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K 162 A2

NOTE. The words and sentences enclosed in brackets in the following acts were in the bills as passed by the Legislature, but not in the enrolled copies as approved by the Governor.






243. An act to authorize the township board of the township of Charlevoix, in the county of Charlevoix, to issue the bonds. of said township to the amount of twenty thousand dollars for the purpose of building a new bridge across Pine river, and to levy taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of the same and the interest thereon. Approved January 4, 1901 ...

244. An act authorizing the board of trustees of the public schools of the village of Addison, an incorporated school district, to call a meeting of the qualified electors of said school district for the purpose of selecting and changing sites and building school houses for said district. Approved January 12, 1901.. 245. An act to legalize the floating indebtedness of the city of Petoskey, to the amount of ten thousand dollars, heretofore incurred in the construction of a city electric lighting plant, and to authorize the council of said city to issue the bonds of said city for the purpose of funding and paying off said indebtedness. Approved January 17, 1901.....

246. An act to legalize and make valid certain bonds voted to be issued by the village of Gaylord, Otsego county, Michigan. Approved January 18, 1901....

247. An act to legalize certain proceedings of the city council of the city of Traverse city, and authorizing said council to issue the bonds of said city to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, for the purpose of extending and improving its water works plant. Approved January 22, 1901.... 248. An act to enable the board of supervisors of Houghton county to construct and maintain a bridge across Sturgeon river, in the township of Portage, county of Houghton. Approved January 22, 1901....

249. An act to empower and authorize the trustees of the Peter White public library of the city of Marquette to mortgage or sell certain real estate, held in trust by said trustees for said library, for the purpose of raising money to aid in the erection of a suitable library building in said city upon lands donated to said trustees in trust for said library as a building site. Approved January 22, 1901...




[blocks in formation]


251. An act to detach certain territory from the village of Mus-

kegon Heights, county of Muskegon, and attach the said

territory to the township of Norton in said county, and to

repeal act number three hundred sixty-four of the local

acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, and all acts or parts

of acts inconsistent herewith. Approved January 22, 1901.. 7

252. An act to change the name of Carlton M. Oothoudt to Carlton

M. Dodge. Approved January 22, 1901..

253. An act to change the name of Hubert Clark to Hubert Teller.

Approved January 22, 1901.....

254. An act to legalize the floating indebtedness of the village

of Algonac, to the amount of four thousand dollars, here-

tofore incurred in the construction of a village water works

plant, and to authorize the council of said village to issue

the bonds of said village for the purpose of funding and

paying off said indebtedness. Approved January 22, 1901..

255. An act to legalize the floating indebtedness of the village

of Algonac, to the amount of four thousand dollars, here-

tofore incurred in the construction of a village electric

light plant, and to authorize the council of said village to

issue the bonds of said village for the purpose of funding

and paying off said indebtedness. Approved January 22, 1901

256. An act to amend section one of an act approved January

twelve, nineteen hundred one, entitled "An act authorizing

the board of trustees of the public schools of the village

of Addison, an incorporated school district, to call a meet-

ing of the qualified electors of said school district for the

purpose of selecting and changing sites and building school

houses for said district." Approved January 22, 1901......

257. An act to authorize the village of Laurium, in the county

of Houghton, State of Michigan, to borrow money and issue

bonds therefor to the amount of one hundred thousand dol-

lars for the purpose of constructing and improving streets

and sewers. Approved January 22, 1901....

258. An act to authorize the township of South Arm, in Charle-

voix county, to borrow money to be used in rebuilding a

swing bridge and approaches thereto in said township and

to issue bonds therefor. Approved January 22, 1901. . . . . . .

259. An act to change the name of Bartholomew Jano to Bartholo-

mew Milano. Approved January 22, 1901.....

260. An act to authorize the township of Hillman, in the county

of Montmorency, and State of Michigan, to borrow money

for the payment of the outstanding orders and other in-

debtedness of said township, and to issue bonds therefor.

Approved January 22, 1901.






[blocks in formation]

261. An act to define the duties of justices of the peace in and

for the county of Ionia, in certain cases and to regulate the

fees therein. Approved January 24, 1901..

262. An act to legalize the action of the qualified electors of St.

Clair township, in St. Clair county, at a special meeting

held on the twenty-ninth day of December, A. D. one thou-

sand nine hundred, in said township, in voting to raise by

tax in said township seven hundred and fifty dollars in the

year one thousand nine hundred and one, and seven hun-

dred and fifty dollars in the year one thousand nine hun-

dred and two, for the purpose of building an iron bridge

across Pine river in said township. Approved January 24,

1901 ...

263. An act to amend section ten of chapter two, section eight

of chapter three, section six of chapter seven, section five

of chapter nine, sections eight and fourteen of chapter nine-

teen, section eleven of chapter twenty-four, and section

eight of chapter twenty-five, and to add a new section to

chapter nineteen, the same to stand as section nineteen

of said chapter, of act number four hundred thirty-seven

of the local acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, entitled

“An act to vacate the township of Holmes and village of

Mackinac in Mackinac county, State of Michigan, and to

incorporate the city of Mackinac Island in said Mackinac

county," aproved June nine, eighteen hundred ninety-nine.

Approved January 29, 1901..

264. An act to amend act number two hundred and eighteen of

the local acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-three, entitled

"An act relative to the salary of the judge of probate of

the county of Wayne." Approved January 29, 1901..

265. An act to amend section one of act number four hundred

thirty-four of the acts of the legislature of the State of

Michigan for the year eighteen hundred sixty-seven, enti-

tled "An act to incorporate the village of Farmington," ap-

proved March twenty-five, eighteen hundred sixty-seven.

Approved January 30, 1901..

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