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put forth in the well-known "Essays and Reviews." The most prominent subjects which it has been thought advisable to consider separately, are-Bunsen's Biblical Researches, both in respect to the duration of man upon earth, as well as the correctness of Scripture Chronology in general, in opposition to his theory; the Evidences of Christianity, both as regards Miracles, Prophecy, and Science in general, and likewise with special reference to Darwin's "Origin of Species," as determined by Scripture, in particular; and the Mosaic Cosmogony, as being in perfect harmony with what science has recently brought to light on the matter of geological research. The Author has selected the three "Essays" bearing those titles for separate and careful examination.

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Further, as the four remaining "Essays and Reviews contain a variety of subjects which require much consideration, the Author has attempted to examine these under the distinctive heads of 1. Holy Scripture, in its integrity, inspiration, and interpretation. 2. Judaism, with reference to the present position of the Jews and their future prospects. 3. The Roman Church, in its antagonism to real religion. 4. Catholicism, in its true and unvarying sense, as adhered to by the Church of England. 5. Buddhism, as having no claim to being termed the "Gospel of India." And lastly Rationalism, in its negative aspect, as compared to the true theology which Scripture alone teaches.

The work contains a very full account of the hieroglyphic proof of the existence of the Israelites in Egypt in accordance with the statements of Scripture on that subject, together with incidental references to the Cuneiform and Phoenician inscriptions in support of the harmony between sacred and profane history; and is accompanied by a full Index as a guide to the many authorities referred to in the course of the work.

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point of importance being examined. The Answers appeared originally in supplements to the "London Review," and are now revised and published in a volume, with a preface by the late Chancellor of Ireland.

In the first Answer the author considers Dr. Temple's theory of the education of the world. He points out that the fundamental fallacy which pervades it is, that the Church and the world are confounded. The idea of the Hebrews, Romans, Greeks, and Asiatics being the great educators of the human race is shown to be borrowed, and wholly inapplicable to the theory the writer desires to establish. The gods of Greece and Rome, the worship of Egypt, far from being means, in the economy of Providence, of educating the human family, bear witness to the fearful idolatry and pollution of the heathen world. Dr. Temple's view, that man is put under the guidance of his own conscience as the supreme interpreter, is shown to be inconsistent with the truth, that man's moral nature has been affected by the Fall.

II. In the second Answer, the Review by Dr. Rowland Williams of Bunsen's Biblical Researches is minutely examined. This involves a consideration of the chronology, prophecy, and doctrine of Scripture, all of which are questioned by Bunsen and his reviewer. Manetho's tables are shown to be a very insufficient foundation on which to build the fabulous antiquity of Egypt, many of the dynasties being proved to have been cotemporary. The author then enters upon the subject of prophecy, and shows how opposed to the claims of Scripture itself is the denial of literal prognostication. Dr. Williams is shown to have misrepresented Paley, Butler, and Bishop Ridder, these authors asserting the very opposite view from that attributed to them. The genuineness of the Book of Daniel is vindicated. Mr. Griffin proves that the book was written before Antiochus was born, of whose reign it is said to have been but the history, while the objections brought against it have been borrowed from Collins, who himself was but a copyist of Porphyry. The Messianic interpretation of Isaiah liii. is then established, it being that held universally by the Jews up to the 9th century, their targums and ancient expositors knowing no other application. Lastly, the doctrines of Scripture are defended from the perversion that represents justification to peace of mind; the resurrection, a spiritual quickening; propitiation, the recovery of peace; the atonement, a commercial transfer; the incarnation, purely spiritual; and the Divine essence but a collection of attributes.


