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New Volume of 'Poems, Original and Trans'lated,' by S. H. F. will be published in October, in 1 vol. square fcp. 8vo. with 8 Illustrations in Tinted Lithography. The poems contained in this volume are chiefly records of the incidents and feelings common to human life from birth to death, set forth in lyrics, hymns, sonnets, and miscellaneous verses. A few pieces are added from the German of SEIDL, LENAU, and other Pocts. The illustrations have been contributed by a Young Lady Amateur.


Collected Edition of the Works of the late Sir BENJAMIN C. BRODIE, Bart. D.C.L. President of the Royal Society, &c. is preparing for publication by Mr. CHARLES HAWKINS, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, to form 2 vols. 8vo. This edition will contain all the published works of Sir BENJAMIN BRODIE, including his Psychological Inquiries, his several Lectures and Addresses, and his Articles and Papers written for the Transactions of Societies, or printed in the various medical and philosophical journals to which he contributed. Some observations will be subjoined on Medicine and Surgery, from manuscript notes on which Sir B. BRODIE was engaged at the time of his death; accompanied by a brief autobiographical Sketch of his Life, taken literally from his materials left in manuscript.

Nem the press, in 1 vol. fep. 8vo. Tales of Thebes

JEW WORK by the Rev. G. W. Cox, M.A.

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and Argos,' by the Rev. GEORGE W. Cox, M.A. late


New Edition, being the Fourth, of the Rev. G. SALMON'S Treatise on Conic Sections, con'taining an Account of some of the most important 'Modern Algebraic and Geometric Methods,' will be ready in September. During the last generation a complete revolution has taken place in the science of geometry: of the improvements in method so effected this work seeks to give a full account, while special attention is paid to the wants of beginners, who, without the assistance of any other book, may render themselves expert in the practice of the rules laid down. The Fourth Edition has been brought up to the existing state of geometrical science.


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next work of this Series, a 'Manual of the Metalloids,' by JAMES APJOHN, M.D. will contain a condensed exposition of the more general doctrines of Chemistry, followed by a detailed discussion of the various elements destitute of the metallic character, and will be copiously illustrated by woodcuts. From its arrangement and plan it will be found suitable not only for students commencing the study of Chemistry, but for those also who have already made some progress in the science; and, at the same time, can scarcely fail to prove suggestive in the hands of competent teachers.Manuals of the Vertebrata, of Physical Geology, and of Systematic Botany are also in preparation.


Scholar of Trinity College,
Oxford; Author of the LA LIBRARY.-Four Volumes of this Series, viz.

Tale of the Great Persian War from Herodotus,' &c. This work, consisting chiefly of legends which have gathered round the name and family of Perseus and of Edipus, will form a companion-volume to Tales from Greek Mythology, and Tales of the Gods and Heroes, by the same Author. The three volumes together will, it is believed, contain the main substance of all Greek Mythology, as contrasted with that of Rome, while they furnish the means for classifying Greek legends according to the measure in which they retain or depart from the common mythical speech of the Aryan race, as exhibited especially in the earlier Sanskrit literature.


TORY.-A New Edition (being the Third) of MOSHEIM's Ecclesiastical History,' the Rev. Dr. MURDOCK'S Literal Translation from the Latin Original, as edited, with additional Notes, by HENRY SOAMES, is now in the press, to form 3 vols. 8vo. carefully re-edited and brought down to the present time by the Rev. WILLIAM STUBBS, M.A. Vicar of Navestock, Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford.


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MAR.—A KEY to the Exercises in PART I. of Dr. KALISCH's Hebrew Grammar,' prepared by the Author, is now in the press, and will contain directions and references for teachers, also for students who are learning Hebrew from Dr. KALISCH's Grammar without the aid of a Master.

