-landlord and tenant
system, ib.-the eighteenth cen-
tury, 10-annual average prices of
crops, ib. duties on imports, 11-
periods of depression, 12-14, 18,
347, 349-advance of knowledge,
14-extinction of the yeomanry,
15-condition of farmers and
labourers, ib.-Royal Agricultural
Society, 16-instruction, 17, 355-
repeal of the Corn Laws, 18-Sir
James Caird's tour of inspection,
18-20-area of land under crops,
339, 351-application of steam, 340
-tenant-right bill, 341-aggrega-
tion of farms, 342-average wages
of labourers, 343, 351-Labourers'
Union, ib.-Farmers' Alliance, 344
-rise in prices, 344-346-outbreak
of diseases, 345-increase of im-
ports, 346, 350-returns in 1866,
347 recommendations of Royal
Commissions, 348, 353 - foreign
competition, 350-price of wool,
351-cost of labour, ib.-number
employed, 352- Allotments and
Small Holdings Acts, ib.-improve-
ment in dairy branch, 354-use of
spraying, 356-progress of mechani-
cal invention, 357-in breeds of live
stock, ib.



Airey, Lord, his committee on Army
organisation, 185, 186.

Amir of Afghanistan, his autobio-
graphy, 151. See Afghanistan.


Arch, Joseph, forms the Labourers'
Union, 343.
Army Reform, 171-Military De-
fects, ib. requirements under-
estimated, 172-unsuitability of the
system, 173-meaning of mobilisa-
tion, ib.-condition of the troops,
175-militia reserve, ib.-formation
of Imperial Yeomanry and City
Imperial Volunteers, 176-Colonial
patriotism, 177-native armies of
India, ib.-military capacity of the
Boers, 178-total force of men, 179
-transport department, ib.-want
of organised field force, 180-emer-
gency measures, 181-conclusions,
182. The Causes, 183-reduction
of artillery, 184-defects of Mr


Cardwell's system, 0.- - deteriora-
tion of physique, 185-waste en-
tailed by the system, 186-period
of changes, 187-territorial scheme.
188-character of expedients, 189
-average age of the troops, 190.
Requisite Reforms, 191-work of
a War Department, ib. - civil
branches, 192-interference of the
War Office in trivial details, ib.-
constructive proposals, 193-mili-
tary requirements, 194 - Army
Corps organisation abolished, 195–
the field force, ib.-need for special
inducements, 196-territorial army,
197-application of the ballot to
the Militia, 198-function of the
Yeomanry, 199-Volunteers, ib.-
training, 200.

Arnold-Forster, H. O., "The War

Office, the Army, and the Empire,'
175, 183; on the number of Belle-
ville boilers supplied to the Navy,
414 note.

Asquith, Rt Hon. H., M.P., on co-
ordination of systems of education,


Balfour, Rt Hon. A. J., M.P., his
withdrawal of the Educational Bill
of 1896, 525.

Barnes, Mr, on the wages of natives
in South Africa, 573.

Bennett, Joseph, his style of playing
billiards, 487.

Benson, F. R., his attempts to revive
the Shakespearean drama, 93.
Bertin, L. E., 'Marine Boilers,' 406.
Billiards, The Game of, 482-Mr
Mardon's style of playing, 483--
Mr Wilson's, 484-Mr Kentfield's,
ib.-Roberts', 485-Dufton's, 486-
Bennett's, 487-John Roberts', ib.
-Cook's, 488 matches for the
championship, 488, 489 handi-
caps, 489 spot stroke, 490 -
Mitchell's play, 491-Peall's, ib.-
Dawson's, 492 Diggle's, 493
Stevenson's, 494 - amateur play,
495-want of a suitable code of
laws, ib. proposals to quicken
games, 496-the Billiards Associa
tion, 497-position of the cham-
pion, ib.-firms, 498.

Bishop, Captain, in command of the
garrison in Kumassi, 506, 514.

Biss, Captain H. C. J., "The Relief
of Kumasi,' 518.