III. The third Answer is mainly directed to the question of miracles, and the objections brought against them in Mr. Powel's Essay are

discussed under the following heads:-1. That miracles are incredible; 2. Incapable of proof; 3. Improbable; 4. Useless; 5. Impossible. It is shown that nothing is incredible that is not unreasonable; a miracle may be above reason, but it does not contradict it. Again, admitting the existence of God and the reality of his moral government, the probability of miracles may be asserted. The statement that miracles are impossible is shown to land us practically in atheism, for it makes nature wholly independent of God. In opposition to this, the true theory of physical causation, as taught by some of our most eminent philosophers, is maintained. The questions of spontaneous generation and transmutation of species are then considered, and shown to have no foundation in nature.

IV. In the fourth Answer, Mr. Wilson's Essay on the National Church is reviewed, and the author is led to consider the important subjects of doctrinal limitations, subscription, and the principle of ideology. Mr. Wilson's claim, that clergymen should have perfect liberty to believe and teach what they please, is shown to be utterly incompatible with the very existence of a Church. His methods for evading the most solemn obligations imposed by subscription are examined and proved to be most disingenuous, while the principle of ideology, if applied to Biblical interpretation, must entirely destroy the objective truth of Christianity.

V. The object of the fifth Answer is to prove that there is no opposition between science and revelation, especially between Genesis and geology. Even though it may be impossible to trace a perfect agreement between the Mosaic account of creation and the testimony of the rocks, no palpable contradiction can be shown to exist. The examples adduced, namely, the alleged creation of the sun on the fourth day, and the description of the firmament as a solid vault, are proved to be purely imaginary. The author then enters upon a minute examination of the Mosaic Cosmogony, and points out a very remarkable agreement between it and the facts disclosed by the science of geology.

VI. The sixth Answer contains a reply to Mr. Pattison's Essay on the Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750. In this the

author is led to consider the relative importance of the external and internal evidences of Christianity, and to assign to each its respective office. The value of the labours of the historical writers of the last century is maintained, and their candour and honesty vindicated from unmerited aspersions. The Answer closes with a brief summary of the grounds on which religious belief rests.

VII. In the last Answer, Dr. Temple's Essay on the Interpretation of Scripture is considered.

The most important subject here discussed is that of Inspiration. While the human element in the Bible is freely admitted by the author, its plenary inspiration is maintained; an inspiration which preserves it from error in matters of fact as well as statements of doctrine. The distinction between revelation and inspiration is shown to be of importance in the discussion of the question; and the testimony of Scripture itself on the subject is considered.

On the Received Text of Shakespeare's Dramatic Writings, and its Improvement. By SAMUEL BAILEY, Author of "Letters on the Philosophy of the Human Mind." 8vo. pp. 274, price 8s. 6d. cloth. [Feb. 17, 1862. THE present work, after glancing at the con

fessedly corrupt state of SHAKESPEARE'S text, enters into a consideration of the criteria by which the spuriousness of a passage may be determined, and afterwards enumerates the conditions to be fulfilled before any proposed emendation can be admitted; touching, at the conclusion of the introductory section, on the manuscript corrections in what has been named the Perkins Folio, published by Mr. Collier, and showing that those corrections, whether old or new, must be subjected to the same tests as are applied to emendations from an avowedly modern pen.

The author next proceeds to exemplify the principles he has laid down by numerous instances of spuriousness in the received text, and by suggestions how to correct them.

In doing this he deals with some passages remarkable both for their excellences and for their defects, including amongst others the well-known soliloquy of Hamlet and the celebrated expostulation of Lady Macbeth addressed to her lord. The defects in these masterly compositions, he attempts to show, did not originate with the poet, but sprang from the perversion of the genuine text, and, for the most part, may be removed by a careful and patient attention to natural successions of thought and customary modes of expression.

Of the other chapters or sections into which the work is divided, one is devoted to the consideration of Indeterminate Readings — a class which, after all, will probably continue to be numerous; and another, to that of Verbal Repetitions, which are so frequent with our great dramatist.

The concluding chapter attempts to obviate some objections which may possibly be urged against the principles laid down and applied by the author; and an APPENDIX is chiefly occupied in instituting a cursory comparison between the faults in SHAKESPEARE'S text and modern errors of the press.

