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[No. 305.]

AN ACT to provide for the election of a county commissioner of schools in the county of Wayne.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. There shall be elected at the election held on Commissioner to be elected, the first Monday in April, nineteen hundred one, and every term of office. fourth year thereafter, in the county of Wayne, one county commissioner of schools whose term of office shall commence on the first day of July next following his or her election, and who shall continue in office four years or until his or her successor shall be elected and qualified.

SEC. 2. The county commissioner of schools elected under Act to govern. the provisions of this act shall be subject to the provisions of act one hundred forty-seven, public acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, except as otherwise provided for in section one of this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved February 27, 1901.

[No. 306.]

AN ACT to legalize the abandonment and vacating of a part of the toll road of the Riverside Turnpike Company within the county of St. Clair.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. That the Riverside Turnpike Company be au- May vacate thorized and empowered to vacate and abandon that portion Port of its toll road within the county of St. Clair commencing at a point on the river road, formerly known as the Gratiot turnpike, where the section line between sections nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-eight and thirty intersect said road and running thence westerly on said line to the westerly limits of the township of Port Huron by filing in the office of the register of deeds for the county of St. Clair a resolution of said corporation making such abandonment and vacation. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 1, 1901.

Section amended.

Territory of school district.



[No. 307.]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number four hundred twenty-six of the session laws of one thousand eight hundred sixty-seven, entitled "An act to incorporate the public schools of the village of Hudson," aproved March twentyfifth, eighteen hundred sixty-seven, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof and to add a new section to stand as section nine of said act.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That section one of act number four hundred twenty-six of the session laws of one thousand eight hundred sixty-seven, entitled "An act to incorporate the public schools of the village of Hudson," approved March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred sixty-seven, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

SECTION 1. That so much of the township of Hudson, in the county of Lenawee and of the township of Pittsford, in the county of Hillsdale, as are included in the following descriptions and boundaries, viz: All those lands situate in town seven south, range one east, known and described as the south half of section seven, excepting therefrom ten acres off the north end of the east half of the southeast quarter of said section seven; the west half of the northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of section seventeen; section eighteen; section nineteen; the northwest quarter and the north onethird of the southwest quarter of section twenty, and the north one-third of the west one-eighth of the southeast quarter of said section twenty; the northwest fractional quarter of section thirty, and the west subdivision of the southwest fractional quarter of said section thirty. Also all those lands situate in town seven south, range one west, known and described as follows, viz: The south half of the southeast quarter of section twelve; the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter of section thirteen; the east half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of section twenty-four, and the east three-fourths of the east half of the southwest quarter of said section twenty-four; the northeast quarter; the east half of the northwest quarter and the north. half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-five. Also the following lands situated on section twenty-five formerly known as the Lowe mill property and deeded by Willard F. Day and wife to Edward W. Kefuss, May tenth, eighteen hundred ninety-seven, said deed being recorded in the office of the register of deeds for the county of Hillsdale on the fourteenth day of May, A. D. eighteen hundred ninety-seven, in liber one hundred thirty of deeds on page four hundred forty. Also about two acres of land situate on the northeast

corner of the south half of the southeast quarter of said section twenty-five, and now owned by Mrs. William Pomeroy, shall constitute a single school district to be known and designated as the public schools of the village of Hudson. The lands herein described include all of the territory of Disposition of school district number five of the township of Hudson and of property. the corporation known as the public schools of the village of Hudson, and the school houses and all property of every name and nature, real, personal and mixed, belonging to said district number five, is hereby transferred to and shall be the property of the public schools of the village of Hudson, and such school district shall have all the powers and privileges. conferred upon school districts and union and graded school districts by general law, and hereafter all schools organized therein in pursuance of this act under the direction and regulation of the school board shall be public and free Schools to be to all children actual residents within the limits thereof, pr between the ages of five and twenty years inclusive.

public and

SEC. 9. The corporation heretofore known as "the public corporation, schools of the village of Hudson," shall upon and after the how known. date upon which this act takes effect be known and designated in law as "the public schools of the city of Hudson."

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Approved March 1, 1901.

[No. 308.]