Boilers, Navy, 406. See Navy.
Boissier, Gaston, 'La fin du Pagan-
isme,' 458.

Bosanquet, Bernard, 'A History of
Esthetic,' 361. See Criticism.

Bowley, A. L., on the average wages
of labourers, 343, 351.
'British Africa,' 244, 251.

Bruce, R. I., 'The Forward Policy
and its Results,' 169.

Burke, E., his assistance to Crabbe,

Butcher, Prof. S. H., on Aristotle,

Butler, Mrs J. E., 'Native Races and
the War,' 568.


Caird, Sir J., English Agriculture
in 1850-51,' 18, 339.

Canada, its interests in the Nicara-
guan Canal, 298.

Chadwick, Sir E., on the sanitary
condition of the labouring popu-
lation, 437.

Charnock, Job, the founder of Cal-
cutta, 72.

Child, Sir Josiah, director of the East
India Company, 71.

Christianity and Humanism, 458.
See Humanism.

Clavière, M. de M. la, his work on
Platonism, 464.

Cockerton Case, judgment, 532.

Colquhoun, A. R., 'The Renascence

of South Africa,' 246.

Cook, Dutton, 'Nights at the Play,'

Cook, William, his style of playing
billiards, 488.

Cotton, Life of Sir Arthur, 257.
Coulton, G. G., on the Swiss Army,

Crabbe, The Poems of, 21-his

form and style, ib.-dry humour,
23 defects, ib. - portrayal of
human character, 24 • The
Library' and 'The Village,' ib.-
influences of his early life, 25-
middle-class point of view, 26-

unpromising prospects, 27 — his
sojourn in London, 28-appeal to
Burke, ib.-ordained, 29-curate
at Aldborough, ib.-character of
his later works, 30-32-the 'Parish
Register,' 30-his sincerity, 31-
simplicity of language, 32-'The
Borough,' 33-35-series of 'Tales,'
35-Tales of the Hall,' 36-'The
Elder Brother,' 38-41-and other
poems, 42.

Creighton, Mandell, 584-birth and
education, ib.-life at Oxford, 585
-political and religious views, 586,
590 taste in literature, ib.
elected to a fellowship, 587-in-
fluence as a tutor, ib.-personality,
588-historical student and teacher,
ib.-pupils, 589, 596-ordination,
589-love of paradox, ib.-scepti-
cism, 590-marriage, 591-accepts
the living of Embleton, ib.-chair-
man of the Board of Guardians,
593-Rural Dean of Alnwick, ib.-
examining chaplain to Bishop
Wilberforce, and honorary Canon
of Newcastle, 594-literary work,
594, 602, 606-long walks, 595, 600
-elected to the Dixie Professor-
ship at Cambridge, 596-method of
writing history, 597-lectures, 598
-interest in women's education,
599-sermons, ib.-connexion with
Emmanuel College, 600-visit to
America, 601-Canon of Worcester
Cathedral, 602-Bishop of Peter-
borough, 603-character, 604, 609—
knowledge of the diocese, 605-
intervention in the strike at
Leicester, 606-at the coronation
of the Czar, 607-promoted to the
see of London, 609-work, 610-
views on education, 611-on Church
questions, 612-616-on the duties
and powers of the bishops, 616-
his dealing with Church questions,

Criticism, Ancient and Modern,
359-literary taste in France, 360—
Mr Bosanquet's History of Esthe-
tic, 361-meaning of the term, 362
-stages of perception, 363-the
term 'Beauty,' 364-the Alexan-
drian-Roman period, 365-Ger-
man speculation, 366-Mr Saints-
bury's History,' 368-criticism on
Martial, ib.-attitude towards an-
cient criticism, 369-on Aristotle
as a critic, 370-Cicero, 371-
treatise of Longinus, 373-Dante's
treatise 'De Vulgari Eloquio,' 374-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Diggle, Edward, his style of playing Fox, Wilson, Wages and Earnings
billiards, 493.

Ducket, Mr, his ploughs, 3.

of Agricultural Labourers,' 34.



