Imágenes de páginas

Certain per

sons to re

[No. 302.]

AN ACT relative to the annual election of township officers of the township of Hiawatha, county of Schoolcraft, in the year nineteen hundred one, and to provide for the retention in office of the present officers of such township until such election, and prescribing their powers and duties.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That the persons elected as officers of the townmain in office. ship of Hiawatha, in the county of Schoolcraft and State of Michigan, at the annual township meeting held in said township in the year A. D. nineteen hundred, shall continue to have, exercise and perform all the powers and duties of their respective offices until the annual township meeting to be held in said township, in the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, notwithstanding the fact that such persons reside in that portion of the territory formerly a part of said township and recently incorporated as a part of the city of Manistique.

Treasurer to continue in office.

Annual meeting, where held.

Board of registration, where to meet.

SEC. 2. The treasurer of said township of Hiawatha elected at the annual township meeting held in said township in the year A. D. nineteen hundred, shall continue to hold the office of, and exercise the powers and duties of treasurer of said township, until the annual township meeting to be held in said township in the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, notwithstanding the fact that he is a resident of the recently incorporated city of Manistique; and all taxes levied and uncollected at the time of the incorporation of the city of Manistique, shall be collected the same as if such city had not been incorporated.

SEC. 3. The annual township meeting of the township of Hiawatha, for the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, shall be held at the school-house in school district number two, in said township.

SEC. 4. Francis G. Dodge, A. C. Rockwell and John Oberg, three electors of said township, are hereby made and constituted a board of registration for the purpose of re-registering the voters in said township, and shall meet in said schoolhouse on Saturday next preceding the annual township meeting for the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, for the purpose of making a re-registration of the qualified electors of said Rules, etc., to township. The same rules and requirements shall be observed in such re-registration in all respects as are required by law in original registration in new townships.

be observed.


of election.

SEC. 5. Francis G. Dodge, A. C. Rockwell and John Oberg are hereby designated as inspectors of election for the annual township meeting to be held in said township for the year A. D. nineteen hundred one.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 26, 1901.

[No. 303.]

AN ACT to authorize the township of Grosse Pointe, Wayne county, to grade, pave, plank, gravel, macadamize, curb and otherwise improve the highways known as Jefferson avenue and Mack avenue in said township, and to provide the necessary funds therefor.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Jefferson and


tions to be

SECTION 1. That the township of Grosse Pointe, Wayne May imprové county, is hereby authorized to grade, pave, plank, gravel, Mack avenues, macadamize, curb and otherwise improve the highways and issue known as Jefferson avenue and Mack avenue in said township, and for the purpose of defraying expenses thereof to issue bonds and levy taxes in the manner hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. Whenever the township board of said township when plans of Grosse Pointe shall by resolution duly passed, declare and specificathat it is expedient to grade, pave, plank, gravel, macadamize, made. curb or otherwise improve said Jefferson avenue and Mack avenue, or either of them, the said township board and the commissioner of highways of said township, acting together, shall cause to be made plans and specifications for the improvement of such highway in the manner declared to be expedient in the resolution aforesaid and to cause estimates to be made of the cost of such improvement or improvements. From such estimates said township board and highway commissioner, acting together, shall determine and fix the amount necessary to be raised for the purpose of such improvement or improvements, and the amount necessary to be raised by the issue and sale of bonds of said township for that purpose. SEC. 3. The township board shall then submit to the To be subelectors of said township at the annual township meeting electors. or at a special meeting to be called and ordered by the township board in the manner provided by law, the question of issuing bonds for the purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of the improvements declared by said township board to be expedient as aforesaid, to the amount determined by said township board and highway commissioner to be necessary therefor. The notice of such township meeting shall contain a true copy of the resolution of said township board declaring the expediency of the proposed improvement and the manner thereof, and the amount determined by said township board and highway commissioner, to be necessary for such purpose. Special ballots shall be provided for such elec- Form of tion in the folowing form: "Shall the township of Grosse Pointe issue bonds to the amount of (the amount determined by said township board and commissioner of highways) dollars, for the purpose of improving Jefferson avenue (or Mack avenue, or both, as the case may be): Yes." "Shall the township of Grosse Pointe issue bonds to the amount of (the

mitted to


When bonds to be issued.



When to advertise for bids.

amount determined by said township board and commissioner of highways) dollars, for the purpose of improving Jefferson avenue (or Mack avenue, or both, as the case may be): No." The town meeting shall be held and the mode of proceeding at such meeting and the method of canvassing the ballots cast upon said question shall be in the manner provided in the general act relative to township meetings.

SEC. 4. If a majority of the electors of said township voting upon said question when so submitted, shall vote in favor of issuing said bonds, the township board shall, at any regular or special session thereafter determine the form and denomination of the bonds, the length of time they shall run, not exceeding thirty years, the rate of interest they shall bear, not exceeding five per cent. per annum, and shall cause such bonds with interest coupons attached to be issued, signed by the supervisor and the clerk of said township. Such bonds shall be negotiated under the direction of said township board at not less than the face value thereof, and the money received from the sale thereof shall be paid to the treasurer of said township, and there kept in a special fund to be used only for the purpose mentioned in this act.