AN ACT to change and determine the wards of the city of

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. That the territory comprising the city of Lud- Territory ington, in Mason county, and State of Michigan, shall be and remain the same as heretofore established, namely: The west one-half of section fourteen, the whole of fractional sections fifteen and sixteen, and so much of section twenty-two as lies north and east of Pere Marquette lake and river, the west one-half of section twenty-three, lot three of fractional section nine, and the south one-half of section ten, all in town eighteen north range eighteen west, county of Mason and State of Michigan.

bounded, etc.

SEC. 2. Said city and territory shall be divided into five wards, numwards, to be known, bounded and described as follows: The ber of, how first ward of said city shall be embraced in the following First ward. boundary lines, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of Charles street or Charles street extended, and the northern

Third ward.

limits of said city, running thence south on the centre line of Charles street to the centre line of Loomis street; thence west to the centre of Robert street; thence southerly on the centre line of Robert street to the southern limits of the said city, as the eastern boundary; on the north by the northern limits of the said city; on the south by the southern limits of Second ward. the said city; on the west by Lake Michigan. The second ward of said city shall be embraced in the following boundary lines, to wit: On the north by the northern boundary lines of the said city; on the east by the quarter line running north and south through section fourteen of said township and range; on the south by the centre line of Loomis and Pine streets; on the west by the centre line of Charles or Charles street extended to the northern limits of said city. The third ward of said city shall be embraced in the following boundary lines, to wit: On the north by the centre lines of Loomis and Pine streets; on the east by the quarter line running north and south through section twenty-three in said township and range; on the south by the North Pere Marquette bayou to its eastern head; thence east on section line between said sections fourteen and twenty-three to the east line of the said city; on the west by the centre line of Lavinia street extended south to Pere Marquette lake. The fourth ward of said city shall be embraced within the following boundary lines: On the north by the Pere Marquette bayou to its head; thence east on the section line between said sections fourteen and twenty-three to the eastern boundary of the said city; on the east by the quarter line running north and south through section twenty-three in said township and range; on the south by Pere Marquette lake; on the west by Pere Marquette lake. The fifth ward of said city shall be embraced within the following boundaries, to wit: On the north by the centre line of Loomis street; on the east by the centre line of Lavinia street, extended south to Pere Marquette lake; on the south by Pere Marquette lake; on the west by the centre line of Robert street extended south to the southern boundary of the said city.

Fourth ward.

Fifth ward.

Purpose of


SEC. 3. It is the purpose hereof to abolish the sixth ward of the said city, and the present officers of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth wards, as heretofore constituted, shall, subject to all the conditions of the city charter as to terms. of office and otherwise, continue to be the officers respectively of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth wards as herein determined, the officers of the present sixth ward of the said city ceasing to hold office hereafter, the offices in the said sixth ward being hereby abolished.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 1, 1901.

[No. 309.]

AN ACT to authorize the township of Portage in the county of Houghton and State of Michigan to raise money on the taxable property therein to support and maintain the Hurontown fire company, a company organized to protect the inhabitants of said township against loss or damage to their property therein, by fire.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

fire company.

SECTION 1. That the township board of the township of To maintain Portage in the county of Houghton and State of Michigan be, and hereby is, authorized to, and shall support and maintain an organization known as the Hurontown fire company, which company is organized for the purpose of protecting the property of the inhabitants of said township against loss and damage by fire, and shall pay for its support and maintenance, in each year hereafter, a sum not exceeding four hundred dollars.


SEC. 2. Said sum of four hundred dollars shall be assessed Money, how upon the taxable property of said township and the same and paid out. shall be collected in like manner as other taxes, and the treas urer of said township of Portage shall hold the sum as a separate fund, and shall pay out the same only on the order of the township board of said township of Portage for the purpose of supporting and maintaining said Hurontown fire company.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 1, 1901.

[No. 310.]

AN ACT to provide for the submission to the qualified electors. of the township of Crystal, in the county of Oceana, State of Michigan, the question of the relief of Charles B. Barker, the treasurer of the township of Crystal, in said county, and his bondsmen, from liability on account of the loss of township funds occasioned through the failure of the bank of Neilson & Co., in Pentwater, Oceana county, Michigan, in May, nineteen hundred.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

relief to be

SECTION 1. That there shall be submitted to the qualified Question of electors of the township of Crystal, in the county of Oceana, submitted State of Michigan, at the annual township meeting to be held to electors. in said township on the first Monday in April, nineteen hun

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