INDEX. Abstract Books: certain, to be under control of board of supervisors, Jackson county. trustees of schools of, authorized to call meetings to change schoolhouse sites, certain territory detached from Millen and Hawes townships and annexed Mitchell township, organized into a union school district. act authorizing, to construct electric light works, amended. board of supervisors authorized to purchase certain lands. Alpena County Agricultural Society: authorized to sell certain lands..... Alpena Township: act to incorporate public schools of, in Alpena county. authorized to build city hall. authorized to purchase certain waterworks plant. Ann Arbor Water Company: Central Lake village authorized to borrow money, for roads, etc. Asessor: election of, for city of St. Clair provided for. act to provide for appointment of, in East Tawas city. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney: act providing, for St. Clair county, amended.. Auditors: Page. 36, 37 650-2 2 10 385, 386 386 475 647 .451, 452 627-9 731-3 .313, 314 112 9, 10 125 78 475 348 309, 310, 379-81 348 353-8 55, 56 56, 57 56, 57 314, 315 44 121, 122 374 364 607 act to provide for publication of claims allowed by, of Wayne county amended. Page. act to provide for bridge across Kawkawlin river, Bay county. certain action of board of supervisors of, legalized. formation of fractional school district in Hastings and Castleton townships, in.. Bangor Township: Baraga County: Baraga and L'Anse County Road: action of supervisors regarding breakwater to protect, legalized... Barker, Charles B.: act to provide for relief of, as treasurer of Crystal township, Oceana county.. Barlow, George: act to provide for relief of, as treasurer of Courtland township, Kent county. : Barry County: 378 29 29 73, 74 107 38 action of board of supervisors, relative to county road system bonds vali- 43, 44 Gladwin county, incorporated by board of supervisors... Lenawee county, authorized to build bridge across River Raisin.. act to incorporate, of East Saginw, amended. act to abolish, in East Tawas city.. president of Pinconning village to be ex-officio member of board of super- board of supervisors, authorized to pay certain mortgage.. act to provide for bridge across Kawkawlin river, Bangor township. Bay County Agricultural Society: board of supervisors authorized to pay mortgage on lands of. Beaverton Village: Blissfield Township: Board of County Auditors: act to provide for publication of claims allowed by, for Wayne county, amended. of Escanaba authorized to issue bonds. Board of Public Works: Board of Supervisors: of Houghton county authorized to build bridge across Sturgeon river. certain abstract books to be under control of, Jackson county of Alpena county authorized to purchase certain lands. act to provide for two regular sessions of, Muskegon county of Bay county authorized to pay certain mortgage.. action of, Houghton county relative to hospitals, etc., legalized. boundaries of village of Laurium, Houghton county altered by Board of Trustees: of public schools of village of Addison, authorized to call meeting to change of school district number one of Ishpeming, authorized to borrow money. Board of Water Commissioners: act to create for Marquette village, amended. 58 377 378 .485, 486 377 757, 758 729, 730 364 316 .345, 346, 648-50 121 5 29 36, 37 43, 44 58 273 348 377 756 757, 758 759 760 761 762-4 765 766-8 760-70 .770, 771 772 773-6 6, 10 46, 47 Page. Bonds: township of Charlevoix authorized to issue, to build bridge across Pine river.. 2, 3 3, 4 4,5 6,7 9, 10 11 14 act to legalize certain, heretofore issued by village of New Baltimore. school district number one of Hancock township, Houghton county, authorized township of Decatur, Van Buren county, authorized to issue, to build town certain bridge, of Mecosta township, Mecosta county legalized. New Baltimore village authorized to issue, for electric light plant. township of South Arm, Charlevoix county, authorized to issue certain. 22 24, 25 26, 27 34, 35 35, 36 38 41-3 43, 44 St. Clair township authorized to issue, to pay damages to Agnes Lauder. 62 78 92, 93 96 97, 98 102, 103 Lawrence township, Van Buren county, authorized to issue. Central Lake village, Antrim county, authorized to issue. Paw Paw township, Van Buren county, authorized to issue. act relative to, in Deroit, amended... action of board of supervisors of Baraga county regarding certain legalized.. certain territory detached from, and added to Sagola in Dickinson county.... Bridges: township of Charlevoix authorized to build, across Pine river. board of supervisors of Houghton county authorized to build, across Stur- South Arm township, Charlevoix county, authorized to rebuild certain swing.. South Arm township, Charlevoix county, authorized to borrow money to act to provide for construction of, across Sturgeon river, Portage township, Montrose township, Genesee county, authorized to issue bonds for, across Taymouth township, Saginaw county, authorized to issue bonds for. act relative to, across Menominee river. Dickinson county. amended. Blissfield township, Lenawee county, authorized to build, across River Raisin..729, 730 Bridge Bonds: Bridgehampton Township: certain, issued by Mecosta township, Mecosta county, legalized. act to establish high school in, and Marion, Sanilac county. .730, 731 30 367-9 Calhoun County: president of Homer village to be ex-officio member of board of supervisors... 