Imágenes de páginas

(Cough and Constituent),

For the Prevention and Cure of




Constituent Tablets.

EACH TABLET CONTAINS. Morph, Sulph. [1-50 gr.], Atropiæ Sulph. 11-500 gr.1, Codeia 1-50 gr.], Antimony Tart. [1-25 gr.], Ipecac, Aconite, Pulsatilla, Dulcamara, Causticum, Graphite, Rhus-tox, and Lachesis, fractionally so arranged as to accomplish every indication in any form of cough.

EACH TABLET CONTAINS. Arsenicum [1-50 gr ], Precipit te Carb of Iron, Phos. Lime, Carb. Lime. Silica, and the other ultimate constituents, according to physiological chemistry. [normally] in the human organism together with Caraccas, Coca and Sugar.

Price, Three Dollars Per Double Box.

Containing sufficient Tablets of each kind to last from one to three months according to the condition of the patient.

A Connecticut physician writes:

"I am now using your Tablets on a patient (young lady), who has had three quite severe hemorrhages the week previous to the beginning of the same. She has taken one box only, has had no return of the hemorrhage, and has gained four (4) pounds since beginning treatment, besides all rational symptoms have improved wonderfully. I will add that I had tried Ol. Morrh., Syr. Hypophos. Co., etc.. with no apparent benefit."

A Virginia physician writes:

"Enclosed find Postal Note for another double box Freligh's Tablets. I used the sample box in three cases, with decided benefit in one, slight improvement in second, and while they did not improve the third case, it being in very advanced stage, there was an amelioration of the distressing symptoms."

A Massachusetts physician, in practice 25 years, writes:

"Send me two double boxes Freligh's Tablets. I have tried the sample box with most excellent results."

A Michigan physician writes:

"I am more than pleased with them. They have not disappointed me once. Dr. C. for whom I ordered a box, writes me that he is much improved, and speaks in praise of them. He has genuine Tuberculosis, and while I do not think he can recover, yet I firmly believe the Tablets will prolong his life."

[blocks in formation]

While the above formulæ have been in use, in private practice, over 30 years, and we could give testimonials from well-known clergymen, lawyers and business men, we prefer to leave them to the unbiased judgment of the profession with the following offer: On receipt of 50 cents, and card, letter-head, bill-head, or other proof that the applicant is a physician in active practice, we will send, delivered, charges prepaid, one of the regular (double) boxes, (retail price, Three Dollars), containing sufficient of each kind of Tablets to test them three months (in the majority of cases) in some one case. Card, letter-head, or soome proof that the applicant is a physician in active practice, MUST accompany each application. Pamphlet, with full particulars, price-list, etc., on request.




Our Special Offer is still open, to send to any physician, on receipt of 25 cents, and his card or letter-head, half a dozen samples, delivered, charges prepaid. Each sample is sufficient to test it for a week in one case.

As we furnish no samples through the trade, wholesale or retail, for samples, directions price lists, etc., address,



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COCA has maintained its reputation as a powerful nerve stimulant. being used with good results in nervous debility, opium and alcohol habit, etc. The highly variable character of the commercial drug makes it uncertain however. Robinson's Wine Coca we believe to be a uniformly active article, it being prepared from assayed leaves, the percentage of Cocaine being always determined by careful assay.

SANDERS & SONS' Eucalypti Extract (Eucalyptol).-Apply to Dr. Sanders, Dillon, Iowa, for gratis supplied samples of Eucalyptol and reports on cures effected at the clinics of the Universities of Bonn and Griefswald. Meyer Bros' Drug Co., St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Texas, and New York, sole agents.

SEVERE HEADACHE with tendency to congestion of the brain, consequent upon LaGrippe, I used Peacock's Bromides very successfully and shall continue its use, it being far more satisfactory in my hands than any other preparation in similar cases.-W. T. Strother, M. D., Port Crescent, Washington.


R Ext. Ergotæ fl.....

Kennedy's Pinus Canadensis (dark).
Ext. Valerian, fl......

M. Sig. Teaspoonful three times a day.

Beviews and Book Notices

.1 oz.

..1 oz.

..1 oz.

[The books and publications reviewed in this journal may be procured from the publishers, or through the editor of this journal, or Messrs. Hunter & Welburn, or the Wheeler Publishing Co., of this city.]

Surgery Rush Medical College, and the Chicago Polyclinic, etc.,
Second Edition, thoroughly revised. 8 vo. Cloth, pp. 265,
with 13 Plates, 9 Colored. Price, $2.00.
Publishers, Philadelphia, 1891.


Lea Brothers & Co.,

As a brief showing of the scope of this excellent work, we quote in full the author's preface to the first edition, published in 1889.

"Within a few years bacteriology has revolutionized surgical pathology. All wound complications and most of the acute and

chronic inflammatory lesions which come under the treatment of the surgeon are caused by microorganisms; hence the necessity of a proper recognition of the importance of bacteriology as an integral part of the science and practice of modern surgery.

It has been the endeavor of the author to present the different subjects contained in this work in as concise a manner as possible, and at the same time to omit nothing which might be deemed necessary to impart a fair knowledge of the subject."

In the second edition the author has added new facts illustrative of the relations of pathogenic micro-organisms to the various surgical lesions, with additional illustrations not found in the first edition.

