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Bonds, how designated.

Interest, rate of.

Tax levy for payment of.

county road system in said county. Said bonds shall be designated as "road extension bonds of nineteen hundred," shall bear the date of some day in the year nineteen hundred, and shall become due and payable thirty years from said date; shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and one-half per centum per annum, payable semi-annually; shall be payable at such place, and shall be in such form and of such denomination, and executed in such manner as said board of supervisors may, by resolution, direct, and when issued and delivered for value, shall be valid and binding obligations of said county.

SEC. 2. That when said bonds are issued, the board of supervisors of said county shall thereafter annually levy a direct tax, in addition to all other county taxes, on all of the taxable property in said county, sufficient in amount to meet the interest on said bonds, promptly as the same matures, and also to establish and maintain a sinking fund which shall be sufficient to liquidate the principal of the same at their maturity. Said annual tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner in each year as other county taxes are collected.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 20, 1901.

When and how elected.

[No. 287.]

AN ACT to provide for the election of a city assessor by the electors of the city of St. Clair.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That, in the city of St. Clair, a city of the fourth class incorporated under act number two hundred fifteen of the public acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five, entitled, "An act to provide for the incorporation of cities of the fourth class," notwithstanding the provisions of section three of chapter five and section one of chapter thirty-one of said act, relative to the appointment of a city assessor, the electors of said city shall hereafter elect a city assessor, at the same time and in the same manner as the other elective officers of Term of office, said city are chosen, under the provisions of said act. Said pensation, etc. city assessor shall hold his office for the same term, shall have the same powers, perform the same duties and be compensated in the same manner as provided in said act in case of the appointment of a city assessor by the mayor. This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

duties, com

Approved February 20, 1901.

[No. 288.]

AN ACT to organize the township of Ocqueoc in the county of Presque Isle.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That township thirty-five north, of range three New township, east, now forming a portion of the township of Case, in the name, when first meeting county of Presque Isle, be and the same is hereby detached to be held. from the township of Case, and created into a new township to be known and styled the township of Ocqueoc, and the first township meeting thereof shall be held at the hall known as the Fitch hall in the said township, on the third Monday in February, nineteen hundred and one.


SEC. 2. Joseph H. Fitch, Louis Godin, Sr. and Christian Board of Glowe are hereby made and constituted a board of inspectors for said township election, and at such election the qualified electors shall choose by ballot persons to fill the various township offices in manner and form as provided by the general law of this State in case of township elections.

SEC. 3. If for any reason the township meeting provided when meeting may be for in the last preceding section shall not be held at the time held. specified for holding the same, it shall be lawful to hold the same at any time thereafter by giving at least fifteen days' notice of the time and place of holding such meeting, by posting notices (notice) thereof in four of the most public places in said township, which notice may be given by said. board of inspectors of election or a majority of them.

SEC. 4. If for any reason all or either of the inspectors when electors hereby appointed shall neglect or be unable to attend the first may choose inspectors. township meeting at the time specified, it shall be lawful for the electors of said township, who shall be present at the time designated for opening the polls of said election, to choose from the electors present suitable persons to act as inspectors of said election in the place of such inspectors who shall neglect or be unable to attend such meeting.

SEC. 5. And the said Joseph H. Fitch, Louis Godin, Sr., Board of and Christian Glowe, or a majority of them, shall constitute where to meet. registration, a board of registration, with like powers and duties of township board of registration in other cases, and the holding of the session of said board of registration shall be at the hall known as the Fitch hall on the Saturday preceding said election.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 20, 1901.

Village organization dissolved.

Disposition of books, papers,


[No. 289.]

AN ACT to repeal act number two hundred thirty-four of the local acts of eighteen hundred eighty-three, entitled "An act to incorporate the village of Palmer, in Marquette county," and to vacate the incorporation of said village.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That act number two hundred thirty-four of the local acts of eighteen hundred eighty-three, entitled "An act to incorporate the village of Palmer, in Marquette county," is hereby repealed, and the incorporation of said village of Palmer is hereby vacated and the organization thereof dissolved.

SEC. 2. All books, papers, files and other property belonging to said village, shall be deposited in the town clerk's office of the township of Richmond, in the county of Marquette.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 21, 1901.

Section amended.


sioners may borrow money.

Rate of interest.

[No. 290.]