325 Calumet City: act to incorporate public schools of, Houghton county, amended.. 352 act to provide manner of conducting elections in. Houghton county. 270-72 .338, 339 Camden Village: Hillsdale county, incorporated by board of supervisors. 759 Cars: act to provide for sand boxes on, in Saginaw county. formation of fractional school district in, Barry county. Antrim county, authorized to borrow money for roads, etc.. Charlevoix County: township of Charlevoix in, authorized to build, bridge across Pine river. Charter: act to revise, of Marquette, amended. of Muskegon, revised and amended. act to revise, of Ishpeming, amended. of Wayland village, amended act to revise, of Traverse City, amended. of the city of Ypsilanti, amended. of city of Adrian, amended. of West Bay City, amended. of city of Menominee, revised. of Kalamazoo, amended of Bay City, amended of Battle Creek, amended of Grand Rapids, amended. Page. 340 38 .314, 315 1 116-20 321-3 489-573 574-87 588-95 612-16 63, 375, 616-27, 719, 720 of Detroit, amended. . . . 28, 29, 99-101, 298, 313, 319, 371, 372, 479-83, 708-19, 720-24, 725 of Saginaw, amended Cheboygan County: .84, 92, 342, 343, 363, 607-11, 740, 741 Koehler township organized by board of supervisors.... Chippewa County: act to organize certain school district in Pickford township. act to incorporate public schools of Adrian, amended. act to incorporate Alpena, amended.. act authorizing Alpena, to construct electric light works, amended. of Ann Arbor authorized to build city hall. of Ann Arbor authorized to purchase certain water works plant. act to provide for pensions for policemen of Bay City. act to organize union school district in Bay City, amended. 750-52 474 60 385, 386 386 475 647 475 630, 631 55, 56 56, 57 612-16 443-6 act to incorporate Bay City, amended.. authorizing sale of certain lands in Bay City. act to incorporate public schools of Calumet, Houghton county, amended. act relative to levy of taxes in school district of Crystal Falls city. amended of Detroit, authorized to pay certain claims. act to establish police government for Detroit, amended. act to provide justice courts for Detroit, amended. act relative to free schools in Detroit. amended. act relative to parks, etc., of Detroit, amended.. act relative to retired list of policemen of Detroit, amended. 466, 467 588-95, 652-9 743-5 .317, 318, 391-404 453-63 404-15, 645, 646 charter of Detroit, amended .....28, 29, 99-101, 298, 313, 319, 371, 372, 479-83, 708-19, act relative to supplying water for Detroit, amended. act to provide for manner of holding elections in East Tawas. act relative to justice courts of Flint. act to provide for obtaining of jurors in justice courts of Flint. of Grand Haven, authorized to collect tax on certain toll bridge. act relative to justice's courts of Grand Rapids, amended. City-Continued. Page. 311 act to incorporate Ionia, amended.. of Ishpeming, school district number one, authorized to borrow money. charter of Kalamazoo, amended act to reincorporate Manistee, amended. 6, 7 275-94 71, 72 635-45 charter of Muskegon, revised and amended. act to incorporate village of Manistique as, of fourth class. act to incorporate Manistique, amended. of Marquette, trustees of Peter White library authorized to sell certain real estate act relative to bonded indebtedness of school district number one of Mar- act to revise charter of Marquette, amended. act to reincorporate Mason, amended. act to reincorporate Menominee of Negaunee, made single school district. act authorizing sale of certain tax lands in North Muskegon, amended. act authorizing Norway, Dickinson county, to extend water works system. 31-33 6 113 116-20 269 489-573 126-210 48 .360, 361 472 629, 630 84-92, 342, 343, 363, 607-11, 740, 741 of Traverse City, authorized to issue bonds for waterworks plant. act to provide for publication of, allowed by auditors of Wayne county, amended 44 55, 56 .273, 274 act to prohibit sale of liquors in certain part of. Manistee county. Commission: of Detroit, authorized to grant pension to Caroline J. McNamara. act to create board of water, for Marquette village, amended. act fixing, of stenographer of probate court, Lapeer county.. act to provide manner of voting at, in Kent county... Council: of Petoskey authorized to issue bonds for electric light plant. 299-308 338 46, 47 County: Mitchell township, Alcona, organized into a union school district. 104-6 353 2,3 9.10 320 627-9 731-3 .313, 314 board of supervisors of Alpena, authorized to purchase certain lands. act to incorporate public schools of Ossineke township in Alpena, amended.309, 310, 348 353-8 ..314, 315 29 38 action of board of supervisors of Bay, relative to county road system bonds 43, 44 president of Pinconning village to be ex-officio member of board of supervis- supervisors of Bay, authorized to pay certain mortgage. 58 377 |