Dreamland. With other Poems. By W. CHARLES KENT, Barrister-at-Law. Fcp. 8vo. Pp. 262, 5s. cloth. Aletheia; or, the Doom of Mythology. With other Poems. By the same Author. New Edition. Fep. 8vo. pp. 326, price 5s. cloth. [Feb. 4, 1862.

THE author's design in writing Dreamland is

explained, in the first sentence of his preface, to have been simply the production of a series of Poems delineating the great Masters of English Song, each in the locality most generally associated with his fame. These portraitures, twenty in number, are arranged as follows:

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Regarding the series as so many pictured glimpses of dreamland, each piece depicts its subject or hero, in most instances, as the solitary figure upon the canvas his home or haunt forming the background. The poems are arranged chronologically, with the exception of the one relating to Shakspere, who, moreover, is the only poet of the series introduced with a companion -he being represented while wooing Anne Hathaway in her cottage-garden at Shottery. Another passing suggestion of a love scene there is, where Burns is described looking in the track taken by his "bonnie Jean," while he stands, sickle in hand, in the half-reaped cornfield. The Earl of Surrey is seen peering through his dungeon bars in Windsor Castle. Falconer muses alone at sunset in the bows of a man-of-war, far

out at sea.

Scott is seated in his writing-room at Abbotsford. Shelley lies dreaming in a boat upon the Thames. Most of the others are in their world-famous gardens - Young at night, in a thunderstorm; Chaucer in a wilderness of flowers at midsummer; Thomson luxuriating over a peach; Cowper with his leverets sporting round him on the greensward. While these twenty poems are written in almost every variety of metre, they are penned for the most part in the particular strain or stanza characteristic of each poet in succession-Milton in blank verse; Butler in Hudibrastic rhymes; Dryden in the heroic measure, with an occasional triplet or an odd Alexandrine. A single incident in the poet's life, as in Pope and Byron, has sometimes been selected as the theme of description. In every

instance the peculiarities of the poet's genius, often the panorama of his life, as in Spenser, the writer has here endeavoured to delineate.

Aletheia, by the same author, now reissued in a new edition and as a companion volume to Dreamland, indicates its purpose with sufficient distinctness by its second title, "The Doom of Mythology." That design, however, is more distinctly shadowed forth in Aletheia by the argument prefixed to it. The writer embraces within the scope of this design a more or less elaborated celebration and description of the whole of the pagan deities of antiquity. Appended to this volume, as in the original edition, there is a copious Mythological Glossary. And, apart from Dreamland and Aletheia as the principal poems, the two volumes comprise within them between seventy and eighty minor poems of almost every kind; including among them a ballad, an elegy, a rondeau, a bacchanalian, a serenade, an epithalamium, a monody, a madrigal, an ode, an idyll, a canzonet, a hymn, a parable, a war song, a song of peace, songs of dancers and of skaters, love songs, epigrams, sonnets, lyrics, and translations.

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PUBLIC ATTENTION has for some time past

been pointedly directed to the Homeric poems, and to the question as to which metre is best adapted for their reproduction in the English language. The great weight of modern authority seems to be in favour of adhering to the original metre in any new translation of the Iliad. The present volume comprises, in that metre, the first twelve of the twenty-four books of the poem, and contains about 8,000 lines. The especial object of the translator has been to reproduce, especially in the battle-scenes and more remarkable speeches, the spirit and animation of the Greek, at the same time adhering as nearly as possible to its structure. To the accomplishment of this object any mere technical rules of prosodiacal versification have been regarded as subservient. The principle has been throughout adhered to of treating the English language as accentual and not quantitative. The translator has in particular becn careful to avoid the monotonous and unpleasing effect produced by throwing forced accents upon the penultimate syllables of the lines; a culiarity generally to be found in the English imitations of Longfellow.