'Robinson Crusoe,' 'Gulliver's Travels,' 'Christmas Tales,' and 'Sandford and Merton,' each with 6 fullpage Illustrations, in square 18mo. price Is. cloth, or 9d. sewed, are published. The object of this Library is to provide the young, and, generally speaking, the less educated sections of the community with a set of readable books. The collection is distinguished in various respects from others that have a similar aim. The volumes will all be found uniformly entertaining; since the Library is designed precisely for that class of readers who demand above all an inducement to take a book into their hands. The Library includes adaptations of works of time-honoured celebrity, such as Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, &c. which are to some extent abridged by the exclusion of objectionable and uninteresting passages. It is also intended to comprise reprints of more modern works which have equally received the stamp of popular approbation. These will be varied with newly-translated and original works. The books are all printed in a large, distinct type, and strongly bound; and each work will be illustrated by several first-rate engravings. The priceOne Shilling per volume-will, it is hoped, place this Library within the reach of the poorest families and elementary schools.

The fifth work of this series, DEFOE'S History of the Plague in London, is also now ready, to be followed (on October 1) by Evenings at Home.' Other works are also in preparation.

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press, in 18mo. with numerous Woodcuts and Diagrams, Orthographic Projection and Isometrical Drawing as applied to Building, Architecture, Engi'neering, &c.' by W. S. BINNS: forming part of the New School Series in course of publication, edited by the Rev. G. R. GLEIG, M. A. Chaplain-General to Her Majesty's Forces. In this elementary treatise, which is designed not only for the use of schools and classes in Mechanics' Institutions, but also to meet the wants of builders, architects, engineers, bricklayers, carpenters, joiners, smiths, and of all engaged in the arts of industry-the Author has aimed, by avoiding as much as possible the use of professional technicalities, to impart to his work a strictly practical character; and thus supply a want long felt by a numerous and increasing class of students and young men in business who are conscious of a deficiency on the subjects comprised in the treatise.


REVISED code. 'The Grade 'Lesson Book Primer for the use of Infant Schools,' by E. T. STEVENS, Associate of King's College, London, and CHARLES HOLE, Head Master of Loughborough Collegiate School, Brixton, is nearly ready for publication. It is meant to be introductory to the Grade Lesson Books,' by the same Authors, in course of publication in Six PARTS or STANDARDS, of which the first Four may now be had. This Primer is intended as an easy introduction to the art of Reading, the same systematic arrangement of the monosyllables being observed as that which characterises the FIRST STANDARD of the Grade Lesson Books. The children, as in that book, are led, by the easiest gradations, from one difficulty to another; the selection of words being, however, confined to the casier and more familiar ones. The work will form a 12mo. volume, and will be embellished with numerous attractive woodcuts.

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Medical Dictionary and Encyclopædia of Medical • Science, containing an Explanation of the Terms in Medicine, and in the Allied Branches of Natural Science, brought down to the present time, by ALEXANDER HENRY, M.D. is preparing for publication. The great advances which have been made in medi al science since the appearance of the last edition of this work have rendered a thorough revision necessary. All the articles are undergoing careful correction, many are being rewritten, and a considerable number added; so as to make the book, as far as is possible, an Encyclopædia of Medical Science fitted for the use of the practitioner.

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A New Classical School-Book, entitled Lessons in

Latin Prose, by the Rev. W. WINDHAM BRADLEY, M.A. late Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford, will be published in September, price 5s. Its main object is to teach the art of writing continuous or connected prose. Each lesson consists of a rule in syntax or explanation of some important point with reference to tense, mood, &c. accompanied, when necessary, by further helps, and followed by an English exercise to be translated into Latin, the more difficult Latin words and phrases being given. Simplicity is throughout a distinguishing feature of the book; which it is hoped will be found useful in the middle forms of our larger schools, as well as for general practice in teaching or acquiring readiness in Latin writing.-A KEY will be published for the exclusive use of persons engaged in tuition.


