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advisable: Provided, That the amount to be raised for such Proviso as to
public lighting in any one year shall not exceed the estimated
cost or the actual cost, if already contracted for, of the public
lighting for that year: Provided further, That the common Further
council shall have the power to advertise for proposals, and position of
contract for the removal, disposition and destruction of gar- garbage, etc.
bage and all animal and vegetable refuse for the term of
one, two or three years, or for such term, not exceeding ten
years, as they shall deem advisable; but the amount to be
raised for any such purpose in any one year shall not exceed
the estimated cost or the actual cost, if annually contracted
for, for that year.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 6, 1901.

[No. 273.]

AN ACT to legalize the action of the board of supervisors of Baraga county in appropriating money to construct a breakwater to protect and improve the Baraga and L'Anse county road and to appropriate money therefor.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. That the action of the board of supervisors of Action of Baraga county, at a meeting duly held on the eleventh day legalized. of October, A. D. nineteen hundred, in appropriating the sum of twenty-seven hundred dollars for the construction of a breakwater to protect and improve the Baraga and L'Anse county road, be and the same is hereby legalized and declared legal and valid.


SEC. 2. The said board of supervisors is hereby author- Appropriation ized and empowered to appropriate any further sum of money not exceeding eight hundred dollars, for the purpose of completing said breakwater and making improvements on said road, provided the same is necessary.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 7, 1901.

[blocks in formation]

[No. 274.]

AN ACT to authorize the village of Pinconning to compromise and refund its indebtedness.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That the village of Pinconning in said State, acting by its village council is hereby authorized to execute and issue its bonds in the amount of not to exceed seven thousand dollars, bearing interest at a legal rate, and running for a period not to exceed fifteen years, and to deliver the same at any time after this act shall take effect, upon receiving back its certain bonds heretofore issued for the purpose of building water-works in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, running for fifteen years, and aggregating in amount seven thousand dollars.

SEC. 2. Said village council is hereby further authorized and empowered to levy a tax of one per cent per annum on all the taxable property in said village, for the purpose of establishing a fund to pay said bonds with interest thereon. pursuant to their terms; said money so raised to be used for no other purpose. Said power herein given is to expire when said bonds are paid in full.

SEC. 3. Upon receiving back its said bonds, described in the preceding section, the said village council shall cause the same to be forthwith canceled and destroyed. Approved February 7, 1901.

Bond issue legalized.

[No. 275.]

AN ACT to legalize certain bridge bonds issued by the township of Mecosta, county of Mecosta, Michigan.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


That the bonds to the amount of three thousand dollars of the township of Mecosta, Mecosta county, Michigan, for building a bridge across Muskegon river in said township, where the section line between sections twenty and twenty-nine cross said Muskegon river, and authorized by vote of the electors of said township at a special election held on the seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, be and the same are hereby made and declared legal and valid.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 7, 1901.

[No. 276.]

AN ACT to change the name of the village of New Chicago, in the county of Manistee, Michigan, to Pomona.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That the name of the village of New Chicago, Name in the county of Manistee, Michigan, be and is hereby changed changed. to Pomona.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 7, 1901.

[No. 277.]

AN ACT to incorporate the city of Manistique, in the county of Schoolcraft, as a city of the fourth class, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts relative to the incorporation of the village of Manistique.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


in city.

SECTION 1. That the territory in the county of Schoolcraft Territory and State of Michigan, described as follows, to-wit: Sections twelve and thirteen, the east half of section eleven, the east half of section fourteen, the south half of the southeast quarter of section two, the south half of the southwest quarter of section one, and lots number one and three of section one, all in town forty-one north of range sixteen west, also lot number ten of section six, the west half of the northwest quarter of section seven, the southwest quarter of section seven, lot two of section seven, and all of section eighteen, all in town forty-one north of range fifteen west, be and the same is hereby incorporated, made, constituted and organized into a city to be known as the city of Manistique. SEC. 2. The said city shall be divided into four wards. SEC. 3. The first ward shall embrace all that portion of the city lying south of Deer street, and west of the center of the middle channel of the Manistique river.

Number of wards. First ward.

SEC. 4. The second ward shall embrace all that portion second ward. of the city lying north of Deer street, and west of the center

of the Manistique river.

