Imágenes de páginas

ing line to the city limits. The seventh ward shall embrace Seventh ward. all that portion of said city bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Glade street with Laketon avenue; thence northerly along Glade street to Houston avenue; thence northeasterly along Houston avenue to Ninth street; thence northwesterly along Ninth street to Western avenue; thence along Western avenue to the dividing line between blocks three hundred thirty and three hundred thirty-one; thence northwesterly along said dividing line to city limits; thence recommence at said point of beginning and run west on Laketon avenue to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty-six in town ten north of range seventeen west; thence south on half quarter or eighth line thirteen hundred and twenty feet; thence west on one-half line three hundred and eighty-five feet; thence south parallel with north and south one-half line to the center of Ruddiman creek, so called; thence in a northwesterly direction along center of Ruddiman creek to Muskegon lake or city limits; thence northeasterly along line of city limits to the intersection with line between blocks three hundred thirty and three hundred thirty-one, if extended northwesterly to city limits. The eighth ward shall embrace Eighth ward. all that portion of said city lying west of the center of Ruddiman creek.

SEC. 4. Each ward shall be divided into such voting pre- Voting cincts as the council shall from time to time determine by precincts. ordinance.



SECTION 1. The inhabitants of the city of Muskegon, hav- Qualifications ing the qualifications of electors under the constitution of the of electors. State of Michigan, and no others, shall be electors therein.


SEC. 2. Every elector shall vote in the voting precinct Where to where he shall have resided during the twenty days next preceding the day of election. The residence of any elector not being a householder shall be deemed to be where he lodges.


SEC. 3. There shall be three competent electors of each Board of voting precinct, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same political party, designated by the council, who shall constitute a board of registration for each of the voting precincts respectively. In case any member of such board shall Vacancy in. be absent or unable to attend any meeting of such board, the other members of said board shall choose a competent elector of said voting precinct to act in his place, subject to the approval of the electors present, to be determined by a viva voce

Meeting of.

vote. Said board shall meet on the Saturday next preceding each election at such place in the voting precinct as may be determined by the council, and shall remain in session from nine o'clock in the forenoon until nine o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of completing the list of qualified electors. Proceedings. All proceedings relating to such registration shall be the same as those provided by law for townships, so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. There shall be a new registration of the voters of the city of Muskegon on the Saturday next preceding the first Monday in April in the year nineteen hundred and one and each fourth year thereafter, and of the voters of said city, or any ward thereof at such other times as may be rendered necessary by a change in the boundaries of any of the voting precincts.

New registration.

Annual election.

Special election.

Duty of council.

Notice, contents of, etc.

Ballot boxes.

Opening and

SEC. 4. A city election shall be held on the first Monday in April following the adoption of this charter, and on the first Monday in April of each year thereafter, at such places in the several voting precincts of the city as the council shall designate.

SEC. 5. Special elections may be held in and for the city or in and for any ward thereof, at such times and place or places as the council shall by resolution designate, the purpose and object of which shall be fully set forth in said resolution.

SEC. 6. Whenever a special election is to be held, the council shall cause to be delivered to the inspectors of election in each voting precinct where the same is to be held, a notice signed by the recorder specifying the officer or officers to be chosen, and the question or proposition, if any, to be submitted to the electors, and the day and places at which such election is to be held; the manner of holding the election shall be the same as at the annual city election.

SEC. 7. Notice of the time and place of holding any election, and of the officers to be elected, and the questions to be voted upon, shall be given by the recorder at least ten days before such election by posting such notices in three public places in each voting precinct in which the election is to be held. In case of a special election, the notice shall set forth the purpose and object of said election as fully as the same are required to be set forth in the resolution calling such election.

SEC. 8. The council shall provide and cause to be kept by the recorder, for use at all elections; suitable ballot boxes of the kind required by law to be kept and used in townships. SEC. 9. On the day of elections held by virtue of this act, closing polls. the polls shall be open in each voting precinct at the several places designated by the council at seven o'clock in the morning, and shall be kept open until five o'clock in the afternoon, Proclamation. at which hour they shall be closed. The inspectors shall cause proclamation to be made of the opening and closing of the polls.


SEC. 10. Three competent electors of each voting precinct, Inspectors of to be designated by the council, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same political party, shall be inspectors of election in each voting precinct, and of the State, county and district election. And in case of the absence of one or vacancies. more of such inspectors, the electors present shall choose viva voce from their number one or more competent persons who shall be an elector or electors of such voting precinct, not being members of the same political party, to fill such vacancy or vacancies, to whom shall be administered the constitutional oath of office by either of said inspectors, or by any person authorized to administer oaths.


SEC. 11. The inspectors shall elect one of their number officers of chairman of said board, and one of their number clerk of said board, and they may appoint one other competent elector to act as clerk also of said board. Members and clerks of the Compensation. board of registration, and the inspectors and clerks of election shall each receive such compensation for their services as the council shall allow, provided that members and clerks of the board of registration shall not receive to exceed the sum of .... dollars each for each registration, and that inspectors and clerks of election shall not receive to exceed the sum of five dollars each for each election.

SEC. 12. No person shall act as a member of the board of Oath. registration, inspector of election, or clerk of either of said boards until he shall have taken the constitutional oath of office.