New Work is in the press,' On the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Diseases of Women,' by GRAILY HEWITT, M.D. Physician to the British Lying-in Hospital, Lecturer on Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School-to form 1 vol. 8vo. The diseases peculiar to women, and pregnancy so far as the diagnosis of pregnancy is concerned, form the subjects treated of in this work. The plan of the work, which differs essentially from that of other modern treatises on the same subject, is the following-The symptoms presented by the patient are severally considered, and their value as diagnostic of different diseases, pregnancy, &c. pointed out. The signs derived from physical examination of the patient are dealt with in a similar manner. Symptoms, not pathology, are made the basis of the arrangement, the process by which the diagnosis is arrived at being the one actually followed at the bedside. To students and junior practitioners, for whose use it is specially but not exclusively adapted, the work will afford, it is believed, increased facilities for the practical investigation of this class of diseases. The results of modern pathological research as regards the diseases of the female sexual organs are embodied in the work, and the treatment of these diseases is fully considered.

WINDSOR PARK ablation, in One Volume,


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imperial folio, The History of Windsor Great Park and 'Windsor Forest,' by WILLIAM MENZIES, Resident Deputy Surveyor. Illustrated with Photographs by the EARL of CAITHNESS and by Mr. BAMBRIDGE of Windsor. The purpose of this work is to give an account of the Park and Forest of Windsor which shall be not only interesting in itself, but also of practical utility to all persons engaged in the management of timber. The Author has therefore given a description of the several plantations, and he has been enabled to trace their history from the commencement of each, with an exactness which it would probably be impossible to attain in the history of any other estate in England.

The researches which have had their result in the present work were forced on the Author about nine years ago, when he found that he could not fulfil his duties as Forester without knowing the ages of the trees and the dates of the plantations, and possessing accurate data for the prospective valuation of growing timber. As no records had been kept on Windsor Forest, he betook himself to the places which appeared likely to afford information, such as the British Museum, the State-Paper Office, the Libraries at Windsor Castle and Blenheim, and the Land Revenue Record Office. In the course of a few years he found that there existed, and that he was able to identify in Windsor Park, a series, quite unequalled, of plantations from the time of Queen Elizabeth to the present day.

These plantations have been carefully measured; and the age and size of each, with their contents and numbers per acre, are given in a tabular form-a large Map being annexed, so that any may find them, and, by comparison, may judge of the age or condition of their own woods. No such authentic record, the Author believes, has yet been presented to the public; and probably the materials for drawing up such a record could not be found on any other property in England.

During his researches into the purely arboricultural history of Windsor he became acquainted with many curious and interesting facts, hitherto unknown, illustrating chiefly the history of the picturesque Old Pollards of the Park and Forest, the old Forest Laws and practices regulating the rights of the Crown and the Commons. In these enquiries he was materially aided by Lord Macaulay.

An account is given of the various changes and improvements effected by the successive Rangers of the Great Park, commencing with the Rangership of Baptist May, who first filled this office, in the reign of Charles the Second, down to that of the Prince Consort. Much of this history the Author believes to be entirely new, as he has compiled it chiefly from unpublished letters in the Blenheim Library, and from the Manuscript Letter Books of the Constables of the Castle, which have been brought to light only within the last three years.

From the year 1791, the Author is able to adduce the testimony of living witnesses among the Woodwards, Commoners, Swineherds, &c. of many of whom, as belonging to a class of English peasantry now almost extinct, some curious and interesting anecdotes are related. A full account is given of the establishment of Norfolk and Flemish Farms under George III. and it is shown that although not profitable at first, they gave a great impulse to the improving of farming land in the raising of green crops, draining, liming, and keeping clean. In reference to this subject, the Author notices the report made by Mr. Kent to the King on a system of grazing by a mixed stock of deer, cattle, and horses-a system which experience has shown to be the best. The year 1815 was of great importance in the history of the Park, as the awards were then announced for the definition of property and the settlement of complicated rights previous to the disafforesting or enclosing of Windsor Forest. A notice of these awards is followed by an account of others hich secured to the Crown the possession of lands extending from