AN ACT to amend section seven of act number two hundred and forty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixtynine, entitled "An act to create a board of water commissioners in the village of Marquette, and to define its powers and duties;" and to authorize the issue of bonds.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That section seven of act number two hundred and forty-three of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixtynine, entitled "An act to create a board of water commissioners in the village of Marquette, and to define its powers and duties," be amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 7. For fire department or water works purposes, or to refund or renew bonds issued for such purposes, or for the renewal of such refunding or renewal bonds, the said commissioners shall have power to borrow, upon the credit of the city of Marquette, from time to time, upon the best terms they can make, for such time as they shall deem expedient, and at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum, a sum of money not exceeding in the aggregate and including the loan of twenty-five thousand dollars authorized by

or renew

all bonds.

act number two hundred and forty of the local acts of eighteen
hundred ninety-one, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five
thousand dollars, unless and until the assessed value of the
property in said city, as shown by the last preceding assess-
ment roll, shall exceed the sum of two million five hundred
thousand dollars, in which case said commissioners are hereby
authorized to borrow, for said purposes, a sum of money not
exceeding five per cent. of such assessed value; and they shall
have authority to issue bonds pledging the faith and credit
of said city for the payment of the principal and interest of
said bonds, which bonds shall issue under the seal of said
board of commissioners and shall be signed by them or a
majority of them. And said commissioners shall have power May refund
to refund or renew any bonds issued for fire department or bonds.
water works purposes, and outstanding at any time, by the
issue of new bonds in their stead. And it shall be the duty To keep
of said commissioners to cause to be kept an accurate register register of
of all the bonds issued by them, showing the number, date,
and amount of each bond, and to whom issued, and when
payable; and it shall also be their duty to present said bonds
to the controller of said city for countersigning and to the
recorder of said city for entry upon the records of said city,
who shall certify on each bond that said record has been
made: Provided, That no such bonds, other than refunding Proviso.
or renewal bonds, shall be issued, nor new bonded indebted-
ness incurred, until the amount proposed to be raised shall
have been submitted to the legal voters of said city and been
approved by a majority vote by ballot of all the electors vot-
ing thereon at an annual election therein, notice of which
submission shall be published two weeks prior to such elec- Notice to be
tion in a public newspaper published in said city, copies of
which notice shall also be posted in each ward of said city
at least ten days prior to such election; or at a special election
therein, called by said commissioners to be held at such time
and place in said city and in such manner as they shall de-
termine, like notice of which shall be given: And provided, Proviso.
That said commissioners are hereby authorized to borrow
twenty-five thousand dollars and issue bonds therefor, and to
renew the loan of thirty-five thousand dollars and issue bonds
therefor, according to the propositions authorizing such issues
of bonds approved by a majority of the electors voting thereon
at a special election held in said city on July sixth, nineteen
hundred, with like force and effect as though a majority of
all the electors of said city had voted on and approved such
propositions at said special election.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 21, 1901.


Territory embraced.

May issue bonds, purpose of, amount, interest, etc.

[No. 291.]

AN ACT to form the territory of the city of Negaunee, in Marquette county, into a single school district, and to empower said district to borrow money and bond itself by vote of its electors, in a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, in excess of the amount now allowed by law for the purpose of paying outstanding bonds and indebtedness, purchasing school house sites, building school houses, and furnishing and equipping the same.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That the territory embraced within the limits of the city of Negaunee, in Marquette county, be, and the same hereby is formed into a school district, to be known as "school district number one" of said city.

SEC. 2. That the school district hereby formed be, and the same hereby is empowered and authorized, by a two-thirds vote of the qualified electors of said district, voting at any annual meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose, to borrow money and issue its bonds therefor, running for a period of not more than twenty years, in a sum not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of thirty thousand dollars, in excess of the amount now allowed by law, and at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent. per annum, for the purpose of paying outstanding bonds and indebtedness, purchasing school house sites, building school houses, and furnishing and equipping the same.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 21, 1901.

Primary election,

when held.

[No. 292.]

AN ACT providing for the selection of candidates for elections by popular vote and relating to primary elections in the city of Grand Rapids.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. On Tuesday, three weeks preceding any election at which officers for said city of Grand Rapids are to be elected, a primary election shall be held in the several wards of said city in accordance with this act, which shall be known as the primary election, for the purpose of choosing candidates for all elective city officers, and all other elective officers (except elective members of school boards), who are to be chosen in said city at said ensuing election.

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