The relations of surgical bacteriology to surgical pathology are synonymous, and the attainments of Professor Senn in this fertile field constitute him an authority. His observation has been close, his investigation thorough, and we cordially congratulate him on his excellent work.

MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS. BY DR. Oswold VierordT, Professor of Medicine at the University of Heidelburg: formerly Privat Docent at University of Leipzig; Professor of Medicine and Director of the Medical Polyclinic at the University of Jena. Translated, with Additions, from the Second Enlarged German Edition, with the Author's Permission, By FRANCIS H. STEWART, A.M., M.D., Member of the Medical Society of the County of Kings, N. Y.; Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine; Member of the British Medical Association, etc. 8 vo. cloth, pp. 700. Numerous Colored and Wood Engravings. Price, Cloth, $4.00; Sheep, $5.00. W. B. Sunders, Publisher, 913 Walnut st., Philadelphia, 1891.

In this work, as in no other hitherto published, are given full and accurate explanations of the phenomena observed at the bedside. It is distinctly a clinical work by a master teacher, characterized by thoroughness, fullness, and accuracy. It is a mine of information upon the points that are so often passed over without explanation. The student who is familiar with its contents will have a sound foundation for the practice of his profession.

The author gives a complete though brief presentation of the Micro-organisms, whose recognition and discrimination are made possible by cultivation, and inoculation, and which, through the labors of those eminent bacteriologists, Pasteur, Koch and others, have already made such marked changes in the application of remedial agents in the cure of disease.

The duties of the translator have been faithfully discharged and the publisher has left nothing undone to make so excellent a work acceptable. A very full and complete index of 90 pages is a noted feature.

SEXUAL NEURASTHENIA, (NERVOUS EXHAUSTION) ITS HYGIENE, CAUSES, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT, WITH A CHAPTER ON DIEt FOR THE NERVOUS. BY GEORGE M. BEARD, A. M., M.D., formerly Lecturer on Nervous Diseases in the University of the City of New York; Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine; Author of "Our Home Physician," "Hay Fever;" one of the Authors of "Medical and Surgical Electricity," etc. Posthumous Manuscript, edited by A. D. Rockwell, A. M., M.D., Professor of Electro-Therapeutics, New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital; Fellow of the New York Academy of Medcine, and one of the Authors of "Medical and Surgical Electricity, etc. Third edition enlarged. In one volume, crown 8vo., nearly 300 pages. $2.75. E. B. Treat, Publisher, 5 Cooper Union, New York. 1891.

The philosophy of this work is based on the theory that there is a special and very important and very frequent clinical variety of neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion) to which the term sexual neurasthenia (sexual exhaustion) may properly be applied.

The long familiar local conditions of general debility in the male-impotence and spermatorrhoea, prostatorrhoea, irritable prostate-which have hitherto been almost universally described as diseases by themselves, are philosophically and clinically analyzed. These symptoms, as such, do not usually exist alone, but are associated with other local or general symptoms of sexual neurasthenia herein described.

The causes and symptoms of forty-three cases are given, followed by a chapter on Diet for the Nervous, with Treatment and Formulas.

THE POCKET MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS; a resume of the Action and Doses of all Officinal and Non-officinal Drugs now in Common Use. By C. HENRI LEONARD, A M., M.D., Professor of Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women and Clinical Gynæcology in the Detroit College of Medicine. Cloth, 12 mo., 300 pages. Price, post-paid, $1.00. The Illustrated Medical Journal Company, Publishers, Detroit.

In this volume the author claims to have incorporated everything of merit, whether officinal or non-officinal, that could be found either in standard works or from many manufacturers' catalogues. The scheme embraces the pronunciation, officinal or non-officinal indication (shown by an *), Genitive case-ending, Common Name, Dose and Metric Dose. Then the Synonyms, English, French and German. If a Plant, the Part Used, Habitat, Natural Order, and Description of Plant and Flowers, with its Alkaloids if any. If a Mineral, its Chemical Symbol, Atomic Weight, looks, taste, and how found, and its peculiarities. Then the Action and Uses of the Drug, its Antagonists, Incompatibles, Synergists and Antidotes. Then follows its officinal and nonofficinal preparations, with their medium and maximum doses, based, so far as possible, upon the last U. S. Dispensatory. Altogether, it is a handy volume for either the physician, student or druggist, and will be frequently appealed to if in one's possession. It is the most complete small book on this subject now issued.

THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF WOUNDS AND OBSTRUCTION OF THE INTESTINES. BY EDWARD MARTIN, M.D., Instructor in Operative Surgery University of Pennsylvania, etc., etc., and H. A. HARE, M.D., Professor of Therapeutics, Jefferson Medical College, etc., etc. 8 vo. Cloth, pp. 169. Price, $2.00. W. B. Saunders, Publisher, 213 Walnut street, Philadelphia, 1892. This excellent monograph is the Fiske Funde Prize Essay No. XL., and comprises the fullest statistics and most complete and reliable information yet collected in regard to gun-shot wounds of the abdomen. After a brief introduction, we find fourteen chapters on the following important subjects: Congenital malformation, Intussusception, Internal Strangulation, Volvulus, Obstruction from Foreign Bodies, Intestinal Paralysis, Chronic

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