SEC. 5. The third ward shall embrace all that portion of Third ward. the city lying east of the center of the Manistique river and bounded as follows, viz: Commencing at a point in the center of the middle channel of the Manistique river where the east and west eighth line which runs through the south half

Fourth ward.

Act governing city.

First election, notice of, manner of conducting,


Expiration of term of

justices of the peace.

School trustees,

when term of office

to expire.

of section twelve in town forty-one north of range sixteen west, intersects the center of said middle channel, running thence east on said eighth line to the center of Water street, thence in a southerly direction along the center line of Water street to the center of Oak street, thence east along the center line of Oak street to the center of Range street, thence north along the center line of Range street and a continuation thereof to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section seven in town forty-one north of range fifteen west, thence east along the quarter line of said section seven to the east line of the west half of the northwest quarter of said section seven, thence north along the easterly boundary of said city to the center of the Manistique river, and thence along the center of said river to the place of beginning.

SEC. 6. The fourth ward shall embrace all that portion of the city lying east of the center of the middle channel of the Manistique river and not included in the third ward as described in the preceding section.

SEC. 7. The said city of Manistique shall in all things not herein otherwise provided be governed and its powers and duties defined by the provisions of act number two hundred and fifteen of the public acts of Michigan, of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, approved May twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of cities of the fourth class" and all acts amendatory thereof.

SEC. 8. The time of holding the first election in said city, the manner of conducting and giving notice of said election, the method in which the government and affairs of the old or village incorporation within said city shall continue and proceed, and the powers and duties of the village officers, after the passage of this act and prior to the holding of the said first election in said city, and all other matters not herein otherwise provided for, shall be governed by the provisions of said act number two hundred and fifteen of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five and the amendments thereto, except in so far as the same may be inconsistent with the provisions of this act, the same as if the said city was incorporated in the manner provided in said act.

SEC. 9. All justices of the peace heretofore elected in the townships of Manistique and Hiawatha and residing within the corporate limits of said city shall continue in office until the fourth day of July, A. D. nineteen hundred one.

SEC. 10. The trustees of fractional school district number one of the townships of Manistique and Hiawatha shall continue in office until the first Tuesday of September, A. D. nineteen hundred one, and until that time shall have and exercise the powers and perform the duties of the trustees provided for in said act number two hundred and fifteen of

the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five and the amendments thereto.

member of

SEC. 11. The mayor of the city by virtue of his office shall Mayor to be be a member of the board of supervisors of Schoolcraft board of county together with the supervisors of the several wards, supervisors. and as a member of such board he shall be entitled to receive the same compensation as other supervisors for attendance Compensation. on said board, and he shall have all the rights, privileges and powers of the other members of said board of supervisors.

board of

SEC. 12. It shall not be necessary for the city of Manis- Constituting tique to create and constitute a board of public works as pro- public works, vided in chapter twenty-eight of act number two hundred and not obligatory. fifteen of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five and the amendments thereto, unless the council of said city shall so determine by a two-thirds vote of all the aldermen elect. Whenever the council of said city shall by a two-thirds Laws to vote of all the aldermen elect determine to create and con- council elect stitute a board of public works, the provisions of said chapter to constitute twenty-eight of act number two hundred and fifteen of the public works. public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five and the amendments thereto shall be in full force and effect in said city.

govern when

a board of

SEC. 13. All acts or parts of acts relative to the incorpora- Acts repealed. tion of the village of Manistique are hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved February 7, 1901.

[No. 278.]

AN ACT to authorize the village of Harbor Springs, in the county of Emmet, to raise ten thousand dollars, by bonding said village, for the purpose of repairing, altering or extending its electric light plant.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

money and

SECTION 1. The village council of Harbor Springs, in the May borrow county of Emmet, shall be and is hereby authorized and em- issue bonds powered to borrow money on the faith and credit of said for electric light plant. village, and issue bonds therefor to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to be expended in repairing, altering or extending its electric light plant.


SEC. 2. The question of raising said money by loan shall Loan to be be submitted by the village council of said village to the to electors. electors of said village, at a regular or at a special election to be called in compliance with this act, and the vote shall be taken as near as may be in accordance with chapter three

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