With very few exceptions, the translation is line for line with the Greek. It is accompanied by notes intended for the benefit of the general reader.

Gloucester Fragments. I. Facsimile of some Leaves in Saxon Handwriting on Saint Swithun, copied by Photozincography at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, and published with Elucidations and an Essay by JOHN EARLE, M.A., Rector of Swanswick; late Fellow of Oriel College, and, Professor of Anglosaxon in the University of Oxford. II. Leaves from an Anglosaxon Translation of the Life of S. Maria Egyptiaca, with Translation and Notes, and a Photozincographic Facsimile. By the same. Imperial 4to. pp. 132, price 21s. boards.

[Dec. 24, 1861.

small portfolio of six parchment leaves, containing fragmentary portions of two Saxon Homilies or Lives of Saints, is preserved in the Chapter Library, Gloucester. These relics of the tenth century were made the subject of a Memoir before the Archæological Institute at its Gloucester Meeting in 1860. Out of that circumstance the present publication has sprung, under the influence, however, of a powerful stimulant. Opportunity was afforded for reproducing the Saxon pages by the aid of Photozincography at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton; and this has imparted to the volume a size and an importance which it would not otherwise have attained. Of the twelve pages which are extant, seven have been thus reproduced. The remaining five were not in sufficiently good preservation for the process; and even of those which have been facsimiled, two pages had to be reproduced from tracings. The eye of the connoisseur will appreciate the distinction, and will at the same time be pleased with verifying the exceedingly near approach which has been made to the pristine forms of the letters. The sheets in which the pen has intervened between the originals and the facsimile are those signed "1" and "z"-not, as

unfortunately printed in the preface, pages 1 and 3. The penmanship of the tenth century was rounder and bolder than that of later times, and this favourable circumstance exhibits Photozincography to its greatest advantage.

The Saxon matter is printed entire, page for page and line for line with the originals. Opposite the printed Saxon a literal translation is given, ranging with the Saxon page for page and line for line. The book presents accordingly a complete specimen of Saxon of a good date, in

the handwriting of the time, and with the apparatus of interpretation.

There are six pages concerning S. Swithun, and six concerning S. Maria Egyptiaca. The text of both these subjects is equally elucidated by translations opposite, and notes appended. But the bulk of the volume is occupied with the national Saint, viz. Swithun, whose name is associated with the Fifteenth of July. An attempt is made to throw together in an Essay all that is known or surmised of him, together with what has been attributed to him, his relations to Ecgbert, Ethelwulf, Alfred—his "Translation” by Dunstan and Ethelwold-his connection with Winchester, both in life and in posthumous celebrity-his policy in the donation of Ethelwulf, and his consequent claim to rank as quasifounder of our parochial system and lastly, the origin of his association with the forty rainy days. To this are appended several "Illustrative Pieces concerning Saint Swithun," drawn from various sources, some in print, others in manuscript, but all more or less beyond ordinary reach, and never collected before. A beautiful manuscript of the close of the tenth century, in the British Museum, worthy to be published entire, has been largely drawn upon, and furnishes the matter in No. ii. of the Illustrative Pieces.

The Second Part, on S. Maria Egyptiaca, is added to make the work complete as an edition of the "Gloucester Fragments"; but the leading idea of the Editor has been to produce a volume which might serve as a specimen of Saxon prose literature, and also present the entire case of S. Swithun, the only saint of Saxon times whose name still lives in popular remembrance.

