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Governor's Annual Message.

1. Annual Report of the State Treasurer. 2. Annual Report of the Auditor General.

3. Statistical Report of the Secretary of State.

4. Annual Report of the Commissioner of the State Land Office. 5. Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

6. Annual Report of the Attorney General.

7. Annual Report of the Inspectors of the State Prison.

8. Annual Report of the Adjutant and Quarter Master General.

9. Report of Board of Trustees of State Assets.

10. Report of the Attorney General.

11. Report of the Board of Trustees of the Michigan Asylums. 12. Annual Report of the State Librarian.

13. Abstract of the Reports of the Superintendents of the Poor. 14. Annual Report of the Board of State Auditors.


Governor's Annual Message.

Fellow citizens of the Senate

and House of Representatives:

The interests of the State are, for the time, committed to our care, and we should be emulous to excel in the discharge of the duty thus imposed. Michigan, though early discovered, has been but recently settled. Twenty years ago its population was inconsiderable; in 1840 it exceeded 200,000. During the last decade it has nearly doubled, and will doubtless continue to increase in a like ratio.

The development of its vast resources has scarcely yet begun. Its mines of Iron and Copper are inexhaustable; its forests afford unfailing supplies of lumber; and its agricultural, commercial and manufactur ing advantages are unsurpassed. Its climate is salubrious, and the cereal grains and other productions, adapted to the latitude, attain here their greatest perfection. The facility of transforming the wilderness to cultivated fields is no where else exceeded; and its lands not surpassed in fertility. Its surface is intersected by railroads and navigable streams, and its borders surrounded by inland seas, all affording advantages of intercourse and facilities of transportation elsewhere sought in vain. Waterfalls, suitable for propelling machinery, are found in every direction; and the manufactories of the east, in iron, in copper, in wool, and in be transferred to Michigan. The raw named is produced on the spot, and the transported here, with greater facility point in the Atlantic States. And the provisions that are required for subsistence may be obtained, in abundant supply, at every point, without the enhancement of price consequent upon transportation.

cotton, may with advantage material for the three first cotton of the south may be and cheapness, than to any

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Indeed, it is not visionary to predict that, at no distant day, the manufactures of Michigan, especially of articles made from the commodities named, will not only supply the home demand, but seek a market in all parts of the Union and in foreign lands. The navigable rivers of the State, and the great lakes that surround it, connected as they are with the Atlantic, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Gulf of Mexico, afford unrivalled advantages to interior commerce, and secure to agricultural products a ready transit and a certain market. Labor and capital, which will be timely supplied, are now only wanting to develop the resources of Michigan, and to secure to her that high rank which she is destined to take, and that influence which she is destined to exert in the constellation of States, of which she forms a part.

In view of the manifold blessings bestowed upon us as a people, and impressed with a just sense of our dependence, we have abundant cause to return thanks to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and to solicit a continuance of Divine favor and protection.

In the political history of Michigan a new epoch is created by the adoption of a new constitution; and the representatives of the people now assembled, are required to give effect to its provisions.

The unanimity with which that instrument has been adopted, commends it to our favorable consideration. It is now the supreme law of the State, and while it remains in force, must be respected as such, and its requirements obeyed. In many respects it is doubtless an improvement on our former organic law; and, as time shall discover its defects, it may be so amended as more nearly to conform to the progressive spirit of the age in which it is our fortune to live. The adaptation of the laws of the State to its provisions will be among the principal duties of your present session. The most important alterations required I shall attempt to designate in this communication; and the Attorney General will, I doubt not, communicate all necessary details for your guidance.

The first election of judges of the circuit courts, under the revised constitution, is required to be held on the first Monday in April next, in the several circuits, and some provision of law will be required, designating the time, place, and manner of canvassing the votes given.

The distinctions between law and equity proceedings, as far as

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