SEC. 5. After the bonds so issued shall have been sold and the proceeds thereof paid into the fund aforesaid, said township board and highway commissioner shall advertise for bids for furnishing the material and doing the work of making the improvement declared to be expedient as aforesaid in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor as hereinbefore provided and shall let the contract therefor to the Contractor to lowest responsible bidder. The successful bidder shall be regive bonds. quired to give a bond in such sum as the township board and highway commissioner, acting together, shall require, conditioned for the furnishing of the material necessary and the doing of said work in accordance with said plans and specifications, and subject to the approval of said township board and commissioner of highways. The township board and contract, who commissioner of highways shall have the right to determine the details of the contract with such lowest bidder in respect of the time within which the work is to be completed, the method and time of payment, and in all other respects not hereinbefore provided for. Payments upon such contracts shall be made by the township treasurer upon orders of the township board given in the manner provided by law.

Details of

to determine.

Payments, how made.


fund to be created.

SEC. 6. For the purpose of meeting and paying the principal and interest upon the bonds issued in pursuance of this act and of keeping the highways so improved in repair, a special fund to be known as the "Jefferson avenue and Mack Commissioner avenue fund" shall be provided by said township board. The commissioner of highways shall, each year, in connection with his annual report to the township board as provided by law, also include an estimate of the amount of money which, in his judgment, will be necessary to keep said highway, after

to estimate expense.


Said Amount may

be raised by


and collected.

it is so improved, in repair during the ensuing year. To the Provision for sum so reported said township board shall add a sum suffi- interest and cient to pay the interest to become due during the ensuing year upon the bonds outstanding, issued in pursuance of this act, and is hereby authorized to raise by assessment upon the taxable property of the township the total sum necessary to pay said interest and to keep said highway in repair. township board is also authorized to raise by assessment upon tax for paythe taxable property of said township such sum as it shall de- ment of termine, not exceeding five thousand dollars in any one year, to be placed in a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds so outstanding. The sum so determined How assessed shall be assessed, levied and collected in the manner provided for the assessment, levy and collection of other taxes of said township. The fund so raised for repairs shall be used for re pairs upon the highway or highways so improved and for no other purpose. The township board is also authorized to pay over to and apply upon said Jefferson avenue and Mack avenue fund and said sinking fund, such sum as it may desire to take out of the general funds of said township. Such sums as shall Certain funds may be placed be placed in said fund from time to time for the purpose of at interest. meeting and paying the principal of said bonds shall be placed at interest by said township treasurer in a savings bank in the county of Wayne, to be approved by said township board, for the use and benefit of said township until such time as said sinking funds shall be used in meeting and paying said bonds.

SEC. 7. No bonds shall be issued in pursuance of the terms Bonds not to and provisions of this act in an amount so that the total of exceed certain per cent. bonds issued in pursuance hereof shall exceed five per cent. of valuation. of the total valuation of said township as shown by the last preceding assessment roll of said township.

Certain pro


SEC. 8. The general law relative to highways and townships and all special acts relating to said township, wherever visions of law the same may conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby suspended in their operations so far as the same are in conflict with the terms and provisions of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved February 26, 1901.

Certain officers to continue in power.

Township treasurer

to continue in office.

Annual meeting, where held.

Board of registration.

Inspectors of election.

[No. 304.]

AN ACT relative to the annual election of township officers of the township of Manistique, county of Schoolcraft, in the year nineteen hundred one, and to provide for the retention in office of the present officers of such township until election, and prescribing their powers and duties.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That the persons elected as officers of the township of Manistique,,in the county of Schoolcraft, and State of Michigan, at the annual township meeting held in said township in the year A. D. nineteen hundred, shall continue to have, exercise and perform all the powers and duties of their respective offices until the annual township meeting to be held in said township, in the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, notwithstanding the fact that such persons reside in that portion of the territory formerly a part of said township and recently incorporated as a part of the city of Manistique.

SEC. 2. The treasurer of said township of Manistique elected at the annual township meeting held in said township in the year A. D. nineteen hundred, shall continue to hold the office of and exercise the powers and duties of treasurer of said township until the annual township meeting to be held in said township in the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, notwithstanding the fact that he is a resident of the recently incorporated city of Manistique; and all taxes levied and uncollected at the time of the incorporation of the city of Manistique, shall be collected the same as if such city had not been incorporated.

SEC. 3. The annual township meeting of the township of Manistique, for the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, shall be held at the schoolhouse in school district number six of said township.

SEC. 4. William Clemmons, Edward Waterman and Granville Snow, three electors of said township, are hereby made and constituted a board of registration for the purpose of reregistering the voters in said township, and shall meet at said schoolhouse on Saturday next preceding the annual township meeting for the year A. D. nineteen hundred one, for the pur. pose of making a re-registration of the qualified electors of said township. The same rules and requirements shall be ob served in such re-registration, in all respects as are required by law in original registration in new townships.

SEC. 5. William Clemmons, Edward Waterman and Gran ville Snow are hereby designated as inspectors of election for the annual township meeting to be held in said township for the year A. D. nineteen hundred one.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 26, 1901.

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