East India Company, The First
Century of the, 44-Sir William
Hunter's history, 45-progress of
the Dutch East India Co., 49-53-
fluctuations between Dutch and
English, 53-character of English
expansion, 54--charter granted, 55,
61 allusions in Shakespeare's
plays, 56-impediments and perils
of expansion, 57, 58-career of Sir
Thomas Gresham, 59-the Russia
Company, 60-William Harborne
and the incorporation of the Com-
pany, ib.-its character, 61-first
beginnings, 62-Sir Thomas Roe,
64-the Surat factory, 65-time of
probation, 66-68-Fort St George
founded, ib. — revival of trade
under the Stewarts, 69-the year
1674, 70-inconsistencies of James
II, 72-Child and Charnock, ib.
Educational Opportunity, The,
522-Bryce Commission, ib.-Bill
of 1896, 523-its withdrawal, 525-
Board of Education Act of 1899,
527-methods of the school boards,
ib.-higher grade schools, 529-
Science and Art Department, 530
-evening continuation schools, 531
-judgment in Cockerton case,
532-competition, 533-abolition of
fees, 534-numbers on the registers,
ib, block-grant system, 535

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Holland, Bernard, 'The Poems of
George Crabbe,' 21.

Holland, Canon Scott, on Dr Creigh-

ton, 591, 610.

Honeyman, Mr, on the building

regulations of Glasgow, 448.
Hope, Lady, her 'Life of Sir Arthur
Cotton,' 257.

Housing Question, The, 432-early
economic history, 433-cottages of
the labourer, 434-dwellings of the
poor in towns, 435--sanitary con-
dition of London in 1837, ib.-Sir
Edwin Chadwick's report, 437-Dr.
G. V. Poore's views, 438-water
carriage of sewage, 439-letting and
hiring of house-room, 440-manage-
ment of rough tenants, 441-local
rating, 442-overcrowding, 443–
rise in cost of building, 444-
municipal monopoly, 444 - 448
stringent regulations, 448-scheme
of reconstruction, 450-areas, ib.-
shifting of industry, 451-numbers
displaced and provided for, 452-
scheme of the Council, 453-
suburban building, 454-deficiency
of transit, ib.-the Tottenham pur-
chase, 455-policy of obstruction
towards railway companies, 456.
Howden, Mr, his system of 'forced
draught,' 409, 427.

[ocr errors]

Humanism and Christianity, 458
-origin of the humanistic move-
ment, 459-Erasmus the 'Prince
of Humanists,' ib. influence of
Goethe on modern culture, 460-
style of Pater, 461-463-difference
between the modern and the Re-
naissance, 463-466-his feeling for
religion, 466-470 his 'Greek
Studies,' 471 Imaginary Por-
traits,' 473-'Marius the Epicu-
rean,' 475-essay on Mérimée, 477
-danger of fatalism, 478-mutual
relation of culture and religion, ib.
-effect on practical life, 479.
Hunter, Sir W. W., his career in
the East, 44-'History of British
India,' 45-character of the book,
46-symptoms of haste, 47-his
Dutch chapters, ib.

Huxley, Leonard, 'Life and Letters
of Thomas Henry Huxley,' 258

et seqq.
Huxley, Professor, 258-his struggle
to uphold the truths of science, 259
-public duties, 261-character-
istics, 262-isolation, 262, 265-

[blocks in formation]

Kentfield, E., 483-his style of playing
billiards, 484.

Kumassi, The Relief of, 499-cause
of the rising, 500-difficulties of the
task, 501-disinclination of the
natives to provide carriers, ib.-
Sir James Willcocks's advance to
Prahsu, 502-force sent to Bekwai,
503-escape of the Governor, 504—
number of the garrison, 505-con-
dition, 506, 508-attacks on Kokofu,
507, 520-the advance, 508-513-
difficulties of the route, 509-at-
tacks on the column, 511, 512-
relief, 513-Lady Hodgson's charges
against the relief column, 514-518
losses, 521

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