SEC. 13. All registration and elections under this act shall How conbe conducted, controlled and governed by the general laws of the State except as herein otherwise provided.


SEC. 14. Immediately after closing the polls, the inspectors Canvass of of election shall, without adjournment or recess, publicly canvass the vote received by them and publicly declare the result and shall at once, without adjournment or recess, make one Certificate. certificate of the number of votes given for each person for the several offices in and for said city, and also one certificate of the number of votes cast for the several ward officers, together with a statement and certificate, in duplicate, setting forth the whole number of votes cast for any other office, or on any other question voted upon at such election, which certificates and statements shall be immediately filed in the office of the recorder of the city, together with the poll lists and the register of electors, and the boxes containing said ballots: Provided however, That a duplicate of the state- Proviso. ments and certificates last above mentioned shall at the same time be filed in the office of the county clerk of said county.

SEC. 15. The manner of canvassing said votes shall be the Manner of same as prescribed by law for canvassing votes at the gen- votes. canvassing eral elections held in this State, and the inspectors shall in all other respects, except as herein otherwise provided, con

Meeting of council, purposes of.

form to the duties required of inspectors of elections at such general elections.

SEC. 16. The council shall convene on Thursday next succeeding such election, at the usual hour and place of meeting, and proceed and canvass said returns, and from the statements and certificates so filed with the recorder shall determine the result of the election upon each question and proposition voted upon, and what persons were duly elected at said election to the several offices respectively within and for said city, and the wards thereof. Thereupon the recorder shall make duplicate certificates under the corporate seal of the city, of such determination, showing the result of the election upon any question or proposition voted upon and what persons were declared elected to the several offices reWhere filed. spectively, one of which certificates he shall file in the office of the county clerk of the county of Muskegon, and the other shall be filed in the office of the city recorder.

Recorder's certificate.

Who deemed elected.

Recorder to


SEC. 17. The person receiving the greatest number of votes for any office in the city or ward as shown by said statements and certificates shall be deemed to have been duly elected; and if there shall be no choice for any office by reason of two or more candidates having received an equal number of votes, the council shall, at the meeting mentioned in the preceding section, determine by lot between such persons, which shall be considered elected to such office.

SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of the recorder within five notify persons days after the meeting and determination of the council, as provided above, to notify each person elected in writing of his election; and each of said officers so elected and notified shall within ten days after such notice take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and deliver the same to the said recorder who shall file the same in his office.

Oath of office.

Officers elected.

Terms of office.



SECTION 1. The officers of said city shall be one mayor, one recorder, one treasurer, one assessor, and two justices of the peace, who shall be designated city officers and shall be elected by the qualified voters of the whole city; also one alderman, one supervisor, and one constable in each ward, who shall be designated ward officers, and shall be elected by the qualified voters of the respective wards. Said officers shall be elected as follows, namely: The mayor and constables shall be elected annually and shall hold their offices one year and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. The recorder, treasurer, assessor, alderman, and supervisor, shall be elected biennially and shall hold their respective offices for two years and until their successors

shall be elected and qualified. No person elected to fill a Proviso.
vacancy shall hold any office provided for in this act for a
longer time, than during such unexpired term, unless again

SEC. 2. The following officers shall be appointed by the Appointed. council on the nomination of the mayor, as provided in section twenty-three of title seven of this act, namely: One city attorney, one city accountant, one chief of police, one street commissioner, one superintendent of water department, one chief of fire department, one city physician, one city engineer, one harbor master, one director of the poor, one pound master, one sealer of weights and measures: Provided, Two directors Proviso. of the poor may be appointed. The same person may be appointed to the offices of chief of police and street commissioner, and the same person may be appointed superintendent of water department and chief of fire department. The council may also from time to time provide by ordinance for the appointment of such other officers for such term as may be provided in the ordinance, whose election or appointment is not herein specially provided for, as the council shall deem necessary for the execution of the powers granted by this act; the officers last aforesaid shall be appointed and may be suspended and removed as provided in section twenty-three of title seven of this act. The powers, duties, and compensa- Powers, duties, etc. tion of all officers appointed under such ordinance not otherwise provided for in this act, shall be prescribed by such ordinance.

continue in

term of office.

SEC. 3. All justices of the peace heretofore elected or ap- Justices to pointed in said city shall continue in office for the term for office. which they were severally elected or appointed. At the first Supervisor, election under this act and at the spring election every two years thereafter, one supervisor shall be elected from each of the first, third, fifth, and seventh wards, who shall hold their office for the term of two years. At the first election under this act there shall be elected one supervisor from each of the second, fourth, sixth and eighth wards, who shall hold their office for the term of one year. At the spring election in the year nineteen hundred and two and every two years thereafter, one supervisor shall be elected from each of the second, fourth, sixth and eighth wards, who shall hold their office for the term of two years. At the spring election in Alderman, the year nineteen hundred and two and every two years there- term of office. after, there shall be elected one alderman from each of the first, third, fifth and seventh wards, who shall hold their office for the term of two years. At the spring election in the year nineteen hundred and two there shall be elected one alderman from each of the second, fourth, sixth and eighth wards, who shall hold their office for the term of one year. At the spring election in the year nineteen hundred and three and at the spring election every two years thereafter, one alderman shall

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