New Lodge to Sandhurst, and of the four Royal trees standing on the land allotted to the Crown between Highstanding Hill and New Lodge. An account is then given of the buildings for the Royal Lodge at the Conservatory built for the Prince Regent-of roads cut in the Park between the years 1815 and 1825, and of the extent of ground added to the Park down to the last-named year; from which time it may be said that progress was almost stopped till 1850, when the Board of Woods, Forests, and Public Works was subdivided, and the Prince Consort brought his whole influence to bear on the improvement of the Crown property. The Author makes no attempt to give a full detailed description of all that has since that time been attempted and executed, but a brief statement is given of the principal works accomplished, in the reclaiming and drainage of stiff clay land, the systematic improvement of the pastur age of the Park, and of the breeds of cattle.

The Author acknowledges gratefully the encour agement and assistance which he received from the Prince Consort, and the Commissioners of Woods, when his labours in ascertaining the age and history of the plantations became accidentally known to them. On the death of the Prince, the Author, feeling keenly the loss of the Patron of his undertaking, laid his work aside, until Her Majesty graciously expressed her wish that it should be finished according to the original intention. This has now been done with the assistance of many friends.

An account is given of the Geology of the Great Park, which is interesting and important as leading to a knowledge of the water-bearing strata, and of the probable capacity of the ground for yielding a supply; in preparing which the Author was aided by his friend Mr. Waterhouse, of the British Museum. He has entered fully into the subject of the great stones, resembling those of Stonehenge, found in Bagshot Sands.

The work is illustrated by large Photographs, mounted in the book, of the most interesting trees of Windsor; in the selection of which he had the advice of some of the best Artists, while every facility was given for clearing round the trunks, to get the best views. Whether as picturesque objects, or as useful subjects of study, he believes they will be equally admired and appreciated.

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THE object of this periodical is to enable Book-buyers readily to obtain such general information regarding the various Works published by Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. as is usually afforded by tables of contents and explanatory prefaces, or may be acquired by an inspection of the books themselves. W this view, each article is confined to an ANALYSIS OF THE CONTENTS of the work referred to: Opinions of the press and laudatory notices are not inserted.

Copies are forwarded free by post to all Secretaries, Members of Book Clubs and Reading Societies, Heads of Colleges and Schools, and Private Persons, who will transmit their addresses to Messrs. LONGMAN and Co., 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. London, for this purpose.

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Literary Intelligence of Works preparing for publication will be found at pages 399 to 404.

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proceeded, but more particularly when it had reached the dimensions of a complete volume, attracted attention, and was honoured with approval in circles far beyond the Author's own limited sphere and aspirations; and from none did it receive more indulgent commendation than from His late Royal Highness the lamented PRINCE CONSORT. At a comparatively early period it was accidentally seen by Messrs. LONGMAN and Co. and the idea of publication was started; but the expense of reproducing the illustrations in facsimile with the means then available, was found, on calculation, to be too great to warrant the undertaking. Subsequently, however, an improvement which had in the meantime taken


place in the process of printing in colours, and its effect upon the cost of production, caused the question of publication in the matter to be revived, and the measure to be determined upon. The literary portion of the work, as it stood, was approved of by those to whose judgment it was submitted; but the Author himself was not satisfied with his early performance, more particularly as he had, generally, been obliged to rest his statements on second-hand authority. He, therefore, voluntarily undertook, not only to revise, but to rewrite the whole of his text, which he has now done; drawing his facts in all cases from the original sources, and where these appeared conflicting, carefully weighing the evidence. Into general questions regarding religion, laws, and social customs, he has not entered; nor has he given expression to any opinions or reflections of his own. Relinquishing the higher functions of the historian, he has been content to fulfil the humbler part of the painstaking chronicler. Even with these limitations, his greatest difficulty was to compress the matter within the prescribed space.