Some Points of the Education Question Practically Considered with reference to the Report of the Commissioners and the New Minute: with a Brief Outline of the Rise and Progress of Popular Education in England. By ARTHUR GARFIT, M.A., Curate of Richmond, Surrey. Post 8vo. pp. 200, price 4s. cloth. [Jan. 18, 1862. THE main object of this work is to defend main

new Minute lately issued by the Committee of Privy Council on Education. The author first traces the progress of the education of the poor in England from its origin, giving an account of the early efforts of the Christian Knowledge Society, of Dr. Bell and Joseph Lancaster, the National Society, and the British and Foreign School Society, of Lord Brougham and the Useful Knowledge Society. He then investigates the action of the Committee of Privy Council on

Education in England from 1839 to the present time; refers to the Report of the Royal Commission on Education in 1861, and the works of Mr. Senior and Mr. Chadwick. A chapter is next devoted to the subject of teaching to read, another to general intelligence in children; and some of the evidence of Her Majesty's Inspectors on these points is examined and controverted. The latter half of the volume enters into a detailed examination of the New Minute, and the causes that led to its promulgation. Many of the objections urged against the Minute are examined and answered, and it is argued that its effect on both schools and teachers is likely to be beneficial. The case of the Village Schools is discussed, and a plan proposed for giving increased aid to them. Lastly, the religious basis of our teaching is shown not to be endangered by the changes proposed.

The Church Catechism; with Explanations and Scripture Proofs: to which is added a Chronological History of the Christian Church and of the English Prayer-Book. Adapted for the use of Pupil-Teachers, Advanced Classes, and Candidates for Confirmation. By HENRY WORTHINGTON, late Master of West Cowes School. 12mo. pp. 50, price 1s. cloth. [Feb. 24, 1862.

THE object of this work is to provide, for the

use of teachers, a manual of explanations and Scripture proofs of the Church Catechism, which, it is believed, does not exist. The best authors on the Catechism have been diligently searched; and nothing has been put forward at which any Churchman can cavil. Pupil-teachers, students in training colleges, and candidates for confirmation, will, it is hoped, find a want supplied by this little book. The interrogative form has been adopted throughout as best suited to the subject. A CHRONOLOGICAL APPENDIX is added of the Christian Church and the English PrayerBook, compiled chiefly from "Nichol's Help" and “Berens' Prayer-Book."


Dictation Exercises. By ELIZABETH M.
SEWELL, author of "Amy Herbert,"
Child's First History of Rome," "A First
History of Greece," "History of the Early
Church," &c. 18mo. pp. 78, price 18. cloth.
[Jan. 13, 1862.

THE Exercises in this work are founded on the English orthography is to be taught by the eye principle, now generally acknowledged, that rather than the ear. The Exercises should first be given to the pupil to read and study, till the

look as well as the sound of the words has been well imprinted on the mind. They should then be read aloud by the teacher; and, if the whole of the exercise is considered too long for dictation, the words printed in italics should be written down as they occur, the faults corrected, and the exercise repeated again and again till it is perfect. This process may appear tedious; but it certainly cannot be as much so as the old system of column spelling. The few rules which are all that can be given in aid of English spelling, ought, in like manner, to be carefully explained, and the pupil should be made to see how they apply to the words introduced into the exercise. When once they are fixed in the memory, many of the difficulties which perplex young people in their first attempts at orthography will be found to be over


The Second Book of Milton's Paradise Lost: With a Prose Translation or Paraphrase, the Parsing of the more Difficult Words, Specimens of Analysis, and numerous Illustrative Notes. By the Rev. JOHN HUNTER, M.A. formerly Vice-Principal of the National Society's Training College, Battersea. Specially designed to prepare Junior Candidates for the Oxford Middle-Class Examination in 1862, and Candidates for the First B.A. Examination of the London University in 1862. 12mo. pp. 102, price 1s. 6d. cloth. [Jan. 25, 1862.


HIS annotated edition, which is accompanied by a paraphrase of the text, is intended to afford not only the help needed for candidates for Middle-Class Examinations, but also that which seems adapted for schools in general, and which, by removing many general difficulties, may render the young reader capable of appreciating the other parts of the great poem of Milton. It may be used advantageously as a Reading-Book both in Poetry and Prose.

By the same Editor, Book the FIRST, as above, price 1s. 6d.

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