In the ILLUSTRATIONS, the intention has been rather to express with clearness the action of the various scenes under description, than to give a series of attractive pictures; and whatever might contribute to the truthfulness of the representation, costume, architecture, local scenery, and other accessories, and even personal portraiture, so far as authorities existed,-has been carefully studied.

List of the Illustrations.

Medallion of Julius Cæsar.
Landing of the Romans in Britain.
Caractacus at Rome.

Gregory and the English Boys in the Slave Market at Rome.

Augustine preaching before King Ethelbert.

The High Priest Coifi profaning the Temple of the Idols.

Edmund, King of East Anglia, martyred by the Danes.

Alfred in the Neatherd's Hut.

The Baptism of Guthorm.

Alfred planning the Capture of the Danish Fleet.

The Barge of Edgar rowed by Eight Tributary Kings on the Dee.

Edward the Martyr at Corfe.

Harold swearing fidelity to William of Normandy.
The Death of Harold II.

William the Conqueror receiving the English Prelates and Nobles.

William Unhorsed by his Son Robert at Gerberoy. William at the Burning of Mantes.

William the Red Forces the Crosier of Canterbury upon Anselm.

The Death of William the Red.

Henry Beauclerc seizes the Treasury at Winchester.

Duke Robert taken prisoner by the Clerk Baudri.
The Wreck of the White Ship.

The Oath of Walter l'Espec at Cuton Moor.
The Empress Matilda departs from Arundel Castle.
Stephen and Henry Plantagenet confer across the
Thames near Wallingford.

Thomas à Becket forbids the Justiciary to pass
Sentence on Him.

The Death of Thomas à Becket.

Henry II. Authorises Dermod Mac Murchad to Levy Forces.

Henry II. Entering Waterford.

The Capture of William the Lion before Alnwick.
Richard Coeur de Lion at the Battle of Arsoof.
Richard Refuses to look upon the Holy City.

Richard Pardons his Brother John.

Richard Orders the Release of the Archer who Shot Him.

The Expulsion of the Monks of Canterbury.

The Barons at St. Edmundsbury Swear to Achieve their Liberties.

John Signs the Great Charter.

Hubert de Burgh taken from Sanctuary at Boisars.
Henry III. and his Parliament.

The Death of Simon de Montfort at Evesham.
Edward I. acknowledged at Norham as Sovereign
Lord of Scotland.

Wallace rejects the English Offers of Peace.

Edward I. threatens to hang the Earl Marshal of England.

The Head of Gaveston brought to Thomas Earl of Lancaster.

The Combat between Robert Bruce and Sir Henry de Bohun.

Thomas Earl of Lancaster led to Execution.
The Seizure of Roger Mortimer at Nottingham.
The Naval Victory of Edward III. off Sluys.
The English waiting for the French at Crécy.
Edward III. refuses Succour to his Son at Crécy.
The Combat between Edward III. and Sir Eustace
de Ribeaumont before Calais.

Edward the Black Prince waits upon King John of

Edward III. in the Storm at Brétigny vows that he will make Peace with France.

The Black Prince extorts an Amnesty from Pedro the Cruel.

Richard II. and the Rebels in Smithfield.

The Lords Appellants,' Gloucester, Arundel, Derby, Nottingham, and Warwick, accuse the King's Ministers of Treason.

The Duke of Gloucester rejects the Prayer of the King and Queen for Sir Simon Burley.

Richard stops the Duel between the Dukes of Hereford and Norfolk.

The Meeting between Richard and Bolingbroke at Flint Castle.

The Duke of Albemarle and the Lord Fitzwalter challenge each other in the House of Peers.

The Body of Richard brought to St. Paul's.
The Death of Hotspur at Shrewsbury.

Chief Justice Gascoigne refuses to Sentence the
Archbishop of York.

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